A Special Thank You to James Schmidt for his countless hours of coordination and Ken Ludwig as Master of Ceremonies.
Volunteers Eileen Alm • Doug Bacon Bodhi • Chuck Brenimer Rodney Burdick • Kim Camerlo Mickie Cameron • Esther Espinoza Gary Gilman • BJ Hambleton Toni Krispien • Denise Laurent Kathy Mason • Tony Montesanti Travis Olson • Barbara Resendez Shoshone • Al Taylor Aurelia Taylor • Marlene Tuttle Jack Welker
Welcome to the 2014 EVOLve Expo! W
e want to welcome you and thank you for attending this year’s Evolve Expo! This year IS All About CHOICES! Everything we create in our lives comes from the thoughts we think and the beliefs we have, and the CHOICES we make and actions we take. Whether it is what we put in our bodies, how we care for ourselves and others, or how we use energy, it is all our individual choice, even if we aren’t aware that we are making a choice. And not making a choice can be a dangerous choice. When we decide not to choose, we decide to give our personal power away. The ideal is to be aware of your options and to make a conscious choice. That’s what this show is all about. This show’s purpose is to provide you with new ideas and new options for choices you can make in your life. The 2014 EVOLVE Expo features a Natural Food Fair by Natural Grocers, Free Energy, Alternative Health Care, Kids Corner, Conscious Living and Wealth Building. We have international speakers, businesses, authors, healers, artists, musicians, and vendors that are living from the heart, and that will facilitate experiences that will leave you with more choices for a more connected, naturally healthier, more authentic, wealthier, and more abundant life. This program is being produced by Journeys for Conscious Living (J4CL), an organization that leads the world in conscious living through offering ideas and experiences that encourage thoughtful changes in how we live our lives every day, and how we can use our energy to stay centered and expand consciousness throughout communities. J4CL’s mission is to support and promote the gathering of individuals to expand consciousness through community connection, with events and classes that create empowering experiences for developing a life of passion, purpose and contribution. We are looking forward to you participating in the presentations, fun interactive experiences, general sessions, keynotes, and vendor booths. This hands-on event will inspire and enlighten you and give us all an opportunity To Make Powerful Choices in our lives. Enjoy the experience of the changes and the evolution of our world.
Lyn Bacon • Jillian Olson Jennifer Wilkinson • Teri Wittkop
Have a great time! Larry and Tryna Cooper And everyone in the Journeys For Conscious Living Family
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Agenda February 21, 22 & 23, 2014
“It’s All About Choices” Free Energy • Alternative Health Care Conscious Living • Wealth Building
Friday February 21st (Day 1- Set Up Day and Opening)
5:45 pm – 6:55pm Room A – Medical Marijuana, Cannabis Patients Network, Discovering Cannabis as Medicine: Patient Testimonials, Presented by Mark Pedersen, Cannabis Patient Network Founder. Cannabis: A Super-Food, Who knew? Regina Nelson, Co-founder CPN Institute, will discuss her personal story as a medical cannabis patient and how she found cannabis to be a “Super-Food”.
6:30 pm – 7:45 pm Room B - GMO Movie and Presentation GMO-OMG – Hosted by Cheryl Gray, Co-Chair of Right to Know Colorado Ballot Initiative and The Seeds of Doubt Conference. A grassroots committee has put forward a ballot initiative to label GMO’s in the State of Colorado. Come learn about the Initiative and join the campaign, We have the Right to Know What is in Our Food, Why Don’t they Want US to Know? GMO- OMG tells the story of a father’s discovery of GMOs through the symbolic act of poor Haitian farmers burning seeds in defiance of Monsanto’s gift of 475 tons of hybrid corn and vegetable seeds to Haiti shortly after the devastating earthquake of January 2010. After a journey to Haiti to learn why hungry farmers would burn seeds, the real awakening of what has happened to our food in the US, what we are feeding our families, and what is at stake for the global food supply unfolds in a trip across the United States and other countries in search of answers.
