Safe Road User Awards - F6V1 10

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Safe Road User Award – G9AX44 SCQF Level 4 Developing Positive Road User Attitude – F6V1 10 Assessment Exemplar The following exemplar represents one example of how this Unit may be assessed. To encourage flexibility of delivery and assessment centres are encouraged to develop their own assessment materials to meet the needs of their particular candidate groups. Candidates must provide evidence of having achieved all of the Unit tasks as outlined in the Unit specification and complete a personal learning agreement which identifies the following: • • •

what they hope to gain from doing the Course, ie their goals why they have chosen these goals how they hope to achieve them.

Progress should be discussed midway through and at the end of the Course. © The Scottish Qualifications Authority 2009 The information in this publication may be reproduced to support SQA qualifications. If it is to be used for any other purposes written permission must be obtained from the Support Materials Manager, eAssessment and Learning at SQA, Dalkeith. Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


Contents How to use an assessment exemplar


Prior verification


Organisation and conditions for assessment


Instruments of Assessment Task 1 Task 2 and 3 Exemplar marking information Task 1 Tasks 2 and 3 Assessment record sheets

Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10

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How to use an assessment exemplar

Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


How to use an assessment exemplar An assessment exemplar represents one example of how a Unit can be assessed. To encourage flexibility of delivery and assessment, centres can either: •

adapt the assessment context to suit the particular needs of candidates in their particular location or situation or


develop a new assessment item to meet the needs of their particular candidate groups.

When a centre devises a new assessment item, this should be prior verified by SQA. Information about prior verification can be found on the next page. When a centre makes minor adaptations to an assessment item, this does not require prior verification. An example would be changing the format of the pro forma to be used with candidates.

Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


Prior verification

Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


Prior verification Prior verification is the process by which centres seek validation of an internally produced assessment before embarking on the Unit/Course to which it applies. Where the Outcome of prior verification is successful, this process will ensure that the Instruments of Assessment being used within the centre are deemed by SQA to be valid, and that the checking of this aspect during any verification exercise will not be required. Where assessment exemplar materials have been used as a basis for an internally devised assessment scheme or have been amended for a centre’s particular purposes, centres should only submit these for prior verification where significant changes have been made to the published assessment exemplar. The only material eligible for prior verification is assessment material before its use. Any material not falling into this category will be returned without having been scrutinised.

Role of the centre When submitting an assessment scheme for prior verification, centres must include: • •

• •

each Instrument of Assessment materials which show what the candidates are asked to do if Instrument of Assessment is unclear on the tasks which have to be undertaken to achieve the Outcomes/Performance Criteria marking guidance showing how each Instrument of Assessment is to be applied a completed prior verification request form.

Prior verification arrangements Centres requesting prior verification must complete and submit the prior verification request form along with the assessment scheme and any supporting documentation. A separate form for each assessment scheme is required. Verifiers will use the accompanying assessment scheme checklist when carrying out prior verification/ validation. Once prior verification has taken place SQA will inform the centre of the outcome within four weeks of receipt.

Role of the verifier The verifier will make a decision on the centre’s Instrument of Assessment and marking guidelines submitted for prior verification and will also provide feedback to the centre on the validity of the assessment scheme, including guidance where problems are identified. Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


Verification exercise When an Instrument of Assessment has been successfully prior verified the material will be stamped with SQA’s validation mark. Where the assessment scheme is subsequently used and the associated Unit is selected for verification, the stamped version must be included with the candidate evidence submitted/available for the verification exercise. This will indicate to the verifier that the Instrument of Assessment has been validated by SQA.

Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


Organisation and conditions for assessment

Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


Organisation and conditions for assessment Using the Instruments of Assessment The Instruments of Assessment devised for the Developing Positive Road User Attitude Unit has been based on established practice and delivery methods. Task 1

Explain how attitudes of yourself and others can affect safe use.

Task 2

Identify key factors to consider before setting out on a road journey.

Task 3

Explain the importance of cooperating and communicating with other road users.

