sahir lodhi

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in the morning I usually have a nag of tuning my T.V for updated news. Every morning as I browse through channels I come across same handsome man with pretty much decent clothing and a cup of tea in his hand discussing every topic relating to Pakistan. After a long hectic day when I return to home I again tune my T.V for the latest events and guess what I see that same old handsome man with a totally different mood. At night when I tune my radio I hear the same voice with another flavor. My GOD this man is getting popular day by day. Yes you guessed it right it’s non other than our Sahir Lodhi. At first I use to ignore him as much as I could but than one day I for no reason listened his radio show and got impressed with him. It was some show on self motivation. Then it became my habit for tuning to Sahir’s radio show every night and after the show I usually get to know myself a little more than before. It’s true that Sahir Lodhi’s T.V show is not so good but trust me his radio show is quite different from his T.V shows. Sometimes Sahir does shows on motivation, time management, self-esteem and inspirational sort of shows and trust me when he does those shows you learn a lot from them. At first you’ll find his material cheap but after some time when you will get used to him you’ll love his way of turning things around. In Pakistan and abroad also there is a huge fan following for Sahir Lodhi and I think it’s a well deserved following. Well yeah it’s right that some people hate Sahir a lot but my message to all those who hate him is that Why do you guys listen to him when you don’t like him, as simple as that, if you like him appreciate him if you hate him don’t listen to him. On the whole Sahir Lodhi has a powerful fan following with his one website running successfully and his T.V shows running well and as Umer Sharif said “Sahir Lodhi is even in the T.V when the T.V is turned off”. Well who does things well deserve things well. I still admire him and like his sense of humor.

Sahir Lodhi loves talking, in fact, he is perpetually on talk mode even when he is not on the waves hosting Houston's popular "Music Marathon' or djing his own radio show 'Geetmala', both on AM 1180. But that's not all that he does with ease and confidence.

Lodhi is multi talented young man originally from Pakistan who shot to fame as the DJ almost instantly with the launch of the desi radio station and continues to woo his listeners to an arrayed selection of old and new Pakistani and Hindi filmi songs and ghazals everyday. His popularity as a DJ is however, more by chance then choice. "I never did radio before I came to Houston. Stage is where I belong," Lodhi confessed, in his exclusive interview with this reporter soon after he announced the launch of his home production "Deewar', a play written, directed and enacted by Lodhi to be released in Houston on Friday April 2 at the Stafford Civic Center. "Deewar' presented by VIRSA and Affordable Mortgage Inc., is a sensitive melodrama weaved around the oft attempted issues of Kashmir – religious fragmentation and persistent terrorism. The central character – a Pakistani Muslim spy played by Lodhi himself, portrays the sensitivities of a hardcore, highly trained spy who is entwined in emotions unfamiliar to him before his encounter with a Kashmiri Hindu boy. What gets better of him, his duties or his humane feelings for the boy suffering from leukemia, is for the audience to watch and judge. Asked what his true feelings were behind the whole idea of the play and if he was trying to be an ambassador of peace? Lodhi replied simply, "I'm just an artist and art is the best form I can express myself." But Lodi was surely attempting more then just entertaining with his play, when he stated, "There is so much hatred between India and Pakistan that it goes beyond Kashmir," he said. "You can live on either side of the wall as long as you don't hate each other and don't make religion as the base of your decision and judgment," he said in all earnest. Deewar, which took two and a half years in the making, is a subject obviously very close to the writer's heart and he feels that his entire team has done great justice to their roles. He liberally gives the credit to his team who he says have treated the subject with great sensitivity and sincerity. Lodhi, a child prodigy who has been acting on stage since he was six years old, hopes to make it to the big screen one day. His play is already on DVD and video. Though not formally trained in acting, he shows tremendous confidence. Agreeing to the fact that stage is more challenging then films, he said, " Stage is very rude as t tells you right in your face where you stand," "But I have dealt with situations all my life and with my experience in acting I feel very confident," he added. And as the theme of the play goes 'moments are life, and life can change,' we can only wait and see the artist at his best. Multitalented enthusiastic guy is the other name for Sahir Lodhi.He is doing a cool show " the sahir show " on 103 fm & is equally hit as an anchor & actor on tv .He believes in hard work, dedications & luck !.He makes words from words & not every body can do this super thing. Equally confident Sahir came back from Houston & has proved himself till now with his talent & work.

