==== ==== Tried over and over to get pregnant, but STILL facing another negative pregnancy test? Find these 3 weird tips that virtually guarantee your success in getting pregnant- quickly, easily, and safely. http://www.510ww.com/getpregnant ==== ====
There are several steps to take before trying to get pregnant. If you take care of these matters first, it is much more likely that you will have a successful pregnancy. First, it is important to schedule an appoint with your obstetrician/gynecologist. You should have your annual check up that checks for cancer as well as be tested for all types of sexually transmitted diseases. This is important even if you are in a monogamous relationships as there are some STD's that you can have that exhibit no symptoms. It is important to be treated for any infections before becoming pregnant. It is also important to find out how long you should wait after going off birth control before trying to get pregnant. Doctors advise waiting various amounts of time after stopping the pill for example. While you are at the doctors you should also find out how long to wait for fertility testing if you do not become pregnant. Some doctors advise a 3 month waiting period and some longer-as long as one year. You should find out from your doctor how long until they would consider testing you. It is also important to practice proper nutrition when trying to become pregnant. Taking care of yourself is very important. You should take a vitamin-possibly even a pre-natal vitamin before you even try to become pregnant. One of the main vitamin you need during and more importantly before pregnancy is folic acid. Having enough of this in your system will help ensure a healthy baby. You should also limit your caffeine intake and quit smoking before becoming pregnant. Caffeine isn't good for you or your baby and your doctor will likely advise you against drinking it while pregnant. It is better to try and wean yourself from it before becoming pregnant then wait until you are pregnant and go through the caffeine withdrawal symptoms as well as perhaps morning sickness. It is very important to give up smoking before becoming pregnant. It is bad for the developing child as well as bad for the baby once they are born. The poor health effects on the mother are well documented also. Quitting smoking is very important for women who wish to become pregnant. While trying to become pregnant, it is very important to limit alcohol and stop all drugs completely. There is about a two week window where you could be pregnant and not know it yet. Both alcohol and illegal and even some legal drugs can have devastating effects on a developing baby. It is a chance you do not want to take.
Jennie Crawford is the stay at home mom of two small children. For more information on getting pregnant go to [http://www.jenniecrawford.com] at home and click on the Getting Pregnant page.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennie_Crawford
==== ==== Tried over and over to get pregnant, but STILL facing another negative pregnancy test? Find these 3 weird tips that virtually guarantee your success in getting pregnant- quickly, easily, and safely. http://www.510ww.com/getpregnant ==== ====