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The Price of a Pandemic
As we take a look back at the year that was, there were many big news stories that affected our world. Wild fires raged, protests and riots for equality shattered the social structure, murder hornets emerged, and a new president was elected. All of these (and many more) headlines alone would have made this an unforgettable year, but 2020 will always be remembered as
Economic Downturn
Small businesses suffered and many closed permanently.
Social Distance
6 ft. apart has taken on a life of its own; even garnering songs to be written about the trend.
We watched from afar or through plexiglass as our elderly were made to endure alone.
Travel Restrictions
Countries' borders closed to stop the spread. Tourism industry suffers its worst year in decades.
Sports Industry Impact
Sports leagues from professional down to recreational suspended their seasons, then attempted to return with few to no fans participating.
At first precautionary, masks have become a booming industry with their mandated use.
COVID-19 has resulted in school shutdowns all across the world. Globally, over 1.2 billion children aren't in the classroom.
Panic led many to flood their local supermarkets, leaving shelves baron and many without needed supplies.
Zoom Calls
Be honest - had you heard of these in 2019?