Mike Long with @properties Christie's International Real Estate Listing Conversation

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What's Inside: About Mike Long............................................................................................pg. 3 Testimonials..................................................................................................... pg. 4 Why I Work By Referral..............................................................................pg. 5 The Four Steps..............................................................................................pg. 10 Prepare...................................................................................................... pg. 11 Price........................................................................................................... pg. 13 Promote...................................................................................................pg. 19 Protect..................................................................................................... pg. 27 Knowledge Base..........................................................................................pg. 29 Career Sales Map......................................................................................... pg. 37 Notes.................................................................................................................pg. 39

About Mike Long

Exceeding Expectations

I was born in Westmont but grew up in Lisle. I graduated in 1994 from Benet Academy in Lisle.

"After we had lost the initial sale of our home

"Mike was so fantastic to work with. He was

After graduating from the University of Iowa in

with another REALTOR®, Mike Long was hired

helpful, flexible, knowledgeable and very

1998, I settled down in Naperville with my wife

and sold our home again within 2 weeks. This

professional. We could not have done this

Erika and our growing family.

allowed us to purchase the original home we

without him. We highly recommend Mike and

wanted to buy from our first sale. The second

appreciate all he has done. Awesome awesome

It was after graduation that I began my career

sale had a few issues as well but Mike was able


in real estate. After more than a decade of

to get the deal done. We are very happy in our

residential real estate sales, I have built my

new home and very grateful to Mike for helping

business around excellent customer service and

us make it happen."

a full referral base. I handle every transaction as if it were my own. Understanding what buyers

- Brad & Michelle in Naperville

"We were referred to Mike by family, and we had an amazing experience! As first time home

and sellers need to accomplish their goals is my top priority.

-Scott & Shannon in Naperville

"Mike Long is very unique in his field. We have worked with many agents on both the buying

I enjoy every opportunity to work with friends,

and selling side and there is no question that

family and every referral sent my way. I love

Mike stands above all others. The level of service

where I live and love where I grew up. I want

he gave was impeccable. He provided very

nothing more than to see the local real estate

good opinions and feedback with many of the

market thrive. It’s a team effort between

houses we saw. He gave very good advice as

homeowner and their agent. I’ve been a part

to which areas we would have more success in

of a lot of solid teams since 1998. I am never

finding what we were looking for. He also gave

too busy for any referral and look forward to

very valuable commuter information which was

working with you.

important to us in selecting an area. He is the first agent we have dealt with that truly cared about our needs being met and not about just making a sale. He was honest and truthful every

buyers, we were clueless about everything, but Mike was thorough and patient with us - no question was a dumb question. He took us to every single house we wanted to see. He offered honest opinions and advice - something we really appreciated. He is very personable and funny. In this crazy market, it’s easy to get discouraged, but working with Mike was the saving grace for us! With his guidance, expertise, and many years of experience, we put our full trust in him, and we are so happy that we did. We landed a gorgeous turn-key home in a prime location. Highly recommend him to anyone!” -Jeff & Julie in Lisle

step of the way. Would HIGHLY recommend him." 630-853-3384 mikelong@atproperties.com mikelongrealtor.com

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-Martin & Theresa in Naperville

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Why I Work By Referral When we enlist the services of any professional, aren’t we really looking for someone we can trust— someone proven who comes highly recommended and is willing to go the extra mile to help us achieve our goals •

Relationships Are More Important Than Transactions Working by referral is the commitment I have made to provide my clients with unsurpassed service whenever they need me, and to maintain long-term relationships that will offer added benefits for years to come. My primary source of new business is referrals from people who already know and respect me. Since I don’t have to spend excessive amounts of time prospecting and promoting myself, I can focus my time and resources on the tasks that benefit you most, and always deliver truly exceptional service.

You Control My Business I want to earn your confidence and your referrals; therefore I have a vested interest in making sure that you are completely satisfied at the end of our transactions together. My goal is that you will be so impressed that you can’t wait to tell your friends and family about me and the fantastic service you received.

