g n i t t i h d r Ha n o e g a r e v co s n o i t c e l e l loca es’ and candidat
views on
LGBT issues 5 . v o N y a D n o i t Elec on NOW g n i o g g n i t o v y l r a e
ATL Pride pics! Parade, parties and Piedmont Park. Page 12
Tricks and treats Plan your Halloween party calendar. Page 18
50 years of music Singer Cheryl Wheeler returns to Atlanta. Page 23
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FRIENDS & FOES IN THEIR OWN WORDS “I cannot tolerate a political party that demeans Texans based on their sexual orientation, the color of their skin or their economic status. I will not be a member of a Party in which hate speech elevates candidates for higher office rather than disqualifying them. I cannot place my name on the ballot for a political party that is proud to destroy the lives of hundreds of thousands of federal workers over the vain attempt to repeal a law that would provide health care to millions of people throughout our country.” — Former Republican Judge Carlo Key in a public statement released on YouTube Oct. 21, as to why he is now a registered Democratic Judge.
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National Advertising: Rivendell Media, 908-232-2021 sales@rivendellmedia.com
30 | That’s What She Said: Because I was a fan first 31 | Editor’s Note: Comic musings and dark accusations
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Business Advisor: Lynn Pasqualetti Financial Firm of Record: HLM Financial Group
18 | Get ready for the Halloween party scene 22 | Theater: Actor’s Express stages ‘Pluto’ 23 | Interview: Singer Cheryl Wheeler 25 | Music: Old disco takes on a new name 26 | Best Bets: What’s hot around town
Deputy Editor: Dyana Bagby dbagby@thegavoice.com
Sales Executive: Anne Clarke The Clarke Agency aclarke@thegavoice.com
6 | ATL City Council Election Guide 10 | Record number of churches show their Pride 11 | Atlanta Pride huge success
“Unfortunately, I am not homosexual. In technical fact, I am humasexual. I am attracted to humans. But, of course...not many.” — Former Smiths front man turned solo vocalist Morrissey still babbling about his sexual orientation 25 years later in excerpts from his forthcoming autobiography that appeared in the pages of The Guardian on Oct. 21.
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“What’s it gonna take to get these queers to realize they don’t need a piece of paper. God will not bless their union because he plainly speaks against queers in the Bible. Want to cover your queer with insurance? Buy a policy. Want your queer to get your stuff when you die? Make a will.” — West Union, S.C. Mayor Linda Oliver lashing out at the LGBT community via FB Oct. 16.
“Gay men especially, they either love you or they don’t even notice that you’re on the planet. I think what you guys like is a strong woman who’s having a breakdown constantly. And that certainly is me. Judy Garland’s got nothing on me.” — Cher at Britain’s annual Attitude Magazine Award in London on Oct. 15.weekend. Reported by The Huffington Post, Oct.24.
Publicity photo
Alex Wan challenged by political newcomers Tracey Austin, Mike Boyle vie to unseat openly gay incumbent
port for marriage equality or for the federal bill versial private company hired by the city to To read the full interviews enforce parking. Mayor Kasim Reed has said to unite LGBT American-foreign couples, whethwith these and other if he is re-elected he will not renew the city’s er it is strengthening our city’s non-discriminacontract with PARKatlanta when it expires in tion clauses to make sure that gender identity candidates, visit 2016. Reed faces no serious competition. is explicitly included everywhere, or whether it www.thegavoice.com. ENDORSEMENTS TO DATE: N/A is simply making sure that as the only openly PARTY AFFILIATION: Independent gay member of the City Council that I participate TOTAL BUDGET: We raised about $10,000 in in every Atlanta Pride, the recent By DYANA BAGBY the first month of the campaign, continue to Creating Change conference in AtGAVO: Why should LGBT people support successfully raise money as our message is lanta, college student pride alliance your candidacy? heard, and expect to raise enough to be comrallies, or local demonstrations Alex Wan is seeking his secAustin: Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgenpetitive on Nov. 5. As of Sept. 30, he has raised against Westboro Baptist Church, der voters should support my candidacy because ond term on the Atlanta City $9,050 and has $7,317 cash on hand, accordthe LGBT community can continue I will defend the human and civil rights of all Council and faces competition ing to Georgia Ethics Commission. to count on me. from two LGBT friendly straight Atlantans including and especially those experiLGBT people know that I will encing the most discrimination and those most candidates. As part of our elecGAVO: Why should LGBT voters support always be invested and will play vulnerable to having their rights violated. tion guide coverage, we asked your candidacy? an active role in our community’s each extensive questions reBoyle: This city government is not working. It issues, because their outcomes imlated to LGBT communities and Given that LGBT residents make up nearly pact me directly. the city. Here are some of their Alex Wan (File photo) 11 percent of Georgia’s 5th Congressional Dis- needs to be improved. People don’t feel safe and that’s not acceptable. And so you need to bring in Of course, I am proud to be an trict (encompassing Atlanta) responses. While the election new blood to help make that hapis non-partisan, all candidates were asked for openly gay man in Atlanta, but that alone is and the fact there are roughly pen. This is why LGBT voters should their party affiliation to provide more informa- not reason enough to expect LGBT commu- 180,000 LGBT people in the Atsupport my candidacy. In addition, nity support. LGBT voters should support my lanta-Sandy Springs-Marietta tion to readers. I hold strong convictions in regard District 6 includes: Ansley Park, Atkins Park, candidacy because I am the most qualified Metropolitan Statistical Area, to the protection of the individBrookwood Hills (effective Jan. 1), Candler Park, candidate for this position. The unique com- how would you work with the ual’s right to privacy, to freedom Druid Hills, Lindridge/Martin Manor, Midtown, bination of my deep roots in Atlanta, my ex- Atlanta mayor to ensure diof speech, and to other basic freeMorningside/Lenox Park, Piedmont Heights, perience having run a small business for over versity is reflected in the leaddoms, all of which offer intrinsic 20 years, my broad, long-time community ership roles of Atlanta’s nonSherwood Forest, Virginia-Highland. value for the gay community and involvement, and my track record of building elected workforce? ALEX WAN, incumbent the community at large. consensus and getting things done will enable I will propose a special apwww.alexwanforatlanta.com me to continue being an engaged and effective pointed position of an “AdminOCCUPATION: Director of Development, Emory representative for District 6. In a recent conversation, you istrator for Equal Opportunities Mike Boyle (File photo) University said you didn’t think Alex Wan and Rights” assigned by the mayDo you support a policy of dealing with or and council. The ordinance should encourage PARTY AFFILIATION: Democrat was doing his job as good as he TOTAL BUDGET FOR YOUR CAMPAIGN: $100,000 transgender sex workers that the formation of an LGBT Employ- could be. Can you be more specific? As of Sept. 30, Wan has raised $217,170.50 and include supporting organizaGoing back to the aftermath of [the] Atlanta ees & Allies Network within the city has $86,550.04 cash on hand, according to tions working with the popugovernment led by the administra- Eagle raid in 2010, at the time Alex was a newly lation to provide housing, subthe Georgia Ethics Commission. tor. This administrator should be elected, openly gay official who would have been ENDORSEMENTS TO DATE: Georgia Equal- stance abuse treatment, job a member of the proposed LGBT the perfect person to step in, mediate, and efity; Georgia Log Cabin Republicans; Georgia training and assistance, and Employees and Allies Network. fect damage control. As we recall, the most basic Stonewall Democrats; the Victory Fund; At- HIV prevention? Specifically, It will be recommended that the rights of Eagle staff and patrons were obliterated lanta Professional Firefighters, IAFF Local 134 how would you deal with the network maintain an employee that night in a story that made international (Fire Union); International Brotherhood of “banishment” law proposed? pool of LGBT qualified personnel news and the Atlanta Police made very serious Absolutely. I would support Police Officers (IBPO), Local 623 (Police Union); for referral when positions become errors. But Alex did not step in and the situation Atlanta Board of Realtors; Atlanta Commer- any and all programs designed to escalated into a litigious one that cost taxpayers available. cial Board of Realtors; and The Buckhead Co- help sex workers – transgendered millions of dollars and created a rift between the or not – that seek assistance to Tracey Austin (File photo) alition. Do you support a policy of LGBT community and Atlanta Police. become self-sufficient. Through dealing with transgender sex Wan: I was also honored to receive the high- my work at Jerusalem House, I saw first-hand What has been your involvement with the est rating of “Excellent” from the Committee for and value the benefit of providing support ser- workers that include supporting organiza- LGBT community? a Better Atlanta, being one of the four highest vices that seek to address all issues that a person tions working with the population to proI supported Bradley Manning throughout scorers across all races citywide. My score of 93 might struggle with on his/her path to indepen- vide housing, substance abuse treatment, job his ordeal, both financially and otherwise, and training and assistance, and HIV prevention? was the highest in the field of District 6 candi- dence. Yes. This a particularly vulnerable group. I especially sounded off during his pre-trial condates. One of my District 6 opponents received a I fully support the Atlanta City Council’s decispoke out against the proposed banishment or- finement which violated a number of his most “Not Qualified” rating and the other did not par- sion earlier this year to drop the proposed ordidinance earlier this year as I recognize the needs basic rights. ticipate. nance that would have banished convicted prosI remember dressing down a gay, active duty of sex workers from a social assistance perspec[According to the CBA, Austing was scored a titutes from areas in the city. JAG officer (military attorney) at a cocktail party tive. I want to pay particular attention to the 68 and “not qualified” while Boyle did not parfor not standing up for better treatment for Bradneeds of these individuals that may be under the ticipate.] ley. It was astounding that a gay officer would age of 19 — youth and children. TRACEY AUSTIN www.votetraceyaustin.com buy the government’s line that Bradley was beGAVO: As the incumbent, why should LGBT OCCUPATION: Mother and business owner, ing held in solitary confinement because he prepeople continue to support you being in office? employed by AG Hunter; Mabra Austin Sports sented a risk to himself. That was BS. I have demonstrated in the four years that PARTY AFFILIATION: Democrat MIKE BOYLE www.mikeforatlanta.com The goal, obvious to so many, was to punish I have served on the Atlanta City Council that I TOTAL BUDGET: $100,000. As of Sept. 30, Austin OCCUPATION: Business professional. Also stay Bradley before he had even been tried, to discan deliver on matters that are important to the raised $4,401 and had $2,919.80 cash on hand, at home dad to a 9-month-old daughter courage dissent, and to intimidate other wouldLGBT community. Whether it is convincing my according to Georgia Ethics Commission. Rinna, and a neighborhood activist trying to be whistleblowers. It’s important to note that colleagues on Council to take a position of supENDORSEMENTS TO DATE: N/A boot PARKAatlanta. PARKatlanta is the contro- Bradley was not convicted of aiding the enemy.
