Motivation discover the magic of motivation now

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Finally, use your head. Nothing in this Guide is intended to replace common sense, legal, medical or other professional advice, and is meant to inform and entertain the reader. So have fun with these complete MOTIVATIONAL BOOKS series. Copyright Š 2014 Frank Mullani. All rights reserved worldwide.

Table of Content -


Why Motivation is at the Root of Everything You Want to Achieve in Life and Why You Need this Book How to Acquire Good Habits to Build Your Motivation How to Manage Your Time so You Stay Motivated – Discover the 8 Principles to Manage Your Schedule and the Best Tips to Manage Your Time Wisely How to Overcome Procrastination to Succeed in Life How to Start Every Day Motivated and With a Positive Attitude Motivation = POWER, How to Recover our Inner Drive Discover the Best Motivation Techniques How to Overcome Your Fears and Achieve Your Goals How to Stay Positive and Focused How to be More Productive so You Reinforce Your Motivation How to Overcome Every Obstacle in Life Adversity as a Strong Motivator How to Set Achievable Goals and Keep Your Motivation High The Magic of Staying Focused 7 Days for a Total Positive Transformation and Success Discover How a Competitive Attitude Can Ignite Your Motivation Discover the Magic of Never Resigning Enjoy Your Present Time While You Maintain the Focus on Your Better Future Powerful Motivational and Inspirational Quotes to Keep You Inspired Conclusion About the Author

Why Motivation is at the Root of Everything You Want to Achieve in Life and Why You Need this Book Motivation is the key to success, and it doesn't take a special skill to know that. Have you ever failed an exam or failed in a job interview because you didn't feel motivated enough? How often do you make plans and then immediately give them up because you don’t just see where they lead you? Motivation is the inspiration that keeps you going even when the road becomes rough and rugged. With the right motivation, you develop other qualities that can lead to success such as assiduity, discipline, perseverance, enhanced organizational skills, and the ability to face challenges and handle tough situations. There is definitely a link between motivation and success, more motivation can certainly lead to success. What Is Motivation? Motivation is having a strong reason and a strong desire to do something. You may call it passion or even your inner desire to take action and do something in relation to your lifetime goals. If you really want to achieve your goals, you'll feel empty if you are not strongly committed to achieve those lifetime dreams. The mere thought of what you want to achieve should make you

come alive, it should make you want to take action. No matter how big or small your goal and your dream is, you'll not be able to achieve it if you are not well motivated. To find the sufficient energy or motivation to do anything, it is important to ask the question: "Why do I have to do this?" When you find convincing reasons to do something, you become motivated. Whether it is about your studies, your career growth, or your relationship with others, whatever you want to achieve in your life, you need to find a good justification for achieving that particular thing. Sometimes we fail to see the motivation behind the simple things we do in life because we think they are just too easy. There is a strong reason behind your desire to take a bath every day. It is not because it is a simple and easy thing to do. Your motivation is the desire to be clean, to smell good, to look and feel refreshed and to take care of yourself. To become motivated, it is important to find a good and powerful reason behind your goals. If it is career growth, you should think about the good it will bring to your family and the fulfillment of having your dream job. The reason could be anything else, but that reason constitutes your motivation; the more convincing your reason to succeed, the stronger will be your motivation. Motivation Keeps You Focused Motivation helps you find meaning and joy in what you do. This is important: when you find a reason to do something, you can focus on the results and the benefits they bring to your life rather than the challenges you have to face to achieve those results. Motivation keeps away procrastination which is another big enemy of success. People who are not self-motivated tend to procrastinate, look for short-cuts in achieving goals, and often neglect important steps they have to take. If you lack motivation you'll end up not achieving your goal or accepting mediocrity. When you’re motivated, you keep going even when things seem very challenging because you’re convinced that your goal is worth fighting for. If you do not have this conviction, you’ll back out upon encountering the first challenge. People who are motivated learn to manage their time properly and to beat procrastination because they are purpose driven, there is something they’re living for, and it’s like life will have no taste or no meaning if that thing is taken away from them. Motivated people will pick up something to do, something that brings

them closer to their goals, the moment they start feeling bored and tempted to put things off for the future or to just abandon them. Motivation Helps You Set Priorities You don’t want to float around like someone who doesn’t have a direction to take. Motivation can play a great rule in helping you manage your day by setting priorities. People who are not motivated easily lose focus of their dreams and fall back to laziness and convenience, choosing to do things that are easy and that may not even add great value to their lives. A motivated person keeps his or her goals before his or her eyes and develops a strategy of reaching them. By constantly focusing on your goals, the choices you make will be streamlined to propel you towards those goals. You’ll learn to say no to options that do not help you advance in your quest. Motivation Makes You Take Responsibility over Your Dreams You’re responsible for the things you dream about. No one can achieve them for you. And you cannot achieve those dreams if you’re not motivated. Motivation will enable you to develop a clear vision of what you want. Motivated people are responsible people. They know what they want. They are convinced about it to the point that they will not let anything come between them and their dreams. Successful people are people who handle their dreams responsibly. They build their motivation by constantly thinking about the results and the joy of getting those results. With the right motivation, they are able to face challenges with level-headedness. Motivation Helps Handle Negativity With good motivation, you can successfully fight against the negative thoughts that can pose a great obstacle to your dreams. You must have felt overwhelmed about the tasks before you more than you think: “No, this is too much for me,” or you might have felt so unqualified that you think to yourself, “I don’t have what it takes to achieve this.” With the right motivation, you’ll find yourself saying,

“This seems challenging, but there must be a way to do it,” or “I know I don’t have the skills to do this now, but I can learn.” One advantage of being motivated is the courage to face your negativity. Negative people hardly achieve much in life. Thought patterns that are associated with negativity will include making generalizations based on one negative experience. There are people who think they’ll always fail because they had experienced failure in the past. Another thought pattern the absolute kind of thinking that sees things in terms or black and white. It’s either absolute success or complete failure. With such frame of mind, it can be difficult to make decisions and it will be easy to draw negative conclusions when something goes wrong. The motivated person will look for solutions when things seem to go differently from what his strategy indicates. Motivation is the key to everything we do. Without motivation, we cannot commit ourselves to the tasks we are required to accomplish in other to achieve our goals. With this book you will discover how to be motivated and how to move forward with your life so you can achieve your lifetime goals and succeed. I hope you enjoy this book as much as I do, Thank you for considering my book. Frank Mullani “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” –Henry David Thoreau

How to Acquire Good Habits to Build Your Motivation According to Benjamin Franklin, your net worth is determined by "what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones". This means that your level of success depends largely on the number of good habits you develop over the course of your career and your life. Successful people identify negative habits and replace them with good ones, they understand that motivation is not something they achieve once and for all, but a process of continually refocusing their efforts, of developing new habits to counter those that can be harmful to their success. To increase and develop your motivation, it is absolutely important and critical to increase the intensity of good habits while developing and cultivating new ones. Motivation gets you started, but what keeps you going are positive, uplifting habits. Aristotle considers excellence to be what we do repeatedly. It’s not just an act. In order to maintain the same standard of excellence that moves you towards success, you need habits that allow you to be motivated all the time. You have to think that it can always get better although it can never be perfect. You can’t succeed to do it as perfectly as it should be but you have to do it! Action is at the core of motivation. That is the fundamental law of growth. Learning this can be very important in staying motivated. If you think that you’ve achieved it all, you end up feeling self-sufficient. It’s said that you reap a character when you sue a habit. There could be no other way of enriching your life and staying motivated by developing new positive habits. By learning new habits, you open the wings of your soul to soar higher and to spread wider. To do this, you have to come to the realization that it can never be enough. The more you achieve, the more you want to achieve. The higher you rise, the higher you should desire to rise; otherwise, you’ll end up embracing mediocrity.

Learning New Habits Comes with Having New Goals

You want to go beyond mediocrity. Success can be intoxicating because it makes you understand that you can do impossible things. In order to develop new habits that can boost your motivation, it is important to set new goals. New goals will prompt you to perfect the already acquired skills or to learn new ones. It’s true that a time will come when old skills and habits become fade and not-so-inspiring as they were when you started. You always need to spice things up with something new. You need new vistas to get out of the routine. Constantly learn new things, develop your skills and learn new ones, more knowledge equals more motivation. Something new is always exciting. It can be challenging also, but that is exactly what you want, because you want to bring your mastery of motivation to a higher level and stay motivated all along. By constantly setting new longterm goals, you allow yourself the opportunity to learn new habits. Consistency, New Habits Are Not Easy to Learn Before you start on any new habit, you should come to terms with that fact that new habits are hard to learn. If you know this, then you will focus on consistency and not on how easy it comes to you. You’ll be tempted to abandon a new habit because it is hard to form. You take a long time for a habit to become part of you, so stick with it until it becomes something that needs no effort, until it becomes natural. One of the good habits you can learn is sleeping right and on time. If you have come to the realization that your work and your performance suffers because of insufficient sleep, that you wake up late and run like someone who is always 5 minutes late for an appointment, then you can start learning to go to bed early so you can rise early also. This could mean sacrificing the late night shows or any other habit that is disrupting a good night sleep. You’ll need to adopt a new habit by doing it as many times as possible so it to becomes a part of you and your behavior. Identify which habits are the ones that are keeping you away from achieving your goals and replace these habits with constructive ones that are in complete harmony with what you want you attain. If you know you have a tendency for procrastination, start your day by doing one or two of your most important tasks in the first hours of the morning. Do this repeatedly so it becomes a habit after you do it over and over again.

Always Start Small If you aim too high, you can end up breaking your will to persevere. It’s a timeless advice: always break it down. If you’re developing the habit of exercising 1hour every day to keep fit, it is not advisable to start running a marathon for the first time. You can break it down and increase the time and intensity of your workout as your body gets used to the new habit. You can exercise for 15-20 minutes during the first week. On the second week, increase the time to 30 minutes. On the third week, make it 40-45. On the fourth week, you can round it to 1 hour. In that way, you will introduce your body to the habit in a way that is not abrupt and difficult. The body builds its strength slowly, and it can be resistant with new changes and habits. Patience and persistence are very important when it comes to introducing new habits to the body. Communicate Your Decision to Learn New Habits Making your commitment known to a friend, your family, or forum members helps you to be accountable for the new choices you make. If you work under a boss, a manager or a supervisor, you can make your idea of learning something new known to him or her. You share your idea with others so they can set the fire under you and help you measure your progress. People often become more serious about commitments made publicly than those they hold in secret. Imagine what could happen if there were no marriage witnesses. Do not be afraid to make your decision known to people who care about you. Learning positive habits can help you improve your level of motivation. But it is important that you understand the habits that you need to learn most. Always think about your goals and determine how the new habit you’re about to learn can fit in context of achieving them. Some of the important habits to learn could be those that help to keep your mind active, those that help you become more sociable, those that keep you healthier and stronger, and those that help you feel relaxed even in the midst of harrowing challenges. Before learning a habit, it is

important to ask the question: how will this new habit help me to be more motivated and more productive? You will not want to learn something without knowing how it can help you in achieving your goals. Behind every action there has to be a strong reason so your motivation starts to build up. Don’t be afraid to start, starting something is always fearful and challenging but those who take the first step and persevere will certainly find success in the end. “Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” – George Addair

How to Manage Your Time so You Stay Motivated – Discover the 8 Principles to Manage Your Schedule and the Best Tips to Manage Your Time Wisely

You feel that you have so many things to do, but so little time. You think you’re doing much, but you do not see good results. You’re always behind schedule in spite of the fact that you start your day earlier than most people. You ask yourself: “Can’t I have enough time to do all the things I plan to do?” You do have all the time, but the problem could be that you’re not managing your time well. Most people fail to remain motivated even when they complete their tasks with a sense of frustration. Below are some principles that can help you manage your time effectively in order to achieve your goals without experiencing any stress or frustration. First principle: Get the Right Notion of Time Have you ever considered why the clock time or the one that beeps on your gadget seems to be too fast or too slow? It’s because it is not synchronized with your own time. The real time is the one you create. It is the one that you determine how to use. It is mental and you create it, and since you create it, you can take control and manage it the way that fits you. Do not make the selfsabotaging excuses that lazy people make by using expressions such as “it’s not yet the right time,” or “I have missed the time to do this or that.” You create your time, and your time is “now”, the present time. When you understand that you are

the only one who can give meaning to time, then you can use it profitably and productively. You give value to time by filling it with meaningful work that goes in harmony with your lifetime goals. Every minute, every second, every moment of the day is time that you receive freely to do something about your dreams, your goals or to make decisions that can change your life and shape your future. How do you use it? Second Principle: Balance Creates Harmony This is a natural law. Things have to be balanced for there to be in harmony. Your life will have a lot of crisis if it is spent on rest. If you spend all your time on the things you “like” to do, then the things you “need” to do will be left unattended to and that can create a very BIG hole in your life where every other thing can drop through and disappear. Balance is very important when it comes to time management and work. You’ll have to deal with convenience, and ensure that you schedule things right. There is no reason to skip your siesta for pending assignments; in the same way, you can’t avoid tasks because you don’t just feel like doing them. Balance in your schedule will help you distribute your energy evenly and keep you standing even in the worst of times. The day of any human person is filled with three different activities: action which entails hard work, thoughts which create awareness, and conversation/interaction which brings him into contact with colleagues, friends, clients, and strangers. At each point, you have to choose what to do. You can’t dismiss any of the three things that fill your day, but you can determine how much time to give to each of them by prioritizing your activities. Third Principle: Never Forget Limits, They Define You In order to effectively manage your time, it is absolutely important that you know your limitations and set your limits. To do this, there are two things that you have to handle: 1.

