The arrow 404

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Volume 40.4

November, 2013

Welcome New Arrowmen

Welcome to the Order of the Arrow! Now that you are a member of the Order, there are many ways to get involved with the Lodge. The easiest thing to do is to at-­ tend the the major Lodge events. The next Lodge event is the Winter Banquet, which is a great opportunity to get to know your fellow Arrowmen. Other ways to get involved could be through your Chapter. Each chapter holds Chapter meetings where the Chapter Chiefs plan Chapter events. Do not be afraid to get involved with events. The Chapters are separated by district. Lawasgoteu Chapter is Heartland District;; Mattmeechen is Cross-­ roads District. The other two Chapters are Lowaneu and Wotamalo. They belong to the corresponding district name. If there are any questions you still may have about the Lodge or the Order of the Arrow, the Lodge website,, should be able to help answer those questions. Now, there are several important articles in this issue of the Arrow. One important article is the Winter Banquet article along with the corresponding forms. An-­ other important article that can help the Lodge is the Go Green With the Arrow article.

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Go Green With the Arrow The Arrow comes out four times a year, and approximately 400 copies are printed, folded, and mailed. Since the Arrow is usually eight pages with two forms each issue, everything totals to about 16,000 pages of text every year. Everyone in the Lodge can help reduce this amount by contacting Steve Cantrell at: s.cantrell@ and telling him you want to receive the newsletter electronically! Helping UHGXFH WKH /RGJH·V FDUERQ IRRWSULQW LV MXVW RQH RI WKH EHQHÀWV 1) The Arrow will come to you via email about two weeks before the printed copies of the Arrow. 2) You will be able to see the Arrow in its full splendor in color instead of black and white. 3) The Lodge will also be saving money on printing and postage, funds that can be used for other purposes. 4) If you decide to get the Arrow by email, you can still print it yourself if you like having a hard copy, and you would still have it faster than everyone getting it by mail. 5) You do not have to worry about losing your copy since the Arrow will be posted online at:, and a copy would still be in your email. Please help the Lodge reduce its carbon footprint and save money by contact-­ LQJ 6WHYH &DQWUHOO DW V FDQWUHOO#ZT RUJ DERXW JRLQJ JUHHQ :LWK EHQHÀWV OLNH getting the Arrow faster, in color, and never losing it, you can see why it’s such a great idea.

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Fall Conclave Another Fall Conclave has come and gone, but its effects will linger. Fall Con-­ clave was very successful with 269 people attending. Of that 269, 113 completed their Ordeal, 21 completed their Brotherhood, and 10 completed their Vigil. Those members who took the opportunity to seal their membership in the Or-­ der of the Arrow by becoming a Brotherhood member and receiving further knowl-­ edge are: Mattameechen Chapter: Bloomington Troop 912: Mat-­ thew Cummings;; Heyworth Troop 931: Vernon Dickey;; Lincoln Troop 1102: Benjamin Grover and Warren Grover;; Mount Pulaski Troop 1122: Mitchell Hagenbuch;; and Clin-­ ton Troop 1142: Michael Parac. Lowaneu Chapter: Waltham Troop 797: Maxwell Colby and Marseilles Troop 799: Luke Matteson and Ritchie Mill-­ er. Lawasgoteu Chapter: Peoria Heights Troop 28: Matthew Bender and Collin Fricke;; Princeville Troop 52: Rylie Pear-­ son;; Canton Troop 124: Scottie McCoy;; Peoria Troop 140: Christien Messner;; Peoria Troop 200: Jacob Winkle;; Peoria Troop 333: Michael Hermacinski and Bradley McKenzie;; Edwards Troop 352: Hayden Golemon. Wotamalo Chapter: Morton Troop 178: James Grant, Seth Gudeman, and Tony Gurdian. Congratulations to our newest Brotherhood members! The Youth Subsidy Patch Auction was held, and all of the 94 lots were sold for a total of $359 by auctioneer David Lane. The inventory for future auctions is low, so if you enjoy patch auctions, please consider donating items or refer-­ ring someone to donate. Contact Steve Cantrell at: if you would like to donate.