4:00 pm – 8:00 pm Evolve Expo Opens to the Public
4:30 pm to 4:45 pm Main Stage – Opening Ceremony
Welcome to the Evolve Expo – Opening Gathering - Journeys for Conscious Living – Tryna Cooper & Larry Cooper; opening blessing with Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha & Dr. A.C. Ross.
4:50 pm to 5:40 pm Room A – Wealth Building, Tamra Oviatt, Working with Energy; How to have greater health and happiness in your life NOW; Discover how to connect to joy, and your true purpose; ~How you can help transform the planet and share Sacred Activations with others. Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha & Dr A.C. Ross. Introduce Master of Ceremonies Ken Ludwig.
5:00 pm – 6:15 pm Room B – Movie and Presentation with the Producer and Photographer, of “The Earth Song Journal - It’s a Beautiful World” - Brian Luke Seaward is a renowned and respected international expert in the fields of stress management, mindbody-spirit healing and health promotion. Additionally, he is an award-winning author, photographer, teacher, celebrated film director/producer and much sought after inspirational speaker Denver, Colorado
February 21-23, 2014
Friday February 21st (Day 1- Set Up Day and Opening)
7:00 pm to 7:50 pm Room A - Jim Schmidt – Coordinator of the Evolve Expo free energy exhibit will introduce the audience to the concept of free energy and provide an overview. Free energy is not free, but we have access to energy that exists in many forms like sunlight (solar energy), the wind, and geothermal energy that is much less expensive and is pollution free. These are known as renewable energies.
ON GOING KIDS PROGRAMS – CHECK THE ONSITE SIGNS FOR KIDS CORNER PROGRAMS SPONSORED BY DANCE ARTS STUDIOS and Look for the Cooking Stage Live Demonstrations sponsored by Natural Grocers Local Food Pavilion.
Saturday, February 22nd: (Day 2)
8:00 am - 6:00 pm Registration Desk Open
9:00 am – 6:00 pm Expo Hall Open
9:00 am – 9:15 am Main Stage – Opening Ceremony Welcome to the Evolve Expo – Opening Blessing - Journeys for Conscious Living – Tryna Cooper & Larry Cooper
9:30 am – 10:25 am Room A – Ehanamani (Walks Among) aka Dr. A.C. Ross, American Indian Star Connections, Come hear American Indian Star Stories from Ehanamani. Learn about the Giants that walked the earth and also learn about the little people who walked the earth. The energies and spirits of the Giants and the Little People still are with us in ceremony and prayer. Hear the native prospective on the mother earth.
Room B – Free Energy, Top 5 Exotic Free Energy Technologies Closest to Market, Sterling Allan, PESN – Pure Energy Systems News There are many ways to harness the wheelwork of nature -- energy sources that the environment provides free for the taking, that are not only clean but inexhaustible and ubiquitous. Conventional renewable energy (there are 25 genres) has made great strides but has limitations. We are tracking some exotic modalities (there are 25 of those, as well) -- that science has not yet acknowledged as legitimate -- that are making great strides toward being proven and preparing for marketplace introduction.
10:30 am to 11:25 am Room A - Gregory Hoag, Metaforms, Using Nature’s Patterns to Achieve Optimal Health and Well Being; Scientific evidence will be shared that confirms the existence of naturally occurring patterns that can have a dramatic effect on improving the health and function of all of the body’s internal organs. Room B - Jim Schmidt – Coordinator of the Evolve Expo free energy exhibit will introduce the audience to the concept of free energy and provide an overview. Free energy is not free, but we have access to energy that exists in many forms like sunlight (solar energy), the wind, and geothermal energy that is much less expensive and is pollution free. These are known as renewable energies.