You are so good at it you can’t stop doing it. People tend to spend more time on things they love and things that give them mush pleasure that they fail to give time for things they just need to do. Do not just get addicted to the things you love. You’ll end up wasting precious time if you just focus on the thinks you love to do in your comfort zone. Address first the tasks that require more energy and concentration and then continue with what naturally flows for you.

Knowing when to stop is an expression of wisdom. You want to always set aside sometime to reset, refresh and restart with new energy to keep your motivation. We are not machines. 2.

You want the task completed as soon as possible but you don’t even think about how much you can handle. Taking more than you can handle is very dangerous and stressful. If you take tasks that require more than your energy and resources, you end up stressed, battered, and flattened out. This can make you lose the motivation you need to keep going. If it’s a difficult task, schedule it when you can handle it. Always consider your strengths and weaknesses when scheduling tasks. You do not have to do it all at once. You can break it into little chunks. In the end, you get the same results, anyway. The crucial aspect is to always take action and never expect that things will be suddenly be done magically, in fact what really will happen magically is that by advancing with baby steps things will suddenly get done and your motivation will stay high.

Fourth Principle: Good Timing Puts off Your Adversary Timing makes the great difference. Schedule the most difficult tasks when your energy level is very high. You’ll be setting yourself up for disappointment if you leave the most important, difficult tasks for the end of the day when almost all your energy has been used up and your body is crying out for rest. You’ll do well to put tasks that require high concentration in the morning and those that are easier towards the end of the day. If you’re planning to receive a friend or a guest, you can schedule that for the time you have little on your mind. You must have heard that prioritizing your work is important. What is most urgent about your work? What are the things you “must” do first? Setting priorities also helps you determine when to schedule different tasks. Ideally, most difficult and challenging tasks should be scheduled when your mind is most alert and your energy levels high. Fifth Principle: Nip Procrastination in the Bud or It’ll Nip Your Head

You think: “This is not difficult. It isn’t that urgent. It can wait.” Yes, it can wait, but do not forget that there is a price to pay for everything delayed. When you postpone doing simple things because they can wait, you end up with a pile that begins to ask for more of your time and energy. Stress sets in and you are overwhelmed with work. Procrastination can be tempting, but it’s very deadly. You need to handle procrastination if you have to succeed in managing your time well. One of the ways of overcoming procrastination is to stick to your schedule. You may not have the best plan for the day, but it’s important to stick to it. By doing so, you create a sense of purpose and urgency that get things done on time and effectively. You can also improve on your time table by introducing or eliminating certain things, but once you create a plan for a project, stick to it. Sixth Principle: Goals Indicate the Direction Your Work Should Take Our modern civilization offers a lot of tools and cutting edge technology to make work very enjoyable and easy. Unfortunately, it also offers this generation the opportunity to keep itself very busy resting. When you walk out on the highway or the mall, you find thousands of people moving to all directions, and in fact, to no direction. You have the impression that they are very busy people. But in fact, they are not busy; it’s their form of rest. Our technology can be very efficient, but it can be tempting and distracting too. When it comes to work and time management, it boils down to values. You set goals according to your values. The goals you set determine your work ethic. You need to know where you are going. If you don’t, you’ll easily lose your way amidst the alluring ways of modern relaxation. With clear-cut goals, you’ll know what to do first; you’ll know what is most important in your list, and will understand why and what you are committing yourself to. Never start your day without evaluating your goals. Know where you are going, what is the purpose of each day, a day without a purpose is a recipe for failure and procrastination and in the end this will kill your motivation.

Seventh Principle: To-Do Lists Are Elementary, but You Always Need Them Have you ever gone shopping without a list? If you did, you’ll admit that you bought things that weren’t in your shopping plan or you left out things you absolutely needed to buy. The best way to mess up your working day is to start off without a to-do list. It is elementary, but you always end up turning to it. A todo list, a calendar, a sticker, will always remind you of what you need to do and

what you should do next. Besides helping you stick to your schedule, it helps your mind to be organized, to follow the right sequence of events, and to prioritize the most important tasks.

Eight Principle: Practical Thinking Always Works Best Here are practical tips to help you stay abreast of your schedule and manage time effectively: 1. Set Deadlines: They help you track your work progress and create a sense of urgency that motivates you to have things completed on time. 2. Determine your most productive moments. They are the best moments to handle challenging and difficult tasks. 3. Take breaks: It’s not just about work and it can’t always be about work. Little Jack needs to play as well. Do something that makes you happy, whatever it is. It’s a very healthy practice. And always remember the balance in all things. You won’t want to lose it. It can be hard to regain it once it is lost. 4.

Be organized: If you don’t, you’ll spend a lot of time trying to locate things you need.

5. Know what needs most of your attention. It should be among the first things in your scheduled activities. 6. Establish a distinction, a very clear distinction between what you “must” do and what you “want” to do. 7. Do not be afraid to delegate responsibility. It really sucks when you try to handle all by yourself. When you think it’s too much for you, have someone else help you.

8. Always plan the day in advance. You should know what you have to do tomorrow before you put your head down on your pillow tonight. 9. Handle your distractions skillfully. You may want to avoid situations that take your mind off the present call. 10. Give yourself 5 minutes before starting every task to set expectations. Look at yourself like a soccer player before a match. You want to anticipate the victory and savor it before it’s yours. Remember your first time. You spent a lot of time planning, thinking, dreaming, and anticipating. Imagine the results you would get if you plan your work that way. Good time management keeps you healthy and motivated, increases your concentration, decreases stress, and help you achieve better results. Time management skills might be a challenge, but it can easily be learned, so learn it if you want to stay focused and motivated. “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” – Arthur Ashe

How to Overcome Procrastination to Succeed in Life Procrastination is one of the things that affect many people, and even the most successful, organized, and punctual people also experience it. It could be a big project or something as insignificant as opening up bills or replying to emails, but putting off tasks that need immediate attention can have very negative impact on both personal and career levels. Some of the consequences of procrastination are missed opportunities, overwhelming workload that can lead to stress, regret for missing best chances, and guilt. Procrastination can be attributed to a number of factors, including poor time management, inability to set priorities, lack of motivation and discipline, perfectionism, and a lot more. People who think about tasks as time-consuming and intimidating hardly get a start on them or they start them at the wrong time; the result is that they either do them hastily or they end up not doing them at all. It is much easier to say: “The heck, we can figure that out tomorrow!” than “Let’s get this thing done!” Below are tips and strategies that can help you overcome this terrible habit effectively. Developing Time Management Skills Learning to manage your time well is one of the best ways to handle procrastination. If you find yourself falling behind your assignments because you overslept, then you have time management issues. Time management is about everything we do and when we do the things that need to be done. The biblical saying that there is a time for everything has deep meaning when it comes to personal and career growth. People who do not manage their time well will often be found wasting some precious time watching their favorite TV show when they should be doing their most fundamental tasks to maintain a good lifestyle, they will spend more time on tasks they enjoy and sacrifice important and difficult ones to an indefinite future time. Everyone has bad habits when it comes to time management and it is important to identify the habit that hurts you most. If you think that you often prefer to do tasks that are simple and easy while postponing difficult ones, then you may want to always start with things that are more challenging. Challenging tasks that need a high level of concentration should be scheduled when you are experiencing high energy levels and when you possibly have fewer distractions. You can identify the moments of the day when your

energy level is high and schedule challenging tasks for those moments. Working with deadlines and expectations will enable you to use your time well. You can set aside 30 minutes or 1 hour per day for the most demanding tasks. This will help you to be more disciplined and focused. Never forget to reward yourself for successfully completed tasks with something that makes you feel great, rewarding yourself will keep you motivated and will make you feel good. Successfully Handling Your Lack of Skill You think that you do not have the required skills to complete the task to perfection. It happens to everyone. People who feel that they do not have the right skills to accomplish certain tasks can choose the option to learn the skill, to delegate the task to someone else, or to completely eliminate it. Of the three options, only the first one will help you grow. Learning a new skill can be very challenging and intimidating, but it helps you grow by exploring your potential and developing skills that can help you achieve your dreams. The man who buys a nice guitar and tells himself, "I will start playing when I have acquired the skill will end up having it poised as an object of decoration on the wall." It happens very often. You may not have the skills to play a song, but you can learn and master it. You do not have to be perfect, but you can master a skill slowly. Many people have failed to achieve their dreams because they have waited all their lives for the perfect moment: the man with an untold story, the musician who never composed a song, the speaker who never made any speech, the writer who never wrote his first book. If you wait to do a thing so well that no one will find fault with it, then you'll certainly not come as close as to making a start on it. Perfectionism is often times the reason for procrastination, just keep in mind that nobody is perfect, on the contrary you can acquire a lot of knowledge and skills if you just do the things that need to be done and learn during the process. “You don’t have to be great to start something, but you have to start to be great” – Zig Ziglar When people feel intimidated with certain tasks, they can start making excuses not to do them. At such moments, it can seem natural to think that the task is pointless, but the process of learning new skills and doing things that are difficult will help you to grow as someone who can face challenges. Employers like

people who are willing to learn new skills and who can demonstrate an ability to find solutions for complex problems. Finding the Right Motivation Laziness pursues our mortality like flies pursue a corpse. Isn't it just beautiful to wake up late in the morning after many hours of sleep, prepare a cup of coffee, sit before the television, and watch the best program or browse the internet? There are days we don't just like to do anything, days we aren't motivated at all. You need to identify an inspiring purpose that gets you going. If you lack motivation in what you do, then procrastination will be inevitable. You'll put off projects that can actually bring success to your work because you're not finding the motivation you need. You are not passionate about the things you do. If laziness hinders you from doing things properly and at the right time, then it's time you wake up and start growing. You can't be motivated unless you find something to live for. Identify the thing that makes you want to wake up early and keep going even when the moment becomes tough. You'll eliminate procrastination if your work is purpose driven, if you love what you do and then what you do will also love you and your motivation will just flow naturally.

Dealing with Stress Procrastination can be a signal from your brain that you’re stressed and overwhelmed with work. It can be a coping mechanism or an escape from the reality you should face. Managing stress is very important if you want to focus on your work and avoid having more to do than you can possibly handle. When you are stressed, you'll spend more time over simple tasks that you could have handled efficiently within a very short time. To handle this situation, it is important to identify the causes of stress and to handle it properly. Besides your work, you have your personal life to manage. You need family, friends, exercise, and rest to remain strong and healthy, and you should strike a good balance between work and personal life. Your health and energy levels will be at their peak if you handle these areas successfully without allowing each of them to encroach on the other. Good health and lack of stress will enable you to think clearly and to handle projects in a timely manner, avoiding situation where you

are overwhelmed with work. If you think that you have a lot to handle, then you should work on your priorities. The best way is to get your to-do list and cross those tasks that are important. Focus on the most important tasks. When you prioritize your work and focus on it, you end up spending less energy and achieving quality productivity. Overcoming procrastination is about knowing your goals and resolutely working to achieve them. If you know your goals then you know where you are heading, the road to follow just becomes clearer and you will encounter less resistance and you will defeat procrastination. You will need to develop a healthy and positive attitude towards work. Such an attitude should be linked to your ultimate goals and dreams in life. The mature person thinks: “I will have to do it anyway. Why not do it now?” The immature person thinks: “There is still enough time. I’ll get better at it tomorrow.” Be very practical in the way you handle your tasks. If you can’t do it all today, you can start with baby steps, do the little you can. You can set a small time for it. Time spent on a project is never time wasted. You can achieve part of it, develop a new insight, or succeed in accomplishing it. Never stop, never give up, even if you fail or if it feels impossible every step you move forward will put you closer to a better life and farther from failure. Inaction is not an option, you know you deserve better so reject every excuse you may have to postpone the achievement of your dreams. Every day wake up with new expectations, every day is a new beginning where you can start all over again.