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Crowded race for Atlanta District 5 post By DYANA BAGBY
Two gay challengers among three candidates opposing incumbent Natalyn Archibong
Two openly gay candidates are among the three vying for incumbent Natalyn Archibong’s District 5 seat, a position she has held since first elected in 2001. A fourth can- of my proven and consistent record of being didate, Jon Jones, who is also gay, announced inclusive and supportive of matters of imporhe was dropping out of the race this week and tance to them. According to Georgia Equality, is now backing Archibong. Other candidates I am an ally of the LGBT community. are Matt Rinker and Christian Enterkin, who Have you been contacted are openly gay; and John Paul by any LGBT residents of Michalik. All are first-time your city? What issues have candidates. they raised or discussed District 5 includes: Cabbagwith you? etown, East Atlanta, East Lake, Yes. The issues were the Edgewood, Glenwood, Kirksame as issues other conwood, Reynoldstown and Old stituents presented to me. As Fourth Ward. Georgia Equality, the state’s an example, Kevin Spiegner largest LGBT advocacy organiand his partner, Steve, have zation, chose not to endorse in worked with me to establish this race. a community beautification According to rankings by program. I have received posithe non-partisan Committee tive feedback from LGBT confor a Better Atlanta, Archibong stituents on my vote to supscored an “well qualified” with Natalyn Archibong (File photo) port marriage equality and an 87; Rinker scored 85 for the fight to extend bar hours. “well qualified”; Enterkin scored 71; and MiMATT RINKER chalik did not participate. OCCUPATION: Property Management (MultiFamily Housing) NATALYN ARCHIBONG, incumbent PARTY AFFILIATION: Democrat, but Atlanta www.natalynmosbyarchibong.com Municipal elections are non-partisan and I OCCUPATION: Attorney at Law am proud to have support from people of all PARTY AFFILIATION: Democrat parties. The District 5 seat is the only elected office TOTAL CAMPAIGN BUDGET: $35,000 to date. Archibong has held. As of Sept. 30, Rinker raised $25,892.01 and TOTAL CAMPAIGN BUDGET: $100,000 has cash on hand of $13,368.06, according to As of Sept. 30, Archibong raised $52,315.88 the Georgia Ethics Commission. and has $29,455.35 cash on hand, according ENDORSEMENTS TO DATE: Log Cabin Republito Georgia Ethics Commission. Donations cans, Atlanta Apartment Association, Georgia this quarter includes $2,500 from Mayor Apartment Association. Kasim Reed’s war chest of more than $2 million. GAVO: Why did you decide to run against ENDORSEMENTS TO DATE: International Brotherhood of Police Officers, PACE, Atlanta Archibong? Professional Fire Fighters Association, AtRinker: Like so many of my neighbors and lanta Board of Realtors, Atlanta Commercial like so many business owners throughout Board of Realtors, The Buckhead Coalition, East Atlanta, Kirkwood, Cabbagetown and the Atlanta Progressive News, and the Atlanta rest of District Five, I was fed up with crime Labor Council, openly lesbian State Rep. Kei- plaguing my sha Waites. Was also rated Excellent by The neighborhood, Committee for a Better Atlanta. roads and sidewalks that GAVO: As the incumbent, why should remain in terLGBT people continue to support you being rible condition in office? and businessArchibong: The LGBT community should es moving out support my candidacy because of my legisla- of our area tive record which includes supporting mar- because of riage equality [and] opposing the legislation, these things. which would have precluded strip clubs on I got tired of Cheshire Bridge Road. In addition, I have ef- waiting for fectively represented the diverse constituency results from living in Council District 5. The LGBT commu- our councilnity should continue to support me because woman only Matt Rinker (File photo)
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to have the same issues recur year after year. I was exhausted hearing of votes Ms. Archibong has taken against the Beltline, against letting us decide on Sunday alcohol sales, and for a costly stadium [for the Atlanta Falcons]. The more I researched who was representing me, the more dissatisfied I became.
tirelessly to make sure that everyone has a seat at the table. My district has a growing LGBT population. Many want to see more representation in city government and more attentiveness to sensitivity training for our public safety officials. What is your involvement with the LGBT community? I have been a progressive advocate for years. I have lobbied the Georgia Assembly for same-sex marriage, volunteered with the Human Rights Campaign and have participated in several events supporting the organization.
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JOHN PAUL MICHALIK If elected, in what ways www.growatlanta.org would you advocate support OCCUPATION: Design/Build for people living with HIV/ Christian Enterkin (File photo) PARTY AFFILIATION: ComAIDS? mon sense party/(Golden Unicorns) Atlanta still ranks high for number of new ENDORSEMENTS TO DATE: Everyone I have infections and has changed little over the spoken with. years. There was great educational efforts, PREVIOUS ELECTED OFFICES HELD: Presispecifically through the LGBT community, in dent Old Fourth Ward & Sweet Auburn the 1990s about HIV/AIDS and we started to see Neighborhood District 2010, 2011 (4th& numbers drop. We need to return to educating S.A.N.D.). teenagers and adults on the ways to prevent TOTAL CAMPAIGN BUDGET: $3,000 transmission. Supporting and helping groups As of Sept. 30, Michalik reports no money like AID Atlanta, MISTER, and Positive Impact raised and a negative balance of $1,184.19, are just some ways to make sure that educaaccording to the state Ethics Commission. tion continues but we must teach prevention methods to our younger population as well. GAVO: Have you been contacted by any CHRISTIAN ENTERKIN LGBT residents of your city? What issues www.christianenterkin.com have they raised or discussed with you? OCCUPATION: Vice President of Acquisitions at Michalik: Yes. They hate the idea of wastLandmark Dividend ing all that money on building a new [footPARTY AFFILIATION: Independent ball] stadium. ENDORSEMENTS TO DATE: We are proud to boast support throughout Why should LGBT voters the Atlanta community and support your candidacy? from all walks of life, includEasy, I treat everyone as ing: Wilmot Irvin, Blaine if they were a good neighbor, Palmer, Jeri Fendler, Claire with respect. Colbert and Karen Geney (partner of former Atlanta If elected, in what ways City Council President Cathy would you advocate for inWoolard). creased support, housing TOTAL CAMPAIGN BUDGET: and services for transgender $75,000 individuals? As of Sept. 30, Enterkin A more effective work force has raised $14,757 and has will save money, lower taxes $9,089.94 cash on hand, and that would be good for according to Georgia Ethics everyone. That’s why my webCommission. Gay bar Joe’s site is www.growatlanta.org. John Paul Michalik (File photo) on Juniper donated $722.
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GAVO: Why should LGBT voters support your candidacy? Enterkin: Our campaign is committed to protecting the human rights of all citizens in Atlanta. My life record speaks for itself — I have always been dedicated to equality. As your next city council member, I will work
Read entire questionnaires at www.thegavoice.com. For more candidate profiles turn to pages 8-9
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R E -E L E C T A L E X CI L AT LA N TA CI TY CODIUN ST RI CT 6 staunch perience, and is a commitment and ex n ve pro a , ity un in our comm neighborhoods: Alex has deep roots District 6’s diverse OF our quality of life in g tin tec pro te, ca THE KID IN ALL neighborhood advo Founder of FOR ) s ars ce ye du it that pro homeowner (19+ US, local non-prof IN MORNINGSIDE years. Y and BACKPACK ht RT eig PA of Y er TO rtn E pa TH with Joe, his Y ment for EMOR THE PARK. Director of Develop ort of Atlanta City . TY SI Led successful eff UNIVER ort to te ida nd t resolution in supp ca 6 op District Government to ad Alex is the ONLY Y. the UALIT ent” rating from of MARRIAGE EQ receive the “Excell TTER ATLANTA. BE R FO PU BL IC AN S, EE ITT RE COMM LO G CA BI N A GI OR GE , LI TY OR GI A EQ UA FU ND TH E VI CT OR Y En do rs ed by GE OC RA TS an d M DE L AL EW ON ST GE OR GI A
EX WAN FRIENDS OF AL PO BOX 8374 106 ATLANTA, GA 31 678.404.2936
VOTE NOV 5 www.AlexWanFo
Aaron Watson says he is committed to LGBT issues Post 2 At-Large incumbent endorsed by Stonewall Democrats by DYANA BAGBY Atlanta City Councilmember Aaron Watson is endorsed by staunch LGBT advocate U.S. Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) and also the gay political group the Georgia Stonewall Democrats in his re-election bid in which he’s being challenged by Mary Norwood. To read his full questionnaire, visit www.thegavoice.com.