11:30 am – 12:30 pm Room A Keynote: “Your Birthright is Health, Wealth and Happiness” Conscious Living and Wealth Keynote Speaker Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha, Native Cherokee Elder, It’s All About Choices, We all deserve to know the truth of our potential and have the tools to activate and empower our lives. GMP will be helping you to awaken your inspiring vision so that you have your own heartfelt dream to work with throughout your life. She will teach about human behavior; why you are who you are; what drives your inspiration; how you are perfect just as you are; and how both your strengths and weaknesses, supports and challenges to create the perfect dynamic to assist you in doing what you most love right now, and also what you would most love to do with your future.
12:45 pm – 1:45 pm Room A – How Self-Realization and Coordinated Activism Empower Global Thriving; Kimberly and Foster Gamble, Co-creators of the THRIVE movie and Movement. Join the Expo this year via Skype to present and interact about the connection between personal fulfillment and solving critical global issues. Most of us are dedicated to seeking personal liberation within, and yet we are confronted with increasing surveillance and oppression from without. Growing clarity about our purpose, principles and strategies for coherence is already starting to obsolete the agenda for global domination.
1:55 pm - 2:55 pm Room A – Dr. JB Hill, Creative Vision – Think and Grow Rich! “Science tells us that our mind is a dynamic entity which changes throughout our lifetime and that our thoughts are far more powerful than imagined. Thought actually has the ability to change the structure of our brain. When we form a thought, brain cells called neurons fire. Holding a thought will cause these neurons to recruit other neurons into a network. When we drop that thought the network unravels until the thought becomes a memory. Repetitively thinking the same thought, however, reinforces that memory to build a stronger network and one that is able to retain its structure until needed. “In effect, the brain rewires itself to facilitate thinking a certain thought. This is an example of what neuroscientists call neuroplasticity. It explains how thought provides us with the means to influence the unconscious mind that controls fear, behavior and even personality. Properly controlled, the subconscious mind is a powerful force that will function to take us to success.” JB Hill
3:05 pm – 4:05 pm Room A – Rod Smith (Former Denver Bronco) (Organo Gold, Diamond), 6 Steps to UNLOCKING ALL YOUR DREAMS. Step by step instructions on how I manifest any dream and turn it to reality. These ingredients are must haves. You will be given specific assignments and if followed will turn Dreams in reality. After I looked back at my life., these are the common threads to my success and I will show others how to use them for their own success. It works in any aspect of life.
Denver, Colorado
February 21-23, 2014
Saturday, February 22nd: (Day 2)
4:15 pm – 5:05 pm Room A - The Archetypes: The Unconscious Source of Human Behavior Aaron Huey “Why does my kid....”; “How come my husband/wife thinks that...”; “How do I...” The Warrior, Wizard, Jester, Bard, King/ Queen and Healer are addressed in this workshop you will learn to apply them to behaviors and begin to navigate any and all relationships with success and clarity.
Advanced Laser Technologies SCALAR WAVE LASER SYSTEM Relieve Stress; Tension, Pain; Regenerate Cells; Rejuvenate health; patented technology...
Room B - Free Energy Part 1; Dale Pond, Free Energy and Harmonics, Newly Discovered Vibratory and Toroidal Physics, This presentation begins the explanation of the nature, structure and dynamics (wave function or state) of periodic vibratory motion with its interchanging polar dynamics. Included in this description of polar dynamics are the structure and dynamics of toroids which are a special embodiment of causative vibratory (periodic) dynamics.
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Booth 412
for a personal demonstration... Sign up to win a QiFi Purifier, Session Discounts, More... THE SCALAR WAVE LASER SYSTEM COMES WITH PROTOCOLS FOR ALL BODY SYMPTOMS, ORGANS, GLANDS, CHAKRAS, MERIDIANS AND CELLS.
5:10 pm – 6:00 pm Room A - Moving Toward Happy: Practical and Spiritual Tips to a Happier, More Fulfilling Life Terry Chriswell, publisher of Natural Awakenings magazine. How can you find more happiness in your life? Learn applicable, easy to understand practical and spiritual tips to make changes in your life that will lead you to more happiness, peace and fulfillment on a regular basis.
