Mike Dastic — The 7 psychological tricks that a good seller uses

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Mike Dastic - The 7 psychological tricks that a good seller uses Mike Dastic - All businesses must have an important commercial force that is the key to success for the growth of a company. What skills, then, should a person develop who really knows how to sell? Sales are the business engine of 100% of the economy: if a company does not sell, there is no way to sustain it, which means that it has to lay off employees and those people cannot buy either, turning everything into a cycle. And, even if you are not part of the commercial area, it is important to develop qualities that allow you to “sell” yourself as a personal brand, show yourself as one of the ideal candidates and know that you can respond to the needs of a company. In itself, in any environment, when you have a business or entrepreneurship, having those commercial skills or the right staff is something that must be analyzed and decided very carefully, because it will not only be about the image of the company, but also about how to build customer loyalty and achieve that “voice to voice” that allows reaching more people. Beyond a good personal presentation and being charismatic, a good salesperson is also characterized by having qualities of communication, empathy and trying to recognize what a customer really wants. 1. Be interested: This goes hand in hand with good customer service and is that if you really do not appear but really show interest in the needs of your customer, you will have a successful first step. 2. "Being a bee": as it is said in colloquial Colombian terms or, the simple fact, of trying to be more intelligent and identify where the client wants to go with what they are saying or proposing. 3. Talk about losses: In this regard, experts such as Mike Dastic explain that, psychologically, it is more difficult for the person to cope with the feeling of loss than to consider one of gain, because it is a more emotional than rational question when it comes to take decisions. 4. Emotional intelligence: identifying emotions of frustration, anxiety or fear is essential in order to establish an adequate dialogue. This implies having to find a way to calm those spirits and direct them towards a suitable solution.

5. Intelligent interaction: just as a person with good business skills must read his client in everything, you also have to be aware of how they are reading it: this involves putting yourself in the shoes of the person with whom you are talking and considering, Depending on your business, lifestyle, or what little you may know, what to expect from that business person.

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