• WEBSITE: www.aaronforatlanta.com • OCCUPATION: Atlanta City Councilmember,
rich transportation network, development that supports sustainable lifestyles and economic and cultural diversity. I am a proven, collaborative leader who always strives to do what is best for the city. Atlanta continues to be a wonderful environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals. I have been and will continue to be an advocate for the needs of our LGBT community — whether it be through a small act such as standing up to someone making an offhand slur or co-sponsoring and passing a City Council resolution in support of marriage equality. We must continue to do more to provide a safe environment for LGBT individuals of all ages and backgrounds. If elected, in what ways would you advocate for increased support, housing and services for transgender individuals? I would explore opportunities and other federal funding sources to encourage expansion and inclusion of necessary services. I would also welcome a conversation with key leaders in the LGBT community to share their ideas and recommendations on how the city might be a better advocate for those in need of special services.
Post 2 At-Large, and corporate attorney with Barnes & Thornburg, LLP PREVIOUS ELECTED OFFICES HELD: Atlanta Board of Education (1994-2002); Atlanta City Council Post 2 At-Large (2010 to present). PARTY AFFILIATION: Democrat ENDORSEMENTS TO DATE: U.S. Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), Atlanta Board of Realtors, Buckhead Coalition PAC, Georgia Stonewall Democrats, Red Clay Do you support a policy of dealDemocrats, North Georgia Laing with transgender sex workers bor Council, Andrew Young and that include supporting organizaValerie Jackson, widow of fortions working with the populamer Mayor Maynard Jackson. tion to provide housing, substance He received a score of 95 for an abuse treatment, job training and “Excellent” rating by the Com- Aaron Watson assistance, and HIV prevention? (Courtesy photo) mittee for Better Atlanta. Specifically, how would you deal TOTAL CAMPAIGN BUDGET: with the “banishment” law proposed? Watson chose not to answer, but according The city needs to balance the need for huto Sept. 30 filings with the Georgia Ethics mane treatment of sex workers with the safety Commission, he’s raised $182,206.29 and has concerns of particular neighborhoods where $10,9074.99 cash on hand. prostitution is rampant. I do support working with community organizations to provide GAVO: As the incumbent, why should LGBT supportive services rather than banishing sex people continue to support you being in office? workers from specific zones. And I believe that Watson: I have always voted with the LGBT the criminal focus needs to be on those who are community on issues of importance to them. purchasing sex services illegally. Currently, the city is addressing this issue through the WorkWhat is your involvement with or within ing Group to Reduce Prostitution (WGRP), and I the LGBT community? look forward to a balanced solution. From my time serving on the Atlanta Board of Education to my current service on the AtlanWould you appoint openly-LGBT individuta City Council, I have advocated for and support- als to local boards and commissions? ed the LGBT community. Before taking a position Atlanta’s growing diversity is one its sigon matters of importance to the community, I nificant characteristics that attracts thousands enlisted the counsel of LGBT champions such of people here yearly. I believe our government as [Fulton County Commissioner] Joan Garner should reflect the citizens its serves. I recently or my council colleague, Alex Wan. I have never shared an appointment with my council coltaken a position contrary of the LGBT commu- league Alex Wan to Charle Frew, executive direcnity’s interests. tor of the Jerusalem House, to the city’s Human
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Why should LGBT voters support your reelection bid? The Atlanta of the future is a safe city with a
Rights Commission. I would welcome recommendations from memTo read the full interviews and bers of the LGBT community for future board questionnaires with these and other appointments. candidates, visit www.thegavoice.com.
‘LGBT community and I have a history’ Mary Norwood seeks to regain old seat on ATL City Council by DYANA BAGBY Four years ago, Mary Norwood was on the cusp of beating Mayor Kasim Reed to become the city’s top leader, but lost by slightly more than 700 votes. She did win the heavily gay District 6, in part because she was a full supporter of marriage equality while, at the time, Reed only supported civil unions. Reed now supports full marriage equality. Norwood is challenging Aaron Watson for the Post 2 Seat At-Large on the Atlanta City Council, the seat she once held. She was first elected to the post in 2001, was re-elected in 2005 and then ran for mayor.
• WEBSITE: www.marynorwood.com • OCCUPATION: Norwood resigned
releases, and archival news footage of past events, and I was delighted to see I have been an active participant in Pride for over twenty years. My involvement with the LGBT community began many years ago before I was an elected official through many volunteer activities, beginning with the Atlanta Opera in the early 1990s. Over the years, I have supported and participated in events for Project Open Hand, AID Atlanta (the AIDS Walk), Georgia Equality, Atlanta Pride (in the Pride parade annually since 2001), Atlanta Gay Men’s Chorus, and the Human Rights Campaign (attending the HRC Dinner). As an elected member of City Council, I consistently worked for inclusion of the gay community. This wasn’t hard as the LGBT community has been very vocal throughout the years; eager to take a stand and fight for their rights. I have been just as vocal in my support during my tenure on City Council. I have given my support of the LGBT community much thought – and I am proud of my work on issues important to the LGBT community, including my early stand on marriage equality.
from the Fulton County Registrations and Elections Board to Why should LGBT voters run in this race. support your candidacy? PARTYAFFILIATION:Independent We’ve been a team for many CAMPAIGN BUDGET: As of Sept. years and I feel that I’ve earned 30, Norwood had raised $113,785 the support and respect of the and has $82,346.20 cash on LGBT community, just as they’ve hand, according to the Georgia earned mine. I am an ardent Ethics Commission. supporter of gay rights, marriage ENDORSEMENTS TO DATE: equality, acceptance and incluJudge Marvin Arrington (re- Mary Norwood (File photo) sion. I always have been. I will tired); Atlanta Fire and Rescue – IAFF Local 134; Atlanta Police – IBPO Local 623; continue to be, whether I am elected or not. Atlanta Progressive News; Buckhead View; Log Together the LGBT community and I share a Cabin Republicans, PACE Atlanta Union. Nor- common belief: human rights, equality, and wood also scored an 86 by the Committee for social justice are not fodder for discussion or debate, but the inalienable right of every man, a Better Atlanta for a “well qualified” ranking. woman and child. GAVO: How do you feel about receiving If elected, in what ways would you advoa favorable rating from Georgia Equality cate support for people living with HIV/AIDS? rather than a full endorsement? I will continue my support in guarding the Norwood: The LGBTQ community and I have a history that goes back many, many rights of people living with HIV/AIDS from disyears. I have always supported the communi- crimination against housing, education, medty, and am proud to say they have responded ical care, and job security. Progress has been in kind. In 2010 Georgia Voice named me Best made, no doubt in direct response to the drive Georgia Politician and Best Straight Ally. I was to educate the population on HIV/AIDS, and the honored to receive both awards and to be in success rate of new medications. I know there are a vast number of urban the Top 3 Honorees for Best Straight Ally in 2013 – in the august company of Congressman support groups, foundations, not-for-profJohn Lewis and Laura Gentle. I am pleased to its, and private entities that support the HIV receive a favorable endorsement and will con- community. Outside the city limits, in the tinue to be a supporter and advocate for equal- rural communities and socially cloistered small towns across our state, I’m not so sure ity, inclusion, acceptance and advancement. the resources are present. I would love to be What has been your involvement with proven wrong. Additional funding for community outreach programs that address HIV/AIDS the LGBT community? In preparation for our recent Atlanta Pride would be beneficial and I would fully support parade, I went over pictures, speeches, press such a program.
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Religious groups at Pride in abundance Vast majority there to show positive support
“This is our third year, and each year I have been able to tell how much things have progressed,” said Swilley. “The first year I was here, I didn’t notice any families or straight couples, but this year I have seen so many people with kids and even straight couples attending. Pride is sort of a touchstone for me to see how much things have progressed, and this has been the best one yet.” Although messages of love and tolerance from churches resounded throughout Piedmont Park, there were some with a not-so-accepting ideology just beyond the park’s gates. Protestors with blaring megaphones and signs touting hate and intolerance towards gays gathered outside of the park to let Pride goers know that their church viewed the LGBT community as immoral. This led to several shouting matches between the protestors and those attending Pride. One group of Pride members sang Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin’” to counter protest the negative messages. One protestor, who called himself “Brother Ben” but would not identify the specific church he was affiliated with, claimed to be “upholding the righteousness of the Bible and Jesus Christ.” When asked if he would be attending the Sunday parade, Brother Ben said, “Oh yeah. We’ll be here for that. We’ve been coming to this for 13 years.” The array of churches and religious representatives with differing viewpoints on the LGBT community that showed up at Pride exemplified the contrasting attitudes among denominations. In response to the religious protestors, Swilley said this: “Everybody has a right to say their thing. My issue with these guys is if they feel so passionate about six verses in the Bible, then why aren’t they everywhere where people are doing things that go against the Bible? I don’t understand why they are picking on this [LGBT] group specifically.”