SAHIR LODHI'S mission statement

Sahir lodhi heart throb of millions of people. Glittering face of Pakistan has a fan frenzy appearance, He is successful but his success story is as same as any run-ofthe-mill around. Once while interacting with young students at a school ceremony, he expressed, “I pray for you all that one day you become Sahir Lodhi or better…” Sahir always articulates common man’s language. Over his life, he has always believed in making so many people one people. His fans, not cynically or ironically but with fervent and zealous love, refer to him as a Super King. “When I look back in time I always feel that the strength of my character and any strings of my success is nothing but the share result of never being scared of failures. The show never stops, it must go on and so does the human efforts. I have lived my life by saying what I mean and by doing what I say. One should always remember the simplest principle of life, “IT ENDS”, but until it ends don’t stop living, live every single second, every single minute and every single day of your life as it’s going to be a last. I dedicate this website to my parents for giving me a chance to be their son and achieve everything in life that I ever dreamt of. The only person standing between you and success is no one but yourself. Don’t wait for life to happen, go a head, step forward and make it happen. May God bless you all. Nowadays, Sahir is into establishing his foundation, ‘The Sahir Lodhi Foundation’ where he is focusing on 5 dimensions of life (A) Primary health care, (B) Education, (C) Opportunities, (D) Motivation Inspiration and (E) Legal Aid. One of Sahir’s most favorite quotes is “its not how you start its how you finish” and certainly this is not his biography, this is the beginning of the beginning. Work continues… this is a brief intro of sahir lodhi..If you want to know more of Sahir. Keep logging on to the website http// or join his official facebook page … You will get to see a lot more… Stay Hooked!!!

ahir lodhi's excercises for life ' EXERCISE ABOUT FEAR''

SAHIR LODHI is a well known and probably the only anchor of Pakistan who is working on changing perception of people.On 19 February 2008 he did a campaign sort of shows on radio named as ''how to discover yourself'' in which he told many perspectives of people's life.1st of them was ''FEAR''. what is fear basically?.Psychologically fear is: ''a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid''. so we can say we can feel fear without any external threat, it is totally an innate behavior which can be control by some one.. This was a little intro of coming back to my point, i fund a show of SAHIR LODHI in which he told his listeners that how can we get ourself out of fears?.very interesting topic SAHIR said that ''every human have a fear in his self and it is necessary to face that fear with bravery..get into that fear and finish that'',,but how? Sahir told an exercise. EXERCISE: see your face in mirror for 10 minutes.Try to see yourself beyond your face (means try to recognize that person which exist in you ). Identify your actual personality and then identify your fear..that what are you afraid of?.what is that thing which is not alowing you to be happy in your life..are you afraid of something?. Explanation:This exercise takes long time period as it is not an easy job to identify the person in you,it requires time. after doing this exercise you'll be able to see your fears and identify your fears. after that do this • JOT DOWN YOUR FEARS ON A PAPER. • MAKE A NOTE AND DRAW THREE COLUMNS. 1. YOUR FEARS 2. HOW YOU ENCOUNTER THEM/SOLUTION 3. DISSCUSSIONS Share this notes with four closest friend or to whom you trust most and discuss it,, keep watching you face in mirror until you see your face fearless in mirror. This was what sahir lodhi told. he further said that .we have to dig in fear if we want to fight with that..we are the only ones who can help one can understand us more than ourselves.we have to find out our ways to get out of fear.,because this is the only option we have. this was an over view of SAHIR LODHI'S show. i wanna sum up it with this quote quoted by SAHIR LODHI '' power is in your hands'' use brave...fight against fears..hope this exercise will help you.

sahir lodhi's exercises for life ELEMENT # 2 WHY DO WE QUIT

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, when the road you're trudging seems all up hill, when the funds are low and the debts are high, and you want to smile but you have to sigh, when care is pressing you down a bit rest if you must, but don't you quit. Life is queer with its twists and turns. As everyone of us sometimes learns. And many a failure turns about when he might have won had he stuck it out. Don't give up though the pace seems slow you may succeed with another blow. Often the goal is nearer than it seems to a faint and faltering man; often the struggler has given up when he might have captured the victor's cup; and he learned too late when the night came down, how close he was to the golden crown. Success is failure turned inside out the silver tint of the clouds of doubt, and you never can tell how close you are, it may be near when it seem so far; so stick to the fight when you're hardest hit it's when things seem worse, that you must not quit. BEFORE writing this blog i shared this poem which is totally an inspiration for me.MOST of the times we say '' i quit''..why?.if you are alive,and you're breathing it means you can solve any problem then why we quit?. HERE IS ANOTHER ELEMENT OF SAHIR LODHI SHOW'S campaign that '' why do we quit''. i remember in that show (which was aired on 21 feb 2008) sahir told two points. 1. we lose even we win 2. we win even we lost •