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Fall Conclave Election Results )DOO &RQFODYH LV WKH WLPH ZKHQ WKH /RGJH HOHFWV LWV RIÀFHUV IRU WKH QH[W \HDU 7KH /RGJH RIÀFHUV VHUYH RQ WKH /RGJH ([HFXWLYH &RPPLWWHH WKDW JXLGHV DQG VHUYHV the Lodge. The following Brothers have been elected to serve on the LEC: Bobby Miller -­ Lodge Chief Max Broyles -­ Vice Chief of Program James Geraghty -­ Vice Chief of Communications Adam Gray -­ Vice Chief of of Administration The new Chapter Chiefs are also selected during the Lodge meeting by mem-­ bers of their Chapter. Chapter Chiefs have the important job of connecting their Chapter members to Lodge leadership. The following were elected to be Chapter Chiefs for the 2014 year term: Lowaneu-­Nate Roberts and Luke Madison Lawasgoteu-­Joel Brown Mattameechen-­Chance Cook Wotamalo-­Max Overholt

Time For Brotherhood at Winter Banquet It is time again to celebrate fellowship at the Winter Banquet. This year the Winter Banquet is going to be held at Eureka United Methodist Church on Janu-­ ary 5, 2014. Come have dinner with your fellow Arrowmen and make some new IULHQGV 7KH /RGJH RIÀFHUV IRU WKH \HDU ZLOO EH VZRUQ LQWR WKHLU SRVLWLRQV along with the presentation of the Lodge Service and Founder’s awards. Even the Trading Post will be there, so if you need any OA gear, come out to Winter Ban-­ quet. There is also going to be the Youth Subsidy Patch Auction at 3:30. Banquet registration opens at 5:00 with the dinner starting at 6:00. Dues for the 2014 year must be paid to at-­ WHQG WKLV HYHQW 3OHDVH ÀOO out the registration form included in this issue of the Arrow to attend. For more Winter Banquet information, visit the Wenasa Quenhotan website at: Page 4

Congratulations to the Newest Vigil Honor Members! The Vigil Honor is the highest honor that the Order of the Arrow can bestow upon its members for service to Lodge, Council, and Scouting. Membership cannot be won by a person’s conscious endeavors. The Vigil Honor is a high mark of dis-­ tinction and recognition reserved for those Arrowmen who, by reason of exceptional VHUYLFH SHUVRQDO HIIRUW DQG XQVHOĂ€VK LQWHUHVW KDYH PDGH GLVWLQJXLVKHG FRQWULEX-­ WLRQV EH\RQG WKH LPPHGLDWH UHVSRQVLELOLWLHV RI WKHLU SRVLWLRQ RU RIĂ€FH WR RQH RU PRUH of the following: Lodge, Order of the Arrow, Scouting community, or Scout Camp. The following Brothers completed their Vigil:

Adam Gray-­-­Getteminak Wulamquoan -­ Cheerful Dreamer of Good Things Alex Gurdian-­-­Clamachpin Gettemagelensi Nimat -­ Quiet Humble Brother Justin Lane-­-­Wischixin Achwon Kikeyjumagt -­ Active Spirited Leader Bobby Miller-­-­Amangi Amemens Machque -­ Big Teddy Bear Nick Raupp-­-­Tschitanigachen Nimat -­ Organized Brother Scott Fishel-­-­Achgeketum Kikeyjumagt -­ Teacher of Leaders Steven Giusti-­-­Atenkpatton -­ One Who Quenches Fire Roberta Hudson-­-­Wachtschu Pemsit -­ Mountain Walker Bruce Kimbrell-­-­Gilkissin Wunita Achuwalogen -­ Laughing One Who Knows Hard Work James Watts-­-­Klamachpin Tuney -­ Quiet Bearded One