“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” – Albert Einstein

How to Start Every Day Motivated and With a Positive Attitude “Motivation is fire from within. If someone else tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn very briefly.” —Stephen R. Covey

To understand what positive thinking and motivation can accomplish in you, you just have to compare the attitude of a winning individual to the mindset of a person who's always complaining about the workload and the difficult working conditions he or she has to face. When you listen to negative talks, you feel drained, discouraged, and fed up. But when you meet someone who is positive and cheerful, the effect on you is different. You feel enthused and energized. Positive thoughts are contaminating, and they can create the change you want in your life when you cultivate and nourish them. In fact the reality is that true achievers focus their energy and their inner strength in cultivating these two essential and fundamental characteristics. They know that by nourishing these key aspects they accomplish more and are able to move forward towards their lifetime goals. In fact, the reality is that people who are always complaining are always left behind with no significant progress or achievement in life, while positive thinkers and motivated individuals usually win and succeed in life. Attaining motivation and a positive thinking mindset can be a challenging work, but you can succeed if you develop a strategy for staying positive throughout the day. Look at Each Day with Positive Expectation Have you ever spent one sleepless night thinking about an event you will have during the day? It might have been a sporting competition, your wedding, your graduation day, a trip. You were looking forward to it expectantly. You didn’t wait for the clock to ring. If you look at your day expectantly, you’ll not even put your alarm clock to snooze when it rings, because it is always a special day, filled with many promises. This will not be difficult if you have clear goals to achieve for the day. A man with a purpose always thinks that every day, every activity, everything he does, has meaning because it brings him or her closer to his or her ultimate goal. If you look at each day this way, you’ll find energy and motivation from the time you wake up from bed. One of the ways of training yourself to think this way is to

always wake up with a to-do list. Before you go to bed, you should plan the next day, and write down everything you want to accomplish for that day. If you do not know what to do or you are uncertain of what you want to do, it will be difficult waking up. When you know what you have to do, you wake up with a lot of expectations and renewed energy. The way you get out of bed can determine the quality of your work for the whole day. If you feel forced to wake up, you’ll feel the same way accomplishing every task, which can be really stressful. The first thing you have to do in the morning when you wake up is to be grateful for your life and the amazing possibilities that are waiting for you ahead. Wake up with an unbreakable positive attitude and use a positive an inspiring affirmation like: today is going to be a great productive and wonderful day in which I will be one step closer to my lifetime goal. Always Hope to Do Better Next Time Every day is always a second chance, and every day is an opportunity for you to do better than you did yesterday. This is the mindset that will help you fight against thoughts of failure and giving up. One of the things that hinder people from staying positive is their experience of failure. You might have failed to meet your expectations in the past, but that doesn’t mean you can’t succeed in the future. People perfect their skills through constant practice which involves mistakes and failure and persistence. But if you give up, you’ll never know what you’re capable of doing. To fight against the negative thoughts that are associated with failure, you can start by looking at each day as an opportunity to start over again. EVERY DAY IS A NEW BEGINNING AND ONE MORE CHANCE TO ENJOY LIFE AND GET A STEP CLOSER TO OUR DREAMS.

Start the Day with Something You Love Most When you start with something that makes you happy, you can carry that enthusiasm throughout the day. Starting your day with positive vibes is the best way to stay motivated throughout the day. Here is a simple thing you may like to start with. Wake up early, and determining the peak of your day with what gives you the most pleasure. It could be your favorite breakfast, your best exercise, your favorite activity or simply reading a powerful positive affirmation that will ignite your positive thinking mind from the start of each day. What happens is that the

thoughts you start the day with stay with you even in the most challenging moments of the day. You want to get inspired and to have a positive and healthy view of things before you begin your day. You want to program your subconscious mind to attract all the positive results that you know you are capable of attaining and deserve. THINK YOU DESERVE IT AND YOU WILL GET IT.

Write Down Positive Thoughts People who lose their motivation often remember the failures of the previous day or the past and think to themselves: “It isn’t just working. What is the point of trying when it will be another failure?” This is the wrong mentality. It can’t always be another failure, success is just one more try ahead if you persist. Besides, there are always good things happening around you, you just have to be open to see them. These positive things are always there but they are only visible for those with a positive thinking mind. The man who smiled at you as you entered the office, the friend confiding to you about the misunderstanding he is having with his significant other, the salary you earned that helped you pay your bills for the month.” A positive person tries to see the silver lining behind every sad or complicated event. You can retrain your mind to see positive things by listing three positive experiences that you had every day before you go to bed. It doesn’t matter whether they are insignificant or not. The world lacks appreciation and this can be very frustrating, but you need to recognize your efforts for what they are. By writing down three beautiful things that happened during the day, you train your mind to aim for more positive things. That gets you to start the next day more motivated. Yes, you want to accomplish more positive things and you know you are capable of doing so, you deserve them. Redefine and Break it down How do you look at your tasks? This is something you need to think seriously about if you want to stay positive throughout the day. You’ll start your day badly if you begin by thinking: “It’s another difficult day. I have to cut my sleep again for this.” Instead of thinking about waking up as cutting your sleep short, you can think this way, “I have a lot to do. The earlier I begin, the earlier I will finish this.” You just have to look at your day from a different light, highlighting the positive things that will happen in the course of the day. If it seems very

challenging, break it down into little tasks and stages. You do not want to feel overwhelmed thinking: “It is a really big project. I wonder if I can really finish it,” or “It’s still a long way to go. I may not finish it.” By breaking down your tasks, you’ll be able to measure your progress and stay motivated as you complete each phase of the huge project. If you don’t do this, you may end up seeing your limitations more than the urgency of what you have planned to do. Starting your day motivated and staying positive throughout the entire day isn’t difficult. You need to acknowledge that you always have a choice, and that the choice can make a big difference. If you become conscious about this, then you’ll guard against negative thoughts and watch your self-talk language. By thinking, speaking, and acting positive, you’ll become motivated and also a motivating person. THE FIRST STEPS ARE ALWAYS THE MORE DIFFICULT BUT AS YOU CULTIVATE THE GOOD HABIT OF STARTING EACH DAY WITH POSITIVE IDEAS AND AFFIRMATIONS YOU WILL GAIN MOMENTUM TOWARDS THE ACHIEVEMENT OF YOUR LIFETIME GOALS. Keep on trying, never give up! “We must believe that we are gifted for something, and that this thing, at whatever cost, must be attained.” –Marie Curi

Motivation = POWER, How to Recover our Inner Drive

When you lack motivation you just lack the power that moves you forward. Your enthusiasm for pursuing your lifetime goals, engaging in a new career, starting a new business or even just waking up every morning dries when your motivation is low. But the fact is that we sometimes run out of this precious source of inner energy, motivation, and we all need it to move forward and to keep momentum after our day-to-day routines drain our enthusiasm. We have to reignite that inner power we have, that inner light in order to pursue our goals and achieve our dreams, but it is not always easy.

We all have different things that motivate us, but the truth is that we need to stay focused to attain whatever is that is moving us forward every day. The worst thing we can do when we lose motivation is to give up, we need to confront the situation and look for ways to stay positive and move forward. The following are proven methods and ways to bring back your motivation when you need to recover that power that moves you and keeps you inspired:


Change your focus: concentrating your mental efforts in the negative consequences that the lack of motivation will cause to your life can be a great motivator. For instance if you know that without action your daily tasks will not get done and you will be flooded with an overload of extra work each day if you don’t work on your goals, then redirect your focus on the negative outcomes of not addressing your responsibilities on time.


Don’t just pursue your goals with passion: it is truth that we must love what we do in order to feel that burning drive of doing it every day, but it is also truth that we have to enjoy the process of doing it as well. It is not just about the end result but it is also about falling in love with the process that is involved in pursuing that goal. If your goal is to have a wonderful fit body then you have to embrace with love and passion a healthy eating lifestyle and enjoy exercising regularly so you don’t feel moral pain or disgust when you are pursuing that goal. I believe that in fact we sometimes have to be more in love with the process that with the end result. If your motivation is to have a lot of money then there are countless ways to make more money, you just have to find out what type of process and skill you have to follow and acquire to get that money that ignites you more. When you start to love the process more than the outcome the end positive results will come naturally and easily and you will feel more motivated to do what you do each and every day.


Know what motivates you: think about what is it that makes you move forward. There is always a purpose for why we do things. You can find that reason or that motivator in the people you admire, in your family or when you think about your goals or watch or read certain type of content. Write

down who are your biggest motivators and why you feel these people give you confidence. Some people have a really positive way of thinking and they can transmit that to us when we talk with them. There are always negative people and really positive people with a winning attitude that encourage you to move forward. Think about the power of the words that these positive thinking minds transmitted to you and why you felt motivated when you heard them. This is the type of people you should mingle with so you know you can ask for their moral support when you are feeling down or just lacking the energy to keep on moving towards your goals.


You have to recognize what type of atmosphere and activities make you feel more inspired to be creative and empowered to pursue your goals. Each one of us is different and we all find motivation in different activities in life. We just have to recognize the atmosphere where we feel inspiration and motivation comes to us naturally. It may be attending a seminar, reading a good book that relates to your lifetime goals, exercising, walking in the park, relaxing on a beach or simply meditating about what you love. Inspiring activities have the power to reignite our drive and refresh and reset our minds so we get our motivation back and feel recharged with more energy to continue. Our minds sometimes behave like computers that are overloaded with information and feel a lot of stress and lose speed and motivation, resetting our minds by surrounding ourselves with a new positive atmosphere can be the solution to overcome those mental blockages. There is no need to put our lives on hold, we just have to identify what is it that propels us to pursue our lifetime goals. We have to reset our minds from time to time to keep our motivation alive and aim for a new beginning each and every day. The beauty of each new day is that we have 365 chances to restart all over again every morning of every year to evaluate

our goals. Make the necessary adjustments and never lose focus to keep your motivation high.


View Obstacles as Challenges: obstacles are an opportunity to defy our comfort zone and discover our inner strength and they can also be great motivators. When we have a positive thinking mind and we know that on the other end we are going to find the results we want, obstacles become like challenges that once conquered make us more confident and stronger. They also build up our inner memory data so we know we are capable of moving forward no matter how difficult that problem seems to be next time we are faced with difficult tests. When a positive thinking person feels tested its motivation and its inner light and power start to flourish.

“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” –Michael Jordan

Discover the Best Motivation Techniques Motivation is the key to success, whether it is success in productivity, changing a bad habit, developing a new skill, pursuing goals, or whatever you want to achieve. To move forward in life you need motivation. But being motivated can be a huge challenge in itself, and quite often, you'll discover that the soul might be willing to face the challenges but the body isn't prepared for them. Many people abandon their goals because they do not find enough motivation to pursue them and not because they're really impossible to achieve. Don’t let the lack of enthusiasm keep you away from your dreams and your goals. Below are some of the best techniques and strategies to become motivated in achieving all your goals.


You Create Your Own Success: Thinking Mature Motivation is directly linked to your level of maturity. You'll feel motivated about the things you want to accomplish if you start thinking independently and maturely. When we were young, we relied on our parents to wake us up and tell us what to do. Often we did things more readily because we awaited a word of praise from them, some reward, or appreciation. Now, as a grownup, you do things because of the value they add to your life and the positive impact they have on others. The first principle works with the realization that no one can do it for you. It is the conviction that your success depends on your efforts and your actions. When you start thinking this way, you'll find yourself going about your tasks with more zeal and conviction. In other words, you become very responsible about your life, your dreams, and your goals.


