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Non-stop adventure has never been more relaxing.

The beautiful mountains in the Alleghany Highlands are more than just scenery.
They provide a natural, year-round playground for residents and visitors to enjoy. If you love the great outdoors, you’ll be busy from sunrise to sunset. You can run a few rapids on the river; pull a trophy fish from the cool, clear water; lace up your shoes and hike up a mountain; or ride some of the best mountain biking terrain in the state of Virginia. All this and more is waiting.
Visit visitalleghanyhighlands.com for a detailed listing of outdoor recreation opportunities.
Hiking/Biking/Horseback Riding
Alleghany Outdoors*: 1903 Dressler Drive, Covington · 540-969-1800 alleghanyoutdoors.com · Hours: 9am to 5pm April - October Alleghany Outdoors is an outfitter located at the Intervale Trailhead of the Jackson River Scenic Trail that provides both river and bike trail experiences for locals and tourists visiting the Alleghany Highlands. They offer paddle trips on the 11 mile stretch of the Jackson River from Smith Bridge to Intervale. They also run bike trips on the entire length of the Jackson River Scenic Trail. Alleghany Outdoors is located minutes away from Douthat State Park, The Homestead and Greenbrier Resorts.
Douthat State Park*: 14239 Douthat State Park Rd., Millboro; Take Exit 27, I-64, near Clifton Forge. 1-800-933-PARK or 540-862-8100 www.virginiastateparks.gov · Part of the Virginia Park system, Douthat has over two dozen trails, most of which are excellent for biking or hiking and range from easy to difficult; there is one equestrian trail and Beaver Dam Equestrian Campground as well.
Eastern National Children’s Forest*: The Eastern National Children’s Forest is a unique site offering an easy hike for children and others who want an outdoor experience without an arduous and challenging hike. In 1972, over 1,000 children converged on the site from surrounding states and planted pine trees on the site. Since the planting, a diverse forest ecology has developed with species of various soft and hardwoods.
George Washington National Forest Trails*: Contact the James River Ranger District at 540-962-2214 for more details · Hiking, biking, birding and wildflower trails
Jackson River Scenic Trail*: Exits 14 & 16, I-64, follow signs to stay on Rt. 220 N. Turn left at signs reading “Intervale” and “Dressler Drive.” Parking is immediately to your left. · Developed from an old railroad bed and part of the Rails to Trails Conservancy. The trail follows the Jackson River and provides many views of the water and wildlife. Biking, hiking and horseback riding are permitted. Call Alleghany County Parks & Recreation for more information: 540-863-6622
HIKING, BIKING AND RIDING TRAILS in the Alleghany Highlands of Virginia
There are dozens of trails covering over 100 miles in the Alleghany Highlands. The Alleghany Highlands Trails brochure and website have compiled everything you need to know to choose the right trail for your interests and ability level. Some trails offer hiking, biking or horseback riding.

Pick up a trail guide at the Visitor Center or view it online at alleghanyhighlandstrails.com.