Research - Development - Outcome
The Power of Crystals Field of Study
Design Question
The project is situated on crystals in relation with spirituality and science. Its main function is the transformation of light through semiprecious crystals and gemstones as a new media tool to produce beautiful moving imagery compositions in order to bring closer the two conflicted areas of science and spirituality.
Since the late 20th century, design has come in touch and interacted with communication, technology, science, psychology, history, culture, even religion, in its analogue as well as digital form.
Beliefs around crystals situate them as the first life forms on earth and also as healing tools using their energies which can affect health, body and mind. However, scientist are opposed to that and ignore any healing power or energy, stating that crystals are just crystallized minerals and chemical compounds.
This project examines the ways in which design could influence the relationship between science and spirituality and their individual attitudes towards the power of crystals; it will present ways in which there is production of imagery and visual compositions depicting the power of semi-precious stones and crystals based on the study of their history, uses and chemical as well as optical properties.
Considering both theses, “Power of Crystals� presents a series of vivid optical effects in movement as semiotics or metaphors for the possible by millions of people energies and vitality.
initial research By science
By spirituality
A crystal is a solid body with a geometrically regular shape and crystal system; cubic, orthorhombic, monoclinic, triclinic, trigonal, hexagonal and tetragonal. They were created as the earth formed and they have continued to metamorphose as the planet itself has changed. Crystals are the earth’s DNA, a chemical imprint for evolution.
It were the rocks and the stones which, in combination with minerals and crystals, were the first “lifeforms” on earth.
The crystal shape is the external expression of the mineral’s regular internal atomic structure. Temperature, pressure, chemical conditions and the amount of space available are some of the things that affect their growth. Many crystallise from watery solutions, some from molten rock as during volcanic eruptions when lava cools rapidly.
After all, precious stones and crystals are simply as much life-forms as we human beings, the animals and the plants are, too. Every single plant, organism, elemental, and mineral has its own body, spirit, mind and soul. To people, stones ans crystals might seem dead things but they are not. They have undergone development and growth, but these processes took place very slowly.
questionnaire In wanting to collect information about crystals in relation to science and spirituality, I sent emails with questionnaires to mineralogists, geologists as well as crystal therapists or crystal shop owners. Questions 1. Can you give me five key-words about crystal/gemstones? 2. Crystals or precious stones are described as life-forms or living beings like people, animals and plants. What is your thesis on this and if its true, what crystals are able to do? 3. How do you think are crystals/ gemstones helpful for humankind? 4. Could you provide me with some examples of chemical reactions between any crystal with the human body or any liquid? 5. It is believed by many people that crystals and gemstones are able to take, transform and give energies to people and their environment affecting health, mood, body, mind and spirituality. Do you support this? If yes, can it be proved?
REPLIES Justin: Mineralogist 2. Minerals (that’s what a crystal is, but a crystal is the term for a CRYSTALLIZED Mineral). Minerals are easy to understand. Take two elements from the periodic table of elements and put them together, to bond and form a solid. That is a mineral. Are they alive? No. 3. Crystals/Minerals are made out of Elements, which are then, in turn, broken down, extracted and used for things to help mankind. Beryllium is very important for making metals stronger and lighter. 4. Sure, you could take a calcite specimen, put it into copper sulfate and it will turn from beige calcite to green. See the word Pseudomorph.
Andrea: Artist, Therapist, Reiki Master Teacher 1. Support, connection. 2. Crystals are energy vibrations in a tangible form. Crystals have vibrations and resonate with others through their crystalline structure. This resonation has subtle and direct influences on other minerals and crystals, people, animals, and the environment. 3 , 5. Quartz crystals are used in electronics, radios, computers, etc and also can be programmed for designated uses such as healing, attunement and energy. Certain crystals act as resonators and transducers of electromagnetic energies. Crystals are record keepers, i.e. energetic computers. Crystal therapy involves an arrangement of crystals directing vibrations to the body that are resonate with healthy energies restoring balance and well being.
‘Crystallize’ by Paul Cocksedge.
‘Amplify’ by Yves Béhar
‘Lolita’ by Ron Arad.
Digital Crystal
A main inspiration for my FMP field of study was the “Digital Crystal – Swarovski” at the Design Museum. Its many creators collaborated greatly to create a series of installations exploring the culture of using crystal, especially Swarovski,the information they can collect and offer, the environment in where they can be found and also their growth process. The exhibition shows amazingly the possibility of using them in the future in many several analogue or digital ways.