Religion is often a controversial, hot button issue when it comes to the LGBT community. Although many of the more devout members of various faiths are notoriously anti-gay, numerous Christian churches as well as the LGBT-led Congregation Bet Haverim came to the 43rd annual Atlanta Pride to show their support and love for those who identify as LGBT. Clearly, they were in the majority. However, there was a small contingent of anti-LGBT individuals – most armed with placards quoting Biblical scripture – who attended specifically to protest. St. Mark’s United Methodist Church has been attending Atlanta Pride for several years and is a well-known place of worship in the Atlanta gay community. Eighty percent of the congregation is LGBT, according to church member Larry Lucas. St. Mark’s has seen its fair share of opposition, especially from First Baptist Church of Atlanta. “They were boycotting us because of our support for LGBT people, but First Baptist is no longer in Midtown. They moved to Marietta,” said Lucas. The Episcopal Church has several locations throughout the metro Atlanta area that are welcoming of the LGBT community. This year marked the 25th anniversary of Atlanta’s chapter of Integrity, which is the national Episcopal organization for its LGBT members. The Catholic Shrine of the Immaculate Conception displayed its booth to let Pride goers know that the Catholic Church is accepting of LGBT people, despite statements made by the previous Pope. “We believe that everyone deserves God’s love. We are open and accepting, no matter who you are,” said Immaculate Conception member Joe Agostini. Bishop Jim Swilley of Midtown’s Church In The Now made a bold move when he came out to his congregation a few years ago. He claimed to have lost about 2,000 of his members when he revealed that he was gay. However, he is impressed with the progress that has been made since his church has been Pride festival attendee confronts anti-gay protestor, who refused to reveal the name of the church he attends. (Photo by Ryan McKenzie) affiliated with Pride.
Flower power blocks out anti-gay protesters at Pride
Organizers: Annual fest brings some $30 million in revenue to city By DYANA BAGBY When people marched down Peachtree Street during the annual Atlanta Pride parade, the usual suspects of anti-gay protesters were there holding up their hateful signs and screaming through microphones that LGBT people were doomed to hell. This year, however, a group of some 30 people standing in the vicinity of The Reynolds at 565 Peachtree St. on Oct. 13 were holding up larger-than-life cardboard, colorful pansies, blocking the anti-gay bigots from view while also bringing their own blaring anthems of pop music. And, wow, were these people on Pansy Patrol a welcome sight from marchers who stopped to dance, hug, kiss, dance with and photograph the beautiful flower power. In a quick interview during the parade amidst the gay jubilation easily overshadowing the fanaticism, organizer Thom Baker said he and his partner of 14 years, Don Purcell, who live in The Reynolds, came up with the idea of the Pansy Patrol. “Last year we stood in front of them and kissed for two hours — we made out,” Baker said smiling, shouting over the noise. “They’re here every year.” So this year, the duo wanted to do something even more magical and recruited many friends as well as people watching the parade to be part of the Pansy Patrol. Why pansies? Because pansies are resilient, Baker said. In an email after the march, Baker said Oct. 13 and the Pansy Patrol’s success was
The fifth annual Trans March made its way through a portion of the Atlanta Pride marketplace. Next year, plans are to take the march to the streets.
Stephen Spann organized a pro-gay demonstration at Piedmont Park’s 12th Street entrance to block anti-gay preachers spouting hate as people entered the park.
one of the highlights of he and Purcell’s life together. “This was a non-confrontational stance against the hate. Overheard by a fellow Pansy, one of the anti-gay protesters remarked, ‘They sure are resilient!,” he said. Baker said the anti-gay protesters attempted to have the Pansy Patrol arrested a few times for “infringing upon their rights to express themselves.” Their attempts failed. “We wore them down — they packed up and left early,” Baker said. “When the world operates along the thread of love, nothing can be any stronger! My partner and I both agree that [Oct. 13] was one of the best days of our lives… ever!” Another group of resilient counter protesters stood at the 12th Street entrance of Piedmont Park on Oct. name Thom Baker founded this year’s Pansy Patrol that blocked anti-gay protesters along the 12 blocking the bible Atlanta Pride route this year. (Photos by Dyana Bagby) thumpers who come
every year to preach against being gay. With Lady Gaga music playing loudly in the background and holding up a huge rainbow flag and a “Born This Way” flag held together with PVC pipes carried by several of his friends, Stephen Spann, 32, was also taking a stand against hate. “So when I came to my first Pride when I was about 24,” Spann recalled. “I was excited about this fun event and I was greeted at the door with banners of hatred, people with megaphones and CB radios screaming awful things — and nothing was being done.” Last year, he and friends tried, unsuccessfully, to drown out the bigotry with air horns. Those don’t last too long, however. But the rainbow banners and Lady Gaga seemed to be working. “We’ll be here as long as we need to,” Spann said.
Lucas, 17, lined up to march in his first Trans March on Oct. 12 at Piedmont Park. Next to him was his mother, Elizabeth, who was pushing a stroller with Lucas’ infant brother sleeping soundly. They had traveled from Cumming, Ga., to participate. “This is who I am,” Lucas said, proudly
wearing a neon pink “Trans” sticker on a scar around his neck. “I came out to my mom last year. I came out to my best friend in the sixth grade,” Lucas said. “I knew for a long time I was trans, basically my whole life.” Elizabeth said she was proud to march with her son. “I’m here to support him because I love him. I’m very proud that he’s been able to come out,” she said. “I just want to support him and love him anyway I can ... and this is what makes him happy.” Petra Doan, 57, and her friend, Margeaux, 62, traveled from Tallahassee, Fla., to attend Atlanta Pride as well as participate in the Trans March. “I came out in Atlanta 20 years ago as a trans woman. Now we have Transgender Tallahassee, but it feels like coming home [to be in Atlanta],” Doan said. They both were heartened to see so many young people participating in the march. “It took us a long time to transition, through bad break ups. It was hard in the ‘50s, ‘60s and ‘70s. It’s a great time now that people can be themselves. And hopefully they can be themselves a lot earlier in life without all the baggage,” said Margeaux.
In an interview with 11 Alive’s “ATL & Co.” show, Atlanta Pride Board chair said Pride easily brought in $30 million to the city in revenue thanks to the tens of thousands of people visiting the city and spending money at hotels, restaurants, bars, in Piedmont Park and even at tourist locations. Atlanta Pride Executive Director Buck Cooke added the attendance exceeded last year, with about 250,000 people attending the fest over the entire weekend.
Photos BY Dyana Bagby, ryan mckenzie & David Aaron moore
Atlanta Pride in pictures
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What is COMPLERA? COMPLERA® is a prescription HIV medicine that is used as a complete regimen to treat HIV-1 in adults who have never taken HIV medicines before and who have an amount of HIV in their blood (this is called “viral load”) that is no more than 100,000 copies/mL. COMPLERA contains 3 medicines – rilpivirine, emtricitabine and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate. It is not known if COMPLERA is safe and effective in children under the age of 18 years. COMPLERA® does not cure HIV-1 infection or AIDS. To control HIV-1 infection and decrease HIV-related illnesses you must keep taking COMPLERA. Avoid doing things that can spread HIV-1 to others: always practice safer sex and use condoms to lower the chance of sexual contact with body fluids; never reuse or share needles or other items that have body fluids on them, do not share personal items that may contain bodily fluids. Ask your healthcare provider if you have questions about how to reduce the risk of passing HIV-1 to others.
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A complete HIV treatment in only 1 pill a day. COMPLERA is for adults who have never taken HIV-1 medicines before and have no more than 100,000 copies/mL of virus in their blood.
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These are not all the medicines that may cause problems if you take COMPLERA. Tell your healthcare provider about all prescription and nonprescription medicines, vitamins, or herbal supplements you are taking or plan to take.
The most common side effects reported with COMPLERA are trouble sleeping (insomnia), abnormal dreams, headache, dizziness, diarrhea, nausea, rash, tiredness, and depression. Some side effects also reported include vomiting, stomach pain or discomfort, skin discoloration (small spots or freckles) and pain.
Before taking COMPLERA, tell your healthcare provider if you: liver problems, including hepatitis B or C virus infection, or have abnormal liver tests • Have kidney problems • Have ever had a mental health problem • Have bone problems • Are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. It is not known if COMPLERA can harm your unborn child • Are breastfeeding: Women with HIV should not breastfeed because they can pass HIV through their milk to the baby. Also, COMPLERA may pass through breast milk and could cause harm to the baby
This is not a complete list of side effects. Tell your healthcare provider or pharmacist if you notice any side effects while taking COMPLERA, and call your healthcare provider for medical advice about side effects.
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You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit http://www.fda.gov/medwatch or call 1-800-FDA-1088. Additional Information about taking COMPLERA:
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right amount of medicine in your body. (A protein drink does not replace food. If your healthcare provider stops COMPLERA, make certain you understand how to take your new medicine and whether you need to take your new medicine with a meal.)
Stay under the care of your healthcare provider during treatment with COMPLERA and see your healthcare provider regularly. Please see Brief Summary of full Prescribing Information with important warnings on the following pages.