Task 1

Instrument of Assessment Personal learning agreement.

Delivery mechanism Electronic or paper based portfolio.


Personal learning record.

Electronic or paper based portfolio.

2, 3

Restricted response questions.

Electronic or paper based portfolio.

The Unit requires candidates to focus on their personal characteristics and the ways in which these characteristics may affect their behaviour when using the roads. Candidates will also look at how good communication between road users can contribute to road safety. To generate assessment evidence, candidates will go through a process of personal and peer assessment (Task 1 in the personal learning record) where they identify their personal characteristics and the affect that they could have on their ability to be safe road users. Using this information they will complete a personal learning agreement where they identify which characteristics they would benefit from developing. Candidates will meet with their teacher/lecturer midway, and at the end of their course to discuss their progress. In addition, candidates will complete a further series of tasks in their personal learning record where they look at key factors to consider before setting out on a road journey, and the importance of cooperating and communicating with other road users.

Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


Timing and duration of assessment We recommend that centres adopt an integrated approach to teaching and assessment and therefore advise that assessment be carried out at appropriate points during the delivery of the Unit, rather than as an end of Unit test. This is best carried out by following the model which follows and describes the two phases of candidate activity. Task 1

Instrument of Assessment Personal learning agreement.

Timing and duration Completed at the beginning, middle and end of the Unit.


Personal learning record.

Ongoing throughout the practical activities. Candidates will progress through this assessment at their own speed.

2, 3

Restricted response questions.

Ongoing throughout the practical activities. Candidates will progress through this assessment at their own speed.

It is important to recognise from the outset that adequate time must be allocated midway and towards the end of the Unit to review the personal learning agreement.

Reassessment Time is allowed within Units for the assessment and reassessment of tasks. Where a candidate has not achieved the standard necessary to pass a particular task or tasks, they should be given an opportunity to be reassessed. Reassessment should focus on the task(s) concerned and should be offered on a maximum of two occasions, following further work on areas of difficulty. Evidence from the original assessment should allow teachers/lecturers to identify why an individual candidate has failed a particular task and to plan focused support for learning. Where appropriate, candidates will be required to resubmit original work which has been revised to take account of earlier weaknesses.

Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


Possible examples of when reassessment might be required include the following:

Task 1

Instrument of Assessment Personal learning agreement.

Problem and Action Not enough detail in the personal learning agreement. Candidates should be given the opportunity to complete relevant sections. Failure to complete midway or final review of personal learning agreement. Candidates should be given a further opportunity to carry out the review.


Personal learning record.

Incomplete sections in personal learning record. Candidates should be given the opportunity to complete relevant sections.

2 and 3

Restricted response questions.

Incomplete or inaccurate responses. Candidates should be given the opportunity to amend any errors following further consolidation and remediation. An alternative assessment may be provided.

Conditions under which assessment take place To ensure reliability and credibility, assessment should be carried out under controlled conditions. This means that the assessment evidence should be compiled in class under supervision to ensure that it is the candidate’s own work. However candidates may have access to relevant resource materials and will interact with other members of their class when carrying out activities such as the peer review. Supervision may be carried out be a teacher/lecturer, invigilator or other responsible person.

Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


Instruments of Assessment

Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


Instruments of Assessment The tasks covered by each assessment The following table cross references the Instruments of Assessment to be completed by candidates in the Developing Positive Road User Attitude Unit to the tasks given in the Unit statement of standards. Task 1

Instrument of Assessment Personal learning agreement.

Evidence requirements Completed personal learning agreement.


Personal learning record.

Completed personal learning record.

2 and 3

Restricted response questions.

Candidate responses to restricted response questions.

The purpose of the personal learning agreement is to allow candidates to explore their attitude to safe road use and how it affects behaviour. The ongoing discussion between the teacher/lecturer and candidate should allow the teacher/lecturer to be able to identify that the candidate has indeed displayed/demonstrated a positive change in attitude towards safe road use.

Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


Task 1 – Personal learning agreement Teacher/lecturer statement This form should be completed by the class teacher/lecturer for each candidate following the completion of each part of the learning agreement by the candidate – ie at the start, midway and at the end of the Course. Candidate name Review stage


Teacher/lecturer comments re progress made by candidate in relation to change of attitudes observed during this part of the Course.

Teacher/lecturer signature

Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10



Task 1 – Personal learning agreement Candidate name Teacher/lecturer name You should complete the following activities with your teacher/lecturer’s help. You may find that the work you carry out in Task 1 of your personal learning record will be helpful. Section A What are you hoping to gain from doing this Course?

Section B (i)

What characteristics/behaviours/attitudes would you like to develop on this Course?


Why? How could the characteristics you have chosen impact on you and others as road users?

(iii) How will you do this?

Candidate signature


Teacher/lecturer signature


Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


Learning agreement midway review Section C (i)

What have you gained so far from doing this Course?


What characteristics/behaviours/attitudes have you been developing?

(iii) Have they changed? Give some details.

(iv) What difference will this make to you when using the roads?


What will you do now?

Candidate signature


Teacher/lecturer signature


Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


Learning agreement final review Section D (i)

What have you gained from doing this Course?


What characteristics/behaviours/attitudes did you want to develop on this Course?

(iii) Have they changed? Give some details.

(iv) What difference will this make to you when using the roads?


What will you do now to maintain and further improve on your characteristics as a safe road user?

Candidate signature


Teacher/lecturer signature


Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


Task 1 – Personal learning record Candidate name Teacher/lecturer name

Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


Me as a road user – Self assessment The characteristics below are often used to describe an individual’s personality. Look at the list of characteristics below and identify the ones you consider reflect your personality. Characteristic













Easily distracted





Now imagine yourself as a driver and complete the table below. State one characteristic which you have which you think will make you a safe driver. Characteristic Why might this characteristic make you a safe driver?

State one characteristic which you have which you think will make you an unsafe driver. Characteristic Why might this characteristic make you an unsafe driver?

Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


Me as a road user – Peer assessment The characteristics below are often used to describe an individual’s personality. Look at the list of characteristics below and identify the ones you consider reflects personality. Characteristic













Easily distracted





Now imagine your colleague as a driver and complete the table below. State one characteristic which your colleague has which you think will make him/ her a safe driver. Characteristic Why might this characteristic make your colleague a safe driver?

State one characteristic which your colleague has which you think will make him/ her an unsafe driver. Characteristic Why might this characteristic make your colleague an unsafe driver?

Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


Now compare the results of the two tables, the one completed by yourself and the one competed by your colleague. Yes




Are there differences between the characteristics identified by yourself and those identified by your colleague? If yes, are there any differences that surprise you? Explain your answer.

From this exercise, have you identified any personal characteristics that you think you should develop? Explain your answer.

Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


Tasks 2 and 3 – Restricted response questions Candidate name Date ____________________________ Complete the questions below. Question 1 State two reasons why a person may be unfit to drive a car or motorbike.

Question 2 Drivers often transport other people and goods. This can be risky. State one possible risk in transporting each of the following: Passengers



Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


Question 3 Drivers and motorcyclists must obey the law. State five legal requirements for driving each of the following: Car


Question 4 Drivers are responsible for their vehicle. Explain why it is important for drivers and motorcyclists to ensure that their vehicle is regularly maintained.

Question 5 Good communication between road users is essential for everyone’s safety. (a)

Explain how you can safely make other road users aware of what you are going to do.


State one action which could upset other road users.


Give a reason to explain why this action could upset other roads users.

Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


Question 6 It is possible that the behaviour of other road users may upset you. Your safety and the safety of others are dependent on how you respond to this. (a)

State an action of another road user which you think could make you angry.


How would you react to this?


Is your reaction likely to keep you and others, including the offending road user, safe? (Give a reason for your answer).


If you answered no to the previous question, state what you think the safest reaction would be. (Give a reason for your answer).

Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


Exemplar marking information

Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


Exemplar marking information The following exemplar marking information is designed to assist in the determination of the national standard for this Award. Where amendments are made to the exemplar assessment items provided in this pack, marking instructions should be amended to reflect such changes. In some instances there is no mark allocation for specific questions, but an indication of the minimum acceptable response is provided. This is the case for Task 1.

Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


Task 1 – Personal learning agreement This exemplar indicates the minimum acceptable standard for success in this assessment. Please note that candidate’s responses will vary considerably and that this exemplar is designed to exemplify the national standard for this award. Section A What are you hoping to gain from doing this Course? I am hoping to gain an awareness about how to use the road safely in preparation for starting my driving lessons next year.

Section B (i)

What characteristics/behaviours/attitudes would you like to develop on this Course?

Would like to ensure that I am not aggressive when driving. In addition I wish to try to show consideration for other road users. Any characteristics/behaviours/attitudes should be related to the individual learning record. (ii)


To ensure that my driving style does not cause issues or problems for other road issues and that I do not put myself or others at risk. (iii)

How will you do this?

Asking feedback from my peers, my teacher/lecturer and driving instructor. Candidate signature


Teacher/lecturer signature


This learning agreement should be completed at the start of the Course after discussion with the teacher/lecturer. The agreement should be signed by both teacher/lecturer and candidate.

Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


Learning agreement midway review Section C (i)

What have you gained so far from doing this Course?

I have gained an insight into how my personal characteristics and attitudes can affect other road users. I am aware that I can be slightly aggressive or impatient and this behaviour might impact on the safety of other road users. (ii)

What characteristics/behaviours/attitudes have you been developing?

I have been trying to ensure that I am controlling aggression and trying to be more patient. (iii) Have they changed? Give some details. Whilst I did not think that I was aggressive, some of the activities undertaken in the course did let me see that at times I can be impatient and sometimes my behaviour can appear as aggressive. I have asked people to point out to me when they think I am being aggressive and I am also trying to be more patient, counting to 10 when things go wrong. (iv) What difference will this make to you when using the roads? This will hopefully make me a more tolerant and less aggressive driver so ensuring safe driving for myself and others. (v)

What will you do now?

I will continue to monitor my levels of aggression and when I start my driving lessons, I will discuss these with my instructor. Candidate signature


Teacher/lecturer signature


This learning agreement should be completed at the mid point part of the Course after discussion with the teacher/lecturer. The agreement should be signed by both teacher/lecturer and candidate.

Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


Learning agreement final review Section D (i)

What have you gained from doing this Course?

I have gained an understanding of how a person’s attitudes and characteristics can affect not only their own safety when driving, but that of other road users. I have learned that I have some positive characteristics which should make me a good driver, but other qualities that may result in me being a danger to myself or other road users. (ii)

What characteristics/behaviours/attitudes did you want to develop on this Course?

I wanted to control my aggression and impatience. (iii)

Have they changed? Give some details.

Now that I am aware that I can display aggressive characteristics, people have worked with me to tell me when I am displaying these signs. I have also tried to be more patient when in stressful situations or when feeling frustrated. (iv) What difference will this make to you when using the roads? This will hopefully make me a more patient and less stressed driver. Being impatient can trigger aggression and if I am able to control these it will make me a better driver and more aware of how my actions might impact on other people/road users.

Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10



What will you do now to maintain and further improve on your characteristics as a safe road user?

I will continue to monitor and control my aggression and be more patient when driving. I will discuss my characteristics with my driving instructor so that she can also work with me to control these negative characteristics.

Candidate signature


Teacher/lecturer signature


This learning agreement should be completed at the mid point part of the Course after discussion with the teacher/lecturer. The agreement should be signed by both teacher/lecturer and candidate.

Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


Me as a road user – Self assessment This exemplar indicates the minimum acceptable standard for success in this assessment. Please note that candidate responses will vary considerably and that this exemplar is designed to exemplify the national standard for this award. The characteristics below are often used to describe an individual’s personality. Look at the list of characteristics below and identify the ones you consider reflect your personality. Characteristic



 

Honest 




Cooperative 


Polite 




Easily distracted


Short-tempered 


 Energetic

There are no correct or incorrect responses to this part of the assessment. Now imagine yourself as a driver and complete the table below. State one characteristic which you have which you think will make you a safe driver. Characteristic


Why might this characteristic make you a good driver? If I am calm then I will not become annoyed or upset by the actions of other drivers and so will be able to concentrate on my own safe road use. Minimum acceptable response is that the candidate is able to correctly identify a characteristic which will positively influence driving. The candidate should be able to indicate how this characteristic will be a positive influence on their own driving in the future and set a good example to others.

Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


State one characteristic which you have which you think will make you an unsafe driver. Characteristic


Why might this characteristic make you an unsafe driver? As I am impatient I may be in a rush to carry out certain driving actions that might make my driving unsafe eg pulling out from a parking positing without carrying out observations.

Minimum acceptable response is that the candidate is able to correctly identify a characteristic which will negatively influence driving. The candidate should be able to indicate how this characteristic will be a negative influence on future driving.

Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


Me as a road user – Peer assessment The characteristics below are often used to describe an individual’s personality. Look at the list of characteristics below and identify the ones you consider reflects personality. Characteristic






  

 Aggressive







Easily distracted



 

 Enthusiastic

 Energetic

Now imagine your colleague as a driver and complete the table below. State one characteristic which your colleague has which you think will make him/ her a safe driver. Characteristic


Why might this characteristic make your colleague a good driver? If Mark is involved in an accident he will be truthful when providing an account of the accident to the police.

Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


State one characteristic which your colleague has which you think will make him/her an unsafe driver. Characteristic


Why might this characteristic make your colleague an unsafe driver If situations arise when another road user does something to upset Mark, he may react in a negative way – ie demonstrate road rage. This aspect of the assessment will not be assessed, although reference will be made to it in relation to assessing the next question.

Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


Now compare the results of the two tables, the one completed by yourself and the one completed by your colleague. Are there differences between the characteristics identified by yourself and those identified by your colleague? If yes, are there any differences that surprise you?

Yes 


Explain your answer. Stella indicates that I am aggressive. Whilst I am competitive and like to be first, this is different to being aggressive. Minimum acceptable response – candidate is able to identify one difference as a result of the comparison (should there be any differences) and is able to explain why the differences might be surprising.

From this exercise, have you identified any personal characteristics that you think you should develop?

Yes 


Explain your answer. I think that I need to be aware that people may think that I am aggressive and so this might influence my driving style. Minimum acceptable response – candidate is able to identify one characteristic that they either need to develop or monitor. Candidate should then provide a brief explanation which demonstrates the need for the change in relation to safe road use.

Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


Tasks 2 and 3 – Restricted response questions Candidate name Date ____________________________ Complete the questions below. Question 1 State two reasons why a person may be unfit to drive a car or motorbike. A person may be unfit to drive a car or motorbike as they may: • • • • •

be under the influence of alcohol be under the influence of drugs/medication not be sufficiently healthy to operate a vehicle have poor vision not have correct vehicle documentation eg insurance/appropriate license.

Minimum acceptable response – two reasons.

Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


Question 2 Drivers often transport other people and goods. This can be risky. State one possible risk in transporting each of the following: Passengers

• • •

Distract you while you are driving. Reduce visibility from rear window. Encourage you to drive in an unsafe manner.

Minimum acceptable response – one risk. Animals

• • • •

Distract you while you are driving. Injure you, or themselves, if you stop quickly. If not secured may reduce visibility. If not secured may obstruct driving operations/actions.

Minimum acceptable response – one risk. Goods

• Injure you, or themselves, if you stop quickly. • If not secured may reduce visibility. • If not secured may obstruct driving operations/actions. Minimum acceptable response – one risk.