Crystals in history The healing uses of crystals are documented as far back as 1500 B.C. in the Ebers Papyrus from Egypt. This Egyptian medicinal text documented the many ways in which crystals were used for healing. The most popular stories about Atlantis include large crystals which were used to generate power for cities. The Mayans used the power of crystals for healing on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. They also used crystals to diagnose diseases. In ancient India local communities believed stones such as Rubies, Sapphires, Moonstone had great spiritual, emotional and mental healing powers. The Ancient Greeks attributed a number of properties to crystals and many names we use today are of Greek origin. The word amethyst means ‘not drunken’ and was worn as an amulet to prevent both drunkenness and hangovers.
The funerary mask of Tutankhamen has been inlaid with solid Lapis Lazuli. 1323 bc.
Every year in the early spring, Hindus deck out their homes in lush pigments to observe Holi—the festival of colors.
PIGMENTS Searching for information about crystals and stones, I found out that they are also used in the form of pigments - fine powder. Pigments are used for coloring paint, ink, plastic, fabric, cosmetics, food and other materials. They appear the colors they are because they selectively reflect and absorb certain wavelengths of visible light. Naturally occurring pigments such as ochres and iron oxides have been used as colorants since prehistoric times. Archaeologists have uncovered evidence that early humans used paint for aesthetic purposes such as body decoration.
Malachite pigment procedure: Crushing mineral, washing small particles, separated by sieving to sizes and carefully grinded again to prevent over grind. Then is powder washed again and separated by levigation. Fine powder is repeatable washed to remove milky solution to create vibrant very fine green pigment.
Bismuth is a Hopper crystal; its edges grew faster than their faces forming a “skeletal� like structure.
Mineralogy - growth My research on mineralogy offered me the knowelegde I needed to start the experimental part of the project. Finding out about the growth and properties of the crystals and minerals, it really provided me with inspiration as well as motivated me to work on the project even more.
The Growing of Crystals The action of crystal growth yields a crystalline solid whose atoms or molecules are typically close packed, with fixed positions in space relative to each other. The conditions on which crystals develop vary so there are no two alike crystals. They can only grow where there is sufficient space, and if this is restricted, distortions or unusual features may develop. The shape and size of a crystal or aggregate of crystals constitute its “habit� such as Radiating Needles, Fibrous, Columnar, Bladed habit, Botryoidal habit, Geode crystals and Hopper crystals
Diamond, a cubic mineral formed under high pressure conditions, each carbon atom is strong bonded to four others to form a rigid compact structure. This makes diamond extremely hard.
Graphite is one of the softest minerals. In graphite, a hexagonal mineral formed under high temperature conditions, each carbon atom is closely linked to three others in the same plane.
Mineralogy - properties The physical properties of minerals such as structure, cleavage, streak, hardness, magnetism and specific gravity, are used by Mineralogists to help determine the identity of a specimen. The majority of minerals have a regular crystal structure and a definite chemical composition.
Structure. Mineral crystals occur in various shapes and sizes. The particular shape is determined by the arrangement of the atoms, molecules or ions that make up the crystal and how they are joined. This is called the crystal lattice. Hardness of crystals depends on the bond and arrangement of the atoms (see left presentation). Streak is the color of the mineral in powdered form, showing the true color of the mineral. Cleavage is when minerals tend to break along lines or smooth surfaces when hit sharply. Magnetism is the characteristic that allows a mineral to attract or repel other magnetic materials.
optical properties Optical property is whether the mineral is transparent(it’s clear. You can see through it, like glass), translucent(If you hold it up to the light, you can see the light, but you can’t see objects through it) or opaque(If you hold it to the light, it looks exactly the same as if you hold it away from the light). Colour-Light Some minerals have more interesting colour effects. For example the surface of Peacock Ore and Bismuth shows gleaming metallic colours like a rainbow. Colours come and go while shining within the milky Opal mineral when it is exposed to light. Tiger’s Eye can be itentified by its golden lines which move to and fro. Some clear minerals like clear quartz or diamond can bend the light as it travels through them. Most of them can also break up the light into all the known colors of rainbow (Newton’s method with prisms and light). All of these optical properties of the crystals, combined with ideas inspired from them, boosted my enthusiasm and interest to carry on with my work. This is why they are the subject of this visual compositions’ project. Research
Crown Chakra Third Eye or Brow Chakra
Throat Chakra
Heart Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra
Sacral Chakra Base Chakra
THERAPEUTIC CRYSTALS From this research I have decided to focus on visualising the power or energy of crystal. A solution that combines both spirituality and science. Represent the energy-beliefpart of crystal using their own physical and optical properties. Colour Therapy Colour therapy or cromatherapy, is a complementary medicine method. It is said that a therapist trained in chromotherapy can use light in the form of colour to balance “energy” wherever a person’s body be lacking, whether on physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental levels. The practice is pseudoscientific, since it does not employ the scientific method. It is believed that our energy system and consciousness is composed by not physical seven primary energy systems, called Chakras. They are associated with one of the seven endocrine glands, and also with a group of nerves called a plexus. Each chakra has colour and by placing a crystal with the same colour, it can be activated or unblocked, letting you express, calm and take control of yourself.