Service Above and Beyond I devote myself to serving the needs of my best clients like you before, during and after the sale. I will stay in touch and send you valuable information every month, and I’ll also call from time to time just to see if you need anything. There are a number of ways I can help, such as researching your home’s current value, or suggesting improvements that will enhance its resale potential. And when you have a need for a particular trade or service, I know many reliable professionals that I am happy to recommend. If there is ever something that I can do for you, please feel free to ask.

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Committed To Excellence With the scale and resources of a leading national brokerage firm, our agents deliver the best service in local real estate. When a strong agent is backed by one of the nation’s most innovative real estate brands, the results are unmatched. At @properties Christie's International Real Estate, our in-house marketing and

Unique from the start. It all began in Chicago in the mid-1990s, when Mike Golden and Thad Wong met at a small brokerage firm and quickly became the city’s top-selling real estate agents. Despite their tremendous success, they recognized the need for better service and support for both agents and clients. So in 2000, the duo set out on their own to establish @properties.

technology teams produce best-in-class programs and products that give home sellers a competitive

Combining cutting-edge technology with upscale marketing, the firm quickly became a driving force

advantage in the marketplace. Bottom line: We offer the finest resources to ensure your home sale is

in Chicago real estate and beyond. Over the next two decades, the company grew into one of the

the best you’ve ever experienced.

largest brokerage firms in the country, acquiring the Christie’s International Real Estate global luxury network in 2021. Today, @properties Christie’s International Real Estate is widely considered one of the most innovative companies in the industry.

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The Four Steps: 01. PREPARE Getting You & Your Home Ready

02. PRICE Intelligent Pricing & Timing

03. PROMOTE Exposure is Everything

04. PROTECT From Contract to Close & Beyond

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01. PREPARE Getting You & Your Home Ready

Interior Design & Staging Consultation The springboard to a successful sale is preparing your home before it goes on the market. To assist with this process, I offer a complimentary 60-90 minute consultation with one of my interior designers. The goal of this consultation is to prepare your home using items you already own. In the event that you have set aside some money to help prepare for market, we will strategize on how to get the most “bang for your buck” by making sure that you see a return on the investment you’ve made.

Professional Photography Professional photography is the ANCHOR to my marketing efforts. You’ve worked hard getting the home ready and we want to showcase that by bringing in some of the best local photographers. In using a professional, we shoot every room from the best angles. After the photo shoot, the photographer will take the photos back for post-production to make sure they look their best.

The Market Works Like A Pond •


Flow: Best value & price. Shown and offers made.

Show: Shown but no offers

Stagnant Mass: Not being considered.

Fair market value is what a willing buyer and a

Sellers often view their homes as special which

willing seller agree by contract is a fair price for

tempts them to put a higher price on the home,

the home. Values can be impacted by a wide

believing they can always come down later, but

range of reasons but the two largest are location

that’s a serious mistake. Overpricing prevents

and condition. Generally, fair market value can

the very buyers who are eligible to buy the

be determined by comparables - other similar

home from ever seeing it. Most buyers shop by

homes that have sold or are currently for sale in

price range, and look for the best value in that

the same area.


Interest vs. Time On Market Your best chance of selling your home is in

Consult with us and ask for feedback. Perhaps

the first two weeks of marketing. Your home

you can do a little more to spruce up your

is fresh and exciting to buyers and to their

home’s curb appeal, or perhaps stage the

agents. With a sign in the yard, a description

interior to better advantage.

in the local Multiple Listing Service, distribution

Intelligent Pricing & Timing

across the Internet, open houses, broker’s

The market can always change its mind and

caravan, ads, and email blasts to your listing

give your home another chance, but by then

agent’s buyers, your home will get the greatest

you’ve lost precious time and perhaps allowed

flurry of attention and interest in the first two

a stigma to cloud your home’s value. If there is


ever something that I can do for you, please feel free to ask.

