Emergency Distress Beacon (function() {var s = document.createElement('SCRIPT'), s1 = document.getElementsByTagName('SCRIPT')[0];s.type = 'text/javascript';s.async = true;s.src = 'http://widgets.digg.com/buttons.js';s1.parentNode.insertBefore(s, s1);})();Emergency
Distress Beacon Screenshots
Description ======================== CINN DEV IS GIVING AWAY APPS! FOLLOW US ON www.twitter.com/cinndev TO GET FREE CINN DEV APPS! ======================== You're lost in the middle of nowhere. Youre trapped in an earthquake, hurricane or other emergency situation. How do you find your way out? How do you get help? This simple application, when activated, sends out a distress beacon with your current location to rescuers. Why not use the built in Google Maps? Two reasons. Google Maps do not allow you to email your latitude and longitude. And although you may be able to send a signal from urban locations, Google Maps may be of little help in rural settings. Emergency Distress Beacon is a simple peace-of-mind application that can be a life-saver.
Customer Reviews Great idea, but not thought through very well. (2 stars) This app. NEEDS to have an option where you pre-fill out who you want the emails to go to. So when you hit the email location button it automatically sends it to the people you want. Right now the app takes your location and puts it in an email for you and waits for you to fill in who you want the email to go to. You then have to push send for it to go out. I was under the impression that this app was more like a panic button, one hit Not Bad … Could be useful depending on signal. (3 stars) I have the original Iphone and I got a very accurate reading…. at home ..However it might be a different experience with level of cell service out in the woods.Icon needs a little work … It's free .. good job … probably could save a life or two if kidnapped locally where cell towers are aplenty.
don't get it (2 stars) The price is right. But you could have called 911 and be in an ambulance by the time the Marines decipher your co-ordinates. To me,"Here I Am", is a better app. since it will show both co-ordinates and a map on google as to your location.
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