Rose Quartz. The stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. Emotionaly is the finest healer. It strengthens the physical heart and circulatory system.
Sunstone. A joyful, light-inspiring stone acting as an antidepressant. It stimulates the self healing powers as well as harmonizes all the organs.
Tiger’s Eye. It enhances phychic abilities in earthy people. As a healer it treats the eyes and aids night visions, heals the throat and reproductive organs.
Amethyst. Extremely powerful and protective stone. It guards against psychic attack, trasmuting the energy into love. It boosts production of hormones.
Bismuth. It relieves emotional and spiritual isolation, facilitating a state of oneness, connectedness and serenity. It helps push changes in the right direction.
Clear Quartz. The most powerful healing and energy amplifier. A master healer; it can be used for any condition and bring the body into balance.
Labradorite. Grayish to black with blue, yellow. It is a mystical, protective stone that brings light, raising consciousness and spirituality.
Opal. It enhances cosmic consciousness and induces psychic, mystical visions. It treats Parkinson’s disease, infections and fevers.
Homoeopathic Remedies Crystal remedies use the healing power of crystals to be mixed as a potion, similar to homoeopathic remedies. Typically, mineral concentrations via healing stones, which have distinct vibrations, transfer into water, and then a preservative such as brandy, vodka or cider vinegar is added for bottling. Through the potion, the healing powers of the minerals used are transferred to the physical body through the crystal infused water. Of course, the first thing is to determine which healing crystal you will use since they emit different energies and react to different chakras and ailments. Since certain stones can be toxic, indirect methods may need to be used.
Choosing your crystal.
Scientific photo of the quartz crystal electro-magnetic system photographed by Kirlian photography.
Kirlian photography It is named after Semyon Kirlian, who, in 1939 accidentally discovered that if an object on a photographic plate is connected to a high-voltage source, an image is produced on the photographic plate. Kirlian photography has been the subject of mainstream scientific research, parapsychology research and art. It allegedly depicts the body’s “aura,” a so-called “human energy field” that is said to be not ordinarily visible. However, scientific investigators have shown that Kirlian effects depend on physical factors that are well understood. Kirlian Aura seems to be able to serve as an extremely powerful and comprehensive medical diagnostics tool, capable of showing malfunctions of the body and mind long before any physical symptoms become evident. Kirlian Photography and Quartz Holding a small double terminated quartz crystal (a point at both ends), was shown to double the photographable part of the aura. I have noticed that Kirlian photography is one of the areas where science and spirituality extremely conflicted. The fact that energy can be shown by scientific tool inspired me to visualise these crystal energies by new media design tools based on mineralogy and crystal properties.
artists EARLIER PROJECTS PRISMA 1666 Installation by Harald Haraldsson and Super Nature Design. It is an interactive light installation consisting of 15 triangular crystal blocks on a clean white surface. The projection of colorful graphics is refracted and dispersed by these crystal blocks, creating a fascinating visual experience and ambiance. The installation enables interaction with the projected colors, angles, and shapes through a touch interface, creating an opportunity to experiment with these elements.
Snow noise The process of growing a snow crystal by Carsten Nicolai. Cooling units provide the opportunity to cool down specially prepared glass cylinders to a temperature of minus 25 degree celsius. Only a few minutes after the glass has been placed into the cooling unit the formation of simple snow crystal structures can be observed. In the course of time, increasingly complex structures develop, none of which repeat. Through a very subtle light and sound design snow noise is centring on micro- structures shifting the focus of our perception.
EXPERIMENTS Crystal Tree This experiment gave me the opportunity to see how some crystals grow. The crystal tree began growing immediately and in about 6-7 hours it was done; beautiful and colourful. Light Refraction I used clear Quartz, Bismuth and Opal. Refraction and bend of light through Quartz hexagonal prism. The Newton’s method (rainbow effect) can also be seen. The crystal Quartz change the Opal light refraction. In moving image it looks like an orange vivid flame. Then I used the three crystals to create a chain of light. The bismuth reflect the light colourfully and the other two take that reflection, transforming it through their amazing structure and body. Also it is very interesting when those reflections take place onto your skin. You are on fire! Pigments Experimenting with pigments in water I have noticed that they interact beautifully with the water, creating colourful cloud-like shapes. - Exposion of colours
EXPERIMENTS Burning Sulphur Sulphur burns with a blue flame concomitant with formation of sulfur dioxide, notable for its peculiar suffocating odor.When sulphur melts is transformed into red liquid. Its beautiful blue flame can be visible only in the dark. Calcite and Copper Sulphate With this experiment I wanted to see if the ochre calcite will turn into green while being soaked in copper sulphate. The results show that the calcite did not change its colour to green. But what I did not expected was that the liquid started to crystallize on the surface around the glass. Ice The last experiment was a laps video of ice melting. The water is transformed into ice. With the sound placement I wanted to provide the sense that the water/ice is alive by itself. Photos I took showing the structure of the ice. Straight lines on the surface. Hair-like lines in the insight. These experiments provided me with a wider knoweledge of what and how crystal can react in several conditions. The leading idea for a final was the production of a moving image piece with reasult of these experiments
The Record Trace Machine interprets an entire album or single as a visual waveform written in light. The result is photographed; the length of the exposure is determined by the length of time it takes to play the record.