Learn more at www.COMPLERA.com
A week’s worth of Halloween By JIM FARMER Sure, Christmas has food galore and presents and the Fourth of July has fireworks and barbecues and pool parties, but no holiday brings as much joy to the LGBT community as Halloween does. As to be expected, the ATL has an abundance of events coinciding with All Hallows’ Eve. And because the actual day is during the week, the weekend before and weekend after will be conveniently included in the festivities. It’s practically a week’s worth of parties, special events and costumes that only the LGBT community can come up with. Here are some of the highlights: Jerusalem House’s “Fairy Tales and Magic” party looks to be one of the community’s major events. Scheduled for Friday, Oct. 26, it’s the 14th annual event for the organization, which is the area’s oldest, largest provider of permanent housing for Atlanta’s low income and homeless individuals and families affected by HIV/ AIDS. The benefit has grown and changed over the years, says Jon Santos, director of development
at Jerusalem House. Formerly an event that The Foundry at Puritan Mill is the location drew an LGBT and straight ally crowd, it’s now for this season’s party. All ticket levels include a more for LGBT audiences, with DJ Bill Berdeaux cash bar, dinner and entry to the costume conspinning, and an open bar and dinner courtesy test. New this year are after-party events at both of Soiree Catering. Santos, who says the mix of 10th & Piedmont and the Heretic, where “Fairy men and women is almost even, is expecting Tales and Magic” attendees can skip the line outapproximately 400 attendees. side and gain immediate access. One of the highlights of the party is the cosSantos feels “Fairy Tales and Magic” is a sigtume contest. Cash prizes of $3,000 are awarded nature event benefiting a significant cause. in three categories — individual, group and Best “This is wrapped around a holiday that evof Show. Last year, Santos eryone understands,” says recalls, a couple came in Santos. “It’s a party with a French Revolution-era garb purpose. If you are going to (“Marie Antoinette-like, with go out and spend some monpowdered faces,” he says) ey, come to this. It’s a great and others came as shiptime as well as a chance to mates of the Titanic. do some good.” Santos himself always Also on Oct. 26 is the Eyes dresses up — two of his cosWide Shut Masquerade Partumes have been Mama Cass ty, presented by Rockstars and Bonnie Parker. Picking Productions, for a ninth anthe 2013 winners are celebnual year. Potential draws rity judges: public relations are an open bar, a black executive Kelli Flournoy; Bill carpet arrival, gift bags and Kaelin of Bill Kaelin Marcostume contest, with $100 keting; Brittany Sharp, the Netherworld Haunted House in Norcross going to the best Olivia Pope reigning Miss Georgia USA; was hailed by Hauntworld magazine as the impersonator from “Scandal.” actor/model Tribbele Reese; ‘most influential haunted house in the his- The party is hosted by Wendy and WSB-TV’s Carol Sbarge. tory of haunted houses.’ (Publicity photo) Raquel Robinson from BET’s
Holiday brings out the LGBT community show “The Game.” The local bars will be popping as well. Virtually all the establishments will host events to mark the occasion. LeBUZZ in Marietta, for instance, has special events three consecutive evenings beginning Oct. 31, after a Good vs. Evil contest on Oct. 26. “Every year we celebrate Halloween in a big way,” says Jonathon Murphy, owner of LeBUZZ. “It’s our favorite holiday and the staff begins decorating as (October) begins.” On Halloween night the bar will host the Zombie Kings/Lady Zombies Production and a flash mob corpse dance. The Apocalypse Show follows on Friday, with a cast including Destiny Brooks, Jasmine Antoinette, and Envy Van Michaels. Adding to the fun will be a freak dance with DJ Birdman USA. The three-night event concludes on Saturday with a costume contest, the Divas of the Dead show, and a bloody moon blackout party. Mary’s, too, will have a lot going on. The weekend of Oct. 25-26 will include Scary Mary’s 9th annual Spooky Monster Mash on Friday — complete with a costume party — and then Scary-oke, a Halloween take on karaoke, and Pandemonium, a glam rock party, on Saturday. The East Atlanta bar will also be open on Halloween night with its second costume party. According to Jason Davis, lead bartender at Mary’s Atlanta, Halloween is always one of the club’s
Destiny Brooks is one of several performers in The Apocalypse Show at LeBuzz. (Photo via Facebook)
busiest evenings. The Heretic Haunted Hoedown on Oct. 31 promises a Halloween evening of fun, with free line dancing from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. and then a costume contest at 10 p.m., while the Atlanta Eagle will host its Panther levi/leather haunted bar on Nov. 1 and then a costume contest and Monster’s Ball with DJ Stan Jackson and DJ Brett Long on Nov. 2. Other bars with special events include: My Sister’s Room, whose annual Halloween party — this year on Oct. 26 — includes a performance
for the ladies by the Court of Kings; 10th & Piedmont, which will have food and drink specials over the Oct. 25-26 weekend, as well as on Halloween night; the new Lips Atlanta, with a special Dinner With the Zombies event on Oct. 31, hosted by Savannah Leigh; and Burkhart’s, with a special Skareoke on Oct. 28 and Dancefloor Divas Halloween Special event on Oct. 31. A costume contest at Swinging Richards on Oct. 26 offers $1,000 in cash and prizes, but hopefully the performers will shed any costumes they have on as part of the night’s fun. Continuing the celebration the day after the holiday, the weekly drag event “The Other Show” at the Jungle, hosts its event Friday, Nov. 1. In addition to parties, the area has a plethora of haunted houses to put chills into spookseekers. Netherworld Haunted House in Norcross uses live actors and special effects to acclaimed use — it was recently hailed by Hauntworld magazine as “the most influential haunted house in the history of haunted houses.” For those looking to venture outside of the metro area, live theater is an option. Serenbe Playhouse is staging a special presentation of the spooky “The Sleepy Hollow Experience” and the company has added late night shows at 10:30 p.m. Oct. 25 – 26. The Oct. 31 performance at 8 p.m. features a bonfire with a marshmallow roast and a Monster Mash Dance Party, in addition to the performance.
“Fairy Tales and Magic,” 7 p.m. to midnight, The Foundry at Puritan Mill, Oct. 26, www.jerusalemhouse.org/halloween/ Eyes Wide Shut Masquerade Party, 9 p.m. - 4 a.m., Inventor’s Loft, Oct. 26, www.rockstarsproduction.com
Mary’s costume contest and Scary-oke, Oct. 25 - 26 and 31, www.marysatlanta.com 10th & Piedmont food and drink specials, Oct. 25 - 26 and 31, www.10thandpiedmont. com Swinging Richards costume contest, Oct. 26, www.swingingrichards.com My Sister’s Room Court of Kings show, Oct. 26, www.mysistersroom.com LeBUZZ Zombie Fest week, Oct. 26 and Oct. 31 - Nov. 2, www.thenewlebuzz.com Lips Atlanta’s Dinner with the Zombies, Oct. 31, www.lipsusa.com Heretic Haunted Hoedown, Oct. 31, www.hereticatlanta.com Burkhart’s Skareoke and Dancefloor Divas Halloween edition, Oct. 28 and Oct. 31, www.burkharts.com “The Other Show” drag show/Halloween party, Nov. 1, www.jungleatl.com Atlanta Eagle costume contest/Monster’s Ball, Nov. 1 and 2, www.atlantaeagle.com
“The Sleepy Hollow Experience,” 8 p.m. / 10:30 p.m., through Oct. 31, Stables at Serenbe, www.serenbeplayhouse.com Netherworld Haunted House, 7 p.m. - midnight, through Nov. 3, www.fearworld.com
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Actor’s Express launches ‘Pluto’ Production is second consecutive Yockey show for company
It all started with a quick introduction. Melissa Foulger was directing her first professional show in the ATL, “Iphigenia Crash Land Falls on the Neon Shell that was Once Her Heart (A Rave Fable),” at 7 Stages back in 2002, when Steve Yockey walked up to her and told her he was her dramaturge for the show. The two have been friends and professional colleagues ever since and are collaborating on playwright Yockey’s new “Pluto,” premiering next week at Actor’s Express with Foulger directing. They also share another bond — Yockey is gay and Foulger is a lesbian. “Pluto” is the second consecutive Yockey show at the Express that Foulger has directed, following last year’s commercial success “Wolves.” This time, though, it’s a family drama with no overt gay themes. Elizabeth Miller (Kathleen McManus) is a mother who finds out that her college-age son Bailey (Wyatt Fenner) has committed an act of violence. The play basically gives us a day in the lives
of these two characters. Bailey and his mother have had no real relationship ever since Bailey’s father passed away. He has withdrawn from her since and Elizabeth realizes she no longer knows who her son is. Foulger saw the script a year ago and started doing research into violence in schools. “So many mothers tell stories about not knowing their children, never seeing something like this coming,” she says. The other characters in “Pluto” include Maxine (Stephanie Friedman), a girl Bailey once dated; Cerberus (Alison Hastings), based on the Greek mythological character who guards the gates of the Underworld; and Death himself (Joe Sykes). Foulger says the play is rich in humor among some of these supporting characters, which helps offset the central dark nature. Foulger and Yockey have worked together several times since “Iphigenia” — including shows while Yockey was in the intern program at Actor’s Express — and she feels they have developed a mutual respect and truth. They can agree to disagree at times without conflict. “We are open and honest with each other,” she says. Over the years, she has seen his work as a playwright “skyrocket” and get richer with each new work. “Steve’s writing intrigues me,” she says.
“There are layers of subtext and depth to the story. His visual elements are kind of exciting to play with.” Foulger admittedly is also a fan of working with Actor’s Express; she’s helmed three other non-Yockey productions at the theater. “Pluto” is a Rolling World Premiere at Actor’s Express, with engagements at the Forum Theatre in Washington, D.C., and the Orlando Shakespeare Festival in the winter and spring already scheduled.
