English Opening with SlowMoe Page More information on chess games, chess strategies and chess analysis can be found at http://MikeSeroveyOnChess.com.
Welcome to my English Opening (ECO A16) game with SlowMoe page! On this page I have posted one my chess games in which I played the White side of the English Opening. The game includes analysis and diagrams. SlowMoe is a computer program on ICC that I have played against several times. [Event "ICC 20 20"] [Site "Internet Chess Club"] [Date "2005.02.19"] [Round "-"] [White "OnGoldenPawn"] [Black "SlowMoe"] [Result "0-1"] [ICCResult "White resigns"] [WhiteElo "1585"] [BlackElo "1760"] [Opening "English: symmetrical variation"] [ECO "A16"] [NIC "EO.64"] [Time "18:31:26"] [TimeControl "1200+20"] 1.c4 Nf6 2. Nc3 c5 3. g3 e6 4. Bg2 d5 5. d3 dxc4 6. dxc4 Qxd1+ 7. Nxd1 e5 8. b3 e4 9. e3 Be6 10. Bb2 Nbd7 11. Nc3 Bf5 12. Nge2 O-O-O 13. O-O Be7 14. Rfd1 Rhe8 15. Nf4 Nb6 16. Ncd5 Nbxd5 17. Nxd5 Nxd5 18. Rxd5 g6 19. Rad1 Rxd5 20. cxd5 Bd6 21. h3 Kc7 22. g4 Bc8 23. Rc1 f5 24. gxf5 Bxf5 25. b4 Kb6 26. bxc5+ Bxc5 27. Rc4 Bd6 28. Bd4+ Kb5 29. Bf1 Ka5 30. Bxa7 Re5 31. Bd4 Rxd5 32. a4 g5 33. Bc3+ Kb6 34. a5+ Ka7 35. Bd4+ Ka8 36. Bb6 Be5 37. Bg2 Rd1+ 38. Bf1 Bxh3 {White resigns} 0-1 Online Chess Game ICC Game Played 2 Feb 2005 White: Mike Serovey (1585) Black: SlowMoe (1760)
1. c4 Nf6 2. Nc3 c5
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English Opening after 2… c5.
At this point in the game the pawn structure is symmetrical, but it doesn’t remain that way for long!
3. g3 e6 4. Bg2 d5
English Opening: Symmetrical variation after 4… d5.
This position is typical of the English Opening games that I play. White tries to control the Center from the wings while Black occupies the Center with pawns and pieces.
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5. d3 dxc4 6. dxc4 Qxd1+
English Opening: Symmetrical variation after 6… Qxd1+
Black exchanges Queens and thus simplifies the game some. Perhaps Black is hoping that White will recapture with the King and thus be unable to castle. White is not that stupid! After the capture with the Queen’s Knight, the Knights will both be on the first rank and thus temporarily out of play. This will give Black a slight lead in development after his seventh move.
7. Nxd1 e5 8. b3 e4 9. e3 Be6
English Opening: Symmetrical variation after 9… Be6.
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Black has clogged the diagonal that the White King’s Bishop is on with his pawn on e4. However, this also makes the pawn on e4 a target for the light-squared Bishop. Black is up one tempo in development. White will fianchetto his dark-squared Bishop and continue his plan to control the Center from the wings.
10. Bb2 Nbd7 11. Nc3 Bf5
English Opening: Symmetrical variation after 11‌ Bf5.
White continues to put pressure on the Black pawn at e4 and thus forces Black to give back a tempo by moving his light-squared Bishop again in order to protect the pawn at e4. Note that both sides have violated the rule that says to castle by move 10.
12. Nge2 O-O-O 13. O-O Be7
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English Opening: Symmetrical variation after 13‌ Be7.
Both sides have now completed their developments and they have castled on opposite wings. White can continue his attack on the Center by continuing to put pressure on the Black pawn at e4. Or, he can switch to an attack on the Queenside and go after Black’s King. Black can defend e4 and/or attack on the Kingside.
14. Rfd1 (White is trying to contest the open file.) Rhe8 15. Nf4
English Opening: Symmetrical variation after 15. Nf4.
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White is preparing to put a Knight on d5. White is trying to simplify into a won endgame.
Nb6 (Trying to prevent Nd5.) 16. Ncd5 Nbxd5 17. Nxd5 Nxd5 18. Rxd5 g6
English Opening: Symmetrical variation after 18… g6.
Black moves his pawn off g7 so that it is no longer attacked by White’s dark-squared Bishop. This gives White the entire a1 – h8 diagonal. White also has his Rook on d5 where he wants it. White now doubles his Rooks on the d file to try to gain control of the only open file on the board. Black contests this by capturing on d5.
19. Rad1 Rxd5 20. cxd5 (Giving White a passed pawn in the Center.) Bd6 (Blockading the passed pawn. Knights are usually best for blockading pawns.) 21. h3 Kc7 22. g4 Bc8 23. Rc1 f5
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English Opening: Symmetrical variation after 23… f5.
Black is defending his pawn on e4 and keeping the White light-squared Bishop hemmed in. White is now preparing to attack the Black pawn on c5 and to try to win it.
24. gxf5 Bxf5 25. b4 Kb6 26. bxc5+ Bxc5
English Opening: Symmetrical variation after 26… Bxc5.
White is still trying to win the pawn on e4. Each side has three pawn islands, but White still has a passed pawn in the Center. Black’s King is more actively placed. Neither light-squared
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Bishop is doing much.
27. Rc4 Bd6 28. Bd4+ Kb5 29. Bf1 Ka5
English Opening: Symmetrical variation after 29‌ Ka5.
White has temporarily given up on trying to win the pawn on e4 and has moved his King’s Bishop to a more active diagonal. White is now going to advance his a pawn and attack on the Queenside.
30. Bxa7 Re5 31. Bd4 Rxd5 32. a4 g5 33. Bc3+ Kb6 34. a5+ Ka7
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English Opening: Symmetrical variation after 34‌ Ka7.
At this point in the game the material is even, but White seems to have a nice Queenside attack going. So, how does White end up losing this game? See below for the answer!
35. Bd4+ Ka8 36. Bb6 Be5
English Opening: Symmetrical variation after 36‌ Be5.
This is the beginning of the end for White. White needs to keep the Black Rook off d1, so 37. Bd4 is probably best here. White tries to win the pawn on e4 instead and that turns out to be a
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blunder! After 37. Bd4 Black can play 37‌ Bxd4 38. Rxd4 Rxd4 39. exd4 and the material is even, but White still has that passed pawn in the Center.
37. Bg2?? Rd1+!! 38. Bf1 Bxh3 0-1
English Opening: Symmetrical variation after 38‌ Bxh3 (Final position).
Back to the English Opening Page More information on chess games, chess strategies and chess analysis can be found at http://MikeSeroveyOnChess.com. Mike Serovey Mike Serovey has been playing in USCF rated chess tournaments since 1974 and is a USCF certified Local Tournament Director. Mike Serovey is also the owner and webmaster for Mike Serovey on Chess.
// More chess information can be found at... English Opening with SlowMoe Page
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