If you don’t get many showings or offers, you’ve probably overpriced your home, and it’s not

Intelligent pricing isn’t about getting the most

comparing well to the competition. Since you

for your home – it’s about getting your home

can’t change the location, you’ll have to improve

sold quickly at fair market value.

the home’s condition or lower the price.

The Value of Your Home In a neighborhood of similar homes, why is one worth more than another? That’s the question that’s teased buyers and sellers for ages, but the answer is simple. EVERY HOME IS DIFFERENT. When a home is sold, a willing seller and a willing buyer have just announced to the world the value of that home. From there, other similar homes are benchmarked, but other factors come into play. The most important are: •

Condition: The closer a home is to new construction, the more it will retain its value. It’s perceived as more modern, up to date, and perhaps safer. Homes that are not updated or in poor repair sell for less. It’s a good idea for homeowners to keep their homes updated and in top repair.

Features & Finishes: Features such as outdoor kitchens and spa baths make a home more luxurious. A home finished with hardwood floors and granite counter tops is going to cost more than a home with carpet and laminate counter tops.

Service Above and Beyond: Square footage impacts home values because they’re built using more materials. Larger lot sizes mean more privacy.

Location: The closer a home is to jobs, parks, transportation, schools, and community services, the more desirable it is.

Number of Bedrooms and Baths: Over time, median homes have grown larger. Decades ago, household members shared bedrooms and baths without complaint, but today, families want more privacy. The median home purchased today is a three bedroom, two-bath home. Your real estate professional can help you determine the true value of your home.

Curb Appeal: From the street, the home looks clean, fresh, and inviting. Fresh landscaping and flowers won’t change the size or location, but they certainly add charm.

When two homes are identical in the same neighborhood, a higher price may come down to something as simple as views, or paint colors, or the overall taste of the homeowner. Valuing a home will never be an exact science, but if you buy wisely, keep your home updated and in good repair, you should recoup most if not all of your investment.

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Determining Your Asking Price It's important when using comparables to determine your asking price that the homes are close in proximity, similar in size, and appearance to your home. You must also strongly consider current market conditions. As markets rise and fall, buyers can only negotiate based on current market values. This means, a buyer who wants a home in a particular neighborhood may choose one that's in less than perfect condition if the price is right. Other buyers may opt to compromise location in order to get a larger home, or one in better condition. No matter the situation, buyers always choose the home that offers the best price, condition, and location for the money. Just as you want the most money possible for your home, your buyer wants to pay the least amount of money. The buyer isn't interested in how much you paid for the home, what you paid for upgrades, or how much money you need to make from the sale. They are only interested in whether or not they

Think Like A Buyer You’ve looked at our comparable market analysis, calculated how much you need out of selling your

want those features and whether or not the home is worth the price you’re asking. Look at your home as critically as you can. Take the time to fix broken items and make your home more attractive with fresh paint, new carpet, and updated fixtures. You can’t change your home's location, but you can change its condition and make your home more competitive for the price.

home, and have come up with an asking price, but before you sign on the dotted line think of how buyers will react. Based on how buyers typically choose homes, will they feel your home is really worth the asking price?

How Buyers Shop

The 4 Fears For Homebuyers

Buyers look at affordability first and foremost. Most are already pre-approved by a lender and know exactly how much they have to spend. Whether it’s with their agents or online, buyers shop in price ranges - typically in $25,000 increments. With that in mind, it’s far better to price your home at


$399,995 or $424,900 than at $405,000. Your job is to make sure the buyer who is qualified to buy your home, will actually see it. Next to pricing, buyers look at all available inventory and compare your home to others currently on the market. When home inventory is high, buyers have more room to negotiate terms. When fewer


homes are available for sale, buyers are more likely to meet your terms. Buyer’s choices are then narrowed onto a short list, based on what they perceive to be the best value - the best homes in the


best condition, and in the best neighborhoods they can afford.

