Nature Development Science Park Amsterdam

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Nature Development Science Park Amsterdam i n t e g r a t i n g c o m m u n i t y a nd n a t u r e



have got two choices in life:

become sustainable or die trying.

C h o o s e

one.� Team Green Science Park , 2014

Colofon C

o m m i ss i o n e d



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Marianne Griffioen & Tim Blokker P

a r t

o f

I ns t i t u t i o n of



e s l a


i n o r

I n t e r d i s c i p l i n a r y S t u d i e s ( II S ) U n i v e r s i t y

Amsterdam, 23

r i t t e n



a nd


e d i t t e d

b y


M i l a n Te u n i s s e n v a n M a n e n , Jeroen Sch端tt & Myrte Mijnders S

u p e r v i s o r s


Gerard van Oostermeijer & Harm van der Geest

Preface As part of the Tesla Minor we, Milan, Jeroen and Myrte, were asked by the municipality of Amsterdam to write an advice report about the nature development on Science Park Amsterdam for a small natural area. We have been working on this project for five months. We enjoyed working on this project because it combined our visions about sustainability, our creativity, and our biology background. In this report you will read about our advice, findings and design of Anna’s Ruigte. We would like to thank Bertus Tulleners and Joris Buis for the opportunity to join the Tesla minor and the asked and uninvited feedback on our progress. Furthermore we would like to thank Gerard Oostermeijer and Harm van der Geest for their feedback and for reminding us that it is all about nature. We would also like to thank Marianne Griffioen and Tim Blokker, our client, for the successful collaboration. Lastly, we would like to thank Boris Jansen (UvA), Els Corporaal (city district ecologist), Ben Fit (Antea group ecologist), Bart Specken (Waternet ecologist), Marco van Vemden (Waternet) and Tayfun Yalcin (permaculture expert and designer) for their input and advice on the nature elements, management plan and permaculture design. For advice on the survey, we would also like the thank Chantêlle Pickee-Solisa (Amsterdam Science Park).

I nd e x




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E d u c a t i o n





CH 0 6 F i n a n c e


C H 0 7 R e f l e c t i o n


C H 0 8 R e f e r e n c e s


C H 0 9 A p p e nd i x





CH 0 0 0 S u m m a r y Sustainable cities are needed to counter the consequences of urbanization.

garden will be distributed over collaborators Polder and Eurest. The Anna’s

Sustainable cities include natural areas in their planning that are ecologically

Tuin will be managed and promoted by a committee. The rest of the natural

valuable, and provide environmental and social services. The city of Amster-

area contains elements that promote the ecological potential of the area.

dam is at the frontier of becoming one of these sustainable cities. This is strongly reflected in Amsterdam Science Park (ASP). However, the natural

The presented nature development plan is a road map to how this design can

area of Science Park is considered to have a low ecological value (Faasse,

be implemented. The nature development plan includes multiannual manage-

2011) and could offer much more to the Science Park community. The goal of

ment and financial overviews. The management on the short- and long term,

this project is to design a nature development plan for 1.5 ha of natural area

who is responsible for the maintenance and what materials are needed are

(Figure 1), henceforth called Anna’s Ruigte, that will increase the ecological

presented per design element. In addition, a planning for the construction of

and social value of the natural area.

the elements is shown. Furthermore a financial overview is given of the construction and long-term management cost per design element.

In order to find out how these values can effectively be increased, we researched the current ecological state of the natural area. Furthermore we

Although the design is specified for Anna’s Ruigte, the elements proposed for

made an analysis of the composition, needs and wishes of the ASP commu-

Anna’s Ruigte could be incorporated elsewhere in the natural area of Amster-

nity. The data was collected from measurements in the natural area, scien-

dam Science Park.

tific literature, governmental reports, and a survey distributed amongst the community. The results were summarized in specific design criteria. Elements

Concluding, the ecological and social value of the ASP natural areas can be

were only incorporated in the design when these criteria were met. The main

increased by the proposed design. By doing so, the natural area will become

criteria in terms of ecology are: 1) the design should be able to accommodate

more lively and will become an integrated part of the ASP area and its com-

local species (as stated by ecolint), 2) include elements that diversify habitat,


and 3) promote water quality and aquatic soil surface. The main design criteria in order to increase the social value are: 1) the inclusion of educational activities (e.g. in the form of courses and information boards), 2) the promotion and facilitation of bottom-up sustainability initiatives and 3) recreational facilities that are resistant to vandalism. The most important ecological changes proposed are nature friendly banks and a partially isolated waterway. Social elements incorporated in the design are for example institutionalized education, information boards and a nature radio. The proposed design designates part of Anna’s Ruigte as permaculture plot called Anna’s Tuin. Anna’s Tuin is incorporated, because it meets criteria for education and recreation. A separate design is made for Anna’s Tuin which can be found in Development plan Anna’s Tuin. The yield of the permaculture 8

Figure 1 - Aerial view of Science Park Amsterdam. The black triangular shape marks the Anna’s ruigte area, for which the design and management plan is written.


C H 0 0 1 I n t r o d u c t i o n Cities are becoming the primary habitat for humans (Wu, 2008), this increas-

ronmental and ecological services are air filtering, microclimate regulation,

ing urbanization has large ecological and social consequences. Firstly, the

noise reduction, rainwater drainage, sewage treatment, seed dispersion, soil

increasing urban expansion is one of the most ubiquitous threats for native

formation and support of invertebrate, pollinator, butterfly and bird popula-

species due to habitat loss and fragmentation (Marzluff, 2001 from McKinney,

tions (Colding, 2006; Bolund & Hunhammar, 1999). Even green areas that are

2002). Secondly, the increasing urban expansion challenges the availability

managed locally and in function of the city dweller, for example lawns, allot-

of nearby natural areas. Research suggests that city dwellers need contact

ment areas, parks, etc., provide these environmental and ecological services

with nature because it serves the adaptive function of psychological restora-

(Goddard et al, article in press; Colding, 2006; Bolund & Hunhammar, 1999).

tion (van den Berg, 2007). In fact this is a growing problem, as the human

Indeed, beside these environmental and ecological services, urban green areas

population is growing exponentially and is expected to reach between 8.3 and

also provide the city dweller with social and psychological services (Chiesura,

10.9 billion people by 2050 (UN, 2011), out of which 85% of Europeans will

2004; van den Berg, 2007). It is found that natural environments aid humans

live in urban areas (UN, 2011). Although it is hypothesized that the human

with psychological restoration by means of reducing stress, increase contem-

population will stabilize in the 21st century (Lutz, 2001), urban expansion will

plativeness and give a sense of peacefulness and serenity (Kaplan, 1983 from

continue even after 2100 due to the continuing migration to urban areas (Wu,

Chiesura, 2004). However, in order for the natural area to provide these so-


cial and psychological services, it is important to keep in mind that there are

The reality of expanding urbanization stands directly opposite to the tradition-

differences in the experience of nature that are strongly related to the city

al views of nature preservation, which focuses on conserving large and mainly

dweller’s age. Therefore, management of the urban natural area should be

untouched areas (Chiesura, 2004). A different focus can be found in reconcili-

diversified in order to meet the expectations and wishes of all societal groups

ation ecology, which theorizes that the decrease in biodiversity due to habitat

(children, youngsters, elderly people)(Chiesura, 2004). Indeed, in line with

loss and fragmentation can be prevented by redesigning the human habitat to

the studies discussed above, many definitions of what a sustainable city is

include small areas of wild habitat in urban areas (Rosenzweig, 2003). It has

,acknowledge and incorporate ecologically and socially valuable green com-

been shown that urban green spaces can significantly contribute to conserva-

mons as an important part of becoming a sustainable city (Chiesura, 2004).

tion when they are part of a larger ecological structure that is extended over

The city of Amsterdam is at the frontier of becoming one of these sustainable

a city (Goddard et al, article in press). Therefore, it is necessary to address

cities as it is working towards accomplishing its sustainability goals

the value and increase the amount of green spaces in urban areas that can


meente Amsterdam, n.d.; DRO, 2014). For a start, the city has a large eco-

significantly contribute to the local species population and biodiversity preser-

logical network managed to support the larger ecological structures of the

vation. Such green spaces should focus on mitigating habitat fragmentation,

country and Europe (DRO, 2012). Additionally, Amsterdam facilitates citizens

accommodating local species and informing the public. The latter is important

to adopt geo-thermal heating, improve building isolation and driving electric

as it can generate the economical and political pressure needed to incorporate

vehicles. Summarized, the vision is to become a living compact city, which is

conservation policies and is therefore key for successful preservation (McKin-

build sustainably with urban green and water. A sustainable city with a circular

ney, 2002).

economy that is driven by its inhabitants and its dependency on fossil fuels

Additionally, several studies have shown that urban green spaces can sig-

decreases (De Circulaire Metropool, Amsterdam 2014 - 2018).

nificantly contribute to environmental and ecological services. Such envi10

With the construction of Amsterdam Science Park, co-owned by the Neth-

be part of the Anna’s Hoeve farmlands and therefore we decided to name the

erlands Organization of Scientific research (NWO), University of Amsterdam

area Anna’s Ruigte - which refers to its historical state, its current state and

(UvA) and municipality of Amsterdam, the city is working with science and

most of all future state.

business to build a place that fits the vision of Amsterdam as a city of the future. For example, the buildings of Science Park have green rooftops and

Concluding, the project aims to increase the ecological and social value by

geothermal-heating systems. Additionally, the construction and design of fu-

designing 1.5 ha of natural area in such a way that the design meets certain

ture buildings are subjected to strict rules in terms sustainability (Masterplan,

criteria. These criteria are based on research in Anna’s Ruigte. Ecology and

2013). Furthermore the design of Amsterdam Science Park incorporates natu-

integration are central aspects in the criteria. This report consists of three

ral areas, not only for water storage and compensation during intense rainfall,

parts. First, our research regarding the ecological and social assessment is

but also because the Science Park is part of an ecological corridor. This cor-

presented which concludes with ecological and social design criteria. In the

ridor, Ecolint, connects the east of Amsterdam with the west, functioning as

second part, the design criteria are translated to a design, where the main

migrational path and habitat for local flora and fauna. At the same time Ecolint

elements will be discussed separately. This section is closed off with an over-

provides natural space for local people to enjoy. However, the natural area of

view of the management of the area and financial aspects. Finally, a reflection

Amsterdam Science Park is considered to have a low ecological value (Faasse,

on the research and design chapters will be presented.

2011) and could potentially offer much more to the Science Park community (students, residents, business people) to enjoy. With this, Amsterdam Science Park fails to meet one of the key points that reflects a sustainable city, namely provide ecologically and socially valuable green areas. Therefore, the goal of this project is to research in what ways the ecological and social value of the area can be increased and how this can be implemented in a way that it integrates with the rest of Amsterdam Science Park. There are two aspects that play an especially important role in the design of the resulting development plan. The first aspect is ecology, because the area is designated as a natural area and is part of a larger ecological network to which it must contribute. The second aspect is integration, because the vision of Amsterdam Science Park focuses on connecting the park’s community. For the purpose of this project we will focus on 1.5 ha of nature, which faces the front entrance of the main building of the University of Amsterdam (Figure 1). This parcel is enclosed by water channels connected to the water network of the city. Most of the parcel is designated as nature, however a section overlapping the periphery is designated as a building plot. So far there are no construction plans, because it has not been sold yet. The natural area used to 11

C H 0 0 2 A p p r o a c h In order to design a nature area development plan that integrates the ASP community with its natural area, it was necessary to collect data about the current ecological situation in Anna’s Ruigte, and the needs and wishes of the ASP community. The ecological situation of Anna’s Ruigte was described in terms of biodiversity, abiotic and biotic factors. Besides the ecological assessment the needs and wishes of the ASP community concerning Anna’s Ruigte were assessed as well. The exact methods used in the ecological and social assessment are described further on in this section. The ecological and social assessment resulted in the current ecological and social situation of Anna’s Ruigte, from which design criteria were derived. The design elements had to meet these criteria in order to be incorporated in the design. For the elements that were incorporated in the design, a management plan for the short and long term was developed. Next, the costs concerning the construction and maintenance of these elements were evaluated. The management and financial overview can be found in chapter 5 and 6.




The habitat characteristics of Anna’s Ruigte are determined by the hydrology


and the soil and water composition. For the nature development in Anna’s Ruigte it is important to understand the relation between flora and fauna, and the abiotic factors in terms of hydrology, and soil and water composition (Sol-


The ecological potential of the aquatic zone of Anna’s Ruigte was determined

lie et al., 2011).

using ‘Water Framework Directive’ (KRW), because the KRW was used in an earlier assessment of the Watergraafsmeer water system by Faasse (2011).

We decided to use the ‘Handreiking Natuurvriendelijke Oever’ of Foundation

The following KRW physical and chemical measurements of the waterways

for Applied Water Research (STOWA) (Sollie et al., 2011) as a guideline for

were used in this ecological assessment: transparency, oxygen levels, nitro-

determining the habitat characteristics of Anna’s Ruigte. We divided Anna’s

gen and phosphorus levels and acidity levels. First of all, the habitat charac-

Ruigte in three zones: aquatic, amphibious, and terrestrial (Figure 2). This di-

teristics of the aquatic zone were determined at 12 different sample sites in

vision is made because the factors determining the flora en fauna vary greatly

Anna’s Ruigte (Figure 3). The sample sites were chosen in such a way that

in spatial terms within these three zones (Sollie et al., 2011). The habitat

the immediately visible ecological differences in Anna’s Ruigte were covered

type identification key, designed by STOWA (Sollie et al., 2011), was used to

in the assessment. Five of the 12 sites were located in the inner waterway

determine the habitat type for the aquatic, amphibious and terrestrial zone.

(E - I). The other seven sites were located in the surrounding waterway (Fig-

The aquatic zone represents the submerged habitat underneath the low-water

ure 3) (A-D; J-M). In total six abiotic factors were measured, namely: water

level (Figure 2). The amphibious zone represents the habitat that is between

depth (cm), thickness of organic layer (cm), transparency (cm), conductiv-

the low-water and high-water level (Figure 2). The rest of the bank and Anna’s

ity (microS/cm), oxygen level (mg/L) and turbidity (NTU). The water depth

Ruigte is referred to as terrestrial zone (Figure 2).