Understanding Distorted Thinking Patterns and Eliminating Them The most important step in developing motivation is to challenge negative thought patterns. Distorted thought patterns are those ways of thinking that easily lead to discouragement. People who easily abandon their dreams for lack of motivation have certain traits that you should watch against. One of these thought-patterns is the All-Or-Nothing way of thinking. It is either you succeed or you’re a complete failure. Anything that falls an inch short

of perfect becomes total failure. Avoid making general conclusions from a single negative occurrence; if you fail once, you'll not always fail. If you can't succeed in securing a career as a teacher, it doesn't mean you'll fail as a nurse. Another distorted thought-pattern to avoid is picking out a negative event and focusing on it to the point that it colors your entire vision as negative. Avoid jumping into hasty conclusions without backing your judgment with facts. Other negative thought patterns to handle will include accusing yourself as the cause of things not always happening the way you want, not recognizing positive things, however small they are, for what they are. To succeed in being a motivated person, you'll have to continually wage war against distorted thought-patterns that tend to highlight only what is negative in your life. 3. Focusing on One or Few Goals at the Beginning The common mistake that most people commit is the desire to achieve everything at once. What happens next is that they become overloaded with work that causes stress and saps their energy. Always start by setting realistic and reachable goals at the beginning. For example, if you want to exercise for weight loss, you can start by doing a routine for 20 minutes a day, at the same time. Putting it at the same time helps you to remain faithful and disciplined with the exercise. Self-discipline is an essential ingredient to keep your motivation high. After a week, we can increase your exercise time to 30 minutes. Your body will have trained enough to accept the changes. You can increase the intensity of the exercise and the length of time as needed. Starting with one goal enables you to focus and to easily track your progress. After succeeding in reaching the goal, it becomes easier for you to handle two goals at the same time, and more goals in the future as you continue to discover your strengths and work on your weaknesses. 4. Justifying Your Goals Identifying valid reasons behind your pursuit of a dream is one of techniques to keep you motivated. You should be convinced about the importance and benefits of what you want to achieve enough to not want to lose it. There has to be a strong reason, a powerful motivator. Why do you want it? For whom are you doing it? When you find convincing reasons to do something, you'll find enough strength to accomplish it. Viktor Frankl,

the founder of logotherapy and author of the bestselling book "Man's Search for Meaning" had enough motivation to live through the horrible experience of the Holocaust in Auschwitz concentration camp by constantly thinking about his loved ones. Sometimes adversity can be a strong motivator. You can start by listing your reasons for pursuing a goal, and those who depend on your success. This is important because these reasons help you determine the grandeur of what you want to accomplish. If you feel despondent and discouraged, all you have to do is to look at your list of "reasons" or motivators and you'll find enough motivation to continue. 5. Improving Your Self-Confidence Self-confidence grows when you start counting your achievements and reminding yourself of the positive things you do every day. This technique will enable you to eliminate the negative thought patterns that drag you down and make you feel despondent. You can keep a diary in which you record the positive things you do each day. The exercise may seem very simple, but it will re-train your mind to focus on the positive actions and decisions you make every day. With this, you can have a balanced and healthy view of your situation. You can integrate this exercise with your todo list. At the end of each day, you can check your to-do list to see if you completed everything you planned to do. It can also help you identify tasks that are more challenging and areas where you need to focus more. There is great satisfaction when you realize at the end of the day that you were able to accomplish everything you planned to do. A to-do list also helps you to remain faithful in your commitments. 6.

Being Passionate about Your Goals and Your Dreams It is not enough to convince yourself that a goal is worth achieving. You need to be passionate about it. However, do not get too excited. Excitement is beautiful, but let it not be transformed into a "must" or "ought to". You should translate your goal into a "want" or a "need". Excitement and the deep sense of need become waves of energy that propel you towards your goal. But excitement isn't something you should rely on for motivation. When some people get excited, they want to start doing things immediately without considering their strategy and arming themselves with the right resources to accomplish what they want. The best thing is to anticipate your goal. This means you should give it sometime, say a week or a month

before you make the plunge. You should schedule a start date for it and put it into your calendar. This will create a sense of anticipation that is motivating. You will be looking forward to that day, getting the necessary resources you need to start the journey towards your goal. Planning in advance always saves time in execution, so it is a great idea to plan ahead and write down your goals and the reasons you have to pursue them. These are techniques that can boost your motivation and enthusiasm. However, you should not forget to credit yourself when you accomplish simple things. It increases your awareness of the positive things happening in your life and improves your self-confidence. If ever you go off track, it is absolutely important that you go back to the basic, simple rules. Never forget to visualize the end. By constantly thinking about success at the end of your struggles, you'll remain motivated. Remember nothing happens without action, decisive action is a friend of motivation. With a clear positive thinking mind you can be sure you will accomplish everything you want in life if your goal planning is accompanied by action. “The mind is everything. What you think you become.� – Buddha

How to Overcome Your Fears and Achieve Your Goals Every human person, even the most successful and astute person experiences fear. It could be the fear of loss, not getting the fulfillment that one needs, fear of failure, fear of the unknown and ultimate extinction. Fear can have great negative impact on one's personal growth and relation with others. Fear can also be a very big obstacle to achieving one's goals. The world can really be a scary place with challenges that can drive one out of wits. Understanding and facing fear can be the one secret to achieving your ultimate goals. This will certainly not be very easy, but there are practical steps to handle any kind of fear. Whether your fear is related to failure or your inability to meet your expectations, it has the same ways of controlling and dampening the will to succeed. If you think that fear is holding you back from making leaps towards your dreams, then you're not alone. Remember that courage doesn't mean there is no fear; it means you have triumphed over fear. That said, below are some useful tips to help you overcome fear and achieve your goals. Start by Naming Your Fear Fear takes many forms and different levels of intensity in different people. Identifying the root causes of your fear is very important. There is a type of fear that is deep-rooted in our psychology, the fear that is linked to the conviction that we are doomed to failure. Parents who have not been very positive about the growth and success of their child can make the child grow up with a very negative blueprint of failure. Fear can also be linked to lack of confidence. You may feel that you're not better than the others or that you do not have the skills required to accomplish what you really want. Failure in the past can weaken the mind and make you think like it will always be the same in the future. Anxiety can be the other name for fear. Handling anxiety can prepare you to face any kind of fear that may stand on your way. People who are anxious will not know how to handle delays; they begin to fret over them, and can easily become hopeless. When it comes to achieving your dreams you'll definitely have to face the fear of the amount of time it will take to get where you want to be, the fear of things not working the way you want, and fear of failure. If you can identify what causes your fear, then the next steps will become very easy. The fear of darkness that a

child may have and then realizes that is just the absence of light is the same fear that an adult can have to face his destiny full of uncertainty only to discover that behind that insecurity is the realization of his dreams.

Trust in Yourself Even If the Whole World Doesn’t Believe in You No matter the efforts and the work you put in achieving your dreams, if you lack self-confidence, fear will eventually set in and win the battle. Self-confidence is the firm conviction that you can achieve what you really want. It gives you energy and fosters your spirit of commitment and determination. You'll have to match your trust in yourself with greater commitment and hard work. There are many ways to build this kind of confidence, but the following can work pretty well: - Use assertive expressions like "I know I can do this. I have what it takes to do it. - Visualize yourself as the winner. By constantly thinking about your goal, you'll become more motivated. - Remind yourself that others like you have succeeded before, so you can succeed as well. Success is not a privilege reserved for just a few, it is the outcome and the result of a concentrated effort to achieve your goals. - Read the biographies of great men and great achievers. It will boost your trust in your own humanity.

Another way to look at fear is to rationalize it. It is a phase of growth and you have to go through it. As a child you must have hated darkness; it must have been scary, but the more you became familiar with it, the more you understood that it was just a recurrent moment of the day. Now you can ignore it. This can happen with fear if you look at it with rational eyes. Confidence Leads to Action: You Should Have an Action Plan

It is useless to dream and imagine a glorious end without a clear idea on how to get there. Now that you're fully convinced that you can achieve your goals, it is time to set to work, it is time for action! Keeping yourself occupied is an effective way of keeping fear at bay. You should set realizable, short term goals to achieve and determine a timeline for them. It is better to take shorter steps than to wait to make one giant step. If you plan to write a book, you can start by outlining a plan for the book and setting a timeline for each chapter. The same goes for every other project. There will be new things to learn, new obstacles and challenges to face. But sometimes, it is enough to start the journey. Stagnation is a friend of fear, you defeat fear by taking action and when you discover your actions are stronger than your fears you become a motivated individual that knows that every obstacle can be solved with decisive positive action! Get Others to Support You The people around you can play a big role in helping you handle the fear of success. Make sure you choose people who are successful or people who have been where you are and have garnered the right resources to succeed in achieving their goals. Avoid the company of people with negative energy, people who see disaster everywhere. You'll feel motivated and encouraged if there are people out there to encourage you to keep going. A support system can make the whole difference when it comes to conquering fear and achieving your goals. It can be in the form of an experienced professional coach, an elder who has had his share of life's challenges, or sympathetic friends who are there to make you feel that it is worth the time and effort. You just have to know that in the past others have faced fear just as you and me but the ones that achieved their dreams are the ones that confronted that fear with a relentless positive attitude. Be Ready to Accept Failure Coming to terms with failure is not easy. People who cannot accept failure live with the fear of failure. Failure is a part of every human life’s journey, we are not invincible machines, and we are learning creatures that gain strength with every momentary failure. But if you are to achieve your goals, you should start by looking at failure as one of the possibilities of your project. Whether you're building a new technology, seeking advancement in your career, or writing a book, you can be sure that you'll not achieve instant success. Again, you need to rationalize. Successful people have experienced the pain of failure and utter

frustration. You may not succeed the first time, but you'll learn lessons that only one who has walked the same road can learn. If you're ready to accept failure, then you have vanquished one of the biggest enemies of success. “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” –Theodore Roosevelt

How to Stay Positive and Focused The path to success is not always smooth. Sometimes there will be challenges and obstacles in life that you will have to face and there will be choices that have to be made that could possibly lead to a negative outcome. There are tons of surprises that come with life and very often you simply have to take them as they come. Keep in mind that what life brings us always has something positive we can learn even if at first sight it seems challenging to see any good in a difficult situation. However, if you establish goals for your life, think positively and remain focused, there is absolutely nothing that can stop you from accomplishing your dreams.

Dedication, patience, effort and time are some of the hallmarks of success. Making a success of your life is not something that can be achieved overnight, it is a process. Nonetheless, before you can achieve success, you have to define what success means to you. Success means different things to different people, it is not viewed the same by everyone. Your definition of success is supposed to personally apply to you and the lifestyle that you live or aspire towards. I personally believe that success is not a destination but the consciousness of knowing that you are enjoying what you are doing and by doing it every day you are rewarded with great results.

A number of individuals are of the belief that success is measured solely by the size of their bank account. However, an individual can be successful in life without possessing riches or fame. Success is much more than having money; it is a feeling of accomplishment. Living a successful life involves achieving your goals, living comfortably and most of all, being happy.

Below are some guidelines that can be used to stay positive and focused while you are on the quest for success:

Establish Goals and Stick Them Out

Create a list with all the goals you would like to achieve, along with the steps that will have to be taken to achieve those goals. Come up with a date by which you plan to achieve your goals as well. Bear in mind that your goals should be listed according to interest, ones that you are really prepared to work towards. Being realistic will help you to stick to your goals.

Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude

Even when it seems as if everything is going dreadfully wrong, look for the things that are going right. Develop a routine that involves writing down all the things for which you are grateful on a daily basis. Be very descriptive of each item on the list and soak up the joy you get from those things. Even if it is something seemingly small like getting the car started that morning or having a nice healthy breakfast; express gratitude for it. Doing this will assist you in staying focused and remaining positive. Sometimes we take for granted the simple things we get to enjoy each and every day but these simple things are not always there for everyone and can be snatched at any time, so enjoy them to the fullest and be grateful for them. Enjoy the freedom to choose where to go each day, enjoy the privilege of having a bed and a place to rest, these are basic things that we often take for granted but some people do not enjoy for different reasons.

Seek Out the Silver Lining

There is an expression that says "every dark cloud has a silver lining." This essentially means that even when the situation seems horrible, there is some good that can come of it. Sometimes there are things that happen in life that look bad initially but in the end, actually turn out to be good. By seeking out the silver lining when you face adversity, you can find a lesson in whatever you are going through and use that lesson to propel you towards the achievement of your goals. View your difficulties as motivating factors that will ultimately lead to a breakthrough, which will push you further along the path to success. It may sound harsh but everything happens for a reason and some unwanted events in our lives are just paths that needed to be conquered in order to move forward with more strength. Have faith in yourself and in God, if you don’t believe in God then believe in the supreme power of energy that moves the universe and get in harmony with life for all the good that exists and to which you are entitled. We are made of energy and if our inner energy vibrates in harmony and positivism with the universe then we receive just that, all the positive energy that the universe can give us.

Focus on the Big Picture

Determine the direction in which you would like your life to head. Consider the areas you would like to explore, the experiences you would like to have, the accomplishments that you want in life and the person you would like to be. After making these decisions, start to take steps towards achieving those goals. Determine to take even tiny steps on a daily basis, focus on your destination while you enjoy the learning of your journey and just keep moving forward. When you can truly be positive and remain focused, the challenges that you are facing will

not be as overwhelming because most of your focus will be on the exciting new direction in which your life is heading.


