French Defense with Dante Benez Page 2

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French Defense with Dante Benez Page 2 More information on chess games, chess strategies and chess analysis can be found at

Welcome to my French Defense (ECO C02) game with Dante Benez page! On this page I have included the moves (score) and analysis of my second game against Dante Benez that features the French Defense. I lost this one because of the rating difference in his favor. [Event "Rhine Main December Open "] [Site "Rhine Main AFB, Frankfurt, Germany"] [Date "1985.12.14"] [Round "1"] [White "Mike Serovey (1499)"] [Black "Dante Benez (1991)"] [Result "0-1"] 1.e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 c5 4. c3 Nc6 5. Nf3 Bd7 6. Bd3 Rc8 7. O-O cxd4 8. cxd4 Nb4 9. a3 Rxc1 10. Qxc1 Nxd3 11. Qd2 Bb5 12. Nc3 Ba6 13. Rfb1 g6 14. b4 Bh6 15. Qc2 Bc4 16. Qa4+ Qd7 17. Qxa7 Ne7 18. Na4 Nc8 19. Qa5 O-O 20. Nc5 Qc6 21. b5 Qb6 22. Qxb6 Nxb6 23. Nxb7 Na4 24. Nd6 Nc3 25. Nxc4 dxc4 26. g4 $2 Nxb1 27. g5 Bg7 28. Rxb1 c3 29. Ne1 Nxe1 30. Rxe1 Ra8 31. Ra1 Bf8 32. a4 Bb4 33. Ra2 Ba5 34. Kf1 Rd8 35. b6 Bxb6 36. a5 Bxd4 37. a6 Rc8 38. Rc2 Rc6 39. Ke2 Rxa6 40. Kd3 Bxe5 41. h3 Rd6+ 42. Ke4 Rd2 43. Rc1 Bd4 44. h4 c2 45. f3 Bb2 0-1 Rhine Main December Open Rhine Main AFB, Frankfurt, Germany Round 1 14 December 1985 White: Mike Serovey (1499) Black: Dante Benez (1991)


French Defense after 8… Nb4

1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 c5 4. c3 Nc6 5. Nf3 Bd7 6. Bd3 Rc8 7. O-O cxd4 8. cxd4 Nb4 Dante sidesteps, once again, the Milner-Barry Gambit that I am playing for.

9. a3 Rxc1

French Defense after 9… Rxc1


I did not see this combination winning 2 Bishops for a Rook. Still, I have the space advantage and a lead in development for the pawn.

10. Qxc1 Nxd3 11. Qd2 Bb5 12. Nc3 Ba6

French Defense after 12‌ Ba6

Black has moved his light-squared Bishop 3 times and it is now tied to defending the Knight. White has moved his Queen twice. Here I should be winning.

13. Rfb1 g6 14. b4 Bh6 15. Qc2 Bc4 16. Qa4+


French Defense after 16. Qa4+

This wins back my pawn and evens up the material. I still think that White is slightly better here because of the lead in development but Black is quickly catching up.

Qd7 17. Qxa7 Ne7 18. Na4 Nc8 19. Qa5 O-O 20. Nc5

French Defense after 20. Nc5

Here I’m trying to get rid of the pesky Knight at d3. If Black captures on c5 then I will recapture with the b pawn and have pressure on Black’s b pawn.


20… Qc6

French Defense after 20… Qc6

Here I played 21. b5 but believe that NXd3 was better. I still need to get rid of that pesky Knight. After 21NXd3 BXd3 my Rook on b1 is hanging. 22. Rb2 White can then play Qc5 and have an OK game.

21. b5 Qb6 22. Qxb6 Nxb6 23. Nxb7 Na4 24. Nd6

French Defense after 24. Nd6


Here White has connected passed pawns on the Queen side and is up a Pawn. Black does have active piece play, but White should still be winning.

Nc3 25. Nxc4?

French Defense after 25. Nxc4

This was a mistake because it gives Black the passed c Pawn. Better would have been to simply push the connected passed pawns and force Black to sacrifice to stop them. For example, 25. a4 NXb1 26. RXb1 Ra8 27. b6 Black can’t take on a4 because then the b Pawn will Queen. If 27‌ Ba6 then 28. b7! Rb8 29. Rb6! Bc5 30. Rc6! Kg7 31. Rc8 and White wins.

dxc4 26. g4


French Defense after 26. g4

Rf1 first may have been better. Then g4 and g5 to get the Black Bishop off that diagonal should win for White.

Nxb1 27. g5 Bg7 28. Rxb1

French Defense after 28. Rxb1

Now I’m down a Pawn but still have the connected passed pawns on the Queen side. Black has a passed Pawn on the Queenside too.


c3 29. Ne1 Nxe1 30. Rxe1 Ra8 31. Ra1 Bf8 32. a4

French Defense after 32.a4

I probably should have asked for a draw here.

Bb4 33. Ra2 (Kf1 then Ke2 and Kd3 was better. After that I need to place all of my pawns on white squares to get a draw. Even then Black can win.) Ba5 34. Kf1 Rd8 35. b6 Bxb6 36. a5 Bxd4 37. a6 Rc8 38. Rc2 Rc6 39. Ke2 Rxa6 40. Kd3 Bxe5 41. h3 Rd6+ 42. Ke4 Rd2 43. Rc1 Bd4 44. h4 c2 45. f3 Bb2 0-1 Back to the French Defense Page More information on chess games, chess strategies and chess analysis can be found at Mike Serovey Mike Serovey has been playing in USCF rated chess tournaments since 1974 and is a USCF certified Local Tournament Director. Mike Serovey is also the owner and webmaster for Mike Serovey on Chess.

// More chess information can be found at... French Defense with Dante Benez Page 2

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