My device is contributed by a CD which is stuck on a fan that is connected with electrical wiring to eight batteries. The crystals are placed on the CD by the use blue tack.
Idea Development
Idea & design research Idea Inspired by my experiments especially the optical properties - and the crystals’ relation to science and belief or spirituality or religion, the idea is an installation with moving crystals exposed to bright light producing beautiful light compositions. Jamie Dobson Work The design practice of Jamie Dobson is quite similar with my idea due to the fact that I want to produce visuals turning my crystals. His projects “Record Trace Machine” and “LED Type Machine” really inspired me to built my installation.
Change on Plans I made my device I was planning as my final piece, in order to produce visuals with crystal movement. But those visuals were later used as footage for my “new” final piece that will be a video. Idea Development
Clear Quartz
Idea Development
Producing FOOTAGE Using the device I built up, I turn a clear Quartz crystal, a white Opal, a Bismuth and a Labratorite. The photographed and filmed outcomes show amazingly beautiful shapes of colour and light including white lines, heart-like shapes and tiny thunders. They are powerfully turning, in a way that it responce to what I was expecting my final video would be.
Idea Development
Idea Development
Storyboard The movie begins with the clear Quartz which starts turning by hte sound of a bell. Crystal effect are shown on the wall. Next, the top view presents the crystals which are turning with the same speed. The music is calm, increasing its volume more and more. During the video you can see the metallic, circular coloured lines of Bismuth, the crystal pigment movement in the water as well as the hearts of Opal and also its fire effects. The final scene of this piece, shows the clear quartz stopping while is linked of the device. A way to say to people: “Here is what you have seen�.
Idea Development
Idea Development
producing testing Test 1 My first test was a video with the footage. Without editing anything and having the storyboard in mind, I found useful to split the video into small pieces with duration of 3 seconds and 1.5 seconds. In that way I could place sounds and beats easily.
Test 2 I edited the visuals by changing their levels and colour, exposing the crystals and their effects brightly and colourfully. I tried to hide the background and any props that were shown in my first test and change the placement of some scenes. I used several mysterious and atmospheric sound with soft beat when every scene changes. In that way I believe I manage to expose the mystery and even magic or energies could be hidden in crystals properties and their history.
Idea Development
Idea Development
producing testing Test 3 For my third test, a footage reshoot was needed for the quartz and its effect on the wall as well as the bismuth effect. I also added a new crystal, Labradotite. Then, while editing the movie on adobe Premiere, I tried to connect the scenes together consideting the lighting and colour. Some of them were needed to change order for better and clearer visual language communication. Final Test In the final test I just changed the latest scenes of the video, due to the fact that the video’s end was quite confusing. The only crystal that stops in clear Quartz (in the previous tests, the Opal stops as well six second before the end.
Idea Development
RATIONALE Personally, I am familiar with crystals and semi-precious stones and their healing, nutritional properties. As an artist and graphic designer, I always look for new, unique ways of creativity and design. This project offered an opportunity to study crystals as well as the problem of the gap between science and spirituality and find a solution by the practise of Graphic Design and New Media. All the information I collected also provided me with the important experience of finding a new creative way to produce the “Power of Crystal” and discover or even create some connections between spirituality and science without pressing or drive people’s mind to believe to anything. At the end, the optical effects of the crystals are powerful, stimulating the mind of designers, mineralogists or crystal therapists. And anything that motivates your mind is useful…
MORE INFORMATION Blog: final-major-project/ Proposal: fmp-proposal/
References Books David McCandless “Information is Beautiful”. Dorling Kindersley “Rock and Mineral”. Ian Noble, Russell Bestley “Visual Research”. Judy Hall “Crystal Prescriptions”. Judy Hall “The Crystal Bible” Methusalem “The Great Encyclopaedia of Healing Stones”. Timothy Samara “Making and Breakign the Grid”. properties_of_minerals.html minerals/optical.htm arthistory/prehistoricart/
Online Sources crystalenergy.html http://judithkusel.wordpress. com/2012/01/17/crystals-life-and-lifeforms/ cch16.html encyclopedia/article/272
Kleanthis Michail
Kleanthis Michail