SVQs in Driving Goods Vehicles (DGV) General Introduction to SVQs SVQs (Scottish Vocational Qualifications) are qualifications for work. They are usually carried out in your workplace or sometimes in a suitable external training company/college facility. You will receive a nationally recognised certificate on completion which helps with your personal development and can enhance your employment opportunities. You don’t get an SVQ by sitting in a classroom or by doing exams! To achieve your SVQ, you actually have to be able to do a job, as well as know and understand the essential information that is needed to do it properly. SVQs are based around a portfolio which, will contain evidence for each of the Units you are doing. You need to work through these Units and collect evidence to show you can do the job. There are many different ways of showing this. For example, you may be asked to collect records from your work to put in your portfolio. These could be things like delivery schedules; practical documents; legal and safety requirements; route plans etc to show the type of work you are doing. Your assessor (see below) will visit or see you regularly and will watch you carrying out your work. S/he will ask you questions about your job. You may also like to write short statements about things you do at work to help provide evidence. Your supervisor or manager can also write witness testimonies for you, describing a specific task you have carried out in your assessor’s absence. Sometimes photographs or recordings can be used to illustrate the completion of a task.
Your Assessor Instead of a teacher, you will have your own assessor for your SVQ. Your assessor may be a manager, supervisor or senior driver at your work; an assessor from an external training company; or a member of staff at college. Your assessor will be someone who knows your job role well and who also knows SVQs well. S/he will be able to advise, support and guide you through your SVQ. As you need to be able to show that you are competent in key areas of your job, assessor will help you to select Units which match the activities of your job role.
Choosing your SVQ There are hundreds of different qualifications, and one of these will be right for you. You need to choose the SVQ that best matches your job role or one which covers the type of job you are training for. Your assessor and/or your manager will help you decide.
Choosing the right level of SVQ You also need to choose an SVQ at an appropriate level. There are five levels, one of which is suitable for everyone - from a junior employee to a senior manager.
♦ Level 1 is for junior staff who carry out a wide variety of routine tasks. If you have recently started in your job, or are still being trained, this may be the level for you. At Level 1, most of the evidence is collected by your assessor who will write short reports on how you complete your tasks. ♦ Level 2 requires a bit more experience and more responsibility. You will be carrying out lots of different tasks, some of which will not be routine, and there may be times when you have to work unsupervised. ♦ Level 3 is for supervisors or junior managers and spans many different job roles. It is suitable not only for staff newly promoted to a supervisor role but also for very experienced junior managers with many staff to supervise, carrying out complex and responsible tasks. Because of this, it’s important that you select your Units very carefully if you are doing a SVQ at this level. ♦ Levels 4 and 5 are for managers and senior managers. These are usually management awards in industry where advanced skills are required.
How long? As they are undertaken in the workplace, there is no specific time in which you must complete your SVQ. However it is usual to take between 6 months and one year, depending on the SVQ and the work you are able to put into it.