we lose even we win

now what is must be thinking that how is it possible that you are a winner but actually you are a looser.and same for other point.let me explain. sahir said sometimes a major reason is LACK of CONCENTRATION ,and if concentrate less then we may not be able to understand circumstances.then what happens? slowly and gradually we become weak in making decision accordingly.after some times this lack of concentration and weak decisions become our habit ..habit then turns into 2nd nature. after that we start blame which we try to hide our

lackness and weaknesses and lose self confidence,in these situations if we win by chance...then do you think we are realy a winner? answer is no. •

we win even we lost

interesting, you

are a winner even you don't succeed when you tried your best to achieve your goal.give your best. and then if you even lose you're a winner actually.but be honest in doing what ever you are doing.every solution is in your hands...just find it out..


think before you quit

before quiting you must consider worst case sanario of that if you'll quit then you'll be satisfy?.if you''ll not then you should not quit..satisfy your worst case senario then after quiting you;ll regret your decisions )this what false/wrong decisions called) i will sum up my blog with this quote that "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." - Thomas Edison. so think before you quit,,,and try to don't quit and remember WINNERS DON'T QUIT..BE A WINNER-Thomas H. Huxle

sahir lodhi's exercises for life

ELEMENT # 3 know what you wish "While wishing and hoping makes you a dreamer, acting and doing makes you someone who can turn dreams into reality."

above mentioned quote is a famous saying about wishing, in fact about just wishing. read the quote care fully. it contains two parts, one is telling you that ''wishing and hoping makes you a dreamer'' and second part is telling you that '' trying to fulfill that wish makes you some one who can turn dreams into reality''. this blog is actually third part of SAHIR LODHI's (HOW TO DISCOVER YOURSELF) shows campaign. in which Mr lodhi discussed several topics which can help you to change your perspective of life.. in his show which was aired on 22 feb 2008 sahir lodhi discussed topic '' wishes'''. Mr Lodhi said every difficult thing seems difficult until it becomes easy. and every difficult task becomes easier after you start doing is not that much difficult.just we have to try our best. sahir added that in our life we wish so many things to do but then we compromise with worse case senario and then we quit our own wish and we think that we can live without it. actually this is wrong, if this is true than why we feel pain for that wish which we quited?. why we always compare ourselves with others?we always compare our self with others for betterment and this is called ''wish''. '' "As you think, so you are. As you dream, so you become. As you create your wishes, so they create you" remedy: deal with the situations as they are, and avoid just wishful thinking some times we don't under stand what we want. we can not decide that our wishes are right or wrong,because no one told us how to take decisions for life but we have to take decision for life sometimes because of situations,some times because of pressure around us or some times when we have no other option. for this sahir lodhi present and exercise. follow it EXERCISE: stand in front of mirror and close your eyes fr about 5 min. try to see your self ( beyond yourself) to evaluate your wishes you have to consider following 1. VISUALIZATION 2. IMPLEMENTATION AND EXECUTION (WITH PROPER PLAN)

3. CONSEQUENCES if you succeed in this exercise you are at great post of anagogy (knowing). and if not than you have to acquire that post for you. this is necessarily important. if we will Librate our wishes on these three scales it will become easy for us to judge that our wishes are Right or wrong. sahir added more that we have to keep balance in all these things. we lose our balance when our losses become more than our gains.. most important factor is VISUALIZATION, If we did this step it means we almost fulfilled our wish . then we will go for next step ''PLAN''. and following these steps we will bring blance in our lives. people say wishes are negatives (-ves).. by follwing these exercises we can change our negatives (-ves) to positives (+ves) sahir added that If your wishes are turned into goals, then your wishes may come true. Wishes can be your best avenue of getting what you want when you turn wishes into action. Action moves your wish to the forefront from thought to reality.

launch show of sahir lodhi

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