6:00 pm
Dr. Thomas A. Garlock DC Medical Intuitive Assessment
Nutritional & Exercise Recommendations
Pain Control and Relief via Medical Qi Gong And a Really Nice Guy!
Booth #302 6
Expo Hours End for the Day
6:15 pm – 9:00 pm Special Exclusive Evening Program Featuring:
JB Hill, Napoleon Hill Foundation, Rod Smith, Former Denver Broncos Great Wide Receiver and Expert Marketing Guru, Organo Gold Diamond and Stephan, Deanna and Casey Nielson, Expert Marketers, Organo Gold Blue Diamonds. Featuring – Tickets $15 – Hosted by Larry & Tryna Cooper and Bodhi. Seating is limited…
Sunday, February 23rd: (Day 3)
9:00 am - 4:30 pm Registration Desk Open
10:00 am – 4:30 pm Expo Hall Open
10:00 am – 10:10 am Main Stage – Opening Ceremony Welcome to the Evolve Expo – Opening Blessing Journeys for Conscious Living – Tryna Cooper & Larry Cooper
10:15 am – 11:05 am Room A - Karen Storsteen, M.S., M.A. – Intuitive Intelligence, a groundbreaking approach to access Divine wisdom and exponential intelligence for clarity and peace of mind. Join Karen Storsteen, intuitive psychotherapist, veteran management consultant, and radio entertainer, in a highly experiential and entertaining presentation.
Room B – Top 5 Exotic Free Energy Technologies Closest to Market Sterling Allan. There are many ways to harness the wheelwork of nature -- energy sources that the environment provides free for the taking, that are not only clean but inexhaustible and ubiquitous. Conventional renewable energy (there are 25 genres) has made great strides but has limitations.
11:10 am – 12:00 pm Room A - Kathy Mason, President of Mason Works, LLC, Getting Found on the Internet with Social Media in 2014 for Fun or Profit! Are you struggling to understand how to use Social Media? Author and Social Media Branding Expert Kathy Mason, has a fun and easy way to create relationships with others over the internet. Let her guide you to make an easy to follow plan to use the 5 top Social Media sites: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube and Google+. You will learn to: Predictions for 2014 and beyond; How to use Social Media to get attention; How to easily communicate with others on the internet; What promotions work NOW! Room B – Free Energy Part 2; Dale Pond, Free Energy and Harmonics, Newly Discovered Vibratory and Toroidal Physics, Come explore Harmonics and vibratory and toroidal physics.
Farm to Jar Program
Colorado Green Chile Sauce & Salsa ALL NATURAL, VEGAN & GLUTEN FREE
February 21-23, 2014
Sunday, February 23rd: (Day 3)
12:10 pm – 1:20 pm
Room A – Keynote: Joan Borysenko, PhD - The New Brain Science: Optimizing Health, Emotional Balance, and Creativity; The new brain science is an exciting window into the nature of consciousness, emotional balance, physical health, and the interconnection of subtle energiessystems of information- that we call the mind. The new field of interpersonal neurobiology describes how the mind is both embodied in our brain and nervous system, which extends throughout the body, and also embedded in our relationships to everything around us. The quality of those relationships- whether they evoke love, compassion, and mindfulness or fear, anger, and constrictionaffects the release of informational molecules inside our body. These “mind molecules” are key components of the growth medium for the 50 trillion cells that comprise the universe of our physical bodies. They exert an epigenetic effect (epigenetics means above the genes) on DNA, influencing which genes are active and which are silenced. Why not feed your body the molecules that protect your health, while simultaneously feeding your “wise mind,” the part of you that is most creative and in touch with your larger purpose in the world?