SVQs in Driving Goods Vehicles (DGV) at Level 2 SVQs in DGV provide goods vehicle drivers with qualifications to show that they have the skills and knowledge to carry out the role of a goods driver to a professional standard. The DGV qualifications therefore demonstrate to an employer that you are capable and competent to do the job and confirm that you have a range of relevant flexible skills backed up by a nationally recognised vocational qualification. There are four SVQs in Driving Goods Vehicles (all at Level 2) and these are designed for the specific vehicle that you drive: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Driving Goods Vehicles: Articulated or Draw Bar Vehicle Driving Goods Vehicles: Motor Cycle of Pedal Cycle Driving Goods Vehicles: Rigid Vehicle Driving Goods Vehicles: Van
Each of these SVQs require you to complete 9 Units. Eight of these are mandatory (you must do them) and you select one other Unit from the range of optional Units. The mandatory Units involve a combination of driving skills and pre-driving preparations such as operating and manoeuvring your vehicle; preparing your vehicle; ensuring your vehicle is loaded and unloaded correctly; and collecting information on delivery of loads. The optional Units include a range of skills such as customer care; dealing with payments; planning routes; and activities specific to Food Safety. Your assessor will observe you at work and you may also be given some short exercises. You will also need to collect pieces of documentary evidence from your workplace as supporting evidence. Your assessor will also ask you questions about your job as a driver to check your knowledge. If you need any help or guidance with your SVQ, your assessor is the person to ask. S/he has been specially trained to guide you and will be happy to help! There now follows more information on the specific SVQs in Driving Goods Vehicles:
SVQ in Driving Goods Vehicles: Articulated or Draw Bar Vehicles level 2 (GA03 22) This is for those who drive articulated or draw bar vehicles. The total number of Units that you need to achieve this SVQ is nine. Mandatory Units - you must complete the following eight Units SQA Ref SSC Ref Unit Title FA0A 04 Sfl1 Prepare the Vehicle for Driving: Articulated or Draw Bar Vehicle FA0C 04 Sfl2 Protect the Vehicle and the Load: Articulated or Draw Bar Vehicle FA0D 04 Sfl3 Operate and Monitor the Vehicle Systems: Articulated or Draw Bar Vehicle FA0E 04 Sfl4 Manoeuvre the Vehicle in Restricted Spaces: Articulated or Draw Bar Vehicle FA0F 04 Sfl5 Drive the Vehicle on Public Roads in a Fuel Efficient Manner: Articulated or Draw Bar Vehicle FA0G 04 Sfl6 Obtain Information on the Collection and Delivery of Loads FA0H 04 Sfl7 Ensure the Vehicle is Loaded Correctly: Articulated or Draw Bar Vehicle FA0J 04 Sfl8 Ensure the Vehicle is Unloaded Correctly: Articulated or Draw Bar Vehicle Optional Units - you must complete one of the following Units SQA Ref SSC Ref Unit Title FA0K 04 Sfl9 Plan the Route and Timings for the Collection and Delivery of Loads FA0L 04 Sfl10 Couple and Uncouple the Vehicle: Articulated or Draw Bar Vehicle FA0M 04 Sfl11 Make an Effective Contribution to the Business FA0N 04 Sfl12 Contribute to the Provision of Customer Service FA0P 04 Sfl14 Dealing with Payment Transactions FA0R 04 FS1 Maintain Personal Hygiene for Food Safety in a Logistics Environment FA0T 04 FS3 Maintain Food Safety During Transport FA0V 04 FS6 Maintain Food Safety During Loading and Unloading FA0W 04 FS7 Clean Vehicle Interior to Maintain Food Safety: Articulated or Draw Bar Vehicle FA0X 04 FS8 Maintain Food Safety During Delivery SVQ in Driving Goods Vehicles: Motor or Pedal Cycles level 2 (GA06 22) This is for those who ride cycles and motor cycles. The total number of Units that you need to achieve this SVQ is nine. Mandatory Units - you must complete the following eight Units SQA Ref SSC Ref Unit Title FA1J 04 Sfl1 Prepare the Vehicle for Driving: Motor Cycle or Pedal Cycle FA1K 04 Sfl2 Protect the Vehicle and the Load: Motor