Have discussions with individuals that have similar goals or talk to individuals who have already achieved their goals. For instance, if your goal is to become a journalist, speak to other journalists about their career. If the career path you choose will involve getting a college degree, have a consultation with a college adviser as well. If your goal is to get to have a business and be independent then try to seek advice from people who have already walked the path of forming a business, investigate everything that has to do with how to achieve financial independence.

Take a Breather Every Now and Then Forget your troubles, go out and have fun sometimes. Get out and enjoy yourself for a while, enjoy life and be grateful for it. Go see a movie or hang out with some positive thinking friends. Do something that will lift your spirits and provide you with the fuel that you need to continue. Do not become so wrapped up in the goals and the challenges that you forget to have some fun. Take a break and re-energize yourself, you may just find that things are not as detrimental as you believed.

Stay Positive

At times, it becomes difficult to stay positive; however, if you fall back into your old habits, this will create negative manifestations in your life. It is extremely important to remain positive regardless of how deeply negative you are feeling at the moment. You are never served by negativity, it only exacerbates the situation. When it becomes a habit to think positively whenever negativity rears its ugly head, doing so will come naturally. No longer will you have to put much effort into this action because you would have successfully formed a habit and you will be able to stay positive regardless of what is happening around you. Success is not a luxury reserved to just a handful of fortunate people, it can be achieved by anyone but it usually takes time. It is important to be aware of what you would like to achieve in life and make the necessary preparations to accomplish it. Be fearless when pursuing your dreams, become an active participant in your life and refuse to allow life to just pass you by. Being persistent and remaining motivated are a must. Life is filled with amazing opportunities and you can achieve anything that you put your mind to. With positive thinking, determination, hard work and perseverance, you will be able to achieve your goals. “Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.� – Jamie Paolinetti

How to be More Productive so You Reinforce Your Motivation The interesting thing about success in productivity is that it creates the need for more success. Before embarking in a new project you didn’t know that you could succeed in achieving that goal, so when you do succeed, you suddenly acquire the understanding that you have a lot of potential. This knowledge that you can succeed creates the need to explore, to test your strength, and discover new skills you’re not yet aware that you have. When you succeed once, you want to succeed always. The desire to succeed thus becomes something that you want to conquer. You can turn your success in productivity into a force that propels you forward, urging you to be more productive and be more motivated. Learn to Deal with Failure It’s a great thing to always be successful. But only a machine can achieve that level of success. Some days you’ll be up, other days you’ll be down, and some days you’ll be so down you can’t see your toe. How you handle days you’re down is important. You do not want to fall into the thought-pattern that makes things absolute. You can be a successful person, but failure is part of success; it is part of learning to be successful. So when you do not succeed in reaching your goals for the day, please, don’t whine about it. It’s just about a single day in a life of many years. Learn your lesson, stand up, brush off the dust, and get back on track. Failure could mean that you’re not doing enough or you are not doing it right. When it doesn’t work out the first few times, take a step back and think of alternatives in handling it. You just have to keep moving forward with a positive thinking attitude knowing that you’ve learned something from a momentary failure and acquired more knowledge.

Know Your Body’s Timetable According to Carson Tate, founder of Working Simply, complex and difficult tasks should be handled when you are most rested and your energy levels are high. You need to understand your body timetable and know when you’re at your

best to handle challenging tasks. You should do low-intensity, easy tasks when your energy level is low. You do not want to schedule difficult tasks when you’re tired. It will only wear you down and drain you, plus you’ll not be at the peak of concentration which can affect your productivity negatively. What Are Your Priorities? No one wants to do work that is not needed. You’ll waste time and energy if you focus on things that do not help you achieve your goals. So prioritizing is absolutely important and essential. You should determine the tasks that are most important and how long it will take you to complete them. This will help you to arrange them in the proper sequence, taking into account your body timetable. You can set up your to-do list in order of importance and sequence. This allows you to stay organized. Create a Routine You’ll be more productive and efficient if you establish routines around the way you execute your regular tasks. The brain is structured to follow patterns. Remember the old adage that practice makes perfect. This means that routine is the key to success and high productivity. By creating a routine around your work, you develop a method that is easy and most efficient for you. Routines also make you feel at home in your work environment. You’ll always feel like you have been there every time you start a new project or continue working on an old one. Take Breaks: Your Brain Isn’t a Machine The brain can only focus for a limited amount of time. By taking short breaks, you can get fresh energy and new impetus to continue whatever you’re doing. Especially when it comes to strategizing, you’ll need to be very alert. You can also use the magic of 48 minutes. This means working continuously for 48 minutes and then taking a 12-minute break after that. The 12-minute break allows you to refresh yourself, deal with distractions, and stretch.

As Much As Possible, Avoid Multi-tasking Multi-tasking is often presented as a skill that is highly needed in some industries, but it doesn’t help most people to be productive. When you multi-task, you give full attention to nothing, and you overwork your brain. The golden rule in becoming a productive person is to do it one-at-a-time. Yes, you can break it into little chunks if you think it is overwhelming, but do not multi-task. The disadvantage of multi-tasking is that it makes you feel like doing everything while you might not be doing anything right. Whenever you can, use the power of leverage to accomplish more and hire some help if you are in a financial position to outsource some of your daily tasks. This can be a great alternative to accomplish more while you dedicate more time to time management and planning so your productivity increases.

Find Ways to Enjoy the Routine Most people will postpone certain tasks because they’re boring and repetitive. For such boring tasks, you can change your setting; introduce a new element into your usual environment such as relaxing music. At times it’s your attitude towards the boring task that needs to be changed. One of the ways of changing your attitude of mind and being motivated about boring tasks is to think of them as needed. Yes, take a breath and tell yourself, “I just have to do this. I need to do it.” If you don't do it most likely won't be done magically. What will really happens magically is that by addressing each and every daily task with a positive thinking attitude you will accomplish more and succeed! Making positive statements about your work can change everything and give you the motivation you need to do things you don’t like to do. Remember repetitive tasks can be outsourced and you can hire the help of a virtual assistant if needed.

Good Timing Always Get Best Results It’s important to differentiate good timing from procrastination. You can put of an important task for a future date especially if you think that you don’t yet have the right resources to handle it. The idea may not be well formed in your mind and

you still need time for some research. It might just be the right time for it. Starting an important task when your energy levels are very low can affect your production very negatively. You'll be more productive if your timing for specific tasks is perfect. Challenge Your Body and Be Realistic about Your Goals Give yourself time for exercise and rest. Your mind can only function well in a healthy body. Your productivity level will drop if you get to work haggard and lacking in rest, or stressed because you do not do an exercise. Your mind will be alert if you exercise well, eat well, and rest well. Another important tip about being continually productive is to set goals that are reasonable and measurable. Always start with small goals and build your strength slowly until you can handle bigger goals. Always keep moving forward, stagnation and perpetual procrastination are not an option for those who want to succeed and be more productive. “I didn’t fail the test. I just found 100 ways to do it wrong.” – Benjamin Franklin

How to Overcome Every Obstacle in Life What is it that stands between you and your dreams? Each time you try something new, something comes up and you feel helpless, seeing your plans shattered. Some people will blame others or even their family for the lack of support. Others will say they do not have enough resources to handle their plans to transform their career, transform their lives, improve their relationships, or make better choices. After repeatedly failing to achieve goals, you may start thinking that you're useless, that fate is against you, or that the world is conjuring up to thwart your dreams. It is not true. None of the reasons we often give for not succeeding have to justify our current situation. The truth is that our current situation is the result of our past actions or inactions and we are the only ones with the power to change this. The journey to success isn't an easy one and it will never be, not for anyone, not for you and not for me. But that is where the challenge is and when faced with challenges positive thinkers tend to be more motivated, in fact that is one of the main transformations that have occur inside you to ignite your motivation, you have to transform yourself into a relentless positive thinking person. So what is the secret of overcoming obstacles and achieving your goals? Understand and Handle Your Resistance We're conditioned by our past to look at situations in a specific way. Whenever you encounter an obstacle, there are always three options to take. One, you can try to explain or complain about the obstacle, accusing anyone involved in the process. This often happens with people who have had negative experiences in the past, and who have interpreted these experiences very negatively. They think it happened in the past, and it will always happen, that somehow they are predestined for failure. Two, you can turn around and abandon your path because the obstacle makes no sense. 3. You have the life changing option of driving around the obstacle or removing it. You can't overcome an obstacle if you do not deal with your resistance. The problem may not be the obstacle, but the way that you look at that temporary blockage in your life. People who hardly overcome obstacles have a unique way of thinking. They think of things like if they were permanent, they think of problems as personal, and they think in a very persuasive way. You can handle this attitude by taking a different position: you have to

realize that a particular problem or blockage is just temporary, it is external, and there must be a specific way of handling it and solve it. When you think of obstacles are temporary, external, and specific, you'll certainly start looking for ways to by-pass them and you focus on the solution with a positive attitude and not on the problem. In fact every obstacle you overcome gives you more strength and more knowledge so you are better prepared when you have to face new problems in the future. Nothing is permanent, you have the power to change things on your favor if you relentlessly adopt a positive thinking approach to every situation you are faced with in life. The solution to your problem will almost come naturally as you’ll be attracting good and positive outcomes when faced with obstacles. Your positive mind will be willing to find a solution and it will be in harmony with the positive forces of the universe that will come and enlighten you with new ideas and alternatives. Those who think negatively blind themselves and repel the positive energy that the universe has to offer remaining in stagnation and frustration. Your positive mind will always attract positivity, simply believe it is possible, you can surely achieve all you want and succeed. Break Your Pattern of Frustration No one wants obstacles. If possible, we would want life to be smooth. But if life were without obstacles, it will be a very boring life. Getting frustrated with obstacles can be the same as getting frustrated because you’re growing. You can break the frustration by looking at each obstacle as an opportunity to grow, an opportunity to test your strength, to learn and to discover what you are capable of accomplish when faced with adversity or a problem. Always remember that whenever you overcome an obstacle, something changes in you, something becomes alive, and the “giant” in you becomes awake. When you face an obstacle, the first question you will certainly ask will be: “Why is this obstacle there?” You’ll find no answer. Believe me. You can rationalize, but you will certainly come up with an answer that reflects your previous experiences. The right question to ask is: “What can I learn from this?” This question prompts you to be proactive. The obstacle becomes an opportunity for growth and for personal development. It should provoke your awareness of necessity. You know you need something, and it could be something you haven’t discovered you have or something you still need to learn. People who face obstacles as challenges or opportunity for growth often discover that they have a lot of hidden talent and skills they haven’t found out yet, always look at them as opportunities to learn and grow.

