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As architects, we have not only an honor, but also a duty to shape space in a way that is responsible and aimed at improving people’s quality of life. However, simple pragmatism often leads to the perpetuation of the status quo or minor changes. It is our duty to dream. To dream of better solutions, beyond the limits of what we know and are accustomed to. Detroit was founded built on people’s dreams. Unfortunately, as a result of a number of processes, the city went through a difficult time for itself, which took its toll on the quality of the space. However, the spirit of the city has never been broken, and thanks to the ingenuity and creativity of residents, many spaces have been developed in innovative ways, blazing a trail for other metropolises. Recent years have seen major investments, at least some of which are set to redefine the concept of public space. Together with students, we considered how one of the most important, the Joe Louis Greenway, could serve as an activating factor for its entire neighborhood. The work is a collective vision of 12 students, developed in detail by smaller teams. Using the potential of both grassroots initiatives and major public investments, we decided to start dreaming again. The project we are honored to present to you is the realization of our shared dream of a city centered on its residents, where everyone has the right to feel at home and everyone can co-create the community through participation in the use of public space. We invite you to read on and to dream together not only for a better future, but also for a better present.


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