(cm) in both the surrounding and inner waterway was measured at the 12 sites using a stick and a measuring tape in April. The suitability of the soil surface for the establishment of water plants and the transparency of the water were measured at the same moment (May) in eight different sites: three in the inner waterway (E, G, I) and five in the surrounding waterway (A, B, D, J, K) (Figure 3). The transparency was measured first, so that the transparency was not influenced by the disturbance of the organic layer. The transparency (cm) of the water was measured by determining at what water depth a yellow disk was not visible anymore. The suitability for plant rooting in waterway soils of Anna’s Ruigte was determined by measuring the thickness of the organic layer (cm) on top of the soil surface with a coring tube. A thick organic layer (or sludge layer) will not give enough support for rooting water plants (Sollie et al., 2011). Furthermore, the conductivity (S/cm), oxygen levels and turbidity were measured at all the 12 sample sites during mid June.

Figure 2. Zonation of bank. Three different zones - aquatic, amphibious and terrestial - are distinguised in the natural area. Reprinted from Sollie et al (2011).


The conductivity of the water gives an indication of its origin. A low level of

Subsequently a vegetation survey at seven locations was conducted to de-

conductivity (<500 μS/cm) indicates a rainwater dominated system, while a

termine the nutrient content, acidity and moisture levels in the soil by using

high conductivity level indicates a city water dominated (>1000 μS/cm) sys-

Ellenberg Indicator Values (Ellenberg, 1979). The seven locations are rep-

tem (personal communication Bart Spekken). The conductivity of the water

resentative for the different vegetation types found in Anna’s Ruigte (Figure

(measurement of all positive ions in water) and oxygen levels were measured

3). The sample sites differed in size. Sample site 3 was approximately 10m2,

using a portable EGV meter. In addition the turbidity (NTU) was measured at

because it was located under shrubs. Sample site 6 was approximately 4m2,

nine sites (A, D, E, G, I, J, K). Nephelometric Turbidity Unit (NTU) is a meas-

because it was located in the grassland. Ellenberg Indicator Values are based

ure based on the reflectivity of particles in the liquid (Davies-Colley & Smith,

on plant species that indicate specific habitat conditions (Ellenberg, 1979).

2001). Three water samples were taken from the inner waterway and four

For each of the seven vegetation surveys the nutrient content, acidity and

samples from the surrounding waterway. Two additional samples (X,Z) from

moisture levels were calculated separately. During the vegetation surveys the

the Kruislaan and the water basin between Amsterdam Science Park and the

abundance of the species in the four different vegetation layers (moss, herb,

highway A10 were used as a reference, both taken in June. The turbidity was

shrub and tree) was estimated. The ‘Heukels Flora van Nederland’ (van der

measured using a 2100Qis Portable Turbidity meter from Hach. The aver-

Meijden, 2005) was used to determine the flora at species level. The vegeta-

age turbidity was calculated of 12 repeated measurements. For the nutrient

tion survey on sample site 1-7 was conducted two times during the flowering

richness, acidity, residence time of the water, measurements conducted by

season to record more species in Anna’s Ruigte. The vegetation survey was

Faasse (2011) were used. These measurements were taken at the water basin

conducted once in May and once in June.

located at Amsterdam Science Park near the water pump station. This vegetation survey was also used to determine the biodiversity in Anna’s Ruigte in terms of flora. For the assessment of the biodiversity we also in-


a nd


cluded plant species that did not occur in the vegetation survey plots, but


were noticed during the experimental work. Furthermore, all the tree species were included in the species list. Additionally, the fauna in terms of insects

Second, the habitat characteristics of the amphibious zone were determined.

and birds was examined by setting insect traps, catching with nets and using

The current slope of the banks were measured in both the surrounding wa-

third party data from the website Ground insects were

terway as the inner waterway at ten sample sites. Three sites were located

trapped using hand-made insect traps: plastic drinking cups containing a salt

at the inner waterway (E, G & I). The other seven sites were located at the

and soap solution. These traps were placed at four different sites in Anna’s

surrounding waterway (A,B, D, J-M). Lastly the habitat characteristics of ter-

Ruigte (1-3, 5) representing the different vegetation types. Aquatic macro

restrial zone were determined. The soil composition and ground water level

fauna was caught at two different sites (D & E) by sweeping the insect net

were determined by core profiles. In total seven core profiles were taken at

through the water surface. The species order of the insects was determined

the same sites where we conducted a vegetation survey (Figure 3). The core

using ‘Nieuwe Insecten Gids’ (Chinery, 2009). The ground beetles (Carabidae)

profiles ranged between 20 cm to 80 cm deep. The toxicity of the soil was

were identified to the species level using a ground beetle identification key

determined by using the results of a soil investigation conducted by Tauw

provided by IBED.

(Vermeer, 2008) and soil quality maps of the city of Amsterdam (http://maps.




A survey was used to assess the needs and wishes of the ASP community in terms of nature, education and recreation in their working and living environment. The general opinion towards nature, education, recreation and sustainability in the area was determined using 12 questions. The 12 questions presented in the survey were multiple choice or on a Likert response scale of five dimensions. The survey was written using Google Forms and presented in English and Dutch, in order to reach both the local and international population of SPA (Appendix 4). The stakeholders involved in this project were chosen based on their geographical location, namely working or living at Amsterdam Science Park. We divided the ASP community in three stakeholder groups: 1) business people 2) residents at the Carolina McGillavrylaan and 3) students of the Science Faculty. The survey was emailed to businesses listed to the ASP premises. Email addresses were obtained from the website The residents living at the Carolina McGillavrylaan in the Milos, Samos and Andros buildings were reached via the resident associations of these buildings. The students living in the student housing facilities were reached via the Amsterdam University College Student Association (AUCSA). A link to the survey was incorporated in their monthly newsletter. Additionally, the survey was presented to passing students in het main hall and to people in the business cafeteria Meet&Eat located on ASP. It was chosen not to eliminate incomplete

Figure 3. Overview of sample sites in Anna’s Ruigte. The blue letters indicated the sites were measurements were taken concerning the aquatic zone. The white numbers indicated the sites were the measurements and vegetation survey were taken concerning the amphibous and terrestrial zone.

answers, as this would have reduced the total sample population. The results of the survey were analyzed in terms of relative abundance in Excel.


CH 0 0 3 A ss e ss m e n t In this section we will present our results of the ecological and social assessment of Anna’s Ruigte. First the results of the ecological assessment will be discussed. These results are presented per aquatic, amphibious and terrestrial zone. We will conclude the ecological assessment with an ecological status based on the interpretation of these results. Second, the results of the social assessment will be presented. The results of the survey and insights gained by a short literature study will be presented.



a ss e ss m e n t


Amsterdam Science Park is located in the Watergraafsmeer polder. The polder is situated 5.5 meters below NAP (Normal Amsterdam level). At -5.5 NAP there is a sandy clay layer which changes into a peat layer at -10 NAP (Faasse,


In this section the data from earlier studies and the results of the measure-

2011). At the edges of the Watergraafsmeer polder local seepage comes from

ments in the aquatic zone of Anna’s Ruigte will be presented.

the Ringvaart and the Weespertrekvaart (Faasse, 2011). To maintain the water level in the polder water is actively pumped out, leading to a water flow

According to Faasse (2011) the waterways in Watergraafsmeer meet the

at Amsterdam Science Park from the Kruislaan to the big water basin which is

description in terms of form and function of fenland waterways and canals

located between Science Park and the highway A10. The vegetation of Anna’s

(M10). The waterways in Anna’s Ruigte are linear, with a depth of less than

Ruigte is typical for plant community Convolvulo-Filipenduletea. According to

three meters, strongly focused on supply and drainage of water, with a maxi-

Bal et al (2001) Convolvulo-Filipenduletea is mainly important for butterflies

mum flow rate of ten cm/s near inlets and water pump station (Faasse, 2011).

and hoverflies are attracted by the high density of flowers (Bal et al., 2001).

Although Anna’s Ruigte is not assigned as an official KRW waterbody, it is connected with official KRW water bodies like the Amstel. An overview of the

The ASP natural area is part of the larger ecological network of Amsterdam,

ecological potential in relation to physical and chemical measurements for

the so-called Ecolint. Due to the area’s geographical position it serves as an

M10 waterbodies can be found in appendix 1. Research conducted by Faasse

important migration route between the “Nieuwe Diep” and “Nieuwe Meer” for

(2011) showed that water in Watergraafsmeer is nutrient rich. The most lim-

fauna such as the grass snake (Faasse, 2011). The target vision of the Ec-

iting factor of these nutrients is phosphorus (P); 97% of the P comes from

olint is to create a water system with clear and clean water where the banks

seepage and the remaining percentage comes from leaf litter, animal excre-

offers a variety of habitat for several terrestrial and aquatic flora and fauna

ments and a very small part is from sewage water (Faasse, 2001). The levels

(Oranjewoud, 1999). To monitor the state of Ecolint, five species are used:

of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in the surface water of big water basin

pike (Esox lucius), weasel (Mustela nivalis), reed warbler (Acrocephalis scir-

(Oosterringdijk) located at Amsterdam Science Park declined over time, but

paceus), grass snake (Natrix natrix) and ordinary bank dragonfly (Orthetrum

are still too high compared to the standards KRW-values (MTR-N and MTR-P)

cancellatum) (Faasse, 2011). The presence of these species also indicates

(Figure 4) (Faasse, 2011). The pH value of the surface water in the basin was

the presence of species of prey like mice and frog species (Faasse, 2011).

within the desired value (Faasse, 2011). The average residence time of the

Research conducted by Faasse (2011) showed that Ecolint did not reach its

water in Watergraafsmeer is 18.9 days during the summer and 14.2 during

target vision 16 years after construction. According to Faasse (2011) Ecolint

the winter (Faasse, 2001).

should change its target vision, because it is a nutrient rich ecosystem which is hard to impoverish. Therefore the focus should be on habitat diversification

Next to this data from earlier studies, we measured the water depth, thick-

by creating more gradients in light and moisture availability.

ness of organic layer on top of soil surface of the waterway, transparency, turbidity, oxygen levels and conductivity of the aquatic zone in Anna’s Ruigte.


ence of sulfide. It is unknown if the sulfide concentration is toxic, but plants like water mint (Mentha aquatica) are present in the inner waterway, which might indicate that the concentrations of sulfide are not toxic yet (Sollie et al., 2011) (Table 1). Furthermore the transparency was measured in both the inner and the surrounding waterway of Anna’s Ruigte. It was observed that the surrounding waterway of Anna’s Ruigte looked brown and the bottom is not directly visible. In deeper parts of the waterway the transparency is around 50 cm (Table 1). Small clay particles float in the water. In the inner waterway the water looks clear and the bottom of the waterway is visible, because only small parts are covered with duckweed and algae (Table 1). The results of the turbidity data show almost the same dynamics between the inner and surrounding waterway as the transparency. The turbidity in the surrounding waterways ranges from 2.0 to 68.1 Nephelometric Turbidity Unit

Figure 4. Nutrient concentrations and standards (MTR) of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in the surface water of Oosterringdijk.Reprinted from Faasse (2011).

(NTU) (table 1). Interestingly, the turbidity in the waterway next to Carolina MacGillavrylaan is higher (68.1 NTU), than in the part of the surrounding waterway next to the university building (2.0 NTU). The turbidity of the water in the inner waterway was 4.9 NTU, 6.5 NTU, and 26.5 NTU (Table 1). In addition the oxygen levels were measured. In the surrounding waterway the

Overall the water depth ranged from 5 cm in the inner waterway to 80 cm

oxygen level in the water ranged between 3.1 to 21.2 mg/L (Table 1). The

in the surrounding waterway (Figure 5 & Table 1). The inner waterway has

oxygen levels measured in the inner waterway were very low. The two sample

lower water depths (5 to 30 cm) compared to the surrounding waterway (70

sites in the inner waterway showed an oxygen level of 1.6 mg/L (Table 1).

to 80 cm) (Figure 5). Also the thickness of the organic layer on the bottom of

Lastly the conductivity in the surrounding and inner waterway was measured.

the waterway showed large differences between the sample sites of the sur-

The conductivity both the inner and surrounding waterway was approximately

rounding and inner waterway (Table 1). In almost all parts of the surrounding

1250 μS/cm. The conductivity in the inner waterway was around 1230 μS/

waterway the organic layer was approximately 10 cm thick (Table 1). At one

cm (Table 1). The conductivity in the surrounding waterway was a bit higher,

sample site (B) near the willow shrubs the organic layer was 60 cm (Table

with one data point of 1577 μS/cm (Table 1). This data point was located near

1). Here, the organic layer consisted mostly of leaf material, which probably

the culverts.

originates from trees surrounding the sample site. The organic layer in the inner waterway was at most sample points thicker than the organic layer in

The data above was interpreted to assess the ecological potential of Anna’s

the surrounding waterway. The organic layer in the inner waterway was more

Ruigte. Overall, the water in Anna’s Ruigte is nutrient rich. The inner and sur-

than 20 cm thick (Table 1). Also here it mostly consisted of leaf material. At

rounding waterway clearly differ in water depth, thickness of organic layer,

sample site G with an organic layer more than 20 cm thick a strong smell of

transparency, turbidity, and oxygen level. The surrounding waterway is deeper

rotten eggs occurred during the coring process. This smell indicates the pres-


and the organic layer is thinner than in the inner waterway. Further-

In the surrounding waterway the light shortage is most likely caused by

more, the transparency in the surrounding waterway is 50 cm and

suspended clay particles. This is also reflected in the turbidity measure-

the bottom is not visible, because clay particles float in the water.

ments. The turbidity in the waterway next to Carolina MacGillavrylaan is higher (68.1 NTU), than in the part of the surrounding waterway next

According to the KRW-values the transparency of the surrounding waterway

to the university building (2.0 NTU).

is insufficient for the growth of submerged water plants (Appendix 1). The

ter flow between the two culverts, which prevents clay particles to pre-

absence of submerged water plants is quite likely the result of this light short-

cipitate (Figure 3). The turbidity in the waterway in front of the uni-

age (Sollie et al., 2011). This light shortage is caused by detritus (dead par-

versity is probably lower due to the fact that this water does not flow.

ticulate organic material) in the water that is stirred up by wind or benthic fish (Sollie et al., 2011). Benthic fish do occur in the surrounding waterway of Anna’s Ruigte because dead carps were found during the field measurements.