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Summer Camp Brotherhood Ceremonies Opportunities to seal your membership in the Order of the Arrow by becom-­ ing a Brotherhood member were performed every week at Ingersoll Scout Reserva-­ tion during summer camp. Those availing themselves and receiving further knowl-­ edge are: Mattameechen Chapter: Pontiac Troop 876: Keith Sypult;Íž Bloomington Troop 912: Joseph McCarthy, Thomas McCarthy, and Dhruva Patil;Íž Bloomington Troop 920: John Christensen, Lucas Frey, Brandon Miller, Nicholas Thompson, Hunter Willoughby, Kurt Willoughby, and Alexander Wilson;Íž Downs Troop 953: Cameron Engelhardt and Nathan Engelhardt;Íž Lincoln Troop 1102: Joshua Henderson and Robert Henderson;Íž Farmer City Troop 1137: Thomas Zander. Lowaneu Chapter: Granville Troop 1093: Nicholas Bruch. Lawasgoteu Chapter: Peoria Heights Troop 28: Ryan Carpenter and James -DQLV 0RVVYLOOH 7URRS =DFKDU\ %HQHĂ€HOG 'XQODS 7URRS 3DUNHU .RYDO Matthew Schmick, Peter Walker, Ian Campbell, Austin Groves, Gammon Koval;Íž Vermont Troop 101: Shane Woods;Íž Peoria Troop 155: Jacob Brown and Cornelius Opris;Íž Peoria Troop 156: Steven Harris;Íž Peoria Troop 219: Jeremy Green;Íž Peoria Troop 225: Jacob Weber;Íž Edwards Troop 352: Andrew Naumann;Íž Bradford Troop 1851: Andrew Hoerle;Íž and ISR Camp Staff Venturing Crew 6686: Iain McGinty. Wotamalo Chapter: Metamora Troop 64: Matthew Jenkins;Íž Germantown Hills Troop 165: Zachary Kleen;Íž and Pekin Troop 292: Wyatt Lane. Note: If you did your Brotherhood at summer camp and your name is not listed above, please send a message to: along with your name, troop number, and the week in camp (one thru six) or the date of the Brotherhood ceremony.

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Meet the Lodge Advisor Greetings Brothers, My name is Matt West, and I am your current Lodge Advisor. In addition to being the Lodge Advisor, I am the advisor for Crew 163 and an Assistant Scoutmaster for Troop 163, both out of Washington, IL. I am a Vigil Honor member and have been part of the Lodge since $OWKRXJK LV P\ Ă€UVW \HDU DV DQ DG-­ visor on the Lodge Executive Committee (LEC) LW LV QRW P\ Ă€UVW WLPH EHLQJ RQ WKH FRPPLWWHH I have served as the Camping Promotions Representative, an Elangomat, and the Vigil Recognition Chairman, along with being the Treasurer, now called Vice Chief of Administration, and Vice Chief, now called Vice Chief of Program, as a youth. I look forward to meeting you during the next year and hope that you all can Ă€QG \RXU FDOOLQJ LQ WKH /RGJH 7KHUH DUH VR PDQ\ JUHDW WKLQJV WKH /RGJH GRHV EXW since there is still room for improvement, we need your help. If you have an idea of something that you would like to see the Lodge do, please feel free to email any of WKH /RGJH RIĂ€FHUV WR GLVFXVV \RXU LGHD DQG KRZ \RX FDQ KHOS PDNH \RXU YLVLRQ D reality. Their email addresses are on the Lodge website. If there is anything that I can do for you, please do not hesitate to call or email me. Yours in Brotherhood, Matt West

Lodge Staff Advisor The Lodge is run by the Lodge Executive Council (LEC), but everyone needs support and advice. The job of the Lodge Staff Advisor is to help maintain the func-­ tionality of the Lodge. Please elcome our new Lodge Staff Advisor, Johnathan Cartner. He is also the advisor for Section C3A, and works for W.D. Boyce Council as Program Director. He is looking forward to using his experience to help the Lodge. Page  7

