Fathers and child custody rights
A take away from this particular case was the importance of leaving behind the skeletons of the past and remaining focused on the best interests of the children moving forward. Being able to show the Court that you are capable of distinguishing your feelings towards your ex-wife or ex-partner from their role as the mother of the children, will likely result in the conclusion that both mother and father are important and should be valued equally. Remaining neutral, impartial and child focused was the key even when it became an assassination of the fathers’ character. Our mission at Forge Legal is to empower people through the legal process. Emphasis on ‘people’, not mothers over fathers or vice versa, just people. The one sentiment that is almost certain is that all separated parents would agree on is that they want what is best for their children.
Use that platform as a parent to build on common ground and get to arrangements that work for both parents and the children.
Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad. - unknown