Table 1. The results of the turbidity (NTU), conductivity (microS/cm), oxygen level (mg/L), thickness of organic layer (cm), transparency (cm), water depth (cm) and slope measurements in the aquatic and amphibious zone for sample site A - M, X and Z in Anna’s Ruigte. Location

Turbidity (NTU)

Conductivity (microS/cm)

Oxygen (mg/L)

Probably, this is due to the wa-

Organiclayer (cm)

Transparency (cm)

Waterdepth (cm)















soil surface
























soil surface















soil surface
















soil surface



















































ate and does not give enough support to root systems of submerged water plants. A second reason why the soil surface of the inner waterway classifies as insufficient is the accumulation of sulfide, which is indicated by a strong smell of rotten eggs. No measurements of sulfide concentrations in the inner waterway were carried out, but the appearance of water mint might indicate that the sulfide concentrations are not toxic yet. In addition, the thick organic layer degrades over time and uses oxygen in the process, which results in an anoxic situation (Sollie et al., 2011). This hypothesis is supported by the low levels of oxygen (1.6 mg/L) measured in the inner waterway. Based on STOWA guidelines it can be concluded that two different habitat types can be assigned to the aquatic zone in Anna’s Ruigte: brown water and insufficient soil surface for the establishment of water plants (Sollie et al., 2011). The surrounding waterway is brown due to the occurrence of clay particles in the water, which results in light shortage. A possible cause for the suspended clay particles in the waterway is the distribution of the soil surface

Figure 5. The water depths and groundwater levels in Anna’s Ruigte. The blue number indicate the water depths (cm) measured in the inner and surrounding waterway. The white number indicate the groundwater levels (cm) measured in the terrestrial zone.

of the waterway by carp. The light shortage and nutrient-richness in the surrounding waterway the ecological potential is low and nature development should focus on the shallow part of the aquatic zone (<40 cm) (Sollie et al., 2011). Next STOWA advises to lower the water level during the summer. In

The soil surface of the surrounding waterway appears sufficient for the growth

this way more light reaches the bottom of the waterway (Sollie et al., 2011).

of aquatic plants compared to the inner waterway, because the organic layer is

Furthermore letting the bank run dry once every five year will reduce the

not that thick. The bottom of the inner waterway is visible and the water is very

levels of nitrogen and phosphate in the soil and aquatic plants will get the

clear. This is reflected in the turbidity values. A turbidity less than <5 NTU falls

chance to establish in the waterway (Sollie et al., 2011). Due to the nutrient-

under STOWA category ‘good’ (Jaarsma et al., 2008). In the inner waterway the

richness of the water duckweed could cover the water surface of the inner

turbidity is approximately 5 NTU. The high level of 26.5 NTU measured in the in-

waterway. This results in temporary anaerobe circumstance in deeper parts of

ner waterway is probably due to the occurrence of algae at the sample location.

the waterway. Dying duckweed will fall on the bottom of the waterway which will form a thick organic/sludge layer which is insufficient for water plants.

The organic layer is much thicker in the inner than in the surrounding wa-

Therefore the massive dying of duckweed should be prevented by removing

terway. Only at one sample site in the surrounding waterway the organic

it in time, because lowering the nutrient content of the water is not possible.

layer was 60 cm. This is probably due to leaf litter from the surrounding willows. The organic layer in the inner waterway is around 20 cm thick. This

The inner waterway probably has an insufficient soil surface due to sludge-

together with the absence of floating water plants with big root storage in-

formation, because the current soil surface does not give enough support

dicates that the soil surface of the inner waterway is probably inappropri-

to root systems of submerged water plants. To improve the aquatic zone


STOWA (Sollie et al., 2011) advises to remove the organic layer from the soil

Ranunculus sceleratus and bulrush (Typha latifolia). According to Ellenberg

surface. Also the creation of the organic layer should be prevented, by remov-

these species indicated moist, acidic and nitrogen-rich soil conditions (Figure

ing the input of leaf inlet in the waterway (Sollie et al., 2011).

6). The soil conditions for each vegetation survey site can be found in appendix 3.

Lastly, the inner waterway seems isolated from the surrounding waterway by

The banks in both the inner and surrounding waterway are steep (Table 1).

a thick patch of Reed Mannagrass (Glyceria maxima). According to Whatley

Currently, the slope in the surrounding waterway ranges from 1:1 to 1:1.6

(2014) semi-isolated or completely isolated water ways have a high habitat

(Table 1). The slope in the inner waterways ranges from 1:1.9 to 1:2.9 (Table

value, because these waters provide a protected habitat. These protected

1). The banks are shallower compared to the surrounding waterway. Further-

habitats are more likely to have relatively stable abiotic conditions and a well-

more, the water level in the inner waterway fluctuates more than the water

developed macrophyte community (Whatley, 2014). The conductivity levels

level in the surrounding waterway because the inner waterway is semi iso-

in both the inner and surrounding waterway are similar, which indicate that

lated by a thick patch of Glyceria maxima that partly blocks the water flow.

both waterways are still connected and the inner waterway is not rain waterdominated.

Overall the vegetation in the amphibious zone is species poor due to the steep banks (Table 1). The vegetation in the inner waterway is more species rich,


probably due to shallower banks. These shallower banks create a gradual


transition in light and moisture availability, which results in more niches for different species (Sollie et al., 2008; Faasse, 2011). The soil in Anna’s Ruigte

In this section the data from earlier studies and the results of the measure-

is nutrient rich and acidic (Ellenberg value 6,2) (Appendix 3).

ments in the amphibious zone of Anna’s Ruigte will be presented. The water level in Anna’s Ruigte is kept at (-5.50 NAP) during the year and does not

In short, it can be concluded that two different habitat types occur in the

fluctuate more than 10-20 cm due to sagging of the water level in the sum-

amphibious zone: eutrophic non-dry falling bank and eutrophic bank with

mer (Kuster, 2011).

fluctuating water level. The amphibious zone in the larger waterway is qualified as eutrophic, permanently waterlogged bank. The ecological potential of

We determined the slope of the current banks and the species richness in

the amphibious zone in the surrounding waterway is low (Sollie et al., 2011).

the amphibious zone. The soil conditions were estimated in terms of nutrient

The ecological potential of the amphibious zone in the surrounding waterway

content, moisture level and acidity in all seven vegetation survey sites using

would increase substantially by creating natural fluctuations of the water level

Ellenberg indicator values. Lastly we assessed the aquatic macrofauna. Un-

(Sollie et al., 2011). The amphibious zone in the inner waterway is qualified as

fortunately we were unable to determine the insects on order or species level

eutrophic bank with fluctuating water levels (Sollie et al., 2011). In the inner

due to time limitations. In total 42 plant species were found of which eight

waterway the ecological potential of the amphibious zone can be improved by

occur in the amphibious zone. An overview of the species list can be found in

removing the causes of eutrophication. One of the causes of the eutrophica-

appendix 2. In the amphibious zone of the inner waterway five species were

tion of the inner waterway is the connection with the nutrient rich city water.

found, including Iris pseudacorus, Mentha aquatica, Lycopus europaeus. In

Therefore the amphibious zone in the inner waterway will improve by creating

the surrounding waterway three species were found, but consisted mainly of

an isolated water system that is mainly fed by rain water.

reed (Phragmites australis). The vegetation in the amphibious zone in both the inner and surrounding waterway consist mainly of helophytes like reed,


Figure 6. The soil conditions in Anna’s Ruigte based on Ellenberg indicator values. The green area indicates moist (7), weakly acidic (6), nitrogen-rich (8) soil conditions. The orange area indicates moisture/wet (8), weakly acidic soils (6), moderately nitrogenrich soils (6).




In this section the data from earlier studies and the results of the measure-

the insect diversity as well. Unfortunately, we were unable to determine the

ments in the terrestrial zone of Anna’s Ruigte will be presented.

insects on order or species level due to time limitations.

Research by Faasse (2011) showed that the peat layer in Anna’s Ruigte is situ-

The soil conditions in the terrestrial zone are similar to the amphibious zone.

ated at approximately -10 NAP, so the peat is present at approximately 4.5

Both zones are moderately nitrogen rich, but the soil in the terrestrial zone

meters depth, because Anna’s Ruigte is situated at -5.5 NAP. Additionally, the

is less humid. The first five meters consists of sandy clay followed by a peat

presence of soil contamination has been studied by Tauw (Vermeer, 2011).

layer. This peat layer should not be reached during construction because this

This research conducted by TAUW showed that the soil up to 1.5 meters deep

will result in peat degradation. Peat degradation leads to the input of nutrients

is slightly contaminated with heavy metals and locally with mineral oil and

in the system (Sollie et al., 2011). The clay layer is easily saturated by water

EOX (chlorine, fluoride, bromine, iodine) (Vermeer, 2008). The soil layer at

and water stagnates on top of the clay during periods of precipitation surplus.

-0.5 to -0.9 meter is moderately contaminated with lead (Vermeer, 2008).

The influence of seepage in Anna’s Ruigte is relatively small when compared

The sandy soil does not show any contaminations (Vermeer, 2008).

with the edge of the Watergraafsmeer polder.

The soil-quality map of the municipality of Amsterdam classifies the soil of

The high nutrient levels in Anna’s Ruigte can have two causes. First, the soil

Amsterdam Science Park as zone 2 (

type in Anna’s Ruigte is clay which is in general very rich in nutrients (van

waliteit/). As an indication, the soil quality scale ranges from zone 1 to zone

Vossen et al., 2009). Second, Anna’s Ruigte used to be an agricultural field

6, in which zone 1 is classified as being relatively cleanest. For each zone

since the drainage of the polder which could explain the possible nutrient rich-

different rules apply for the usability of the soil. Zone 2 is considered safe for

ness, because nutrient content in the soil is often related to the land use his-

the function of vegetable garden or allotment (Bodemkwaliteit zone 2, n.d.).

tory (Sonneveld et al., 2002; Verheyen et al., 2001). In addition, the nutrients in Anna’s Ruigte can be delivered by the water. The nutrient-rich water from

We examined the soil composition and determined the groundwater level. The

the city is responsible for the water input in Anna’s Ruigte and could enrich the

soil composition and ground water level was determined from a series of soil

soil. The fact that both the soil and the water are nutrient rich, makes it im-

cores and profile descriptions. The soil condition in terms of nutrient content,

possible to create a nutrient poorer system. Therefore Faasse (2011) advises

moisture level and acidity were estimated at the seven vegetation survey sites

to focus on habitat diversification in terms of light and moisture availability.

using Ellenberg indicator values (Ellenberg, 1979). The Ellenberg indicator values showed that the soil is weakly acidic and moderately nitrogen rich (Fig-

Based on the results above the terrestrial zone in Anna’s Ruigte is identified

ure 6). The most common plant species are: Epilobium hirsutum, Urtica di-

as a humid clay soil (Sollie et al., 2011) and the soil is classified as a zone 2.

oica, Galium aparine, Cirsium arvense, Cirsium vulgare, Cerastium fontanum, Ranunculus repens, Glechoma hederacea, and Brassica nigra. An overview of all species found in Anna’s Ruigte can be found in appendix 2. The core profiles showed that the soil in Anna’s Ruigte mainly consisted of heavy to light clay. A sandy topsoil was only found at sample site J. The groundwater level was found between 20 to 64 cm deep (Figure 5). Lastly we aimed at assessing


S o c i a l A ss e ss m e n t Literature Natural areas provide social and psychological services (Chiesura, 2004; van

management). Also degradation of the property should be prevented because

den Berg, 2007). It was found that contact with nature offers relief from city

this will lead to excessive management costs or failing to fulfil the social ob-

life stress by allowing for the renewal of cognitive resources and psychological

jectives. Therefore, a property system (such as a committee) is needed that

response capabilities (eg. Hartig, 2004, from van den Berg, 2007). For exam-

manages the area and accommodates bottom-up initiatives. Additionally, it is

ple, tests that measured people’s blood pressure after performing a stressful

stressed that decision makers should facilitate means for assisting bottom-up

task showed that resting activities (such as sitting or taking a walk) placed in

driven initiatives, rather than implementing them top-down, in recognition

natural settings promoted a significantly more rapid decline of blood pressure

that it is ultimately the undertaking community that holds the means to carry

compared to the treatment where resting activities were set in urban spaces

such projects onwards.

(van den Berg, 2007). Therefore natural areas close to working places can be highly functional. Despite the fact that this notion increasingly gains popularity (van den Berg, 2007) it is often still not regularly put into practice. Therefore, the design of Anna’s Ruigte should actively stimulate people to interact with nature in order to increase liveliness and stimulate work productivity. The natural area should align with the needs and expectations of the community in order for natural area to facilitate psychological restoration of the community (Chiesura, 2004). In order to successfully design a natural area it is important to assess the needs and wishes of the community. A more durable way to ensure that the needs of the community are included is to classify (part of) the area as an urban green common (areas that are publically accessible, non-excludable and managed through local governance). Green commons allow the community to manage the natural area themselves. Additionally, active management of the green common promotes engagement with nature and reduces the costs for natural area management (Colding et al., 2013). In terms of managing the urban green common there is an important link between 1) the defined property rights and 2) the socio-ecological learning of ecosystem services and biodiversity (Colding et al., 2013). For example, it is possible that overcrowding becomes an issue in openly accessible spaces. In that case a form of exclusion should be incorporated along with a proprietor that can exert it (for example, a gated community with membership


Survey A survey was conducted to assess the needs and wishes of the ASP community

spondents think that courses in Anna’s Ruigte would be a proper way to edu-

in terms of ecology, education and recreation. In total 108 people responded

cate about the ecology of Anna’s Ruigte.

to the survey. The largest response to the survey came from students (57%), followed by businesses (which includes FNWI employees) (32%) (Figure 7).

The survey showed that nature, education and recreation are important aspects that add value to Anna’s Ruigte according to the ASP community. The

We compared answers to the survey questions (Appendix 4) within category

ASP community would also like to see a sustainability initiative in Anna’s Ruig-

and in terms of total sampled population.

te in the form of local food production or renewable energy.