Kathleen McManus and Wyatt Fenner star in ‘Pluto’ at Actor’s Express. (Publicity photo)
A number of gay performers are in the cast of the new “Guys and Dolls,” being staged by Atlanta Lyric Theatre. Alan Kilpatrick stars as Nathan Detroit and Glenn Rainey plays Nicely-Nicely Johnson in the company’s new home — the Jennie T. Anderson Theatre at the Cobb Civic Center. Rainey, who lived in New York for many years and is a Broadway vet, starred as NicelyNicely in the Theater of the Stars version at the Fox Theatre a few years back as well. Kilpatrick calls “Guys and Dolls” a classic piece of American musical theater — up there with “Oklahoma!” and “Show Boat,” he says — with appealing characters as well as vibrant song and dance.
“Pluto” Oct. 30 – Nov. 24 Actor’s Express 887 W. Marietta St., Atlanta, GA 30318 www.actorsexpress.com “Guys and Dolls” Oct. 25 – Nov. 10 Cobb Civic Center Jennie T. Anderson Theatre 548 S. Marietta Parkway, Marietta, GA 30060 www.atlantalyrictheatre.com “Deathtrap” Nov. 7 - 24 Georgia Ensemble Theatre 950 Forrest St., Roswell, GA 30075 www.get.org
Think, laugh and cry: Lesbian acoustic legend Cheryl Wheeler on 50 years in music By ELLEN HOWLE Cheryl Wheeler has worked in the music business for half a century, but never once has she thought of it as a business. “I never really had or cared about the music business,” says Wheeler. “I never could make myself pay attention to music as a business.” She chuckles when she admits in her 20s she liked to smoke pot and play her guitar, and she fulfilled her dream. “I got to fall in love with something, and 50 years later, I’m still completely fascinated to be able to lose myself in something like this. It’s such a gift to me, still.” She plays the Red Clay Theatre in Duluth on Nov. 10. The luckiest part, she says, is that she’s been fortunate enough to make a living at it, with her only goal being to make enough money at it, to not have a consuming career. And, since she started playing, at the age of 10, she hasn’t had to have a day job. But, her first performance wasn’t for the public at all; it was for a single audience member — her mother — who was naked and in a bathtub, no less. “I sang ‘Michael Row the Boat Ashore,’ and she just laughed,” says Wheeler. “Apparently, I had a gift.” She sang that song while playing a toy ukulele, adding that they laughed and sang a lot in the home where she grew up in Timonium, Maryland. She was a musical child and a year later, Wheeler had a real ukulele and went on to get a “real” guitar and take lessons from a neighbor. By the age of 12, she had her first public show and by 17, was writing her first songs. In her hometown, she played the local Steak and Ale, taught music, and before moving to New England in 1976 she performed in the Baltimore and Washington, D.C., area. Starting in 1983, she self-produced an EP called “Newport Songs” and her next two albums in 1986 and 1991, “Cheryl Wheeler” and “Half a Book,” were released on the North Star label. Capital Records worked with her on her third recording, “Circles and Arrows,” but it was dropped due to promoter changes at Capitol. “Driving Home,” her fourth volume of work on Philo was in 1993 and produced three singles, “Almost,” “Silver Lining,” and “75 September,” which was a song that Peter, Paul & Mary covered on their album, “Life Lines.”
Cheryl Wheeler laughs when she professes she liked to smoke pot and play her guitar when she was in her 20s, and that she fulfilled her dream. (Courtesy photo)
By the time 2005 rolled around, she’d released four more albums, and in 2003, a two-disc collection of songs that were never released on a commercial label, “No Previous Record” was put out. In 2009, on her own label, Dias Music, Wheeler released “Pointing at the Sun.” Today, she tours extensively and even had a band for a while, but mostly performs shows solo. She continues to write songs and says she doesn’t choose the songs to write; that they just come to her. “You feel a feeling just wash over you,” she says. “Oh, I’ve written songs I had to work on and sometimes you work on a song because you haven’t done it in a while, but mostly they just come to me.” Her material is diverse, and can make people laugh and wax introspective. Her song, “GhandiBuddha” journeys into
the experiences she had with her wife Cathleen, and their initial attempts at navigating the legal marriage waters in Massachusetts. “We kept expecting, at every turn, that there would some kind of problem, because of the negative television coverage,” she recalls. “But instead, the day came and [we just] went over to Fall River City Hall.” It’s a song about her feelings regarding her relationship: it’s honest and folksy, like a lot of her work. It’s also available for viewing on YouTube. “Pop Tarts and Spam” is one of her more comedic tunes. Written about the Carnival Cruise Lines ship Splendor, which was stranded in the Pacific Ocean in November of 2010, the song explores Carnival and the U.S. Navy’s ridiculous notion that sending 4,500 stranded passengers Pop Tarts and Spam was the best dietary decision. Many of her recordings feature live audi-
ences laughing at her comic material and lyrics, and it is hard not to get caught up in the skill of her storytelling. Although Wheeler is clearly comfortable with her sexual orientation, she’s quick to point out that she is first and foremost a musician. “What I have to bring to the table is my talent; not my being gay, and I never felt compelled to address it. I am a singer who is gay, not a gay singer.” Same-sex marriage, however, has compelled her to speak out in a much more political stance. “The marriage issue changes everything and I have never heard one good argument against gay marriage,” Wheeler says. “I can’t even wrap my head around folks who are against gay people. I’m very happy I’m gay.” Wheeler married her long-time partner Cathleen in 2004. She and Cathleen live in the southeastern part of Massachusetts with their three dogs: a Jack Russell and two Chinooks, about 10 miles outside Providence, Rhode Island. Their home is nestled in a 40-acre wooded area, surrounded by trees and vast fields. Cathleen chops firewood there, which she sells to raise money for a local dance company, Everett: Company, Stage & School in Providence. It’s clear they love their lives, surrounded by wildlife, including deer, turkeys, bears and foxes. “We watched a fox standing on its hind legs, batting peaches out of our peach tree,” Wheeler says. “At first I was mad, but a friend told me, ‘We get to go buy peaches, they don’t!’ and, she was right.” She and Cathleen will celebrate 24 years together in 2014. “We got together in 1990, made it permanent in 1997 and got married in 2004,” Wheeler says. Now 63, she says she spends most of her time playing, singing and writing songs. She continues to enjoy touring, and looks forward to returning to the Atlanta area when she performs at. Obviously, she has soft spot in her heart for the region, as evidenced in her song “Rainy Road Into Atlanta.” I don’t know where the winter went, but summertime is closing in If bloom and shoot is what they meant, I’d say the south just rose again How beautiful these roads I wonder, all these towns I’m passing through Oh blessed is this weary traveler, finally coming home to you
OUT IN MUSIC BY Gregg Shapiro
Disco alive and well but traveling incognito Still driving on the dance floor but thriving with a new name: EDM Disco doesn’t suck if you still don’t call it disco. If you call it EDM (aka electronic dance music) you can make it seemingly palatable for those who have issues with its original name. But there are traces of disco everywhere, including a renewed interest in disco pioneer Giorgio Moroder, who was rediscovered by EDM gods Daft Punk and embraced by their legion of fans. However, as the homophobialaced Disco Demolition in Chicago approached its 34th anniversary, the three-day Wavefront Music Festival, featuring Diplo, Timo Maas, Holy Ghost and Frankie Knuckles, staked its claim in the Windy City, while electronic music fests were held around the globe. The aforementioned mastermind Moroder, along with his muse the late Donna Summer, were the driving force behind disco during its heyday. The Donna Summer remix disc “Love to Love You Donna” (Verve) is less an homage to the original disco diva than it is a chance for those cursed remixers to get their grubby paws on her classic material and leave what they think is their imprint on it. Because “remix” means something different than it did when it was applied to extended 12-inch single versions of tracks during the 1970s (and the dawn of Donna Summer), only a few of the 13 revisited cuts are worth listening and dancing to. Not surprisingly, the Director’s Cut Signature Mix of “Hot Stuff” by Frankie Knuckles (a gay DJ who has been around since the birth of disco) and Eric Kupper is one, as is the Hot Chip Dub Edit of “Sunset People,” the Gigamesh Remix of “Bad Girls” and the Afrojack Remix of “I Feel Love.” They’re dancing in Canada if “Olympia” (Domino), the second album by Austra, is any indication. The mixed gender sextet has created an irresistible triumph, merging beauty and the beats. The spooky crackling that opens “What We Done?” becomes a plaintive love call when the vocals begin. “Forgive Me” increases the beats and “Painful Like” adds a funky bass-line that is sure to go right to your hips and spine. “Home” takes the classic disco diva approach — Katie Stelmanis’ dramatic vocals draw you in and then the beats and bass assume control taking the listener home and back. On its self-titled Interscope/Vagrant de-
‘Love to Love You Donna’ is a collection of remixes of the legendary diva’s hits by various well-known DJs. (Publicity photo)
but UK quartet The 1975 actually sound more like 1985. Synth beats, retro keyboards and big drum gives the listener a (false) sense of nostalgia, as the group revives ‘80s dance moves from the Moonwalk to the Sprinkler to The Belinda to slam or break-dancing. Your best bets for strutting your `80s stuff are “Sex” (with its U2 guitar), the synthy “Heart Out” and the white funk of “Girls,” to mention a few. When Lady Gaga’s influences are discussed, people invariably mention Madonna, as well as Grace Jones and Cyndi Lauper. But what about Terri Nunn of Berlin? Known for her interesting hair styles, not to mention distinctive fashion sense, Nunn also knew her way around a dance track. Nunn, and a new Berlin line-up, returns with “Animal” (Something-Music/Fontana), the first studio disc of new material in more than 10 years. Whether Nunn and her Berlin mates were listening to Lady Gaga or vice versa, “Animal” is a purebred EDM creature. Propulsive songs such as “With The Lights On,” “Nice To Meet You,” “Don’t Make Me Regret It,” “Secrets,” “Break The Chains,” “Somebody To Love” and the title tune would all fit comfortably alongside Gaga on any playlist.
