Mike Dastic - The 5 Functions of a Top Seller

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Mike Dastic - The 5 Functions of a Top Seller The functions of a seller are tasks aimed at improving the commercial performance of a product or service in the market. That is usually measured by sales volume, but also by returns, repurchases and recommendations. There are sellers who take orders when the customer comes to them (the seller at the counter of a store), and there are the sellers who must go out to look for the customer. All sellers must be creative to achieve their goal, but especially those who must go out looking for their customers. A salesperson has the ability to make people do what they would not do spontaneously. Mike Dastic -The main functions of a seller The functions of a seller are organized into three main phases or stages: preparation, argumentation and transaction. Throughout the three phases, every seller must fulfill the following functions: 1- Know your product The first function that a seller must fulfill is to investigate the characteristics, functions, uses and possibilities of the product or service that he intends to sell. You should also know the policies and features of the organizational culture that describe the manufacturing company. This point is important, since people expect a seller to be familiar with the promotional messages, offers, and slogans of what they are selling. Only by knowing very well what you sell, will you be able to highlight its benefits and detect ways to improve possible failures. Mike Dastic -Another issue that a seller must master is that of the conditions of sale. Thus, you can offer an option that is favorable to both parties to the negotiation. Knowing your product also implies knowing in depth the competition that it may have in the market. 2- Advise potential buyers

A good seller advises clients and potential buyers on how that product or service will satisfy their needs. Likewise, you must inform them about how to use it to obtain the best results, where to go in case of doubts or failures and where to look for spare parts and / or accessories. A well-served and advised client will be a faithful buyer and an ambassador for the brand or product, so this task requires very particular personal skills.

3- Sell Of course, it is necessary for a seller to effectively sell the product or service he is in charge of. It is imperative that you sell as many units as you can in the shortest time possible, but you must do so with care and quality to be effective sales; that is to say, that they are paid and that they satisfy the client's need. There are times when the seller is not directly the collector. In case it is, it is important that you manage the accounts properly so that you do not make mistakes that affect any of the parties. 4- Build customer loyalty It is about striving to establish a real link between the customer and the company. This link is created by trying to understand the true needs of customers and doing everything possible to help them in solving the problems that the use of the product brings. At this point it is crucial that the seller is dedicated to understanding the root of the problem so that he can provide real solutions. Also, you must take into account the conditions of the company in the implementation of that solution. Ideally, the sale should be repeated and that requires the seller to monitor the evolution of the customer's consumption. It is recommended that the seller create a detailed list of his clients with personal information that allows him to know and understand them better. 5- Attract new clients A seller usually has sales goals within a defined period. That goal usually includes the number of clients you expect to have at the end of the period. This function involves approaching new territories (physical or virtual) where you can find potential buyers. The seller must find the niche that their product or service is missing to change that situation. Every improvement or modification that the product experiences allows a new group of possible buyers to be generated. The seller should bring them closer to the benefits of the product or service so that they finish making the purchase decision.

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