Results from the survey show that natural areas at work are valued as important to very important by approximately 70% of the 108 respondents (Figure 8). Compared to other stakeholder groups, especially residents appear to find nature very important at ASP (Figure 8). Only business people find nature at ASP less important. Talks with business people showed that they are mainly focused on the natural area directly in front of their building instead of Anna’s Ruigte. Also, recreation at work is found to be important to very important (59% of 82 respondents) by the ASP community (Figure 9). Also here only business people find recreation at ASP not important. Additional questions showed that 25% of the 107 respondents do not make use of the current recreation options (café/restaurants) at ASP and less than 20 % of 107 respondents would take a walk in the natural area if there would be a walking trail (Figure 9). When asked if they would be interested in sustainability initiatives most respondents were positive (more than 80% of 108 respondents (Figure 10). Local production of food and renewable energies were favored when asked for what types of sustainability initiatives they would prefer (Figure 11). Figure 7.Overview of respondance of business people (blue), residents (red) and students (green).

Furthermore, the majority of the respondents (>60% of 107 responses) agreed that the added value of education to the natural area (courses or information boards) is positive (Figure 12). Additional questions indicated that 56% of the ASP community thinks information boards and 65% of the re-


Figure 9. The importance of recreation at work for business people (blue), residents (red), students (green) and all stakeholder together (purple).

Figure 8. The importance of nature at work for business people (blue), residents (red), students (green) and all stakeholder together (purple).

Figure 10. The interest in a suatainability initiative in Anna’s Ruigte for business people (blue), residents (red), students (green) and all stakeholder together (purple).


Figure 12. The added value of education in Anna’s Ruigte for business people (blue), residents (red), students (green) and all stakeholde r together (purple).

Figure 11. The preference for sustainability initiatives by business people (blue), residents (red), students (green) and all stakeholder together (purple). Multiple answeres were possible.


Design Criteria In this section the design criteria are presented which are based on the results of the ecological and social assessment. The ecological criteria will be presented first, followed by the social criteria.



Based on the habitat characteristics in the aquatic, amphibious and terrestrial zone, eight ecological criteria were formed. The ecological potential of Anna’s Ruigte is low probably due the nutrient richness of the water and soil. Attempts for reducing the nutrient levels will probably have no effect, because the nutrients are partly replaced by city water. Therefore the nature development of Anna’s Ruigte should focus on habitat diversification and mimicking natural conditions. The ecological criteria are:

1. The design should include elements that serve as a habitat for ecolint fauna species - pike, weasel/stoat, reed warbler, grass snake and ordinary bank dragonfly - and their prey (mice and frog species) (Ecolint).

2. The design should include elements that increase habitat diversification by creating gradients in light and moisture availability (Ecolint). 3. The design should include elements that promote more natural fluctuations in water level (STOWA). 4. The design should include elements so at least 5 to 10 wetland plant species occur in Anna’s Ruigte. 5. The design should include elements that promote water quality in accordance with KRW-values that correspond to ‘sufficient ecological potential’ in terms of transparency and turbidity (Ecolint & STOWA).

6. The design should include elements that improve the soil surface of the waterway so at least floating leaf plants can establish in the area (STOWA).

7. The management of the design elements should be based on the following four principles (STOWA): a. the ecological system should be disturbed as little as possible. b. the maintenance should be conform the code of conduct Flora and Fauna legislation. c. the maintenance frequencies and materials should be adjusted to the local situation. d. the maintenance of natural elements should be based on sustainable, cyclic and phased management. 8. The management of the design elements should focus on realizing or maintaining the target scenario: less than 50% of Anna’s Ruigte should be occupied by undesired species like nettles, thistles, hogweed or hairy willow herb.




Seven social criteria were derived from the social assessment of the needs and wishes of the ASP community. The criteria are based on the survey, requirements of the municipality and scientific research. The social criteria are: 1. The design should include the needs and wishes of the community, such as indicated by the survey: a. Promote education in the form of courses and information boards. b. Promote sustainability initiatives such as locally producing food or generating energy from renewable sources. c. Offer recreational facilities. 2. The design should promote bottom-up community initiatives in the natural area (literature), which ought to be facilitated by the municipality.

3. A committee should be formed that is responsible for overall area management and communication between the municipality and the community (literature).

4. The design should offer a variety of social services so that all segments of the community can benefit from one or more of them (literature and municipality requirement).

5. The design should offer recreation in the natural area so that it facilitates psychological restoration (literature). 6. Recreational elements should be resistant to vandalism (municipality requirement). 7. The aesthetic design should match with the original design of Amsterdam Science Park, keeping in mind the network philosophy as stated in the masterplan (municipality requirement).


CH 0 0 4 D e s i g n A nn a ’ s R u i g t e In this section the design of Anna’s Ruigte and its elements will be discussed in detail. The elements are divided under their application to ecology, education or recreation. For every element it is explained what it is and which design criteria the element meets. In chapter five and six the construction and maintenance of Anna’s Ruigte are explained in more detail. In this section only a short summary of the maintenance will be given per element.







Ecology Because Anna’s Ruigte is a natural area, ecology plays a central role in the design. This section presents the elements that contribute to the ecological value of the area by increasing its quality and diversity. Pictures 1-4 & 6: M. T. Mijnders. Picture 5: - O.J. Goreng



f r i e nd l y b a n k s

A nature friendly bank is an artificially designed bank that explicitly stimulates the development of nature, landscape and ecology. The bank becomes more nature friendly if it represents the natural conditions more closely (van Vossen & Verhagen, 2009). A nature friendly bank gives space to nature, so wetland flora and fauna can establish spontaneously (ecological criteria 1, 4 and 5) (Sollie et al., 2011). The construction of nature friendly banks is one of the biggest alterations in Anna’s Ruigte. The soil that is removed during the construction will be used to heighten other parts of Anna’s Ruigte. The nature friendly banks in Anna’s Ruigte are shallow banks. The bank starts from a water depth of 40 cm and ends at the end of the slope (van Vossen & Verhagen, 2009). The banks will have a slope that ranges from 1:4 to 1:10. This slope will create a gradient in light and moisture availability (ecological criterion 2). It is expected that this shallow slope will increase the number of different helophytes (Sollie et al, 2011). The establishment of wetland plants can take a few years. In order to speed up this process, flora mats will be placed on the slope. Another option is collecting seeds of wetland vegetation at other sites or buy seed mixtures and sow the seeds the nature friendly banks. The best period to plant vegetation in March-April. Yearly mowing of reed will in general result in an open wetland. Less mowing results in litter accumulation and the development of brush vegetation (van Vossen & Verhagen, 2009). The bank vegetation will be mowed in the same frequency as the surrounding meadow and brushwood. Every three to eight years the bank has to be cleared, to stop accumulation of humus, in parts where reed is dominant (van Vossen & Verhagen, 2009). In parts of flower rich brushwood or meadow the bank should be cleared every six to eight years Picture: Francpicture, com/photo/6259323


(van Vossen & Verhagen, 2009). Clearing the banks should take place during October - half November (van Vossen & Verhagen, 2009). Tree seedlings and blackberry have to be removed from the nature friendly banks (Sollie et al., 2011).


Meadow The term meadow refers to vegetation with a height of <1 meter and is not located at the nature friendly bank. The meadow will serve as a habitat for mice species (ecological criterium 1). In the target scenario, as described in ecological criterium 8) more than 50% of the meadow will be covered by other species than by nettles, thistles, hogweed or hairy willow herb. Diversification management is needed during the first years after the realization of the nature friendly bank, to increase the biodiversity in Anna’s Ruigte and realize this target scenario (ecological criterium 7). Once the target scenario is met, the meadow should be mowed once a year in at least two phases between half September and October (ecological criterium 7). If the mowing frequency is increased to two times a year, the Flora and Fauna code of conduct should be taken into account (van Vossen & Verhagen, 2009). The mowing should take place after most plants have set seeds, which is September – October (Stichting Ecologisch Advies, 2004). Tree seedlings have to be removed by hand from the nature friendly banks (ecological criterium 7) (Sollie et al., 2011).


Shrubs The term shrub refers to small patches occupied with tree species, like willow and elder. These shrubs serve as habitat for different bird species (ecological criterium 1). A number of willow and other tree species have to be removed, for the construction of nature friendly banks. This removal of willow will prevent leaf deposition in the waterway (ecological criterium 6). A logging permission is needed, because some of these trees are larger than 31 centimeters in stem outline. Permission for logging can be applied for at the City of Amsterdam. The trees that will be removed from the area can be used in the permaculture. Once every two years the shrub zone around the waterways have to be cut in January - February. Branches overhanging the waterway have to be cut in order to prevent leaf inlet in the waterway (ecological criterium 6). These branches can be used in the permaculture or in the incubation mound.


Brushwood The term brushwood refers to vegetation of one to two meters high. The brush is located on the terrestrial zone between the inner and surrounding waterway. The brushwood is not located on the slope of the nature friendly banks. In the target scenario, as described in ecological criterium 8, more than 50% of the brushwood will be covered by other species than nettles, thistles, hogweed or hairy willow herb. Diversification management is needed during the first years after the realization of the nature friendly bank, to increase the biodiversity in Anna’s Ruigte and realize this target scenario (van Vossen & Verhagen, 2009) (ecological criterium 7). Diversification management focuses on creating gradients in light availability by increasing the mowing frequency and collecting the hay after mowing. During the first years the mowing frequency will be two times per year. After the realization of the target scenario a mowing frequency of one time per two years will maintain the vegetation in its state (Weekmedia, 2007). The maintenance is based on cyclic phased mowing, where the brushwood will be mowed in phases so fauna has the chance to flee to parts that are not mowed. Furthermore a small part of the hay can be used in the permaculture and incubation mound. Picture: Wikipedia

Isolated Waterway The waterway is the wet profile from a water depth of 40 cm and deeper. In total three alterations have to be made to the water system: dredging, obstruct/isolating and deepen the waterway. The inner waterway is already semi-isolated from the surrounding waterway. This isolation should become permanent by placing dams. Isolating the waterway will result in rain-dominated system with natural water levels (ecological criterium 3). Furthermore, it prevents nutrient rich water from the city to flow into the inner waterway of Anna’s Ruigte. This might lead to an improvement in transparency and turbidity (ecological criterium 5). This will allow submerged aquatic plants to grow and therefore increase habitat diversity in the aquatic zone (ecological criterium 1). In addition the isolation of the inner waterway may provide a protected habitat with relatively stable abiotic condition which can be inhabited by a well-developed macrophyte community (Whatley, 2014). Next to placing dams the waterway should also be deepened to a depth of 70 cm, because at some parts the waterway is only 5 cm deep. Maintenance like cleaning and dredging, has big ecological impacts because this releases the nutrients stored in the organic layer (van Vossen & Verhagen, 2009). Therefore, the waterway is only to be mowed and dredged if that is necessary for the water flow (ecological criterium 7). The mowing of the waterway should be done in phases. Furthermore, it is likely that duckweed will grow extensively due to the nutrient richness of the water (Sollie et al., 2011). This blocks light from reaching the bottom of the waterway and makes it anoxic. Additionally, massive dying of duckweed causes the waterway to fill up with a nutrient rich layer. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the duckweed from the waterway on time.


S u r r o u nd i n g W a t e r w a y The waterway is the wet profile from a water depth of 40 cm and deeper. The surrounding waterway has to be dredged to remove the organic layer from the soil surface. The removal of the organic layer will result in a improvement of the soil surface so submerged plant can establish in Anna’s Ruigte (ecological criterium 6). The surrounding waterway will be meandering at one side. This meandering will create different gradients in light and moisture availability (ecological criterium 1). The waterway only needs to be cleaned and dredged if that is necessary for the water flow, because this releases the nutrients stored in the organic layer (van Vossen & Verhagen, 2009). Clearing the waterway is preferably done in the period September - October (van Vossen & Verhagen, 2009). In this period plants have set their seed and the hibernation of fish and amphibians has not yet started (van Vossen & Verhagen, 2009). The hay should stay close to the waterway (but not on the nature friendly bank) during the first 48 hours, because amphibians and water can return to the waterway (van Vossen & Verhagen, 2009). The clearing the waterways should be done in two phases, where one zone is mowed one year and the second zone the next year (ecological criterium 8). STOWA ((Sollie et al., 2011) advises to prevent massive growth and death of duckweed, which is likely to occur, due to the nutrient richness of the water. This can be accomplished by removing the duckweed. Next to clearing, the waterway should be dredged to stop the accumulation of humus and improve the soil surface (ecological criterium 6) (van Vossen & Verhagen, 2009). Dredging has to be conducted between half July and October, before the hibernation of amphibians and fish starts. The whole waterway should be dredged at the same time, instead of in phases, because the ecological impact is big (ecological criterium 8) (van Vossen & Verhagen, 2009). The rhizomes of plants should be spared as much as possible (Sollie et al., 2011). The dredged mud should be removed from the area. The city of Amsterdam is responsible for the maintenance of the waterway. In addition, it is advised to lower the water level of the surrounding waterway during the summer, because this will mimic natural conditions. A more natural water level results in more sunlight penetrating the water and reaching the soil surface (ecological criterium 3). If possible the surrounding waterway should fall dry once every five years. This will stimulate the germination of water plants and strongly reduce the concentrations of nitrogen and phosphor in the soil (ecological criteria 4 & 6).