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03. PROMOTE Exposure is Everything

RealVision Photography, 3D Tours & Floorplans Online Exposure

Changing the way people experience real estate one video at a time. RealVision is a real estate media company designed to bring your properties to life. We believe that real estate

A high percentage of buyers begin their search online. There are 1,000’s of websites for

is a beautiful thing and that it should be portrayed in the most stunning way possible. Every

them to choose from. My job is to make sure you are on as many of those sites as possible.

home is just that, home, and your customers deserve to see the true value that each unique

My job is to ensure the information online is accurate. Knowing the top sites and making sure

property has to offer. RealVision provides customers with the feeling of walking through a

to “enhance” your property on those sites to make it stand out is another important step.

home giving viewers the chance to better decide the perfect place to call home.

Social Media Advertising I leverage the power of social media to create additional exposure for your home.

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Adwerx Adwerx puts your home in front of prospective buyers through a listing ad that appears on hundreds of top websites.

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Yard Sign Property Brochure

They still work and are the best when it comes to offline marketing. Making sure our signs are top quality and good looking is important to us. After all, this is going to be hanging in front of your home and curb appeal is important.

I take the best photos and put them into a professionally designed and printed brochure. The brochure is printed on thick card stock that helps it stand out from the stack of papers the buyer is

Our open house directional signs follow this same rule as they are placed to direct traffic to

carrying from house to house.

any open house we host.

Open House

Listing Domain

Open Houses are hosted only with your

Every @properties Christie's International Real

permission. They allow your neighbors to come

Estate listing receives its own domain name,

take a look which can be a good thing. They

which is prominently displayed in advertising and

may have someone in mind that they want to

on For Sale signs, property brochures and “Just

introduce your home to.

Listed” postcards.

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Strong Relocation Network Through @properties’ ownership of Christie’s International Real Estate – the world’s preeminent luxury real estate brand – sellers gain access to a powerful global network that spans nearly 50 countries. That means more national and international exposure to the world’s foremost luxury agents and their affluent clientele, plus exclusive print and digital marketing opportunities.

Networking With Top Producing There is a rule called the 80/20 rule. Simply put 80% of the business is done by 20% of the agents in any local market. I take the time to target those top agents and introduce your home. Odds are they are the ones working with the buyers so I want to ensure they know that you are “For Sale.”

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Review offers & Sign Contract Review any and all offers from price down to items left at the house. Once selected I make sure all of the I’s are dotted and T’s are crossed.


Attorney Review Contingency Typically 5 business days. Attorney can approve, disapprove, proposed modifications and assist in inspection requests. One more set of eyes to make sure you are protected legally.

Inspection Contingency Typically 5 business days. I will be at inspection. We want someone who really goes through the home thoroughly and checks things big & small. Other tests, like a radon test, can be set up at this time.

Appraisal Typically 2-3 weeks after contract signing. I meet the appraiser at the house. I provide comps and discuss the market with them to make sure they are well qualified. Results come in about a week later.

Mortgage Contingency Typically 30-45 days. I check in, along with the attorney, with the lender to make sure things are moving along at the appropriate pace. Offer assistance when needed.

From Contract to Close & Beyond

Final Walkthrough I coordinate with buyers agent to schedule final walkthrough for them before closing. Assist in any issues that may come up.

Closing Day & Beyond I am involved in getting the house keys to the buyer at closing. I am available to assist attorney to ensure a smooth closing. After, I keep in touch with you and am always available to help answer any questions.

Buyers Before considering your buyer’s offer, make sure they’re a serious buyer. Ask me to provide proof that the buyer has been prequalified by a lender or has other means to purchase your home such as a pre-approval letter or letter of credit.

“is this reasonable”? If you’re uncertain, ask me to explain the offer. If the offer isn’t what you expected, I can explain why. For example, a nearby home may have recently sold for less than your asking price and your buyers feel you should sell for the same. Be prepared to defend your price by showcasing your home’s condition, updates, size, and other advantages.

