2 minute read
by MikaMax
Hot Feet Deluxe
Special reheatable slippers that keep your feet warm and leave a lavender scent.
PACKAGING 23 x 4,5 x 27,5 cm DIMENSIONS One size fits all MATERIAL Polyester, Flax Seeds MOQ 12 01703.BK.LA / 8718182070620 01703.WT.LA / 8718182070644 04346.RD / 8719481352981 04346.BL / 8719481352998
Levitating Globe
The levitating globe rotates slowly, emulating the world’s real rotation pattern.
PACKAGING 24,5 X 24,5 X 24,5 CM MATERIAL ABS, Magnet MOQ 12 04614 / 8719481355173
Levitating Globe C-Shape
The Levitating Globe C-Shape is the hightech gadget that creates a unique and visual effect on every desk.
PACKAGING 20 x 9,5 x 18 cm MATERIAL ABS, Magnet MOQ 24 04635 / 8719481355357
Technology is constantly evolving, so is our catalogue. A combination of high-tech gadgets and useful electronics which come in handy on a day to day basis.
Unbreakable Drone
This Unbreakable Drone has an operating range of 40 meters and comes with a handy case which also functions as the controller. The drone can flip 360° with the push of a button.
PACKAGING 12,5 x 7 x 16 cm MATERIAL ABS MOQ 24 04779 / 8719481356019
fingerprint lock
With the use of your fingerprint you will be able to open this lock easily without using a key.
PACKAGING 11 x 7 x 3,5 cm MATERIAL Stainless Steel MOQ 24 04784 / 8719481356071
Wireless Charger Clock
This clock makes it possible to charge your phone wireless and has a LED night light.
PACKAGING 15 x 9,5 x 10,5 cm PRODUCT 14 x 10 x 7,5 cm MATERIAL ABS MOQ 24 04827 / 8719481356668
3-IN-1 lens set
This 3-in-1 Camera Lens will give you a wide angle, macro and fish eye perspective.
PACKAGING 9,4 x 2,5 x 13,4 cm MATERIAL ABS, Metal MOQ 24 04829/8719481356835
Useless Box
The Useless Box is very popular but also very useless.
PACKAGING 11 x 9 x 17 cm MATERIAL ABS MOQ 10 03787 / 8718182076448
This Big Enter Button is specially designed to control your stress level.
PACKAGING 14 X 20 X 10 cm MATERIAL POLYESTER MOQ 20 04793 / 8719481356170