Amphibian Pool The amphibian pool is an area in which frogs, toads and salamanders can reproduce, because it is not inhabited by fish, which predate on the eggs of amphibians (Ravon, 2014). The amphibian pool can therefore serve as a reproduction area for amphibians in the big water basin across the road, because the big basin is inhabited by fish. The amphibian pool serves as a habitat for species of prey for the Ecolint monitoring species: the grass snake (ecological criterium 1). In general these reproduction areas are missing in the Netherlands (Ravon). The amphibian pool has to have a minimal size of 20 to 30 meters in diameter and is 1.2 meters in depth. The pool is located at a sunny site and more than 10 meters from the shrubs to prevent leaf deposition. The pool is isolated from the other waterways. On the one hand to prevent the inlet of nutrient rich city water and on the other hand to keep fish away. Due to this isolation the pool is rainwater dominated which will lead to natural water levels (ecological criterium 3). Drying up of the pool once every three to five years is no problem, because this will remove fish. The pool will have a slope of approximately 1:10. This shallow slope will increase the gradient in light and moisture availability (ecological criterium 2). The maintenance of the amphibian pool should be focused on keeping the pool open of vegetation and maintaining the depth at 1.2 meters. Picture:


m o u nds

Incubation mounds are habitats in which grass snakes can deposit their eggs (ecological criterium 1). The temperature in the mound should be constant between 25-30 ˚C during spring and summer and have a high humidity (Zuiderwijk et al., 1991). An incubation mound has a size of 1.5 m in width, 3 m in length and 1.2 m in height for two reasons: 1) with this size the temperature and humidity level stays constant, 2) grass snakes prefer bigger incubation mounds (Ravon, 2014). The incubation mound will be made from hay of Anna’s Ruigte, because material from other areas should not be used (Ravon). Willow branches will be used as well in the incubation mound. These willows branches should be placed in the middle of the incubation mound (Ravon). Research has shown that incubation mounds with branches are used more often by grass snakes than incubation mounds without branches (Zuiderwijk et al., 2011). The incubation mounds should be renewed every one or two years from hay for Anna’s Ruigte itself. This work should be carried out between mid-April and the end of May. In this way the hatching eggs and hibernating organisms are not damaged or disturbed (Ravon). Picture:


Permaculture A section of Anna’s Ruigte is assigned as Anna’s Tuin, a permaculture garden.

Science (FNWI UvA) it is stated that the UvA wants to achieve 40% CO2-reduc-

The main philosophy of permaculture is to involve the community and to work

tion in 2025 relative to 1990 and wants to collect the waste separately (Bestu-

with nature instead of against nature. The goal is to create a natural system

ursconvenant FNWI 2011-2014). The permaculture contributes to these plans

that is permanent and resilient to environmental perturbations from which

in the sense that food consumed at Science Park can partly be produced local-

the local community can harvest. This section describes the role of the per-

ly leading to a reduction of food that needs to be transported to Science Park,

maculture as part of the complete design of Anna’s Ruigte and which design

and therefore lowering the carbon footprint of the university. Furthermore, if

criteria the permaculture meets. The detailed description of the permacul-

Science Park starts collecting green waste separately, then this could be com-

ture, the design and management plan is written in the separate document,

posted locally and used in the permaculture, thereby reducing the amount of

‘Development plan of Anna’s Tuin’. The permaculture at Amsterdam Science

waste that needs to be transported from the university. In this way, Anna’s Tuin

Park is designed to bring ecology, education and recreation to the community

can help Amsterdam Science Park to become a more local and circular economy.

(social criteria 1 & 2). Firstly, it offers the opportunity to educate people about alternative ways of agriculture and what role nature can have in daily life.

Anna’s Tuin will be managed and maintained by a committee, which con-

Second, it is a place where the community can work and relax outside, share

sist of people from the Amsterdam Science Park community (social crit-

knowledge and be proactive (social criterium 5). In this way, Anna’s Tuin will

erium 3). Besides management the committee will also organize activities

make Amsterdam Science Park more interesting and lively for the community.

and educated people about the permaculture principles. The main goal of the committee will be to involve the Science Park community and residents

Permaculture is a design system, in which each design element mimics pat-

with Anna’s Tuin. In this way Anna’s Tuin will become a meeting point where

terns and relationships observed in nature. The design elements will focus

residents, scientists, students and entrepreneurs come together to work,

on habitat diversification and creating light and moisture gradients to sup-

enjoy and learn about ecology and sustainability. This combination makes

port a large variety of plant and insect species (ecological criteria 2). The

it a unique place, capable of inspiring schools, universities and municipali-

plant community of the permaculture will mainly consist of perennials. The

ties in the Netherlands and abroad to follow the example. For more infor-

runoff of nutrients and soil biota can be prevented by covering the soil with

mation about Anna’s Tuin see document: Development plan of Anna’s Tuin.

plants during all the seasons (Zuazo & Pleguezuelo, 2008). This will ensure that no excessive amounts of nutrients will leak from the permaculture into the surrounding waterways, contributing to the water quality in Anna’s Ruigte (ecological criterium 5). In the permaculture two ponds will be constructed, in which the water level is allowed to fluctuate during the season to stimulate the growth of different wetland species (ecological criteria 3 & 4). Besides the recreational, educational and ecological value, the permaculture also contributes to the sustainability of Amsterdam Science Park and helps achieving the goals set by the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and municipality of Amsterdam concerning sustainability. In the policy plans of the Faculty of 38

Figure 13. The design of Anna’s Tuin. Design and artwork by Tayfun Yalcin.


Education Education is an important part of Amsterdam Science Park. Additionally, education can increase the social value of the natural area. This next section presents the elements that will give the community the opportunity to learn about nature and sustainability. Pictures 1-4: M.T. Mijnders Picture 5: Picture 6: http://

4040 40


s i g ns

Open education, such as information signs, can increase the awareness about the value of natural areas (social criterium 1a). The information signs will either focus on the overall structure of Anna’s Ruigte and Anna’s Tuin (such as available walking paths and educational possibilities in the area) or inform the public about ecological structures (such as nature friendly banks) and biodiversity features (such as grass snake incubation mounds). A list of suggested information signs that describes the goal, textual information, imagery, and location can be found in appendix 5. The information boards can be made target group specific by showing different information on low standing signs (intended for children) and high set signs (intended for adults). In this way the natural and learning experience is aligned to the different sections of the community (social criterium 4). The information boards will be issued to the regular designing company of the municipality. Regular maintenance such as cleaning of the information boards can fall under Anna’s Tuin committee responsibility while more profound maintenance (repair or replacement) would fall under municipality responsibility. Picture: M. L. Teunissen van Manen


I ns t i t u t i o n a l i z e d


Education in the form of courses is a way to increase the value of the natural area (social criterium 1a). Anna’s Ruigte and Anna’s Tuin will therefore involve the university and local schools to offer courses and educational projects to their students. This way a wide array of students can learn and study the natural area. (social criterium 4). The suggested courses and projects will be discussed below. a.



Education in the form of university courses can add significantly to the value of the natural area. Moreover, courses are given every year and will thus make sure that activities are taking place regularly. Box 1 & 2 show the two possible courses in which Anna’s Tuin can play a role. The course “Organismen in het milieu” will keep track of the development of Anna’s Ruigte in terms of biodiversity (Box 1). For each course, their respective coordinators (responsible for the execution of the course), the timing and student load are discussed in short.

Box 1

Box 2

Course - Program: Organismen in het milieu - Bachelor Biology

Course - Program: Ecological water management - Master Biological Sciences (track Limnology and Oceanography)

C o o r d i n at o r : Gerard Oostermeijer nr of students:

C o o r d i n at o r : Harm van der Geest

50 to 100

nr of students:

P e r i o d : June


P e r i o d : September

Course learning objectives: Determine species, sample and research biodiversity

Course learning objectives: Research water wuality and implications for management

Connection to Anna’s Ruigte: Fieldwork - The parcel will serve as a location to practice methods of biodiversity inventarization. The parcel offers ecological heterogenity that allows for comparative research (for example between permaculture and brushwood, or surrounging waterway banks versus inner waterway banks).

Connection to Anna’s Ruigte: Example plot - The parcel would serve as a place to demonstrate sampling methods. Addtionally, the area illustrates the difference between two types of systems (outer waterways versus inner waterways) where the effect of different water management can be studied.

Requirements of Anna’s Ruigte: Nature friendly banks are completed and/or inner waterway channels are isolated. Upkeep of ecological heterogenity in the parcel. No dregging or mowing shortly before June.

Requirements of Anna’s Ruigte: Nature friendly banks are completed. Inner waterway channels are isolated. Management is prefferably visible and phased. 42



student projects

Student projects are a more personal way of involving students to Anna’s Ruigte and Tuin. Student projects are proposed topics out of which students can choose when they have to do a thesis or research internships. The topic offers the student a framework within which he/she can choose a specific research question, in agreement with the suggested supervisor or contact person. The topics are divided in their respective disciplines. A list of possible topics can be found in appendix 6.

Picture 1: D. Timmerman from

Picture 2:


Picture 3:

Recreation Being able to recreate in a natural area fulfills important social needs of citizens. This section presents design elements that provide opportunities for the community to interact and enjoy the natural area of Amsterdam Science Park. Additionally, this section also includes elements that will increase the liveliness and aesthetic value of the area. Picture 1:; Picture 2 & 6: M.T Mijnders; Picture 3: www. Pciture 4:; Picture 5:

44 44

Activities Activities will stimulate people to interact with nature. Therefore events will be organized that attract people for educational or recreational reasons (social criteria 1c, 4 and 5), which will be one of the main tasks for Anna’s Tuin committee. One of such activities could be educational quests for children that can be started at the café De Polder. We have often seen children going into the natural area to explore, by offering a quest this energy can be channeled to become something educational for children that visit De Polder with their parents. Another suggested activity is offering the community products from the permaculture in exchange for some minor work load. For example, a local business employee could get some fresh herbs to complement lunch in exchange for weeding. Also the collaboration with Imotions will result in more activities in Anna’s Ruigte and Anna’s Tuin. Imotions is a company at ASP that already actively promotes its workers and clients to interact with nature. Their policy is called Nature Access Incentive Program and is led by Jos Bregman, an organic artist and the sustainability manager of Imotions. It focuses on promoting health and productivity by interacting with nature such as organizing short walks and doing regular activities outside the office. It would be interesting to explore the possibility to offer the Nature Access Incentive Program to other ASP businesses and community segments, as this provides an existing structure to elaborate on.

Art Art is a way to increase the esthetic value of Anna’s Ruigte (social criterium 7). Jos Bregman, the organic artist, proposed that one of the willows that need removal could become the symbol of Anna’s Ruigte. The cuttings can be handed out to the stakeholders (for example the University, NVO, the municipality, Waternet, businesses on ASP, resident representatives), to be planted elsewhere in the city. Each planted cutting would be geo-tagged and digitally reconstructed into the original tree and thus connecting the the community to each other and Anna’s Ruigte.


Bridge A bridge will give access to Anna’s Tuin. The Future Planet Actions (FPA) students have offered to design and construct the bridge as an activity for team building and as a way for them to literally build a bridge between sustainability knowledge and action. They were given some criteria in terms of budget, size, and weight it should be able to carry. Once the students start designing the bridge Anna’s Tuin committee will be included in overseeing the project.

Picture: J. SchĂźtt


Benches will offer the community a place to rest and meet in the natural area, increasing the recreational value of the area (social criterium 4). The benches will be made from either living willows (willow cuttings can be planted to become trees) or the cutting of trees as a result of setting up the nature friendly banks. In this way the benches represent the circular economy values (social criterium 1b), aesthetically match the natural area (social criterium 7) and are resistant to vandalism (social criterium 6).





A gate will make the natural area visible and attract visitors to enter and interact with nature. The gate will be designed so that it represents the integration between urban, natural and community (social criterium 7), and is resistant to vandalism (social criterium 6). Local artist and designers will be invited to design the gate, out of which the favored design will be selected.




A way of getting the community to interact with Anna’s Ruigte is by offering the possibility of doing their regular activities (such as having lunch and holding meetings) in the natural area. This could easily be accomplished by offering a table, some chairs and a Wi-Fi connection under the permaculture community meeting point (see Anna’s Tuin design). This would potentially combine the benefits of being productive and restoring one’s cognitive capacities (social criteria 5). As a way of promoting importance nature interaction activities, it could be fruitful to have high officials of ASP set the example by holding a meeting in the natural environment.



Image: Edited by M.L. Teunissen van Manen. Original from

A nature broadcast will transmit sounds of the local natural area to resting areas inside the Science Park buildings for example in common rooms. Additionally, the broadcast will be accessible for anyone who wishes to experience the natural area, without having to go outside, can access a web page. This idea can be expanded to include a video feed which can be transmitted to the 3x3 screen in the resting area of FNWI-UvA library making nature even more present in the building. By doing this, the notion of the natural area extends into the buildings of ASP without having to directly go out into the field.

W a nd e r


Wander trails give the community the opportunity to walk through the area as recreation (social criteria 4 & 5). The wander trail is not paved and therefore the ecological impact will be small. The wander trail will be similar to the wander trails of ‘Brettenpad’ in Amsterdam. The wander trails should be mowed multiple times during the year with a single axis cutter bar. The trail should be approximately one meter wide. The hay should be removed from the area directly. The city of Amsterdam is responsible for the maintenance of the wander trail.


CH 0 0 5 M a n a g e m e n t This chapter will discuss the construction and development of the different design elements of Anna’s Ruigte and how these elements will be managed on the long-term. The design and the purpose of the design elements can be found in chapter 3 and 4. This management plan only considers the ecological elements. The management of Anna’s Tuin can be found in a separate document ‘Development plan of Anna’s Tuin’. The management of Anna’s Ruigte is important, because it will increase habitat diversification by creating more gradients in light. Without measures, Anna’s Ruigte will be dominated by only a few species. In the target scenario 1) more than 50% of the brushwood will be covered by other species than by nettles, thistles, hogweed or hairy willow herb and 2) five to ten wetland species will occur. In general habitat diversification management will be used to achieve and maintain the target scenario. Diversification management focuses on creating diverse habitats using gradients in light. These gradients in light are created by for instance phased mowing and different mowing frequencies.


C o ns t r u c t i o n

a nd d e v e l o p m e n t

In this section the construction and the development of the Anna’s Ruigte will

The diversification management will be executed by mowing in phases, in this

be discussed. The phasing of the construction and the material needed dur-

way the fauna thas the chance to flee to areas that are not mowed yet. Anna’s

ing the construction of the different ecological elements will be presented. An

Ruigte is divided in 18 maintenance zones (Figure 14). Half of the zones will

overview of the construction process can be found in figure 15.

be mowed in the second half of June and the second half of September. The other half of the zones will be 3 weeks later so beginning of July and begin-


ning of October (Figure 15). This mowing regime will result in maximum species richness (Leng et al., 2011; Huhta et al., 2001). Research showed that this mowing regime promote plant species richness and butterfly diversity

First of all, a number of willows and other tree species have to be removed

(Noordijk, 2009). The municipality of Amsterdam will mow the meadow and

for the construction of nature friendly banks. The removal of these trees will

brushwood using a brush cutter. The hay does not have to be removed from

create space for a shallow bank. Furthermore the trees have to be located at

Anna’s ruigte, but a part can be used in incubation mounds and in the perma-

least 5 meters from the waterway to minimize leaf inlet in the waterway.

culture Anna’s Tuin.