Choose Your Next Action The choices you make define the type of person you are. Instead of choosing resistance, you can consider solutions to the problem. Here is one good example. Your dream is to become a successful entrepreneur. You put a lot of time and effort building your business and you think to yourself: “Now, I finally have my dream business up and running.” But you suddenly face lower than expected sales. The level of sales you are having do not cover your expenses, there must be a reason for this. How can you know that reason? How can you overcome the obstacle and get more traffic to your business to make more sales? You can go back to find out if you’re doing it right? Some people actually are proactive and acquire the knowledge and the skills they need to face the one thing that stands between them and their dream. Maybe the solution you need resides in learning a new skill or maybe hiring some help. The truth is that for every obstacle there is a solution. When making a decision to handle an obstacle, it is important to consider one that is positive, that can help you learn something new or take away the obstacle and move forward. Every obstacle you beat will give you more motivation, more knowledge and more strength. In fact obstacles are the root of new inventions and new solutions that make us humans what we are, creative creatures with the intelligence to handle problems and with the positive attitude to handle them. It is all a matter of attitude, you cannot be defeated by a momentary problem if you are a positive thinking person, you’ll always move forward. There are several examples of overcoming obstacles in history by people who have achieved success through his positive attitude, persistence and by remaining always motivated by their inner drive to succeed. One such example is Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company who faced several obstacles at the beginning of his career as an industrial. At first sales were not spectacular as the first cars produced were of low quality and a high cost to the average consumer of that time. After persevering and renewing his designs the company finally came to produce the iconic and famous Model T, a car well manufactured and inexpensive that soon became an icon of sales for the company. "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't --- you're right." – Henry Ford

Surround Yourself with Positive and Motivated People People who are positive and motivated can have a great impact on your way of thinking about obstacles. You’re not going to do things their own way, because you have your own path to walk through. When you constantly talk with people who handle their obstacles successfully, you feel encouraged to face yours with courage. People who are negative and who feel like everything turns against them will infest you with their negativity. They’ll communicate their hopelessness which in turn will make you feel powerless when you meet challenges. Getting advice from experienced or skilled professionals can sometimes help you look at things differently. After trying many times and failing, you may want to work with allies who can bring in something new. You may even find out that a professional coach will only remind you of things you already know. But getting a third party point of view can always be a big advantage in overcoming obstacles. Overcoming every obstacle in life is all about changing your approach and way of thinking. It is important to always analyze, and look at every obstacle objectively and with a positive mind. Another secret of overcoming any obstacle is to be sufficiently motivated. People who are motivated will do everything to achieve their goals, overcoming every obstacle. If you are not motivated, it will be easy to turn back once you meet the first problem. If you believe in your dream, you’ll find a way to achieve it. Paolo Coelho, bestselling Brazilian author whose writings have influenced the lives of many people around the world says that if you believe in your dream, the entire universe will conspire to make it happen. This is truth, a flow of positive energy will surround you if you persevere and move forward with an unbeatable positive attitude. Never give up and never stop trying, there is no limit to what you can accomplish in life, the only limits are our own mind made psychological barriers and we can control that with a positive thinking attitude to solve everything we are faced with and move forward in life. “In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.” – Bill Cosby

Adversity as a Strong Motivator It may sound harsh but the truth is that adversity is a strong motivator. Adversity sometimes takes us away from our comfort zone and challenges our character and our very existence. In fact we can face adversity from the moment we are born in one way or another. It may be sickness, or losing a relative and during the course of our lives we are faced with countless difficulties and how we handle these adversities also define our character and our personality towards life. Adversity also teaches us that there are truly other more important things in life than just money. When we are faced with difficulties we have a choice to either learn from that momentary setback or to find our inner strength and overcome a particular obstacle by learning from it. We can lose all our material possessions, we can face health problems or the loss of a loved one but we must never lose our inner strength, our faith and our positive thinking mind. Sometimes adversity is just a much needed change of path in our lives so we redirect our focus to more constructive goals and purposes. Adversity sometimes is telling us that is time for a change and we must see the positive side of every difficult moment we face in life. The truth is that we all face different challenges during our lives, but we can transform adversity into success once we understand that most of the time we tend to make these obstacles bigger than they are not realizing that it is all in our minds. Of course we have challenges to overcome but we have to see them as new opportunities to develop unknown talents and skills that we didn’t even knew we have. An obstacle is an opportunity to learn, to grow as better human beings and a chance to discover our strengths. We are in this world for a reason and we just need to find what is it that makes us feel alive and wake up every day so no matter what we are faced with we can continue even when the times are tough. Adversities are lessons that make us grow in one way or another, life is not a straight line but a cumulus of different moments that constantly test our character and our determination. Pursuing our dreams relentlessly will make adversity fade since the universe will conspire to show us the path we deserve when we keep our faith and our positive thinking mind.

Never give up when faced with adversity, keep in mind that everything happens for a reason and that in the end life is about transformation and growth, about learning and overcoming obstacles so we nourish our inner strength. Be determined and never give up on your dreams, be persistent and look for the positive aspect of every situation you are faced with. The fact is that with adversity you gain experience and knowledge and if you keep your faith and motivation and your positive thinking mind you will be rewarded with great results. Keep in mind that you are the one that create your reality with your actions and your character and that when you focus your energy in the right direction that energy will pave the way for a better future while you live your present with resolution and determination. We all have the ability to rise and conquer our goals, if you develop a strong character and prevail, life itself will pave the way to your dreams. Shift your focus to what you love and to your loved ones when faced with adversity, find a reason to live and move forward, and don’t give up! Find what you love, find that special something of why you came here to this world. The following is great a real life example of overcoming adversity: - Stanford Report of Stanford University The following are passages from the Commencement address at Stanford University by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, delivered on June 12, 2005. (For full speech click the link above). “I am honored to be with you today at your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. I never graduated from college. Truth be told, this is the closest I've ever gotten to a college graduation. Today I want to tell you three stories from my life. That's it. No big deal. Just three stories.

The first story is about connecting the dots. I dropped out of Reed College after the first 6 months. So why did I drop out? It started before I was born. My biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption. She felt very strongly that I should be adopted by college graduates. ... My biological mother later found out that my mother had never graduated from college and that my father had never graduated from high school. She refused to sign the final adoption papers. She only relented a few months later when my parents promised that I would someday go to college. And 17 years later I did go to college. But I naively chose a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford, and all of my working-class parents' savings were being spent on my college tuition. After six months, I couldn't see the value in it. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life ... and here I was spending all of the money my parents had saved their entire life. So I decided to drop out and trust that it would all work out OK. It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the best decisions I ever made. The minute I dropped out I could stop taking the required classes that didn't interest me, and begin dropping in on the ones that looked interesting. Reed College at that time offered perhaps the best calligraphy instruction in the country. Throughout the campus every poster, every label on every drawer, was beautifully hand calligraphed. Because I had dropped out and didn't have to take the normal classes, I decided to take a calligraphy class to learn how to do this. I learned about serif and san serif typefaces, about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations, about what makes great typography great. None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life. But ten years later, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me. And we designed it all into the Mac. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts. My second story is about love and loss. I was lucky — I found what I loved to do early in life. Woz and I started Apple in my parents garage when I was 20. We

worked hard, and in 10 years Apple had grown from just the two of us in a garage into a $2 billion company with over 4000 employees. We had just released our finest creation — the Macintosh — a year earlier, and I had just turned 30. And then I got fired. How can you get fired from a company you started? ... I really didn't know what to do for a few months. I was a very public failure, and I even thought about running away from the valley. But something slowly began to dawn on me — I still loved what I did. I had been rejected, but I was still in love. And so I decided to start over. I didn't see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life. During the next five years, I started a company named NeXT, another company named Pixar, and fell in love with an amazing woman who would become my wife. Pixar went on to create the worlds first computer animated feature film, Toy Story, and is now the most successful animation studio in the world. In a remarkable turn of events, Apple bought NeXT, I retuned to Apple, and the technology we developed at NeXT is at the heart of Apple's current renaissance. And Laurene and I have a wonderful family together. I'm pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadn't been fired from Apple. It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it. Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith. I'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You've got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. My third story is about death. When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: "If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right." It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the

answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something. Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. About a year ago I was diagnosed with cancer. I had a scan at 7:30 in the morning. It clearly showed a tumor on my pancreas. I didn't even know what a pancreas was. The doctors told me this was almost certainly a type of cancer that is incurable, and that I should expect to live no longer than three to six months. My doctor advised me to go home and get my affairs in order, which is doctor's code for prepare to die. I lived with that diagnosis all day. Later that evening I had a biopsy, where they stuck an endoscope down my throat, through my stomach and into my intestines, put a needle into my pancreas and got a few cells from the tumor. When they viewed the cells under a microscope the doctors started crying because it turned out to be a very rare form of pancreatic cancer that is curable with surgery. I had the surgery and I'm fine now. This was the closest I've been to facing death. Having lived through it, I can now [talk about it] with a bit more certainty than when death was a useful but purely intellectual concept. Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

Follow your heart and never give up, the pursuit of your dreams will keep you motivated. When a door closes another path with more opportunity often opens up and you are able to develop unknown talents, in fact some of the greatest inventors, writers and business leaders have faced adversity during their lives. You always have to ask yourself, “What is the positive aspect that I can learn from this momentary setback”. The way you handle hard times will define who you are and will make you stronger to receive the opportunities that lie ahead in the future for your inner growth. “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” –Steve Jobs

How to Set Achievable Goals and Keep Your Motivation High It is undeniable that in order to move forward with our lives in a positive way and with motivation we first need to set a north and achieve a set of attainable goals. Attainable goals are essential to keep our motivation high and to move us forward. But sometimes setting objectives and following through with those goals is not an easy task. Most people tend to set unrealistic and sometimes very vague or easy to reach goals and it becomes too difficult to measure any results and be motivated if these objectives belong to just fiction or they are just too easy to reach to be considered an accomplishment. What we must realize is that everyone is capable and has the ability to set achievable and attainable goals and stay motivated, it is just a matter of taking action and knowing what to do. The first step is to identify an area of passion an interest that really has the power to move you forward every day. Achievable goals have certain characteristics, they are part of a personal dream and not imposed by others and they also are self-chosen. We are the ones that are capable of creating our own future through the adoption of personal development disciplines or habits that will put us one step closer to our dreams when we implement a realistic goal setting strategy. It is essential to face every day with a realist and attainable set of objectives and commit to this “to do lists� in writing. A lack of a daily action plan is the best recipe for failure. Without a clear guideline we just don’t know where we are going or why we are going and there is no motivation to accomplish something or to even get something done. It is essential to define with clarity and vision your main lifetime goal in order to come up with your daily action plan. Take some relaxed and quiet time away from distractions and think about what you really like and want. Think about what you really enjoy and what makes you move forward with less resistance and motivation. It can be the simplest thing in life but the truth is that your big dream are born from recognizing and identifying what you really are passionate about. Devoting your time and efforts to writing this things down will not only clarify your dream but also will activate the positive magic powers of your mind.

Each day write your action plan in accordance to your lifetime objective. When you know where you want to get, the steps to get there become clearer and your motivation starts to build up. Also when you commit to writing your daily goals you are also programing your subconscious mind at the same time so you know that your day will be productive. This is a powerful way to keep your motivation high and to be with the constructive and proactive attitude that you need to move forward towards your main objectives. Staying organized and planning is among the best practices you can adopt not only to accomplish your goals but to keep you stimulated and with your motivation high. Chaos and disorganization are motivation destroyers while clarity and planning are the allies that will move you forward one step closer to your dreams. Always start your day with planning and use today’s technology tools like to do list applications that will help you get organized and adopt a self-imposed discipline so you can measure your performance each and every day. Every day focus on realistic and accomplishable daily tasks that are in direct connection to your lifetime goal. When you write down your goals always keep in mind that these goals are in line with the S.M.A.R.T goal setting rule. Your life objectives must be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound. Goals are attainable when they are specific and clear. When you have a clear vision of what, how, where, who and why you want to accomplish something you know you have a specific and clear objective to pursue and this will ignite your motivation because it will become very clear to identify what is it that you want to accomplish. By being specific your mind starts to create the solutions and the attitude you need to get there. This will help you visualize the steps you need to follow in order to advance towards that specific goal. Your goals also have to be measurable, knowing the amount of steps that need to be taken to accomplish something is a measurable goal or, for instance, knowing how many customers you have to have in order to attain a determined amount of

sales is a measurable objective. The questions that needs to be answered to determine a measurable goal are: how many, how much and how will you know when you reached this objective? Set realistic objectives. This means that your goals have to be attainable on a daily basis adopting a step by step mentality to reach them. There is nothing wrong with having big dreams, but we first have to walk before we run. The approach we take has to be the little-steps approach. When we implement daily little-steps into our daily routines we put ourselves in to the path of reaching our more distant lifetime goals. This small-steps mini daily goals will put us one step closer to our main objectives and will strengthen our confidence and our motivation by giving us the sense of accomplishment each and every day. This is also a great way to measure our success since we will know exactly what tasks we have completed in order to keep on moving forward. These mini-steps are habits that through repetition start to build the road to our own long term success. The implementation of these mini short term steps will also help us maintain the focus we need to accomplish everything without distractions. This is also why it is so important to commit to these mini-steps in writing so we create accountability and responsibility at the same time. This way we know when we are making progress and when we know we are evolving our motivation is stimulated. Think about what steps you need to follow right now to be closer to your lifetime long-term objective. This mini-objectives not only are measurable, realistic and stimulating but they also are achievable. Never lose focus on your main objective when you are planning daily with these small mini-steps. This also reinforces your daily action plan so you know what to do next and keep your motivation high. Your lifetime success will be more attainable when you focus and these small attainable and measurable mini-goals. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step“- Lao-tzu

Set a time limit = Time-Bound Goals: One of the best ways to conquer procrastination is to set deadlines so you program your mind to work and focus towards the completion of your objectives. Your time frame has to be realistic and be in complete harmony with your main goal. A deadline creates accountability and also a sense of urgency and ignites your motivation at the same time. If you miss a deadline reprogram your schedule and keep on moving forward so you remain on track and in direction towards your main goals. This is also a great way to measure your progress and to keep momentum and continue in the right direction. By doing this you also impose a self-discipline schedule so you remain always active, motivated and organized. When you know something is done you also have the sense of accomplishment and you feel stimulated to go for your next target, so always work with deadlines. Always remember to put all your objectives in writing, this is a great way to program your subconscious mind by cementing the sense of urgency in your brain. This is a great way to motivate yourself and to make sure that you accomplish your goals and that you are not just day dreaming, make it happen! You can constantly evaluate your goals according to your progress, make changes and adjust them as you move forward and accomplish more. By constantly doing this you are able to evaluate and realize what type of improvement you’ve made and what else you need to accomplish in order to move a step closer to your lifetime goal. Celebrate your milestones along your journey to feed your motivation. For a person opening up their own business, one milestone could be finding funding sources, or even getting the licenses needed to open that business. These milestones are important to set in place and should be celebrated. No one can work at full capacity 100% of the time, so taking time to step back and enjoy the journey can result in increased motivation and decreased fatigue. Finally, recognize that there will be mistakes along the way. No one has ever been successful without making several mistakes. When faced with a difficult situation, take the time to learn from that mistake and then move forwards again. Motivation and success isn't a one-time event. Being motivated is a habit that can be developed through regular practice and persistence. Focus on finding solutions to problems and always be willing to see past the current problem. Not only is this habit important when achieving a certain goal, it also benefits people on a personal level.