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Event spotlight
bout Tell us aBT event your LG s to submit your
two way ur online There are lusion in o c in r fo t n it your LGBT eve ars. Subm ice. d n le a c t n Vvo and pri ww.theGA or@ w to fo in t even to edit ail details -m e r o m co e.com. theGAVoic
Acclaimed artist Terry Scopelliti opens his new solo show at Mister Center, from 6 – 9 p.m., www.mistercenter.org Fairy Tales and Magic is Jerusalem House’s 14th annual Halloween event, with a costume parade, seven dwarfs, beautiful princesses, and evil witches, as well as $3,000 in cash prizes, from 7 – 11 p.m., The Foundry at Puritan Mill, www. novareevents.com/the-foundry-at-puritan-mill/
SATURDAY OCT. 26 The Miss Atlanta Showgirl 2013 event honors Brittany T Moore, with appearances including Miss Atlanta Rising Diva Evah Destruction, Miss Atlanta Grand Diva Evelyn H. Caldwell, and hosted by MissRenaissance, Celeste Holmes, 8 p.m., LeBuzz, www.thenewlebuzz.com
Gay director Brian Clowdus continues the run of his spooky adaptation of “The Sleepy Hollow Experience” through Halloween night, 8 p.m., Serenbe Playhouse, www.serenbeplayhouse.com The Atlanta Lyric Theatre opens the classic musical “Guys and Dolls” with some openly gay cast members, 8 p.m. at the Jennie T. Anderson Theatre at Cobb Civic Center, www.atlantalyrictheatre.com
Photo via FAcebook
Don’t miss the Traxx Banjee Girls Fridays night at My Sister’s Room tonight, www.mysistersroom.com
SATURDAY, OCT. 26 The Atlanta Bucks hosts Nashville in a home match, at Toomer Elementary Field, www.atlantabucksrugby.org
Join Amnesty International USA’s 2013 Southern Regional Conference in coming together to hear inspiring speakers, participate in informative workshops, make your voice heard in the governance of Amnesty, and network with like-minded activists, with events spread over three days, Courtyard Marriott Decatur, www.amnestyusa.org/events/regional-conferences/southern-regional-conference
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The Los-Angeles based indie rock band Sir Sly, a favorite in the LGBT community, comes to The Earl tonight at 8:30 p.m., www.badearl.com
Photo illustration by Mike RItter
One of the gayest holidays of the year. Plenty of events for ATL party people listed here and in our story on Pages 18-19.
SOMETHING GAY EVERY DAY! Bookmark www.thegavoice.com to get your daily dose of local LGBT events.
Midnight Madness features Angelica D’Paige every Saturday at 11 p.m. at 10th & Piedmont, www.10thandpiedmont.com My Sister’s Room hosts a Halloween party with the King of Courts performing, www.mysistersroom.com
The Lonely Forest, touring in support of their brand new album “Adding Up The Wasted Hours,” visit Atlanta to play at Vinyl at 8 p.m., www.centerstage-atlanta.com
The queen of costumes, Phoenix, and DJ Oren Nizri join forces for Atlanta’s Best Dance Party presents Dance With the Devil, Jungle Atlanta, www.jungleatl.com
The Heretic is the site of Halloween Maskqueerade, with DJ Sean Mac and a costume contest hosted by Bubba D. Licious, beginning at 10 p.m. and serving as the official after party for Jerusalem House’s “Fairy Tales and Magic,” Heretic Atlanta, www.hereticatlanta.com
The statuesque Shavonna B. Brooks hosts Extravaganza at Burkharts, 11 p.m., www.burkharts.com
Play Texas Hold’Em for free tonight at 8:30 p.m., Friends on Ponce, www.friendsonponce-atl.com
PFLAG Support Group hosts its monthly Marietta meeting, 1 – 3 p.m., at Pilgrimage United Church of Christ, www.pilgrimageucc.org
African American Women in the News offers the first in-depth examination of the representations of black women in American journalism, from analyses of coverage of domestic abuse and “crack mothers” to exploration of coverage of Michelle Obama on YouTube. Marian Meyers interrogates the complex and often contradictory images of African American women through studies of national and local news, the mainstream and black press as well as newer digital platforms, 7:30 – 9 p.m. at Charis Books, www.charisbooksandmore.com
Come sit and stay on Atlanta’s dog-friendliest patios for Midtown’s very first Pup Crawl! A benefit for Angels Among Us Pet Rescue, the Midtown Pup Crawl is from 5 – 7 p.m. and the Costumes on the Woof event from 7 – 9p.m. with celebrity guest judges, at Loews Atlanta Hotel, www.loewshotel.com/atlanta
Event spotlight
Actor’s Express opens “Pluto,” the new play directed by gay playwright Steve Yockey and directed by lesbian Melissa Foulger, tonight at 8 p.m., www.actorsexpress.com
The third annual Heretic Haunted Hoedown promises an evening of fun, with free line dancing from 8 – 9 p.m. and then a costume contest at 10 p.m., Heretic Atlanta, www.hereticatlanta.com
LeBuzz hosts a three day Zombie Fest/Halloween weekend. On Thursday is the Zombie Kings/Lady Zombies Production show with a huge Kings cast and a flash mob corpse dance. On Friday is the Apocalypse Show with Destiny Brooks, Jasmine Antoinette, and Envy Van Michaels, as well as an undead pole dancer and a freak dance with DJ Birdman USA. On Saturday is the Divas of the Dead Show, costume contest, and bloody moon blackout party, www.thenewlebuzz.com
Atlanta Eagle hosts a Halloween Party/ Costume Contest and Monster’s Ball with DJ Stan Jackson, 10 – 11 p.m. with DJ Brett Long taking over at 1 a.m., Atlanta Eagle, www.atlantaeagle.com
Mood Rings will play The Loft alongside Cults, at 9 p.m. www.centerstage-atlanta.com The one year anniversary of “The Other Show” is also a Halloween event with Celeste Holmes, Edie Cheezburger and more performers, 9:30 p.m., Jungle Atlanta, www.jungleatl.com
Adult entertainer Charlie Harding hosts the new “Charlies’s Angels” at Blakes beginning offers at 11 p.m., www.blakesontheparkatlanta.com entam, FRIDAY-SATURDAY, NOV. 1-2 e The 14th Annual RPC / CEF Creating Opporage of tunity Conference, focusing on realistic soluyers tions for moving the Southeastern region, and ic- the nation, past its economic, educational, and ough social justice challenges, will be held this weekend at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta, with events all tal weekend, www.rainbowpushatlanta.org.
The Atlanta Gender Variations: Parents of gender variant/trans children support st group meets in Atlanta from 2 – 4 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of , the Atlanta. www.pflagatl.org/atlantagendervariati e ons/#sthash.3ohsOGR7.dpuf . with otel,
SATURDAY, NOV. 2 Charis Book’s 39th Birthday Party and sale features astrological readings, staff plans for the future and Daniel Rivers’ Radical Relations Event, in which the author of “Radical Relations: Lesbian Mothers, Gay Fathers, and their Children in the United States Since World War II” will speak at 7 p.m., Charis Books, www.charisbooksandmore.com
Courtesy photo
Photo illustration by Mike RItter
Dinner with the Zombies, hosted by Savannah Leigh, is Lips Atlanta’s Halloween night offering, www.lipsusa.com
Publicity photo
SAGE Atlanta hosts its weekly Cards and Social Hour at 10 a.m., followed by its general meeting at 11 a.m., at the Phillip Rush Center, www.rushcenteratl.org
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Sponsored by Someone Cares Atlanta, the 1st Annual National Trans Health Symposium -”The Time Is Now!” – takes place today at The Loudermilk Center, with Keynote speaker trans health expert Dr. Marci L. Bowers and panel discussions, www.someonecaresatl.org
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COntinued FROM PAGE 27 An LGBT Youth Homelessness in 2013 update is planned today by Lost-n-Found Youth, on its second anniversary, at 6 p.m. on the patio of Burkhart’s, www.lostnfoundyouth.org
Movies with Bears – the Southern Bears gather their wooly friends to watch “Enders Game” at Movie Tavern at Northlake Festival, time TBD
Raging Burrito hosts a Dine Out to benefit Charis Circle from 5 – 10 p.m. tonight, www.ragingburrito.com
The Fourth Tuesday lesbian social group hosts its Happy Hour at Mixx Atlanta, from 6 – 9 p.m., www.mixxatlanta.com
NOV. 9
PALS Atlanta’s Bingo presents the Manly Miss America Pageant, 6 p.m., Jungle, www.jungleatl.com
NOV. 12
AGLCC hosts its monthly Business Builder Luncheon from 11:45 a.m. – 1 p.m., at the Southern Art Restaurant inside the InterContinental Hotel Buckhead, www.intercontinentalatlanta.com/buckhead-atlanta-restaurant.aspx Chill, dance and mingle, with a ‘70s vibe, at the Girlz Retro Tuesdays night, 5:30 - 8:00 p.m., McGowan’s Oakhurst Pub, 321 W. Hill St., Decatur.