In addition a logging permission is needed to remove some trees, because a few trees are bigger than 31 centimeters in outline at chest height. This logging permission can be obtained at the municipality of Amsterdam. The trees that will be removed from Anna’s Ruigte, can be used in the permaculture, incubation mounds, (information) signs and for other constructions. The trees that will be removed can be found in appendix 8. The municipality will remove the assigned trees. A chainsaw or lopper is needed to cut and remove the trees.


a nd b r u s h w o o d

Diversification management is needed in the meadow and brushwood to realize the target scenario. The diversification management will lead to an increased chance of rarer species to inhabit the area. To provide the settlement of these species, the mowing frequency will have to be higher (two times a year) until the target scenario is reached. After the realization of the target scenario a mowing frequency of one time per two year will maintain the vegetation in its target state. It is possible that a mowing frequency of one time per year is needed to maintain the vegetation in its target state, due to the nutrient richness of Anna’s Ruigte (Sollie et al., 2011). 49



f r i e nd l y b a n k

The construction of nature friendly banks is one of the biggest alterations in

In total three alterations will be made to the water system in Anna’s Ruigte:

the area. The design and location of the banks can be found in appendix 9 and

dredging, obstruction - isolation and deepening the waterway. Firstly, the in-

figure 13. The nature friendly bank in the inner waterway will have a slope of

ner waterway should be dammed to create an isolated water system. The

1:5. The nature friendly bank in the surrounding waterway will have a slope

locations of the dam can be found in appendix 8.

of 1:6. Approximately 1.4 tons of soil will be relocated in Anna’s Ruigte. The soil that is removed during the construction will be used to raise other parts of

For the isolation of the inner waterway permit ‘Keur AGV 2011 Category 3’ and

Anna’s Ruigte. The different sites where the ground level is going to be raised,

accompanying notes ‘Keurbesluit Vrijstellingen’ and ‘Beleidsregels Keurver-

can be found in appendix 8. Most of the soil will be used to raise the ground

gunningen’ are needed of the water board Amstel, Gooi and Vecht. The isola-

level in Anna’s Tuin.

tion of the inner waterway is seen as removement of the waterway. Therefore the decrease in water storage should be compensated elsewhere in ASP.

During the construction it is important that the banks are not finished smooth-

Compensation of the damping is possible by enlarging the primary waterway

ly. A variation in gradients in the slope will create a higher biodiversity. The

(surrounding waterway) next to Carolina McGillavrylaan.

finishing of the bank should be checked during the construction by team Green Science Park. The best period for excavating is July till March.

Next to the isolation of the inner waterway, the surrounding and inner waterway has to be dredged to remove the organic layer from the soil surface.

The establishment of waterside plants can take a few years. In order to speed

Lastly the inner waterway has to be deepened to 70 cm as well. Approximate-

up this process, flora mats will be placed on nature friendly bank. The aqua-

ly 0.4 tons of soil will be excavated and relocated at Anna’s Ruigte (Appendix

flora mats have to be at least 1 meter wide. The flora-mat should be placed

8). The municipality of Amsterdam will construct the waterway. A mini crane

for 1/3 underneath the waterline. The aqua-flora mats should consist of native

will be used to excavate the waterway.

plant species from the Amsterdam region. A list of the native plant species can be found in appendix 10. The flora mats will be donated by the University of Utrecht. Another option is sowing seeds of wetland vegetation into the nature friendly banks. These seeds can be collected at other regional sites with diverse bank vegetation or a seed mixture can be bought. The best period to place the flora mats, replant native plant species and sow seeds is MarchApril. For the construction of the nature friendly bank ‘Keur AGV 2011 Category 5’ is needed of Waterschap Amstel, Gooi and Vecht. This permit concerns alterations to the waterway that promote biodiversity and recreation. The municipality of Amsterdam will construct the nature friendly bank. A mini crane will be used to excavate the nature friendly banks.


W a nd e r Amphibian Pool


The trail will be approximately 1 meter in width. The trail will be made by mowing the vegetation. The location of the wander trail can be found in figure 13. The clippings should be removed from the area directly.

The amphibian pool will be located in the meadow (Figure 13). The bean shape of the amphibian pool is orientated in a way that the largest bank is located at the warmest side, which is the north side (Appendix 9). The amphibian pool will have a size of 30 by 20 meters. The depth of the amphibian pool is 1.2 meters. This results in a slope of approximately 1:10. Also here the banks should not be finished smoothly. The pool can best be constructed in the dry season (June – August) or winter. During this period the soil is not swampy. The nature friendly bank in the pool will be partly covered with aquatic flora mats as well (see nature friendly bank). Approximately 0.3 tons of soil will be excavated and will be relocated in Anna’s Ruigte. The sites where the ground level will be raised can be found in appendix 8. The amphibian pool will be constructed by the municipality of Amsterdam. A mini crane can be used for excavating the pool. Zone


Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug

Anna's Ruigte Isolating inner waterway


Deepening inner waterway


Creating NVO inner waterway


Creating NVO surrounding waterway


Creating amphibian pool Sowing NVO


Placing flora mats Placing information signs Constructing Bridge Placing signs Anna's Tuin

Cleaning area Mowing Highering ground level Mulching

Figure 15. The timeline of the construction of Anna’s Ruigte and Anna’s Tuin in 2014/2015. Green indicates the prefered months were the construction activity would take place.

Construction pond Wander trails Greenhouse Planting perennials Planting annual plants


1 1


Maintenance Brushwood

This section will discuss the regular maintenance of the different design elements in Anna’s Ruigte. For every design element will be discussed 1) what type of maintenance is needed, 2) how often and when the cluster should be

The term brushwood refers to vegetation of one to two meters high. The

maintained and 3) which material is used. An overview of the maintenance

brushwood is located on the terrestrial zone between the inner and surround-

can be found in appendix 7 and figure 18. The different maintenance zones

ing waterway. The brushwood is not located on the slope of the nature friendly

and their locations can be found in figure 16.


The management of Anna’s Ruigte is based on four principles. First, the eco-

In the target scenario more than 50% of the brushwood will be covered by

logical system should be disturbed as little as possible. Second, the main-

other species than by nettles, thistles, hogweed or hairy willow herb. After

tenance should be conform the code of conduct Flora and Fauna legislation

the realization of the target scenario a mowing frequency of one time per two

(gedragscode flora en faunawet). Third the mowing and dredging frequencies

years will maintain the vegetation in its target state (Sollie et al., 2011). It is

and materials are adjusted to the local situation. Lastly the maintenance is

possible that a mowing frequency of one time per year is needed to maintain

based on cyclic and phased management. The maintenance cycle of Anna’s

the vegetation in its target state, due to the nutrient richness of Anna’s Ruigte

Ruigte is based on six years (Figure 19). The municipality is responsible for

(Sollie et al., 2011).

the maintenance of the ecological elements in Anna’s Ruigte, but parts can be executed in collaboration of the local community.

The preferred mowing period is in mid-September – October (van Vossen & Verhagen, 2008). The mowing should be cyclic and in phases. Every year, half of the zones 1 to 12 will be mowed. The next year the other half of the zones


will be mowed. Figure 16 and 17 shows the mowing regime per zone. If more than 50% of the area is covered by undesired species the management should

Once every two years the shrub cluster around the waterways have to be

return to diversification management as explained in the construction section.

cut in January – February, in order to prevent leaf inlet in the waterway by

A part of the hay can be used in the permaculture and incubation mound. The

branches that hang above the banks and the waterways. The branches that

maintenance should be conducted mechanically with a brush cutter.

have been cut off can be used in the permaculture or in the incubation mound. It is advised to cut the trees once every five to ten years to keep them smaller than 31 cm in stem outline. A chainsaw or lopper is needed to cut the trees.


Meadow The term meadow refers to vegetation that has a height of less than 1 meter and is not located at the bank. In the target scenario more than 50% of the brushwood will be covered by other species than by nettles, thistles, hogweed or hairy willow herb. After the realization of the target scenario, the meadow should be mowed one time a year. The mowing should be conducted in phases and should take place after most plants have set seed (Stichting Ecologisch Advies, 2004). The preferred period of mowing is between half September and October. Mowing during this period will maintain the species richness (van Vossen & Verhagen, 2009). The species richness will be increased if the mowing period is advanced to mid-June (Leng et al., 2011; Huhta et al., 2001). In Anna’s Ruigte, half the meadow (zone 13 – 18) should be mowed in the second half of June, while the other half should be mowed in half September – October (Figure 15 & 16). If more than 50% of the area is covered by undesired species the management should return to diversification management as explained in the construction section.

Figure 16. The 18 different management zones in Anna’s Ruigte.


N a t u r e F r i e nd l y B a n k s


The nature friendly bank starts from a water depth of 40 cm and ends at the

The waterway is the wet profile from a water depth of 40 cm and deeper

end of the slope (van Vossen & Verhagen, 2009). The vegetation on the dry

in both the inner and surrounding waterway. The waterway only needs to

part of the bank will be mowed in the same frequency as the surroundings.

be cleaned and dredged if that is necessary for maintaining the water flow.

This means that the nature friendly bank located in the brushwood will only

Clearing and dredging have big ecological impacts, because extra nutrients

be mowed once per two years, while the nature friendly bank located in the

are released by the organic layer (van Vossen & Verhagen, 2009). Cutting of

meadow will be mowed every year. A lane of vegetation should be left un-

submerged plants negatively impacts common species of macrophyte. Also

touched when the nature friendly bank is mowed before July 15th. This lane of

plant mortality increased when the submerged plants where cut closer to the

vegetation will prevent distribution of breeding sites (van Vossen & Verhagen,

sediment layer (van Zuidam & Peeters, 2012). Therefore clearing the water-

2009). Reed should be mowed at least 10 cm above the water line, otherwise

way is preferably done at varying depths (Whatley, 2014).

the reed will rot because they are flooded (van Vossen & Verhagen, 2009). The wet section of the nature friendly bank should only be mowed when it

Clearing the waterway is preferably done in the period September - October

is necessary for maintaining the water flow (van Vossen & Verhagen, 2009).

(van Vossen & Verhagen, 2009) (Appendix 7). In this period plants have set their seed and the hibernation of fish and amphibians have not yet started

In the parts of the nature friendly bank where reed is dominant, the bank has

(van Vossen & Verhagen, 2009). The hay should stay close to the waterway

to be cleared every three to eight years to remove the accumulated humus at

(but not on the nature friendly bank) during the first 48 hours after clearing.

the bank. In parts of the nature friendly bank where the vegetation consists

In this way amphibians (and water) can return from the hay to the waterway

of a flower rich brush, the bank should be cleaned every six to eight years

(van Vossen & Verhagen, 2009). After 48 hours the hay should be removed

(van Vossen & Verhagen, 2009). The preferred period of clearing is between

from the area. The clearing of the waterways should be done in two phases,

October - half November.

where one part of the waterway is mowed one year and the second zone the next year (van Vossen & Verhagen, 2009).

In addition tree seedlings and blackberry have to be removed by hand from the nature friendly banks, to prevent the succession of trees (Sollie et al.,

Next to cleaning the waterway should be dredged to stop the accumulation

2011). The maintenance should be conducted mechanically with a brush cut-

of humus (van Vossen & Verhagen, 2009). Dredging has to be conducted


between half July and October, before the hibernation of amphibians and fish (Appendix 7). The whole waterway should be dredged at the same time, instead of in phases, because the ecological impact is big (van Vossen & Verhagen, 2009). The rhizomes of plants should be spared as much as possible during dredging (Sollie et al., 2011). The sludge should be removed from Anna’s Ruigte.


In addition it is advised to lower the water level of the surrounding waterway during the summer (Sollie et al., 2011). The lowering of the water level in the summer will create a more natural water level, because more light will penetrates the water and reaches the soil surface (Sollie et al., 2011). If possible the surrounding waterway should fall dry once every 5 years (Sollie et al., 2011). This will stimulate the germination of water plants and a strongly reduce the concentrations of nitrogen and phosphor in the soil (Sollie et al., 2011). Lastly, it is likely that duckweed will cover the waterway due to its nutrient richness. Therefore STOWA (Sollie et al., 2011) advises to prevent the massive dying of duckweed, because duckweed uses a lot of oxygen during the decay. Duckweed should be removed from the waterway.



Year 1


Year 2 Year 3

Year 6






m ma ma mb


Year 4 Year 5


ma mb

m ma

m ma m ma m ma m ma mb

ma mb m ma

m ma ma mb

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

m ma

ma mb



ma ma m ma m ma m m ma

m ma ma mb

m ma m ma m ma m ma m ma m ma m ma m ma m ma m

ma mb

m ma m ma m ma

Figure 17. The cyclic phased mowing regime in the meadow and brushwood for the different zones. Ma means that the vegetation will be mowed in second half of June. Mb means that the vegetation will be mowed in half September - October.


Amphibian Pool

W a nd e r

The amphibian pool should only be maintained when less than 50% of the

The wander trails should be mowed multiple times during the year with a sin-

pool is open water (Ravon, 2014). The amphibian pool should be cleared from

gle axis cutter bar. The trail should be approximately 1 meter in width.

vegetation by mowing (also underwater). Clearing the pool can be done by hand, or by a mobile crane with mowing bucket (Ravon). Next to cleaning the sediment layer in the pool should be removed as well. The sediment layer should be removed when the depth is less than 90 cm deep. In this case the depth should be increased to 1.2 meters. Approximately, once every three year the sediment layer in the pool should be removed. The sediment layer will be removed by dredging (Ravon). A mobile crane with a closed bucket is used to dredge the amphibian pool. Both the clearing and dredging the amphibian pool should be done in phases in the direction from east to west during half Augusts - half October (Appendix 7). In this period the amphibians have left the pool. The direction from east to west is preferred because than northern bank remains undisturbed. This northern bank is the warmest and therefore eggs develop faster (Ravon). This means that one half of the pool should be cleared and dredged and the other half of the pool should be cleared and dredged the next year (Appendix 7). The cuttings and dredge should be removed from the area to remove nutrients from Anna’s Ruigte.



m o u nds

The incubation mounds should be renewed every one or two years from hay of Anna’s Ruigte. This work should be carried out between mid-April and the end of May (Appendix 7). In this way the hatching eggs and hibernating organisms are not damaged or disturbed (Ravon).


