1 minute read


The existing transportation on the site is primarily consisted of vehicle traffic. There are three bus existing bus routes: one that comes from downtown Detroit along Grand River, one that runs along Oakman, and one that runs along Plymouth then transitions to Elmhurst. The bus routes are unreliable and lack bus stop infrastructure. The site completely lacks walkability, particularly in the industrial zones that are not meant to be entered. Adequate sidewalks and bike lanes are simply not present. The Joe Louis Greenway will be the primary mode of pedestrian travel through the site, but still lacks connection to the surrounding context.


Green Way

Bus Route Bus Stop

The only services on the site are businesses or religious institution. In the surrounding context medical, leisure, food and markets, and offices lack. Educational opportunities hold a moderate presence. The site itself is in dire need of many new services in order for it to become a functioning community, and also holds potential to propose services that can serve a much great context than just the site itself. With the ample industrial land, retail, leisure, and civic opportunities can help create a stronger sense of completeness for the surrounding communities. Additional medical, food, and government services will be placed throughout to better serve the site and its context.

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