Once an offer is officially made, ask yourself,

Offers A serious buyer will offer close to what you're asking, but may have a few demands and contingencies. A buyer may ask you to reconsider an exclusion, such as a fine

K N OW L E D G E B A S E Expand Your Real Estate IQ

Vetting Buyers & Offers

a home quickly. Common requests in scenarios like this are asking you to delay closing or rent back the home and charge you rent until they can move in. You can confirm this with their relocation company and decide if this is reasonable for you to allow.

chandelier or custom piece of furniture, because

Special requests should be accompanied by a

of it's decorative importance to the room. Based

respectfully high offer price. Are the price and

on the offer received, you will know if that's a

terms the buyer is offering reasonable, given

reasonable request.

your home’s position in the marketplace?

Sometimes buyers find your home before they

Don't lose your buyer over a minor sticking

are ready to move. For example, a family may be

point. Keep your eye on the goal - selling your

transferring from another state and need to find



reconsider your price. You can also counter with

Buyers will only pay what they believe your home is worth. They respond exclusively to

a carpet allowance, offer to pay HOA fees, or offer some other concession that will please the buyer.

price, location, and condition. What you paid for

I can’t tell you what to ask for your home or

the home or the equity you need out of it, aren’t

what you should accept, but I can tell you what

For example, you may be willing to take less money for your home in exchange for an all-cash offer

relevant to the buyer. It’s simple, homes in top

you can do to improve your negotiating position.

or a quicker closing. Your buyer may be willing to pay your asking price, but they may ask you to pay

condition sell for the most money. If you’re not

Keep in mind that your purchase offer is only

their closing costs.

receiving the offers you’d like, then condition is

binding when you agree to the buyer’s terms

likely affecting the price. Ask me which repairs

or the buyer agrees to your counteroffer. Every

and updates would increase your property value

change you or the buyer makes means the other

the most. After making those changes, then

party can walk away from the deal entirely.

Negotiation is a fine art and typically works best when both parties get what they want.

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Emotional Triggers For Homebuyers

for the season and the weather. A plate of cookies or covered crackers with a block of cheese and cheese slicer will help buyers keep up their energy. Best of all, it will help them linger in the kitchen – the most important room in the house to most buyers.

Your five senses can take you back in time to a wonderful memory. Sights, sounds, and scents can remind you of long walks on the beach with your sweetheart, holidays with your family, or the best

weekend you ever spent camping as a kid.

Sights: Welcome your buyer with a freshly swept sidewalk, flowers in the garden and freshly trimmed bushes and trees. Keep your entry spotless and inviting; either by a new welcome mat, new fixtures on the door or shiny new hardware on the porch lights. Once your buyer is inside, let

Buyers have memories they love, too. When they buy a home, they are looking forward to creating

them see the bones of the home by keeping clutter, furniture and accessories to a minimum.

new memories. When you’re ready to show your home to a prospective buyer, try these few ideas to help stimulate your buyer’s senses:

Touch: Make certain your house is so clean, that it invites buyers to touch. Put a sumptuous throw on the sofa. Pristine counter tops, sinks and other surfaces invite people to put their hands down.

Smells: Cooking aromas are intoxicating. Fresh-baked cookies may be trite, but they work. You

What we touch, we tend to want - if the touch is pleasant.

can also put a slow cooker on the day your home is being shown, such as a stew with onions. Fresh flowers can be lovely especially if you add in eucalyptus stems or thin pine branches.

Sounds. Turn the television off and put on soft, relaxing, or romantic music. Oil creaky doors so

Ensure that the cat box and dog bed are clean. Nothing smells better than clean, so put away the

they don’t ruin the mood. In doing so, you are saying to your buyer “Slow down, Take your time.

air freshener and scented candles. Make sure any added fragrances are pleasant and organic.