Figure 18. Overview of one management cycle of six years. Each box represents a year.


CH 0 0 6 F i n a n c e and characterized as a student driven organization it could be possible to finance those costs through Stichting Toekenning UvA. Another option would asking for subsidy from the ASN Bank, which is known for its support for green and social initiatives. Oranje Fonds finances similar projects. However, the element has to be long term and needs strong societal rooting, preferably with a focus on connecting different societal layers. Although this fund is not applicable for setting up any design elements, it can offer subsidy for events that promote liveliness in Anna’s Ruigte. For example, a recurring event that promotes community work in the permaculture garden. Other funding possibilities are Stichting DOEN (a green and social initiatives fund), Jantje Beton (a fund that subsidizes initiatives that promote children to play outside), VSB Fonds (subsidy for society cohesion initiatives). Finally, crowd funding is also an option, some websites that specifically focus crowd funding green initiatives are:, and

This chapter will discuss the financial part of Anna’s Ruigte. An overview will be given of the cost for the construction (Table 2) and the maintenance on the long term (Table 3) for the different design elements. The costs of the maintenance are estimated for a maintenance cycle of 6 years. The detailed costs of the permaculture can be found in the separate document ‘Development plan of Anna’s Tuin’. Lastly we will discuss funding possibilities for Anna’s Ruigte and Tuin. The prices of the ecological elements of Anna’s Ruigte are based on the prices stated in ‘Handreiking Natuurvriendelijke Oevers’ by van Vossen & Verhagen (2009). For a few elements a lower and upper limit of the costs is presented. The costs include labor and material costs. The sizes of the area were estimated from the design using the program Sketch Up Pro. The main costs consists of excavating and transporting the soil by construction of the nature friendly banks and deepening the inner waterway. Also dredging and clearing are expensive maintenance costs. The estimated costs for the construction of Anna’s Ruigte will be between € 40.000 and € 45.000. We assumed that only a fourth of the nature friendly banks have to be covered by flora mats. These flora mats are donated by the University of Utrecht. This means that no expensive seed mixture has to be purchased. This will lower the cost dramatically with € 12.000 to € 16.500. In terms of financial support for the design of the area there are several options, depending on the elements that need external funding. One option would be Stichting Toekenning of the UvA, which subsidizes student activities and the organizational costs of setting up a foundation or association. For example, if building a bridge or entrance with the FPA students is characterized as an event it could be eligible for subsidy. Similarly, if the committee is to become official


Table 2. The financial overview of the construction costs of Anna’s Ruigte. The estimated construction costs are shown per element of the design. Element Ampbian pool

Bridge Information sign Nature radio Wander trails

Type of construction

Price lower Price upper limit (per unit) limit (per unit)

excavating soil transport floramat sowing

€ 3,00 € 1,50 € 32,00 € 1,50 € 500,00 € 300,00 € 70,00 € 1,50 € 50,00

mowing signs

Permaculture Shrubs Isolated waterway

Unit type

m3 m3 m € 12,00 m per object per object € 160,00 € 3,00 are per object

Amount 300 300 188 94 1 4

Total cost Upper limit (for total amount)

10 10 €

removal of trees excavating dam construction - nature friendly banks excavating flora mats sowing Surrounding waterway - nature friendly banks excavating soil transport floramat sowing - meandering excavating soil transport Permits AGV keur category 3 AGV keur category 5 Logging Total

€ 500,00 € 3,00 € 10,00 € 3,00 € 32,00 € 1,50 € 3,00 € 1,50 € 32,00 € 1,50 € 3,00 € 1,50 € 472,70 € 1.805 € 122,00

m3 m3 m € 12,00 m

450 2 875 125 125

m3 m3 m € 12,00 m m3 m3 per permit per permit per permit

550 550 250 250 250 250 1 1 1

€ 100,00

€ € € €

€ 900 € 450 6.000 € 141 € 500 1.200 € 160 € 30 € 500 8.084 € 500 1.350 € 200 2.625 4.000 1.500

€ 1.650 € 825 € 8.000 € 3.000 € 750 € 375 € 472,70 € 1.805 € 122 € 45.017

Total cost low limit (for total amount)

€ € € €

€ 900 € 450 6.000 € 141 € 500 1.200 € 70 € 15 € 500 8.084 € 500 1.350 € 20 2.625 4.000 € 188

€ 1.650 € 825 € 8.000 € 375 € 750 € 375 € 473 € 1.805 € 122 € 40.794

Table 3. The financiel overview of the maintenance cycle in Anna’s Ruigte. The estimated maintenance costs are shown per element. Element Ampbian pool

Type of maintenance

dreging remove dredge mowing Wander trails mowing Brushwood mowing Meadow mowing Isolated waterway dredging - nature friendly banks remove dredge mowing Surrounding waterway dredging - nature friendly banks remove dredge mowing Total

Price lower Price upper limit (per unit) limit (per unit) € 10,00 € 10,00 € 0,50 € 1,50 € 1,50 € 1,50 € 10,00 € 10,00 € 0,50 € 10,00 € 10,00 € 0,50

€ 11,50 € 1,00 € 3,00 € 3,00 € 3,00 € 11,50 € 1,00 € 11,50 € 1,00


Unit type euro/m3 euro/m3 m are are are euro/m3 euro/m3 m euro/m3 euro/m3 m

Amount 140 140 375 10 58 55 225 225 2000 1000 1000 1650

Total cost per maintenance session (for total amount) € 1.400 € 1.400 € 375 € 30 € 87 € 83 € 2.250 € 2.250 € 1.000 € 10.000 € 10.000 € 825

Total cost per maintenance cycle (for total amount) € 1.400 € 1.400 € 375 € 900 € 261 € 495 € 2.250 € 2.250 € 1.000 € 10.000 € 10.000 € 825 € 30.256

CH 0 0 7 R e f l e c t i o n The goal of the design is to integrate the natural area with the rest of Am-

na’s Ruigte has a different soil composition in term of toxicity is very small

sterdam Science Park and its community. Although the design is specifically

(personal communication B. Janssen, 2014). However, we advise to analyze

made for 1.5 ha of natural area it is conceptually larger, because the idea

the soil quality and composition in Anna’s Ruigte in order to confirm this.

of being part of and contributing to nature can be interpreted very broadly. On the one hand there is the obvious and most direct way, which is going

Secondly, the needs and wishes of the ASP community were obtained using a

into nature and directly interacting with it. On the other hand, the build-

survey. This community survey gave some indication as to what the communi-

ings of ASP are also part of nature because they contribute to the natural

ty found relevant or would like to see in the nearby natural area. However, the

environment on a bigger scale by being energy efficient, having green roof-

quality of the community survey was somewhat hampered by the relatively low

tops and geothermal heating. When seen in this way, the ASP community

respondance (108 people). Further increasing the number of respondents in all

is always, in some way, submerged in the natural area of ASP. Additionally,

the groups would increase the representability of the survey outcome. Moreo-

some elements such as the nature broadcast extend outside the natural area

ver, the differences in sampling method (survey via email or direct approach)

by bringing the notion of nature into the buildings through sound and im-

are reflected in the size of the stakeholders’ respondance. Indeed, the direct

ages. The design fits the larger concept of ASP in the sense that many el-

approach for spreading the survey was the most productive. In addition, this

ements presented can be executed elsewhere in the natural areas of ASP.

allowed respondents to comment on topics that were not covered by the survey but which were related to the objective. Examples of such comments were

There are some reflections to be made regarding the ecological and social

the repeated mentioning of adding flowerbeds to the grass patches between

assessment, the designing process and the resulting management plan.

the buildings’ and adding a more centralized green area which doubles as a

Firstly, because there was limited time for the experimental assessment of

meeting point. Such information should be taken into account in future green

Anna’s Ruigte, some data concerning abiotic factors in the area was col-

management of Amsterdam Science Park. Finally, because some respondents

lected from literature. This meant that in some cases the data was not re-

failed to answer some questions, comparisons between topics (for example the

cent and measured outside Anna’s Ruigte area. This is especially the case

value of nature versus the value of recreation) should also be taken cautiously.

with the abiotic factors concerning water and soil quality. For example, the information about water quality was retrieved from research conducted by

Thirdly, looking back at the design process, the design could reflect the needs

Faasse in 2011, which only collected data of water bodies close to Anna’s

and wishes of the ASP community more closely. If time had permitted, a human

Ruigte. It is possible that the water quality data of these water bodies does

centered design approach would have been preferable. This human centered

not represent the water quality in Anna’s Ruigte. However, we think that this

design approach regularly invites the community to give feedback on the de-

is unlikely for the outside canals, because Anna’s Ruigte lies between the

sign, their involvement with the project and thus the likelihood of its success

sampled water bodies and is connected with them by culverts. Moreover,

will increase. Ultimately it is possible that this approach might have created a

there are no measurements of the soil composition and quality directly on

stronger integration of the natural area with Science Park and its community.

Anna’s Ruigte. However, the soil of Anna’s Hoeve was examined by TAUW, which is close to Anna’s Ruigte. According to experts the chance that An-


Fourthly, we aimed at incorporating local schools and other levels of edu-

disturbed based on the Flora and Fauna legislation. However, the municipality

cation than the University. The Wellantcollege Linneaus School was con-

remains unclear as to what extend this building plan is going to be executed. If

tacted in order to ensure a broad community involvement. This school is

it turns out that the building plot does not allow the amphibian pool to be con-

specialized in agrarian schooling and could use Anna’s Tuin as an example

structed, it is possible to include that element in the larger basin area or else-

of alternative agriculture. It could also be possible to lend part of Anna’s

where in the natural area of ASP. Beside this, it is important to keep in mind

Tuin to the school, as a location to experiment with alternative agricultural

that a highway exit will be built in the nearby future that will run close to the

systems. Unfortunately it is still unclear if they are willing to collaborate.

natural areas. The consequences of building and intensive usage of this highway exit are unknown but could potentially be problematic. For example, in-

Furthermore, this development plan only discusses the plant biodiversi-

creased air pollution or disruptive sound levels for local fauna (especially birds).

ty in Anna’s Ruigte. We aimed at including the insect biodiversity as well. Unfortunately we were unable to determine the caught insects on or-

Furthermore, it is important to keep in mind that the purifying effect of a small

der or species level, due to time limitations. The insect, bird, amphibian,

patch of nature friendly banks might be mitigated by the overall low quality of

reptile and mammal diversity should be included to get a proper starting

the city water. The nature friendly banks that are placed in the outer water-

point of the current biodiversity in Anna’s Ruigte. In this way the effect of

ways of Anna’s Ruigte are influenced by city water. Nevertheless it might be

the nature friendly banks and the management can be assessed properly.

interesting for the municipality or Waternet to investigate how nature friendly banks and isolating water systems could improve the overall Ecolint water

Lastly, there are some notes to be made regarding the management plan,

quality and biodiversity. At the moment knowledge is lacking about the effec-

which is largely based on management plans from similar natural areas. These

tiveness of nature friendly banks, implementing nature friendly banks in Anna’s

reports often do not refer to scientific sources. Therefore the true effective-

Ruigte would be a great opportunity to start closing this knowledge gap. Last-

ness of the proposed maintenance is unknown. Because of this uncertainty a

ly, it is strongly advised to have formal calculations of the amount of soil that

monitoring plan is included as well (appendix). With this plan the effectiveness

will be displaced and the amount of water area that needs to be compensated.

of the proposed maintenance will be monitored and the maintenance can be adapted if necessary. Additionally, the results obtained from student projects regarding Anna’s Ruigte will also give insights into the success of the management strategies. In fact, implementing these untested management strategies (such as nature friendly banks) in the vicinity of the university is a unique opportunity to contribute to the scientific embedding of nature management. A potentially problematic aspect of the design is that the original plans for the area show a building plot that covers part of the natural area for which we designed a nature development plan. This could potentially jeopardize building the amphibian pool, as it might inhabit species of which their habitat cannot be


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CH 0 0 9 A p p e nd i x


Appendix 1a. The KRW-values of M10 waterbodies. Translated from Faasse (2011),









Oxygen balance saturation %

60 - 120 40 - 120 35 - 40 & 120 -130 30 - 35 & 130 -140 < 30 & >140



< 300







total P total N


< 300

300 - 350

350 - 400

> 400

5.5 - 7.5 5.5 - 8

8 - 8.8 & < 5.5

8.5 - 9



> 0.65

0.45 - 0.65

0.3 - 0.45

< 0.3

mg P/L < 0.03

< 0.15

0.15 - 0.3

0.3 - 0.75

> 0.75

mg N/L < 0.99

< 2.8

2.8 - 5.6

5.6 - 14

> 14

Appendix 1b. Turbidity values corresponding to three transparency levels. Reprintend from STOWA (Jaarsma et al., 2008).

Transparency good Transparency possibly limiting Transparency insufficient Turbidity < 5 NTU

Turbidity 5 - 15 NTU

Turbidity > 15 NTU


Appendix 2. Species Scientific name list of plant species Anthriscus sylvestris found in Anna’s Ruigte.

Dutch name

English name


cow parsley

Betula pubescens

zachte berk

downy birch

Brassica nigra

zwarte mosterd

black mustard

Cerastium fontanum

gewone hoornbloem

common mouse-ear

Cirsium arvense

akker distel

creeping thistle

Cirsium vulgare


Convolvulus sepium


Cornus sanguinea


Moist level


Nutrient level



plot 1


plot 2




spear thistle

plot 3




larger bindweed

plot 4




rode kornoelje

common dogwood

Corylus avellana


common hazel

plot 5




Dipsacus fullonum

grote kaardebol

wild teasel

plot 6




Epilobium hirstum

harig wilgenroosje

great willowherb

Eupatorium cannabinum



Galium apurine



Glechoma hederacea


ground ivy

Glyceria maxima


reed mannagrass

Heracleum mantegazzianum reuzenberenklauw

giant hogweed

Iris pseudacorus

gele lis

yellow iris

Lamium album

witte dovennetel

white nettle

Lycopus europaeus



Mentha aquatica


water mint

Myosotis arvensis

akker vergeet me nietje

field forget-me-not

Oenothera glazioviana

grote teunisbloem

large-flowered evening primrose

Pentaglottis sempervirens

overblijvende ossentong

green alkanet

Petasites hybridus

groot hoefblad

common butterbur

Phragmites australis


common reed

Plantago major

grote weegbree

broadleaf plantain

Potentialla anserina



Prunus domestica



Ranunculus acris

scherpe boterbloem

meadow buttercup

Ranunculus repens

kruipende boterbloem

creeping buttercup

Ranunculus sceleratus

blaartrekkende boterbloem cursed buttercup

Rubus fruticosus



Salix cinerea

grauwe wilg

grey willow

Sambucus nigra



Siline dioica

dag koekkoeksbloem

red campion

Siline flos-cuculi

echte koekoeksbloem

ragged robin,

Symphytum officinale

gewone smeerwortel


Trifolium repens

witte klaver

white clover

Tussilago farfara



Typha latifolia

grote lisdodden


Urtica dioica


common nettle

Veronica catenata

rode waterereprijs

pink water speedwell


plot 7








Value Moist level Acidity Level Nutrient level drought/moi moderately 5 weakly acidic st indicator nitrogen rich moist weakly acdic / 7 nitrogen rich indicator weakly alkaline wet strongly nitrogen strongly alkaline 9 indicator rich

Appendix 3. List of soil conditions for 6 sites in Anna’s Ruigte based on Ellenberg indicator values.


