I am an architect, landscape designer and freelance illustrator, focused on the integral design of green spaces, taking into account the relationship between humans and nature.
I seek to address the concept of landscape design, establishing links and strengthening efforts aimed at consolidating the knowledge and practice of ecosystemic landscaping locally and globally.
I like to make illustrations to represent spaces and complement my presentations, I also like to photograph everything that exists.
Landscape projects
01 La maison By FENDI
02 Centro de visitantes San Lorenzo
03 Cumbres allegro
04 Costavía by OBRING
05 Biodiversity report - Torre puerto norte By Obring
06 Residencia Betania
07 Casa Cárdenas
08 Hyde by wanders and yoo
09 Residencia playa Buenaventura
10 Bar Playa Venao
11 Torre Aqualina
12 Funes Hills residencial
Architecture Competitions
13 Affordable housing Berlín / Bee breeders
14 Climate Lab Portobello - BID
15 Parque lineal de Barrio, ferrocarriles nacionales de México
16 Paseo Jardín “La tabacalera” - Monumento a la revolución
Planting files
Construction files/ Planting plans
Conceptualization, design and planning of the landscape projects presented below, as well as the diagrammatic, architectural and photographic representation corresponding to each one.
Project type: Luxury apartments (Syte analysis, Concept, Landscape design, illustrations and visuals) Year: 2022
Location: Santa María, Panamá
Analysis of the conditions of eachspace to be intervened and proposal for the insertion of scales and textures of the vegetation corresponding to each geographic ecoregions. Distribution of vegetation masses according to their condition and relationship with existing ecoregions in the context of the city of panama
Location: Colón, Panamá
Project type: Tourist syte (Syte analysis, Concept, Landscape design and Visualization) Year: 2024
The landscape project is focused on generating a direct dialogue between the environment and the landscape, while at the same time it has as a final approach to restore the natural ecosystems that surround it and of which the architectural project is part.
Emphasis was placed on the discovery of endemic plant species for their recognition and appreciation by visitors to the center, as well as their own benefit as a green corridor for the fauna that coexists in the context of the site.
Project type: Semi-public space (Syte analysis, Concept, Landscape design, Visualization Year: 2021
Location: Monterrey, México
From the existing trees, we insert ourselves through masses of vegetation in different scales and thick textures that allow the transit between the treetops and the mountain landscape. The project includes an outdoor projection space, a dog park, a social area for events, a swimming pool surrounded by green spaces and 3 viewpoints overlooking the city landscape and the mountains in Monterrey.
Project type: PH Residential (Syte analysis, Concept, Landscape design, Visualization and Photography) Year: 2022
Location: Rosario, Argentina
The Costavia tower has 24 floors and north-south faces with its façade contained by a large elongated flower bed over its total length of 30 meters. The landscape takes center stage along both facades, as well as the culmination of the project on the terrace. All the flowerbeds were divided according to the impact of the sun and wind for a better evolution of the species, according to the height and primary condition of the space.
Project type: Infographic on the environmental impact analysis of the tower on the nearby wetlands. Year: 2021
Location: Rosario, Argentina
Project type: Residential (Syte analysis, Concept, Landscape design, Visualization) Year: 2024
Location: Betania, Panamá
Project type: Residential (Syte analysis, Concept, Landscape design, Visualization and Photography) Year: 2021
Location: Cárdenas, Panamá
Project type: Luxury apartments (Syte analysis, Concept, Landscape design, and Visualization) Year: 2023
Location: Marbella, Panamá
Project type: Beach house (Syte analysis, Concept, Landscape design and visualization) Year: 2022
Location: Buenaventura Panamá
Project type: Beach bar (Syte analysis, Concept, Landscape design and Visualization) Year: 2021
Location: Venao, Panamá
Project type: PH Apartments (Syte analysis, Concept, Landscape design, Visualization and illustrations)
Year: 2023
Ubicación: Marbella, Panamá
Project type: Family residence (Syte analysis, Concept, Landscape design and Visualization)
Location: Rosario, Argentina Year: 2023
Development of urban scale projects involving landscape design and architecture, as well as sustainable urbanism in multiple countries and at multiple scales. The objective is always the interventions including local biodiversity, as well as the social reintegration with nature.
Landscape project with Bodhi hostel and others.
Year: 2019
Location: Portobello, Panamá
Inter-American Development Bank Competition
Parque lineal de barrio
Work file corresponding to each Preliminary Landscape Project prepared, as appropriate. They include planting plans, furniture and/or planters location plans, architectural plan with details, etc.
¡Thank you!