Question 3 Drivers and motorcyclists must obey the law. State five legal requirements for driving the following: Car

You must have a licence that allows you to drive in Great Britain. You must observe and abide by the Highway Code. You must abide by the laws relating to: • • • • •

licensing – full licence for vehicle insurance – minimum third party and theft vehicle roadworthiness – MOT if required vehicle registration vehicle excise duty (tax).

You must wear a seat belt. Note – candidates may interpret this question as being legal requirements for driver or car. Any combination is acceptable. Wearing seatbelts must be included in the response to this question. Minimum acceptable response – five reasons.

Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10



You must have a licence that allows you to ride in Great Britain. You must observe and abide by the Highway Code. You must abide by the laws relating to: • • • • •

licensing – full licence for vehicle insurance – minimum third party and theft vehicle roadworthiness – MOT if required vehicle registration vehicle excise duty (tax).

You must wear a safety helmet. Note – candidates may interpret this question as being legal requirements for driver or car. Any combination is acceptable. The safety helmet must be included in the response to this question. Minimum acceptable response – five reasons. Question 4 Drivers are responsible for their vehicle. Explain why it is important for drivers and motorcyclists to ensure that their vehicle is regularly maintained. Maintaining your vehicle is essential to help ensure that it is: • • • • •

roadworthy safe to drive or ride fuel efficient less polluting not a danger to passengers, pedestrians and other road users.

Minimum acceptable response – one explanation.

Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


Question 5 Good communication between road users is essential for everyone’s safety. (a)

Explain how you can safely make other road users aware of what you are going to do. • • •

Use of indicators to show planned moves. Use of fog lights to ensure visibility in fog. Use of hand signals if appropriate.

Minimum acceptable response – one explanation. (b)

State one action which could upset other road users. • • • • • • •

Inappropriate gestures. Inappropriate signals. Not keeping safe distance from other cars. Not following road markings. Not following road signs. Not following traffic signals. Driving with full beam.

This list is not exhaustive. Minimum acceptable response – one action. (c)

Give a reason to explain why this action could upset other roads users. • • • • •

Could cause an accident. May obstruct view of other road users. May interfere with safe road use of other road users. May cause other road user to take avoidance action. May cause difficulties for other road users interpreting your likely actions.

This list is not exhaustive. Minimum acceptable response – one reason which should link back to the action provided.

Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


Question 6 It is possible that the behaviour of other road users may upset you. Your safety and the safety of others are dependent on how you respond to this. (a)

State an action of another road user which you think could make you angry. Driving too close to the rear of vehicle in front of you – not keeping safe driving distance.


How would you react to this? I would keep my distance from the car in front of me and I would try not to brake unexpectedly or suddenly in case the car behind crashed into me.


Is your reaction likely to keep you and others, including the offending road user, safe? (Give a reason for your answer). Yes – because I am acting in a non aggressive way and trying to counteract the unsafe behaviour of other drivers.


If you answered no to the previous question, state what you think the safest reaction would be. (Give a reason for your answer.) Where this section is answered candidates should identify a reaction which would ensure safe road use.

Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


Assessment record sheets

Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


Assessment record sheets Candidate Unit assessment record Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude Class Candidate name


Group Candidate ID Record of performance Tasks *Achieved/ Comments not achieved* Explain how attitudes of yourself and others can affect safe road use.


Identify key factors to consider before setting out on a road journey.


Explain the importance of cooperating and communicating with other road users.

*(Enter A or NA in the box to indicate whether the candidate has achieved or not achieved each Outcome. The comments column can be used to highlight any reassessment that may be needed.) Overall comments

Assessor name Assessor signature


Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


Unit assessment class record Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude Class

Group Candidate surname

Candidate forename

Candidate ID


Tasks 2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


Overall achievement* A N/A A N/A A N/A A N/A A N/A A N/A A N/A A N/A A N/A A N/A A N/A A N/A A N/A A N/A A N/A A N/A A N/A A N/A A N/A A N/A

* Mark as appropriate

Scottish Qualifications Authority Safe Road User Award Assessment Exemplar SCQF Level 4 Safe Road User Award: Developing Positive Road User Attitude F6V1 10


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