Would the natural area have added value if it could be used during courses at the university?

Would the natural area have added value if you were informed about the biodiversity and ecology? For example an information sign. No added value 1 2 3 4 5 A lot of added value


How often would you take a walk through the natural area? Never Daily Weekly Monthly

Do you make use of the recreation possibilities at Amsterdam Science Park? Never Daily Weekly Monthly

How important is recreation to you in your working environment? Not important 1 2 3 4 5 Very important


How important is nature for you in your working environment? Not important 1 2 3 4 5 Very important


→ Student: In what area are you studing at the moment?

→ Business: For which business do you work at Science Park Amsterdam?

Where do you work at Amsterdam Science Park? Univeristy - Business - Student

How often do you pass the natural area? Daily - Weekly - Monthly


Milan van Manen Jeroen Schutt Myrte Mijnders

Team Green Science Park

Thanks in advance,

Completing the questionnaire will only take 5 minutes.

We are 3 master students of the Tesla minor, commissioned by the city of Amsterdam to design a nature development plan for a natural area of 1.5 ha at Science Park Amsterdam. The results of this survey will give an insight into your needs and wishes. If possible, these needs and wishes will be included in the nature development plan. Results of this survey will not be shared with third parties.

I would like to invite you to answer a questionnaire about nature development in your working environment Science Park Amsterdam.

Dear sir/madam,

Nature developement Science Park Amsterdam

Appendix 4. Example of the conducted survey.


Thank you for completing the questionnaire. If you have any questions or remarks you can contact us by

→ Yes: You can leave your email adres here.

Would you like to be kept informed about the developments the natural area during this project? Yes No


What do you think are interesting sustainable/green initiatives? Local production of fruit and vegetables Local processing of green waste Increasing water quality Local energy production

Would you like to see sustainable/green initiatives in natural area? No, not at all 1 2 3 4 5 Yes very much

Would you like to see sustainable/green initiatives at Science Park Amsterdam? No, not at all 1 2 3 4 5 Yes very much


For example a course plant identification during the biology bachelor. No added value 1 2 3 4 5 A lot of added value

Appendix 5. Overview of possible information signs in Anna’s Ruigte and Anna’s Tuin. # Title




Content (text)

Species name, plant prefference and season Give information regarding different (buterfly/caterpillar). Also a message that invites Butterflies species of butterflies that occur in people to report sightings of species to the area Information regarding amphic Explain some main elements amphibic ecology (related Amphia pools ecology to habitat) such as life cycle of a frog Give information regarding the area, Welcoming text, part of ecolint, explanation of most walking paths, house rules (such as important aspects of the area that are indicated on a keeping the dogs lined) and giving map. an overview of activities in the area.




Inform about permaculture Permaculture philosphy and the community that manages the permaculture


Nature friendly banks


Incubation mounds

Information about nature friendly banks and ecological value they have inform about the scruture and function of grass snake incubation mounds

Information about permaculture methods that are employed in the area. Short description of permaculture ideology/philosophy. name the comittee responsible with contact information (reference to blog?) Explain why they are ecologically important, what the main elements are (terrestrial, amphibic and aquatic zones), important species in these banks Mention that the grass snake is an ecolint target species(?) text that explains the different sections of the incubation mound


Content (image)


QR code with link to

Foto's or drawings of the named species, as butterfly and caterpilar

shortly after the main entrance

Foto's or drawings of the occuring species and a scheme illustrating the life cycle

next to amfibia pool

Map of the area that shows the area with its walking routes and main ecological elements. at the main House rules in the form of pictures. Logos of entrance the municipality, Tesla and UvA(?)

link to blog and /or tesla

schematic illustration of, for example, the three sisters method or something else that Jeroen suggests.

link to blog

at the entrance of the permaculture plot

near path that is close to a nature friendly bank drawings of the grassnake and the incubation In the visible range of the incubation mound. Highlighting the structure of the nest, showing hatching eggs mound profile of nature friendly bank with flora and fauna species that might occur

Appendix 6. Overview of possible univeristy student project in Anna’s Ruigte and Anna’s Tuin. Topic

Suggested supervisor


One of the principles on which permaculture builds is creating a healthy soil. what does this entail? is there a difference in soil quality? through what mechanisms does the permaculture system influence Effect of permaculture gardening on soil quality? How does this evolve through time? In een permacultuur wordt veel aandacht besteed Boris Janssen soil quality aan het ontwikkelen van een gezonde bodem. Is er daadwerkelijk verschil in bodem kwaliteit? Hoe beinvloed de permacultuur de bodemkwaliteit? Hoe bouwt dit zicht op? Effect of nature friendlt banks on Setting up nature friendly banks (NFB) promotes biodiversity in an aquatic system. Does it also Boris Janssen bank soil characteristics promote soil quality? are there significant differences between NFB soil and non-NFB soil? Rainwater dominated vs city water By isolating part of the waterways, part of the water systems become dominated by rainwater. Does Boris Janssen dominated: influence on soil this affect soil quality or composition? characteristics What amfibic species reside in the pond? What species compete for resources? what determines the Edo Goverse (not Amfibic competition in ponds species richness in a pond? confirmed) Effect of nature friendly banks on Does a NFB increase amfibic diversity? What amfibic species are attracted by a NFB? what Edo Goverse (not amfibic diversity determines the species richness in a NFB? confirmed) What predators does an amfibic species have in a pond? What shelter does a pond offer to a amfibic Predation on amfibic species in Edo Goverse (not species? What abiotic factors influence the predation stress on the population of a amfibic species? ponds confirmed) What life cycle stage of a amfibic species is most predated on in ponds? Research focusses arround competition for resources and habitat avialability in ponds. What Species competition in ponds Gerard Oostermijer resources are determining species presence? What species share resources? Colonization and biodiversity of Analysis of biodiversity in NFBs: Does a NFB increase the area's biodiversity? what groups benefit Gerard Oostermijer nature friendly banks most from NFBs? An analysis on waterquality in closed, rainwater dominated systems: how does the hydrology in the Waterquality in closed systems area work? what are the determining factors of the system? How can the hydrology be improved? is Harm van der Geest the system stable? what factors influence this? Harm van der The effect of nature friendly banks What is the effect of NFBs on the city's waterquality? Does a NFB add to reaching the ecological Geest/Maarten on city ecology goals as envisioned for Ecolint? Ouboter Research what a permaulture garden can offer the community ecologically, socially, economically, Value and potential of permaculture etc. what other opportunities can it offer? wat benefits are there to setting up a permaculture in an systems in urban settings urban area? Research community involvement with sustainability initiatives like a permaculture garden. How does the community percieve such initiatives? What motivates the community to get involved? How can a Community management and community owned initiative best be managed and maintained? Are there economical aspects that involvement in permacultures can make such initiatives economically sucessful? Changes in an aquatic ecosystem, such as improving water quality, are easly overlooked than visually more prominnent (such as planting trees). A interdisciplinary team could reseach how you can transmit these types of changes (and the importance of them). One of the possibilities is to have a team composed of a biologist, informatician and a sociologist/antropologist. They could produce an Perception of changes in and value app (or some other user interface) that gives access to under-water video feed and information regarding the ecosystem. For this particular project you need to research what is ecologically of aquatic ecology to the public interesting (biologist), what kind of content or presentation appeals to people (antropologist) wether it can contribute to some volunteers network (sociologist) and how this should be accomplished technically (informatician). This could also be approached economically. This is an example, it does not necessarily have to be an app, there are endless options.


Institute and program

Requirements of Anna's ruigte

IBED - Earth Sciences

Permaculture set up

IBED - Earth Sciences

Nature friendly banks set up

IBED - Earth Sciences

Isolated waterways set up

RAVON - Biology

Amfibia pools set up

RAVON - Biology

Nature friendly banks set up

RAVON - Biology

Amfibia pools set up

IBED - biologie

Amfibia pools set up

IBED - Biology IBED - Biology

Nature friendly banks set up Isolated waterways and nature friendly banks set up

IBED/Waternet Biology

Nature friendly banks set up

IIS - Interdisciplinary

Permaculture set up

IIS - Interdisciplinary

Permaculture set up

IIS - Interdisciplinary

Nature friendly banks, amfibia pools and isolated waterways set up

Appendix 7. Overview of maintenance in Anna’s Ruigte and Anna’s Tuin. Cluster



Phased Period




if 50% of pool is covered yes with vegetation

half August - half October

Direction of phased mowing Municipality is from east to west


1x per 3 years


half August - half October


Wander trail


multiple times per year


Direction of phased dredging is from east to west

Incubation mounds


every 1-2 years


mid April - end May

Clippings of Anna's Ruigte can be used.


Anna's Ruigte Amphibian pool



if necessary for water flow 1x per 2 years



1x per year


Nature friendly bank cleaning --> next to brushwood mowing

1x per 6 years 1x per 2 years

no yes

--> next to meadow


1x per year




Isolated waterway



Surrounding waterway cleaning dredging Anna's Tuin


September - October



October half September - October; half juni - half August October - half november October half September - October; half juni - half August


1x per 6 years


half July - October

if necessary for water flow


September - October

1x per 6 years


half July - October

mulching 1 x per year yield renewing anual plants 3 x per year collecting seeds for next season germinate seeds of previous plants

no no no no no

April - June June - September February - April


Flora and Fauna code of conduct

Municipality Municipality Municipality Municipality Dredge should be removed from the area.

Municipality Municipality

before hibernation of fish and amphibians

Municipality Dredge should be removed from the area.

Municipality Committee Committee Committee Committee Committee

before hibernation of fish and amphibians

MAP LEGEND Trees and shrubs that need to be removed Ground deposit areas Dam

Appendix 8. Overview of locations where the ground levels will be raised (brown), the trees that have to be removed (black circle) and places where the dams will be placed.


Appendix 9. Design of nature friendly banks in inner and surrounding waterway, and the amphibian pool.

Current bank surrounding waterway

Nature friendly bank surrounding waterway

Slope: 1:1.3

Slope: 1:6

Nature friendly bank surrounding waterway

Current bank inner waterway

Slope: 1:5

Slope: 1:1.9

Side vieuw

Top vieuw


Appendix 10. List of native plant species

Scientific name

English name

Dutch name

Phragmites australis

Common reed


Phalaris arundinacea

Reed canarygrass


Typha latifolia

Common bulrush

Grote lisdodde

Typha angustifolia

Lesser bulrush

Kleine lisdodde

Iris pseudacorus

Yellow flag

Gele lis

Alisma plantago-aquatica

Common water-plantain

Grote waterweegbree

Menyanthes trifoliata



Potentilla palustris

Purple marshlocks


Calla palustris

Bog Arum





What is the difference between the meadow and brushwood in terms of biodiversity?

What is the effect of mowing frequency on the species richness in Anna’s Ruigte?

In this vegetation survey the abundance of different plant species in four different layer (tree,

be adjusted if necessary to meet the design criteria and keep track of the costs.

ecologist (Els Corporaal) both of the City of Amsterdam. Together with them the maintenance plan can

The results of the monitoring will be reported to head of Green Maintenance (Tim Blokker) and the local

committee Excurcie. In this way the student will get more familiar with monitoring processes.

The monitoring will be conducted by the students from the Biology bachelor and master united in the

Organization, planning and reporting

will try to answer the stated questions.

the realization of the design the data will be analyzed on an annual basis in autumn. The data analysis

this monitoring form is submitted, an google spreadsheet will be created automatically. Two years after

For every monitoring method a google form is created which can be used to fill in the data online. When

Data processing

surface in the waterways should be measured.

Every year the water depth, transparency, turbidity and thickness of organic layer on top of the soil

Physical water parameters

routes are walked once every two weeks between 1 april and 30 september.

birds. The monitoring routes are the wanderings trails in Anna’s Ruigte (see figure 13). Preferably these

Three monitoring routes are used to count the number of butterfly species, amphibians and reptiles, and

Monitoring route

shrubs, herb and moss) will be estimated. The vegetation survey should be conducted in june.

be 10m2.

amphibian pool also have a size of 4m2 and are situated at the waterline. The site in the shrubs should

should have a size of 4m2 in the meadow and brushwoods. The sites on the nature friendly bank and

surrounding water way, the amphibian pool, the meadow, the brushwoods and the shrubs. The sites

sites are located at the nature friendly bank in the isolated waterway, the nature friendly bank in the

Every year a vegetation survey should be conducted at 6 sites in Anna’s Ruigte (figure 3). The different

Vegetation survey

Monitoring methods


transparency, turbidity and thickness of organic layer?

What are the differences between the surrounding and inner waterway in terms of water depth,


Are there differences between the surrounding and inner waterway?

What are the wetland species occurring in Anna’s Ruigte?


Do the nature friendly bank lead to an increased biodiversity?

The monitoring program will be initiated for 10





maintenance of Anna’s Ruigte to local circumstances.

area based on the design criteria. Furthermore the monitoring data can be used to adapt the

The goal of monitoring Anna’s Ruigte is to keep track of the ecological value and improvements of the


Evaluation and Monitoring Plan Anna’s Ruigte

Appendix 11. Evaluation and Monitoring plan






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