Cycle or Pedal Cycle FA1M 04 Sfl3 Operate and Monitor the Vehicle Systems: Motor Cycle or Pedal Cycle FA1N 04 Sfl4 Manoeuvre the Vehicle in Restricted Spaces: Motor Cycle or Pedal Cycle FA1P 04 Sfl5 Drive the Vehicle on Public Roads in a Fuel Efficient Manner: Motor Cycle or Pedal Cycle FA0G 04 Sfl6 Obtain Information on the Collection and Delivery of Loads FA1R 04 Sfl7 Ensure the Vehicle is Loaded Correctly: Motor Cycle or Pedal Cycle Optional Units - you must complete one of the following Units SQA Ref SSC Ref Unit Title FA0K 04 Sfl9 Plan the Route and Timings for the Collection and Delivery of Loads FA1V 04 Sfl13 Collecting and Delivering Goods: Motorcycle or Pedal Cycle FA0M 04 Sfl11 Make an Effective Contribution to the Business FA0N 04 Sfl12 Contribute to the Provision of Customer Service FA0P 04 Sfl14 Dealing with Payment Transactions FA0R 04 FS1 Maintain Personal Hygiene for Food Safety in a Logistics Environment FA0T 04 FS3 Maintain Food Safety During Transport FA0V 04 FS6 Maintain Food Safety During Loading and Unloading FA1X 04 FS7 Clean Vehicle Interior to Maintain Food Safety: Motor Cycle or Pedal Cycle FA0K 04 Sfl9 Plan the Route and Timings for the Collection and Delivery of Loads
SVQ in Driving Goods Vehicles: Rigid Vehicles level 2 (GA04 22) This is for those who drive rigid vehicles. The total number of Units that you need to achieve this SVQ is nine. Mandatory Units - you must complete the following eight Units SQA Ref SSC Ref Unit Title FA0Y 04 Sfl1 Prepare the Vehicle for Driving: Rigid Vehicle FA10 04 Sfl2 Protect the Vehicle and the Load: Rigid Vehicle FA11 04 Sfl3 Operate and Monitor the Vehicle Systems: Rigid Vehicle FA12 04 Sfl4 Manoeuvre the Vehicle in Restricted Spaces: Rigid Vehicle FA13 04 Sfl5 Drive the Vehicle on Public Roads in a Fuel Efficient Manner : Rigid Vehicle FA0G 04 Sfl6 Obtain Information on the Collection and Delivery of Loads FA14 04 Sfl7 Ensure the Vehicle is Loaded Correctly: Rigid Vehicle Optional Units - you must complete one of the following Units SQA Ref SSC Ref Unit Title FA0K 04 Sfl9 Plan the Route and Timings for the Collection and Delivery of Loads FA16 04 Sfl10 Couple and Uncouple the Vehicle: Rigid Vehicle FA0M 04 Sfl11 Make an Effective Contribution to the Business FA0N 04 Sfl12 Contribute to the Provision of Customer Service FA0P 04 Sfl14 Dealing with Payment Transactions FA0R 04 FS1 Maintain Personal Hygiene for Food Safety in a Logistics Environment FA0T 04 FS3 Maintain Food Safety During Transport FA0V 04 FS6 Maintain Food Safety During Loading and Unloading FA17 04 FS7 Clean Vehicle Interior to Maintain Food Safety: Rigid Vehicle FA0X 04 FS8 Maintain Food Safety During Delivery SVQ in Driving Goods Vehicles: Vans level 2 (GA05 22) This is for those who drive vans. The total number of Units that you need to achieve this SVQ is nine. Mandatory Units - you must complete the following eight Units SQA Ref SSC Ref Unit Title FA18 04 Sfl1 Prepare the Vehicle for Driving: Van FA19 04 Sfl2 Protect the Vehicle and the Load: Van FA1A 04 Sfl3 Operate and Monitor the Vehicle Systems: Van FA1C 04 Sfl4 Manoeuvre the Vehicle in Restricted Spaces: Van FA1D 04 Sfl5 Drive the Vehicle on Public Roads in a Fuel Efficient Manner: Van BA0G Sfl6 04 Obtain Information on the Collection and Delivery of Loads FA1E 04 Sfl7 Ensure the Vehicle is Loaded Correctly: Van Optional Units - you must complete one of the following Units SQA Ref SSC Ref Unit Title FA0K 04 Sfl9 Plan the Route and Timings for the Collection and Delivery of Loads FA1G 04 Sfl10 Couple and Uncouple the Vehicle: Van FA0M 04 Sfl11 Make an Effective Contribution to the Business FA0N 04 Sfl12 Contribute to the Provision of Customer Service FA0P 04 Sfl14 Dealing with Payment Transactions FA0R 04 FS1 Maintain Personal Hygiene for Food Safety in a Logistics Environment FA0T 04 FS3 Maintain Food Safety During Transport FA0V 04 FS6 Maintain Food Safety During Loading and Unloading FA1H 04 FS7 Clean Vehicle Interior to Maintain Food Safety: Van FA0X 04 FS8 Maintain Food Safety During Delivery