The Section Chief: Matt Garrison In this past year, I have had the pleasure of serving you as your C-­3A Section Vice-­Chief. It has been a fantastic year, and this year I am honored to serve as your Section Chief for the coming year. In the last year, we moved from Section C-­3B to Section C-­3A in a realignment allowing us to meet new Brothers in the Order. I’m elated to continue the growth and accomplishments of the Section. Last year Section C-­3A had the highest attendance in the Central Region for OA High Adventure. With no national program of emphasis this year, we will be push-­ ing the great opportunities available to Arrowmen with-­ in the Section and Wenasa Quenhotan through OAHA. Look forward to a new High Adventure program at the Summit for 2014, allowing younger Arrowmen to partici-­ pate in OAHA. I encourage anyone who has any questions about Section or National Events to contact me at: gar-­ I would be more than happy to help in any way I can. Much of the success of this Section can be attributed to the sup-­ port of Wenasa Quenhotan, and I look forward to what we will do in this coming year. Yours in Brotherhood, Matt Garrison C-­3A Section Chief

Section C-­3A Conclave Report Dear Brothers, 2XU Ă€UVW &RQFODYH ZLWK RXU QHZ 6HFWLRQ & $ ZDV D VXFFHVV ,W ZDV KHOG DW Howard H. Cherry Scout Reservation on September 13-­15. It was an exceptionally great weekend for our brother Matthew Garrison. At the Sunday elections Gar-­ rison was elected to hold the position of Section Chief. Justin Lane ran for Vice Chief and Secretary but was unsuccessful in his bid but had a good run and added some spice to the drama of the election. A highlight of the weekend was the dem-­ onstration of the new Brotherhood ceremony. Spearheaded by our very own Steve Hamm, the team gave a wonderful and heartfelt performance of the new ceremony and was received well by the Section. After their performance Bobby Miller, Max Broyles, Sam Fishel, and Chris Noe (pictured on page 1) answered questions on their own opinions of the ceremony. Thirty people represented Wenasa Quenho-­ tan at the Conclave. Lots of new connections and friends were made that will help strengthen our Lodge in the future. Page  8

ArrowPower 2014 Service is a cornerstone of the OA. If you attended the National Jamboree in previous years, you would have seen Arrowman from all across the country serving their fellow Scouts in numerous ways to make the Jamboree a success. This year there is no national program of emphasis. In place of those programs, Lodges and Regions will be putting on events within their own areas. ArrowPower 2014 is one major event for the Central Region. From August 17-­23, 2014, 300 Arrowmen will descend upon the Namekagon River in Wisconsin for one week of service projects and river clean up in conjunction with the National Park Service. This event will be treated like a High Adventure program with spe-­ FLÀF KHDOWK UHTXLUHPHQWV ArrowPower 2011 was a huge success and for AP14 they are looking to make an even bigger success. The Order of the Arrow provides valuable service to the US Forest Service and National Park Service that they cannot provide themselves. Don’t forget, in addition to work projects, there will be plenty of time for recreation and enjoyment of the scenic river way. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity for service and to make the most of your 2014 summer. Check out the website at: I’ll be there, will you? Matt Garrison C-­3A Section Chief

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The Next Chief Greeting Brothers, At Fall Conclave, I was elected to be your new Lodge Chief. Over the next \HDU , KRSH WR DFKLHYH D IHZ GLIIHUHQW JRDOV 2QH RI WKHP LV WR Ă€QG ZD\V WR LPSURYH the Lodge planning and activities. One of the ideas we have is to do a Lodge re-­ union/lock-­in. It’s fun activities like these that will increase Brotherhood within our Lodge as well. I want to see a strengthening of bonds between all of us. Those are some of the things I want to do, and I hope you will join me in these goals. Yours in Brotherhood, Bob Miller Amangi Amemens Machque 2014 Lodge Chief-­elect

Farewell from the Chief My fellow Arrowmen, As this year comes to an end, so does my time as Lodge Chief. As the 40th anniversary of our Lodge, it has been a very interesting, challenging, and exciting year. We had the pleasure of demonstrating the new Brotherhood ceremony to our Section at this year’s Section C-­3A Conclave. We have also had the opportunity to once again serve our home Lodge by the hard work put forth by many of you at this year’s Spring and Fall Conclaves. For myself personally, this year will be a year to UHPHPEHU $ \HDU ZKHQ RXU /RGJH FDPH WRJHWKHU DQG WUXO\ H[HPSOLĂ€HG D ´%URWKHU-­ hood of Cheerful Service.â€? At this year’s Winter Banquet, almost a year ago now, , ZDV DEOH WR UHĂ HFW RQ WKH SDVW \HDUV WKDW EURXJKW XV WR WKLV SRLQW 1RZ DV ZH approach next year’s Winter Banquet, it is with great hope that I look toward the next 40 years. I expect our Lodge to grow and prosper in ways that we have never before thought possible. With every end comes a new beginning, and as my term DV &KLHI Ă€QDOO\ FRPHV WR DQ HQG LW FDQ RQO\ PDUN WKH EHJLQQLQJ RI VRPHWKLQJ VSHF-­ tacular for our Lodge. Yours in Brotherhood Joe Schweickert 2013 Lodge Chief