Work Hard, Think Harder and use your mind to work smarter by always planning. Use the power of leverage whenever you can to accomplish more in less time, just keep in mind that it doesn’t matter how long it takes you to get where you want to get as long as you keep on going. Whenever you are in a financial position of hiring help to reach your lifetime goal, do it so you get closer and closer to your goals and they become more achievable. These tips can get you well on your way to reaching your goals and staying motivated to complete them. Remember that success does not come easily and the road ahead is not always rosy but with persistence you will accomplish what you want, period. With discipline and creativity, truly anything is possible. Some of the most successful people in the world attribute their successes to goal-setting and motivation, so be sure to use this advice to build your goals and follow through with them.

“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” – Confucius

The Magic of Staying Focused Focus determines whether you’ll achieve a goal or will continue learning a new habit. It doesn’t come naturally. Focus isn’t motivation and it isn’t discipline. It is the ability to set your mind and energy on what you’re doing at the moment. Focus allows you to stay on a task until it’s finished. If you lack focus, you’ll end up spending valuable time joggling between different things. Below are things that happen when you’re well focused. You Effectively Handle Your Distractions There can be thousands of distractions in one busy day that it can be really difficult to keep track of them, but there are those recurrent distractions that are part of your day. The gadgets we have can take us away from our work, and can intrude when we most need to focus. To identify your distractions, it suffices to look at all the things that surround you: your gadgets, accessories, presence on social media websites, paraphernalia, etc. Do you go to meetings with your laptop and while deliberations are going on, you pretend to be taking notes while actually surfing the internet? Focus enables you to become aware of your limitations and distractions and to handle them effectively. You Use the Power of 48 Minutes When you have something important to work on, all you need to do to increase your focus is to remove all distractions, switch off the phone, and close all windows - I mean the windows of your mind and heart, – and work continuously for 48 minutes. Use a timer, and when it’s exactly 48 minutes after you started working, stop. Take a walk, or get some snacks, or do something else for the next 12 minutes. After 12 minutes, you can repeat the same exercise as needed. The speaker and internet marketing expert, Don Crowther says there is magic in the 48 minutes trick, and reports that he has been able to write a 200 page book in two weeks after repeating the technique for four times a day. This technique allows you to refresh your energy after 48 minutes, and you can use the 12 minutes to send a message, make a phone call, or take care of the little intruders that continue to ask for your time. It can be challenging doing this for the first time, but if you practice, you’ll soon find out that it is easy and that your productivity soars high.

Focus Helps You Create Order in Your Work Environment This is one of the most important and quite often neglected aspect of improving concentration and motivation. It definitely feels different when you sit on a cushioned chair than when you use a hard wooden chair that doesn’t offer much comfort to your back. You want to make sure that your work environment is welcoming and comfortable. This will give you the desire to stay there and work. The best thing to do is to choose your office wisely, create a décor that is inspiring, and choose chairs and tables with the right height to give you the comfort you need while working. Reduce the noise as much as possible and decorate your office with colors and pictures that are inspiring and uplifting. Bright colors are great, but it’s important to find the right colors that have a calming, uplifting effect on you. De-clutter your office. Mess is the worst enemy of a mind at work. You should be able to find the things you need as soon as you need them. Detox your own environment. People who work in well-organized and clean environments have fewer distractions than those sorting their work out through a whole mess. A healthy work environment promotes health values that are needed to stay focused, motivated and be productive. Remember that a bad smell, a fly on the window, a pile of unopened emails lying on the desk, and a dirty restroom can cause a lot of distractions. You can also consider what you wear and what you eat while you work. Uncomfortable clothes can make you experience discomfort which can also affect your work negatively. It is advisable to drink a lot of water while working. Dehydration can make you feel tired and drained. The more comfortable you feel the higher will your concentration be. You Create a Positive Mindset towards Work Your attitude towards work determines your level of concentration. The positive mindset is that attitude of mind that allows you to see the value of what you do. You do it because it is intrinsically linked to your higher goals and dreams; you do it because it makes you come alive; you do it because it is a necessary step to achieving the growth you want to attain. Here are suggestions that can help you develop the kind of work-related attitude that can enhance your focus and productivity: - Upon commencing any task, consider it to be the most important thing of the day. Look at the time as belonging entirely to the task you are about to do.

- Set aside time to handle things that make you worry. Some people tend to deny things that disturb them, things that make them worry, and in the end, their minds always go back to those things. By setting some time aside to handle worries and concerns that are not related to the present task, you free yourself from distractions and increase focus. - Focus on one thing at a time. Do not be lured into thinking about multi-tasking. Only do multitasking when working on tasks that are related and that complement each other. - Alternate between high-intensity tasks and low-intensity ones. This way, you allow your mind to rest when you work on tasks that need less focus. Focus help you focus on the tasks you have at hand. When you focus on the “present”, you can be more effective at what you do, you reduce stress, and you produce work of quality. You'll lose motivation if you cannot focus. Focus creates the presence of mind which helps you concentrate on what you're doing. When you're focused, it is difficult to notice the things that can cause distractions. Focus enables you to think positive thoughts and to transform them to the energy you need to improve your life and performance so you get closer and closer to your lifetime goals, that is the magic of being focused.

“If you can dream it, you can achieve it.” – Zig Ziglar

7 Days for a Total Positive Transformation and Success We all experienced frustration at some point in life when deep inside ourselves we know that we need to change something and start making things happen. Let me start by saying that we must first believe that everything we dream of is possible and subsequently the magic of motivation will unleash. But oftentimes the days pass and we don’t see any positive changes happening in our lives. The dream of landing a new job, the desire to lose weight, traveling or just improving our lifestyle starts to fade when we don’t have a plan and when we don’t commit to taking action. Don’t let your dreams, ambitions and goals sit on the shelf of oblivion. Everybody has felt the frustration of having the desire to improve their lives and not seeing any results after a while, you are not alone, and we have all been there. You need to take action. Without action and planning nothing will ever change and that is a reality. Transformation begins when you move, when you take decisive action and follow a plan. You also need to affect your subconscious mind in a positive way every morning, just when you wake up you must start your new day by reading positive affirmations that will brainwash your inner brain programing your mind with positive thinking messages and a winning attitude. Start by identifying the main reasons you have to pursue your transformation and why you want to pursue your goals. Identify your lifetime goals first and then scale down to more achievable short term goals that will lead you to your lifetime objective. Put everything in writing in a place where you know you will have access when you need to renew your guidance and keep your motivation high. Each day of the week make the commitment to start reading loudly the following daily positive affirmations as soon as you wake up and your mind is more refreshed. Think of this therapy as a soothing and invigorating positive brain wash that will keep you motivated. The continuous repetition of these affirmations will have a magic effect in your life by attracting what you want into your existence. Keep in mind that there is no such thing as instant gratification but as you stay focused some of the affirmations you read will start to manifest in a short period

of time and some others will take some time to take effect. The important thing is to be consistent and persistent and to practice this exercise each and every day of the week. You can do this every morning and every evening before going to bed. This is a wonderful tool to keep your motivation high and to stay focused with a positive thinking mind. You can add your own set of words to any of the following positive affirmations so it goes in harmony with your lifetime goals. When you write down your own affirmations you start to believe as if you have already achieved your objectives and your dreams. Positive Daily Affirmations for Your Inner Transformation: Day 1: I have a positive thinking mind and a positive attitude towards life and towards myself Day 2: I believe in myself and I know I am capable of accomplish anything I want Day 3: I feel confidence and positive energy surrounding me every time, I have a high self esteem Day 4: I feel healthy, I feel great and I feel very Happy! Day 5: My life improves every day, I feel better and better everyday Day 6: I know that everything I believe is possible will come to me at the right time and in the right way Day 7: I know I deserve abundance, I know I deserve health, I know I deserve love and I am faithful and grateful for my life, I Love Life! When you repeat these positive affirmations each and every day your subconscious mind will start to be affected in a positive and constructive way. Some people may think this is too simplistic but it really works when you start believing and you practice it every day with faith and commitment. We turn ourselves in what we think we are, if we brainwash ourselves with messages of failure then failure is what we will get. On the contrary when we expose our brains to a healthy and constant shower of daily positive affirmations we will

start to see positive changes in our lives. The law of attraction will start to take effect and we will start to finally see the changes we want for our own existence. Along with these daily affirmations we must commit to our lifetime plan, to our goals, one by one on a step by step basis knowing that there may be obstacles along the journey but you will be able to overcome every one of them with faith, persistence, action and positive thinking. Never forget that action brings results and inaction just destroys the momentum you gain when you start using these positive affirmation. To bring change into your life and get better results you definitely need to take action and start working to achieve your goals and your dreams. People who take action see results, period. A combination of action and faithfully believing in yourself will magically transform your life in a very positive way. Also keep in mind that failure is just a part of life and a learning opportunity and that those that never quit are the ones who succeed, so keep on going and never, NEVER GIVE UP! You get where you want to get by being persistent, by taking action and by learning each time you fail. “The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.� –Emelia Earhart

Discover How a Competitive Attitude Can Ignite Your Motivation We have to recognize that in one way or another we all are competitive to some extent. We all have deep inside us the desire to improve and to do better but often times that desire to succeed and to take action is somehow systematically postponed when we don’t feel sufficiently motivated to do something. The reality is that in order to change that we need to somehow compete to some extent. We tend to be competitive with each other, with time and even with ourselves. The desire to win, to improve, to do things better, to go further, to be stronger, to be healthier, to have more knowledge, to have more money or whatever it is that we are trying to achieve always starts with our inner competitive innate need to change things and be creative. We as humans are naturally born curious creatures and we are avid for change. We are creatures full of curiosity and in need of constant change and improvement. If that need didn’t exist we would probably still be behaving like cavemen’s and no significant change would ever happen throughout human history. We all have to discover what is that particular something that can ignite our passion for change and competition. When we have a strong motive, a strong reason and a strong goal to accomplish then we are ready to compete and thrive. When we challenge ourselves and move out from our comfort zone we start to compete, we start to advance and we also start to discover what we are capable to accomplish even if we fail. In fact failing is just a step of the process of being competitive. When we fail we learn and when we learn we want to do things better

the next time so we continue to move forward. Failing is actually winning when you know that the lesson learned is now a part of your artillery to be better next time. Competition is somehow ingrained in our DNA and the truth is that when we want to move forward and accomplish more we should be developing our competitive attitude. There has to be a point of reference for every change that we want to accomplish in life. Although it is important to enjoy the moment and the present time as much as we can it is also important to challenge our comfort zone to find new ways and to really maintain our motivation. A competitive attitude definitely ignites our motivation and one of the reason we set goals is to challenge our own-selves and to give a meaning to our existence. It is definitely more exiting when there is a reason for doing what we are doing and when there is a preset results or point of reference to improve or beat. Athletes compete to improve records, to improve distance, to improve times, to go further and to be stronger. Whatever your game is in life you will probably do better if you compete and by doing so your motivation will be higher. Competing is not just about beating each other, it can be about collaboration and team work, it is about learning more but more importantly competing is about participating in life! Don’t let life pass in front of you without participating! Make the move, be a part of life and see every challenge as an opportunity. The truth is that we get better at our own game when we push ourselves to go further, when we want to achieve more and when we are competitive. Competition definitely ignites our motivation otherwise no significantly changes or results would have ever been achieved in the history of mankind.

