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Common Burnt Clay Bricks

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Common Burnt Clay Bricks

Common Burnt Clay Bricks are shaped by pressing in moulds. Then these bricks are dried in a hot kiln.


Common Burnt Clay Bricks are employed in general work with no special enticing appearances. Once these bricks are employed in walls, they need covering or rendering. Common Burnt Clay Bricks are classified into different types such as: 1. Class 1

2. Class 2

3. Class 3

Class 1

These are the finest quality of common burnt clay bricks available in the market. Its cost is highest among the three. Class 1 Bricks are the ideal burnt bricks. Some of the features of Class 1 Bricks are: -

Table-Moulded Bricks, Pointy Edges and Smoother Surfaces without any Irregularities, Bright & Uniform in colour, Higher Compressive Strength of about 105 kg/cm2, Used as a Load Bearing Wall in almost all Civil Structures and, Water Absorption should not exceed 20% when soaked in water for 24 hours.

Class 2

These are also good quality Bricks but is slightly inferior to Class 1 Bricks. Class 2 bricks may be slightly overburnt or under burnt. Class 2 Bricks are the second choice of the engineers in terms of quality. Some of the features of the Class 2 Bricks are: -

Ground-Moulded Bricks, Curved Edges with Surface Irregularities, Bright & Uniform in Colour, Compressive Strength less than Class 1 Bricks of about 70 kg/cm2, It is also used as Load Bearing Walls, Water Absorption should not exceed 22% when soaked in water for 24 hours.

Class 3

These are the lowest quality Bricks which are used in masonry. Class 3 Bricks are overburnt or under burnt bricks. Class 3 Bricks are chosen only when the budget of the

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