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Save These Dates! December 1

January 5

December Lodge Executive Committee (LEC), 1:30 p.m., AIT Bldg. Rm. 245 ICC, East Peoria January 2014 Winter Banquet, Eureka United Methodist Fellowship Hall

February 2

February Lodge Executive Committee (LEC), 1:30 p.m., AIT Bldg. Rm. 245 ICC, East Peoria

March 2

March Lodge Executive Committee (LEC), 1:30 p.m., AIT Bldg. Rm. 245 ICC, East Peoria

April 6

April Lodge Executive Committee (LEC), 1:30 p.m., AIT Bldg. Rm. 245 ICC, East Peoria

May 4 May 16-­18 August 17-­23

August 3-­8

May Lodge Executive Committee (LEC), 1:30 p.m., AIT Bldg. Rm. 245 ICC, East Peoria Spring Conclave, Ingersoll Scout Reservation August 2014 ArrowPower 2014, Namekagon River in Wisconsin For one week of service projects and river clean up in conjunc-­ tion with the National Park Service. August 2015 NOAC 2015, Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan Come celebrate the 100th anniverserary of the Order of the Arrow

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Table Of Contents 1 Welcome New Arrowmen 2 Go Green With The Arrow 3 Fall Conclave Fall Conclave Election Results 4 4 Winter Banquet 5 Newest Vigil Honor Members 6 Summer Camp Brotherhood 7 Meet the Lodge Advisor 7 Lodge Staff Advisor 8 The Section Chief 8 Section Conclave Report 9 ArrowPower 2014 10 The Next Chief 10 Farewell From the Chief 11 The Lodge Calendar If you would like to start receiving The Arrow via email, please email s.cantrell@ and say that you would like to go green. Save the Lodge money, receive faster/in color, and enjoy it anywhere!

Visit us at!

Mission of the Wenasa Quenhotan Lodge It is the mission of this Lodge to promote Scout camping, to assist in year-­round camp maintenance and improvement, to provide an opportunity for young men to develop leadership abilities, and for each member to set an example of the high ideals of Scouting and the Order to each of our units. The Arrow is published four times a year and a great way to get news out to all active members in our lodge. If you would like to submit anything or have any questions;; please contact any of the following: Joe Schweickert 2013 Adam Gray 2013 Lodge Chief Vice Chief of Communications (309)219-­6693 (309)219-­3489 Scott Fishel 2012-­2013 Joshua Lees Publications Adviser Publications (309)256-­8895 (309)258-­9033 V ¿VKHO#ZT RUJ

2014 Winter Banquet January 5, 2014 United Methodist Fellowship Hall 208 N. Callender St., Eureka, IL 3:30 Youth Subsidy Auction, 5:00 banquet registration opens, 6:00 dinner

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___ Registration fee $15 paid by December 27, 2013 ___ Registration fee $20 paid after December 27, 2013 ___ 2014 dues of $13 (please do not pay forward beyond 2014) _____ Total fees No refunds will be made unless requested with the council office 48 hours before the event. Out of courtesy to the Registration personnel, please advise of transfers of event fee 48 hours before the event by emailing Lodge policy states that a member must have paid dues for the current calendar year to be considered active in the Lodge and receive Lodge mailings. Anyone who has lapsed in dues payment must pay all of the current year’s dues to be reinstated in the Lodge. Dues are not prorated. Mail or deliver this form and fees (check made out to W.D. Boyce Council) to: W.D. Boyce Council 614 NE Madison Peoria, IL 61603-

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