Make every challenge you face in life and opportunity for competition, a new chance to improve things and to be better and even a new opportunity to discover your unknown inner strengths. You will discover that you will be more excited, more enthusiastic and more motivated when there is a point of reference you want to beat. Try to improve your own results, try to do things better each time, try to go further and concentrate on reaching your goals while you enjoy the learning during your journey. A momentary defeat is just that, a momentary defeat, it is a new opportunity to be stronger by moving forward with character and decision. Never be afraid to compete and participate in life. Your ideas, your dreams, your goals and desires deserve all your time, they deserve a chance, they deserve your competitiveness and dedication so start competing in life now and reclaim what you know you deserve and are capable of achieving. Deep inside you know you can, there is no reason to believe that what others have achieved or accomplished is just a privilege that you are not entitled to obtain. In fact you are very much entitled to achieve whatever you want if you compete in life and if you participate without fear, remember that your dreams are waiting for you on the other side of fear. Start now, it never too late to give yourself another chance. Challenge your limits if you want to discover all your strengths. “You will never know your limits until you push yourself to them�

Discover the Magic of Never Resigning When we think about successful people we tend to think that they have a magic power or something particular that has made them who they are. For some people the explanation of achieving success resides in the fact that successful people have a very strong character, a particular talent, a sharp mind and a solid work ethic and that they also had the right opportunities at the right time. The reality is that to some extent those assumptions are somehow truth but there is one magic ingredient that is often overlooked, the resilience, the positive attitude and the power to overcome the multiple momentary setbacks that people with great success have faced during the course of their journey to greatness. The way we interpret, face and react to these momentary setbacks will determine our readiness for success and greatness. Real life is full of challenges and obstacles, but these missteps are what most of us mortals identify as failures. The truth is that no great achievement comes easy in life and that every time we embark in a new endeavor and every time we pursuit a new goal we will encounter some setbacks. How many times have you ever wanted to quit after you tried to change your path and you encounter different obstacles? The way you interpret those setbacks will determine your path for success or complete failure. The fact is that there is a great difference in mentality and attitude between those who never quit and those that just give up when faced with challenges. The mentality and the attitude you adopt will determine to a great extent your chances of success, your chances to move from where you are today to where you want to get. Here are the two scenarios: Interpreting a Momentary Failure as the End Some people tend to just give up when what they have planned for is not working as expected and they tend to think that it is the end, that they are a complete

failure or that it is worthless to keep on trying. They take it personally and they surrender. This type of mentality will kill your motivation and will kill your chance for change, you need to start thinking with an indestructible positive thinking mind and believe that that momentary obstacle is there as an opportunity to learn more. That momentary setback is just that, a momentary bump in the road and nothing else, it is not the end. The fact is that where some just see a gridlock others see opportunity. That particular problem you are facing in a particular time is just telling you, hey I think you are the one that can come up with the solution, and you just need to think positively about solving that obstacle the best way you can and never quit. Problems create solutions and solutions are created by people who dare to fail because they know that if they try and fail they just have to persist and the reward that lies ahead is their success. The reward is the satisfaction of knowing that thanks to their tenacity they’ve found solutions and new paths to a momentary impasse, the reward is the discovery of new strengths that would not have surfaced if it wasn’t for the adversity or that momentary failure. It is there where the true power and magic of never resigning lies, it lies in the discovery of our full potential. “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be” – Ralph Waldo Emerson Failure as a Learning Opportunity When you change your mentality and your attitude that momentary failure even becomes your ally. It is a new opportunity to find a better solution for that particular setback. It is a new chance to learn more about the subject and the field you are covering at any particular time. It is never the end but the means to an end and to achieve a better result for those with a positive thinking mind. When you find a solution, when you persist and solve that momentary setback, you suddenly find that there is so much more on the other side of cowardice and fear. This is

when you discover the magic of never quitting and never resigning. You’ll discover your inner strengths and you empower your character, you become more confident and you feel motivated. It requires just a change of perception, just a change of attitude and the desire to never quit. I want to remind you that there is no such thing as absolute perfection, and no such thing as an invisible human being. When I decided to become a writer I had a lot of fear and insecurities, and to be honest I still have them today, it is just a part of who we are. But I decided to take action, I decided to never quit and I encourage you to never quit, to enjoy your journey and follow your dreams, to enjoy your present while you get to your better future. I am not a perfect writer and I know that, but I have adopted a positive mentality and I am trying my best, I am taking action and I encourage you to take action. I encourage you to continue with the pursuit of your goals and never stop trying because on the other side of our fears resides our success. We succeed by failing multiple times and in fact I think that success is not a destination but the consciousness of knowing that you are enjoying what you are doing and by doing it every day you are rewarded with great results. Don’t be afraid of failure, your failures do not define you it is just a way of life to teach as more and an opportunity to strengthen our character. NEVER RESIGN, NEVER QUIT, AND NEVER GIVE UP! “Those who try know how it is to fail, those who fail and keep on trying know how it is to win” – Frank Mullani

Enjoy Your Present Time While You Maintain the Focus on Your Better Future Sometimes we tend to be so focused on the outcome and on the future that we almost forget we have a life and that in reality we live in the present, all we have and feel is happening right now, not in the past not in the future. There is nothing wrong about dreaming of a better future, after all dreaming is also a great way of planning and a great way to visualize how our lives can improve. But we must never forget to enjoy the present time, the actual moment, to enjoy every second and every minute that we have the privilege to enjoy this marvelous life and world that we have. Life is a gift and our present time is what we have, what we can immediately sense and enjoy so we must be grateful for this time, for what we have right now without suffering for what we don’t have. But what exactly does living in the present means? It means to be completely aware and conscious of what we have and what we are right now. It means forgetting about the past and not worrying about the future so we can enjoy the present moment, so we can enjoy the beauty of every second that life is giving us and to be grateful for what we are and what we can enjoy right now. There is always something to be grateful for and we have to recognize this to keep our motivation high. Life is not always about hoping for a better future ignoring the present. Our present is important, is where we are right now and even if sometimes it seems that our present situation is difficult we have to be grateful for having the privilege to be alive and recognize that we have the ability come up with a solution if we maintain a positive thinking mindset. When we live in the present we appreciate life to the fullest, our awareness of being alive increases our motivation and we start to love life even more. Both past and future are just illusions that are not here now so we must start to love the now moment, our present moment so we are able to savor and feel our current existence.

Why living in the present will keep you motivated? The problem of not living in the present time and enjoying what we have right now is that we live an illusion, something that is not yet existent and we completely forget to grab the taste of every moment. We tend to worry too much about what’s coming without appreciating what the present is offering us right now. Being able to take a shower every day is a privilege, being able to nourish our body each day is a benefit that not everybody can enjoy. Being able to see our beautiful planet every day and enjoy the breeze, the sun, the rain, the seasons and the mere honor to be here and now is what we really have and we must appreciate it to the fullest. It is the now that makes us alive, it is today that it is more important, it is that fresh breath of air that we take for granted that keeps us alive and that is really what we must enjoy and be grateful for. We have a tendency to worry too much about what hasn’t yet occurred and we sometimes forget we have a life. Sometimes we punish ourselves for mistakes of the past too much when the reality is that past is gone forever and those mistake should be only interpreted as lessons learned and embrace the present. Let go and live you live today, live your present, let go and enjoy every little positive aspect of your present life because you never know when the last day of your existence in this planet will be. Living in the present will have a dramatic positive effect on your motivation since you’ll learn to love what you have and you will realize that life is worth living and it is beautiful. Forgive yourself for your past failures and mistakes and believe that all you are dreaming for your future will happen while you enjoy your present. This way of living will give you a sense of peace, a sense of gratitude and a sense of total awareness of your present time. Don’t ignore your present life for leaving in the past or in the future. It is not about being happy when something happens in the future, it is about being happy right now!, today! so you receive all the goodness that life is offering you right now.

But living in the present does not mean to give up on your future, it means to recognize that you have a beautiful life today and that your future is bright if you maintain your positive thinking mind and you maintain your focus in your lifetime goals. So keep going and live and enjoy your life now! I encourage you to live the now moment and to love life to the fullest. Your life deserves your attention and your awareness of your privilege to be alive. Give every day of your life a positive meaning while you plan for your future.

Powerful Motivational and Inspirational Quotes to Keep You Inspired You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. –Wayne Gretzky The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. –Emelia Earhart Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. –Napoleon Hill I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took any excuse. –Florence Nightingale Every strike brings me closer to the next home run. –Babe Ruth We become what we think about. –Earl Nightingale The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any. –Alice Walker Eighty percent of success is showing up. –Woody Allen Winning isn’t everything, but wanting to win is. –Vince Lombardi

Either you run the day, or the day runs you. –Jim Rohn The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. –Mark Twain There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing. –Aristotle Ask and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for you. –Jesus Believe you can and you’re halfway there. –Theodore Roosevelt The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be. – Ralph Waldo Emerson Fall seven times and stand up eight. –Japanese Proverb Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. –Arthur Ashe Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear. –George Addair Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears. –Les Brown Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless. –Jamie Paolinetti

The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it. –Chinese Proverb You become what you believe. –Oprah Winfrey It is not what you do for your children, but what you have taught them to do for themselves, that will make them successful human beings. –Ann Landers Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs. –Farrah Gray It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. –Confucius With every little step I take, I walk giant distances. – Frank Mullani Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning. –Gloria Steinem You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don’t try. – Beverly Sills Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be. –Grandma Moses The only way to do great work is to love what you do. –Steve Jobs It is never too late to be what you might have been. –George Eliot

Conclusion: I hope this book has helped you to find your inner strength and inspired you to move forward with the pursuit of your dreams. I truly believe that our inner drive is what moves us closer to our lifetime dreams, we all need to find that strong reason that propels us to reach and follow our lifetime goals. With drive and determination you will be able not only to discover the life you deserve but you will also be able to fulfill your dreams and give a positive meaning to your life. Never stop believing in your own strengths, in your own qualities and talents, but don’t just rely on your natural talents, aim to achieve more and develop those strengths by nourishing your knowledge and by brainwashing your subconscious mind every day with positive messages. We are creatures full of creativity and curiosity so start every day with a purpose to accomplish something new, something that puts you a step closer to where you want to be, don’t let the days pass without a reason, without a purpose, each new day we are in this planet is a God given new opportunity to discover new things and to be creative. Don’t live other people’s dreams, create your own path, your own dream and always move forward. You will discover all you are capable of achieving once you push yourself to attain what you want, that is the magic of motivation. The life you want is the life you build and nothing gets built without action, determination and a strong motivation, so keep on going and always believe YOU CAN! If you move on with the persistent pursuit of your dreams you will succeed, period. Remember to enjoy your life and enjoy your present moment while you aim for a better future, enjoy your journey. Enjoying your present will also keep you motivated and will make you feel alive. No matter how hard you have fallen in the past, what really matters is how you bounce back with determination and courage. Never give up, retrain your mind with positive thinking and thrive!

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Table of content I want to thank you for reading this book and I honestly hope it has helped you, I want to kindly ask you for your positive review if you liked the content of this book. Thank You!

Other Books by Frank Mullani:


Dedication: I dedicate this book to my two sons, to my family and to you with the hope that it will help you get where you want to be, thank you once again for reading this book.

About the Author: Frank Mullani is a self-made author who strongly believes in creating your own opportunities through the power of positive thinking and persistence. He has experienced countless ups and downs throughout his life facing a lot of adversity but always prevailing and conquering life through the magic of positive thinking, a strong motivation and his resilience. After literally losing it all, Frank is now back on his feet and finding success by strongly embracing one of his most valuable assets, his positive thinking mind.

His goal is to transmit his encouraging way of thinking to as many people as possible through his books. He strongly believes that everyone deserves success and that we humans are capable of attaining everything we want in life by applying the magic of positive thinking, a strong motivation and persistence, and that is the main message that he wants to send to his readers.


Legal Disclaimer This book is designed to provide information and motivation to readers. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged to the reader in any type of psychological, legal, or other kind of professional advice. The content of each chapter is the sole expression and opinion of its author, and not necessarily that of the publisher. No warranties or guarantees are expressed or implied by the publisher’s choice to include any of the content in this volume. Neither the publisher nor the individual author of this book shall be liable for any physical, psychological, emotional, financial, or commercial damages, including, but not limited to, special, incidental, consequential or other damages. Our views and rights are the same: You are responsible for your own choices, actions and results. Forest Image: Image courtesy of dan /

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