Gedult-Gunderam with GMThomas Page var seo_sids = new Array();var seo_osids = new Array(); More information on chess games, chess strategies and chess analysis can be found at
Welcome to my Gedult-Gunderam game with GMThomas page! On this page I have posted one my chess games in which I played the White side of the Gedult-Gunderam Opening. This is an unorthodox opening that gave many of my opponents fits. The game includes analysis and diagrams. I messed the opening up a little bit but was able to make a comeback. The ratings below are for each player at the end of this game. Mr. Thomas is not really a Grand Master. Mr. Thomas is from Copenhagen, Denmark.
[Event "Game 495676"] [Site "Stan's NetChess"] [Date "2011.01.28"] [Round "?"] [White "mserovey"] [Black "GMThomas"] [WhiteElo "2362"] [BlackElo "2365"] [Result "1-0"]
1. f3 d5 2. c3 e5 3. e4 dxe4 4. Qe2 Nc6 5. fxe4 Nf6 6. Nf3 Be7 7. b4 a6 8. Na3 O-O 9. Nc4 Bg4 10. a4 b5 11. Ne3 Bxf3 12. gxf3 Rb8 13. axb5 axb5 14. Ra6 Qd7 15. Nf5 Rfe8 16. Bh3 1-0
Correspondence Game Stan’s Net Chess Game Played: 28 January 2011 to 10 February 2011 White: Mike Serovey (2326) Black: GMThomas (2365)
1. f3 d5 2. c3 e5
Gedult-Gunderam after 2… e5.
Black’s second move got me out of what was in my database of games on this opening and I realized then that I should have played the move order that begins with 1.d4. Playing 3.d4 was better here.
3. e4 dxe4
Gedult-Gunderam after 3… dxe4.
After 4. fxe4?? Qh4+! 5. Ke2 Qxe4+ 6. Kf2 Bc5+ White has some serious problems. No better is
5. g3?? Qxe4+ 6. Qe2 Qxh1 7. Qxe5+ Ne7 8. Ne2 Nc6 And White is down a Rook and can’t castle kingside.
4. Qe2 Nc6 5. fxe4 Nf6 6. Nf3 Be7
Gedult-Gunderam after 6‌ Be7.
Black has the lead in development and a more sound position. I expected Black to play his Bishop to g4 at some point in order to pin my Knight at f3 to my Queen. I considered playing 7. g3 followed by 8. Bg2 and 9. O-O here but changed my mind. In this game I got away with leaving my King in the Center and lagging behind in development for a while. Sometimes, you can get away with breaking the rules in the opening.
7. b4 a6 8. Na3 O-O 9. Nc4 Bg4
Gedult-Gunderam after 9… Bg4.
Now, White pins the Knight at f3! In this case queenside expansion worked.
10. a4 b5 11. Ne3 Bxf3 12. gxf3 Rb8 13. axb5 axb5
Gedult-Gunderam after 13… axb5.
Here is where White starts to gain a small advantage in spite of terrible opening play.
14. Ra6 Qd7 15. Nf5!
Gedult-Gunderam after 15. Nf5!
I Think that Black’s best move here is 15… Nd8.
Rfe8 16. Bh3! 1-0
Gedult-Gunderam after 16. Bh3! (Final position).
Play could continue with 16… Kh8 17. Qg2 g6 18. Nxe7 Qxe7 19. Rxc6 leaving White up a Bishop. Mike Serovey, MA, MISM
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