Taste: Whether it’s hot or cold outside, refreshments will make your buyer feel welcome. Put out a

These suggestions will help put your buyer at ease and make them feel at home. More importantly,

tray, small ice bucket, and glasses with a little pitcher of ice water, juice or whatever is appropriate

these steps will put your buyer in the mood to buy.

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Curb Appeal, A First Impression That Lasts First Impressions


Power wash siding,

Replace loose or

brick, windows, and porches.

damaged roof shingles, clean

Paint or replace furniture such

the gutters, and paint and caulk

as rocking chairs or porch swings.

window trim and doors. Repaint the

Replace mailboxes, light fixtures,

front door an eye-catching color

door knobs or another fixture that

that complements the rest

looks less than fresh. Put out

of the exterior. Replace

a welcoming new

broken windows.

floor mat.

Most buyers form their first impression of your home before they even get out of their cars. This is “curb appeal,” or the view from the curb that tells the buyer how attractive and wellmaintained your home is compared to other homes. In a competitive market, it takes more than trimming the hedges and planting a few flowers to create curb appeal. The exterior of your home must be in pristine condition – freshly painted, cleared of clutter, with no visible repairs needed. A broken step, overgrown bush, or abandoned toys in the yard can spoil the appearance and your buyer’s first impression.

Curb Appeal Curb appeal is important because it sets the


tone for what the buyer is going to see inside.

Keep your lawn mowed,

If the buyer likes the exterior, he or she will be

edged and watered. Prune

predisposed to also like the interior and you’re

dead branches and plants.

that much closer to selling your home. To see

Weed flower beds and replace

what needs to be done to sell your home faster

leggy, thin landscaping

and for a higher price, go outside, stand on the

with fresh plants and

curb and try to look at your home the way the


buyer will.

Walkways & Driveways: Make sure walkways are clear of snow, weeds, or debris. Repair or replace cracked steps or pavers. Driveways should also be clear of vehicles, toys and debris. Park cars in the garage.

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Showing & Open House Checklist Once your home goes on the market, real estate agents may call to show your home anytime, day or evening. Keeping your home "showtime" ready can be challenging, especially if you have children and pets. Eliminate clutter: Not only is clutter unattractive, it’s time-consuming to sort through and expensive for you to move. If you have a lot of stuff, collections, and family mementos, you would be better off renting a small storage unit for a few months.

The Essential Five Minute Clean-up for Showings

Keep, donate, throw away: Go through your belongings and put them into one of these three baskets. You’ll receive more in tax benefits for your donations than pennies on the dollar at a garage sale. It’s faster, more efficient and you’ll help more people.

Everyone gets their baskets and cleans up clutter: Check for hazards, like toys left on the floor. Make sure all toys, including bicycles, are put away.

Remove temptations: Take valuable jewelry and collectibles to a safety deposit box, a safe, or store them in a secure location.

Put pets in daycare, sleep cages or take them with you: In the listing instructions, there should be a warning if there is a big

Remove breakables: Figurines, china, crystal and other breakables should be packed and put away in the garage or storage. Be hospitable: You want your home to look like a home. Stage it to show the possibilities, perhaps set the table, or put a throw on the chair by the fireplace with a bookmarked book on

dog on premises. Buyers with allergies also may appreciate knowing in advance if you have pets. Turn on lights: Open the drapes, turn on lights so buyers can really see.

the table. Give the buyer privacy: Have a family plan of action: Sometimes showings aren’t convenient. You can always refuse

The buyer can not come to your home without being accompanied by an

a showing, but do you really want to? If you have a showing with little notice, get the family

agent. The buyer can assess your home more honestly without your presence.

engaged. Everyone has a basket and picks up glasses, plates, newspapers, or anything left lying about. Get in the habit: Wash dishes immediately after meals. Clean off countertops. Make beds in the morning. Keep pet toys and beds washed and smelling fresh. Clean out the garage and attic: Buyers want to see what kind of storage there is.

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630-853-3384 mikelong@atproperties.com mikelongrealtor.com

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