NOV. 13
PALS Atlanta hosts its monthly bingo, with this month’s theme Super Hero, at 7:30 p.m. at Jungle, with hosts Bubba D. Licious, Kimora Layou and Brent Star, www.jungleatl.com
NOV. 16
The Atlanta Gay Men’s Chorus presents Encore 2013, featuring Lorna Luft and Broadway performer Tituss Burgess, in an evening featuring dinner, a VIP reception, a silent and live auction and performances, hosted by Melissa Carter and Ian Aber, 6 – 11 p.m., Georgia Tech Hotel & Convention Center, www.voicesofnote.org
The acclaimed “Kill Your Darlings,” the new Beat Generation murder mystery starring Daniel Radcliffe as Allen Ginsberg and co-starring Ben Foster and Michael C. Hall, opens at the Landmark Midtown Art Cinema, www.landmarktheatres.com
Publicity photo
The quarterly themed party Manshaft brings out hundreds of men, tonight benefitting Lostn-Found Youth, beginning at 9 p.m. Cockpit, www.thecockpit-atlanta.blogspot.com/ Bedlam Presents WackedOutBlackOut 8, with DJ Shane V, 10:30 p.m. – 3 a.m., Jungle Atlanta, www.jungleatl.com Ink and Drink Fest 2013 is a celebration of tattoo artistry and talent competition, Burkharts, www.burkharts.com
NOV. 20
“Family Feud,” “Match Game” and more are part of the Big Gay Game Show, benefiting Lost-nFound Youth, 7 – 10 p.m., Jungle, www.jungleatl.com
NOV. 21
Atlanta Executive Network (AEN) hosts its monthly Third Thursday Mix and Mingle, 6:30 p.m. at Decatur’s Parkers on Ponce, www.parksonponce.com
NOV. 23
“Sordid Lives” collaborators – director and writer Del Shores and actor Leslie Jordan, aka “Brother Boy” - reunite at the 14th Street Playhouse for “A Sordid Soiree,” with proceeds benefiting AID Atlanta, 7 p.m. at 14th Street Playhouse, www.14thstplayhouse.org
Publicity photo
THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID Because I was a fan first Remembering the one who drove me to achieve my dreams
A young man approached me the other day, and he was excited to report that he had grown up listening to me on the radio. I have watched other radio personalities wince at these words, suddenly reminded of their age as the gorgeous waitress elaborated about how she loved listening when her parents would drive her to elementary school in the ‘90s. I would chuckle at my colleagues’ dagger piercing reaction but I have never felt that same sting. I have always loved being told that I have been a familiar or even comforting voice to someone who grew up listing to me. I have always felt so lucky and honored and I always remember standing in the shoes of a listener because I was a fan first. My favorite radio personality growing up was Patty Murray. She was on the coolest rock station in Nashville, KDF. She had an infectious laugh and deep voice. She was beloved and respected by her colleagues and her career was on the rise. In the late ‘80s she made the jump from Nashville to Miami, which in radio circles was a huge deal for a woman because the Miami market was so much larger than Nashville. By 1989, she had already inspired me to go into radio and I soon thereafter I was working part-time at a local station. She was one of the first women to become a music director of a rock station. I describe Patty as a cross between Leslie Fram and Mara Davis but with a perfect ‘80s perm. In March of 1989, while traveling with her husband and son to Destin, Fla., for a family reunion, Patty was the only one killed in a head on crash with another car. I can’t tell you how I first
C d
As for a help m nifica I got statio a seat It it did Gone briefs you k hours and t less l Melissa Carter is currently one of the Morning Show hosts on B98.5. In addition, she is a writer tape p It for Huffington Post. She is recognized as one of today the first out radio personalities in Atlanta and one of only a few in the country. Follow her on lined Twitter @MelissaCarter odd fe hocki “L found out, likely on KDF while visiting home during that time, but the news was a kick in the top of Know gut that truly saddened me. Sometimes with those who entertain us, we Th relax and just expect them to always be there. my h But the loss of her was different than a distant Yo celebrity. She had been an everyday part of my tion, life. Her death touched me even though at the mile time I had not yet fully realized her influence on thoug me. I regret that I never got the chance to meet you b her and simply tell her what a big fan I was and your how she unknowingly had inspired my own life nant? If and career. Radio doesn’t always have the best repu- be, yo tation in the entertainment industry. Radio of wh personalities are seen as the goofy step-kid of be, bu media. This is sometimes deserved because soyou w many DJs resort to pranks or dumb jokes as a and g hours way to get a message across. But I still believe that radio has the potential tons o to continue to be the most influential of all me- it, bu diums. For whatever reason, radio, at its best, be ex has always been and will always be an incred- the w ibly personal and intimate experience. Listeners likely often say to me with slight embarrassment, “It’s haven like I know you personally.” I always reply, “You for th do.” I get to go to work every day and share my some life with people and there is no greater compli- “Rose ment to be told that someone connected with of the W something I said. I am older than Patty was when she died, that s and I have been in radio longer than she had a good chance to be. That feels strange, since she will I’ll ne always be that larger-than-life rock chick to Th me. Even more strange is the thought that the ever, guy who approached me feels the same about coiled me that I felt about Patty. What I couldn’t have ting n known before traveling in shoes similar to Patty length is how wonderful it is to be able to thank that Hallo Sh listener for all he has given me in return.
Comic musings and dark accusations A bus ride reminds me we still have a journey ahead As I’m writing this I’m waiting on Megabus for a trip back to the old family homestead to help my assistant pack up some of my more significant belongings to move into my new place. I got to the pick-up point at Civic Center MARTA station a little early just to make sure I snagged a seat okay. It looks a good deal different on this day than it did for line-up morning of the Pride Parade. Gone are the throngs of twinks in neon green briefs, drag divas with faces full of make-up you knew would melt off within a few hours’ time, bearded bears in denim and t-shirt clone wear and young topless lesbians sporting silver electric tape pasties. It was definitely much more quiet today, save for chatty ticket holders lined up for the northern drive and an odd fellow wearing a Megabus T-Shirt hawking pregnancy tests. “Ladies,” he screamed out at the top of his lungs. “Get your pregnancy tests here. Know your status right now!” The marketing strategy went straight over my head. You’re standing by the Civic Center MARTA station, waiting to get on a bus for a 300-mile journey, and suddenly someone plants the thought in your mind you might be pregnant. Do you buy the test? Do you take it before or after your trip? What if you don’t want to be pregnant? What if you do? If you took it before and you didn’t want to be, your journey would be filled with the worry of what do I do now? If you thought you might be, but waited, you’d be worried the entire trip. If you were trying to have a child and you took it and got negative results, you’d be depressed for hours, stuck tightly in a double-decker bus with tons of people you don’t know. If you didn’t take it, but had the desire for procreation, would you be excitedly pondering
“Am I, Am I, Am I?” all the way up Interstate 85? And then there’s quite likely the most bizarre scenario of them all: You haven’t had sex in ages, but you take the test just for the hell of it. Turns out you’re pregnant. Is it some sort of divine intervention, a scene from “Rosemary’s Baby” or another remake of “Village of the Damned?” Who came up with this totally strange notion that selling pregnancy tests at a bus depot was a good idea? I have to admit I’m happy it’s an issue I’ll never have to face. There were other things lurking about, however, waiting for me on the Megabus, posed, coiled and ready to strike – like the woman sitting next to me who insisted on having a rather lengthy philosophical debate about celebrating Halloween. She was of that curious mindset that dressing yourself or your children up in scary costumes (generally about as scary as a 1950s B-horror flick) in some way paid homage to “the devil” and could lead to nothing short of banishment to a flaming dark pit of fire and brimstone where there would be “weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.” Sounds fun, huh? She even went on to confirm that her church had presented an annual “Hell House” (kind of like a haunted house, but based on various sins cited in Christian teachings), although they had ceased the production a few years back. “I’m not really sure why,” she offered sadly. “It just wasn’t as popular anymore.” Gay bashing going out of fashion, even with the most fervent bashers? I was speechless. But only for a moment. She had crossed a line. “The world’s changing,” I replied flatly. She looked at me with a blank expression as the bus rolled in to the Charlotte stop. “But then we aren’t really supposed to be pointing fingers at others or any of that negative name-calling stuff in the first place, are we?” Still the blank expression, but this time you could tell it was tinged ever so slightly with contempt. “What’s that line?” I asked. “Judge not, lest ye be judged?”
She was of that curious mindset that dressing yourself or your children up in scary costumes in some way paid homage to “the devil” and could lead to nothing short of banishment to a flaming dark pit of fire . . .
Hot ’n horny hookups.
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Lorna Luft
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Saturday, November 16th • 6 – 11pm Georgia Tech Hotel & Convention Center Evening Includes: Dinner, VIP Reception, Silent Auction ,Live Auction, Host Melissa Carter & Ian Aber, Voices of Note Awards, Performances by Lorna Luft & Tituss Burgess, And Much More! All proceeds will benefit:
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