1:30 pm – 2:25 pm
Room A – Keynote: Dave Murphy, Food Democracy Now – What happened to healthy foods? Dave Murphy is the founder and executive director of Food Democracy Now!, a grassroots movement of more than 650,000 American farmers and citizens dedicated to reforming policies relating to food, agriculture and the environment. Murphy has been called “the most crucial and politically savvy actor in the on-going efforts to help move American agriculture into the 21st century” as a result of his “Sustainable Dozen” campaign, which resulted in four candidates being placed in high level positions at the USDA and his efforts to reform food and agriculture under the Obama administration. Food Democracy Now! is a grassroots movement of more than 650,000 farmers and citizens dedicated to building a sustainable food system that protects our natural environment, sustains farmers and nourishes families.
BARRY HELM Booth #821
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2:30 pm – 3:15 pm Room A - Alternative Healthcare, Karen Falbo, Natural Grocers – An Introduction to the “Paleo” Way. Karen Falbo is a certified nutritionist and the National Nutrition Program Manager for Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage. Join Karen and You will learn: · The basic rules of human biology which are based on our genetic evolution and when followed support optimal health. · How foods interact with your hormones and your immune system. · How supporting local food production is a key to restoring human health, the environment, and local economies.
3:20 pm – 4:20 pm Room A – Elana Amsterdam, Wellness expert and gluten-free guru Elana Amsterdam is the New York Times bestselling author of the book Paleo Cooking from Elana’s Pantry, and founder of the blog elanaspantry.com, where she shares simple, healthy recipes and lifestyle advice. Elana will present: A five point plan for healing autoimmune disease and other health challenges: Create a personalized healing plan using therapeutic strategies to repair the physical, emotional, and energetic levels of your being. New York Times bestselling author Elana Amsterdam discusses the techniques she has used in dealing with multiple sclerosis that can take anyone’s health (autoimmune condition or not) to the next level.
4:30 pm – Expo Closes Thank You for Being a Part of Evolve Expo 2014 Please join us for on-going programs at Journeys for Conscious Living
See You Next Year February 20, 21 & 22, 2015 www.journeysforconsciousliving.com; www.evolveexpo.com
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ON GOING KIDS PROGRAMS – CHECK THE ONSITE SIGNS FOR KIDS CORNER PROGRAMS SPONSORED BY DANCE ARTS STUDIOS and Look for the Cooking Stage Live Demonstrations sponsored by Natural Grocers Local Food Pavilion.
Denver, Colorado
February 21-23, 2014
Natural Grocers Local Food Pavilion Sat Sat Sat Sat
Non-profit Area Runa Tea/Teatulia Organic Tea Simply Dara, Inc Tres Latin Foods LLC - Pupusas Olomomo Nut Company White Buffalo Kitchen Happy Leaf Kombucha & Pressed Juice Daily Sat 107 Evo Hemp 108 Natural Grocers Sat 109 Gluten Free Bistro/Lillabee Fri 110 Vibrant Veggies Sat 110 Rudi’s Organic Bakery 110 Vinifera, LLC Sun Sat 111 Jackson’s Honest Chips 112 NestFresh Fri 203 Blue Moose of Boulder Sat-Sun 203 Colorado Green Chili F-Sat 205 Holistic Treats (Kolat Superfood Infusion) Sun 205 Don Estevan Foods/Peo’s Foods Sat 206 Big Mouth Snack, LLC 207 Udi’s Gluten Free/Eva Foods/ Boulder Brands Fri 208 Ready Beans Sat 208 Wild Planet Foods 209 Bella Gluten-Free LTD F-Sat 211 Two Leaves Tea Company Sun 211 Hacienda Maize Friday 213 Noosa Yoghurt Sat-Sun 213 White Girl Products Fri-Sat 215 Eldorado Natural Spring Water Sat 801 JJ’s Sweets Sat 803 Ozuke/Lotus Island Tea Farms Sat 805 ReMarkable Foods/Culture Club Sat 807 Zaza Raw 10
100 101 102 103 104 105 106
Journeys for Conscious Living – Gail Austin Artist 212 Sunrise Ranch 214 Unity of Colorado 216 Ehana Mani - Dr AC Ross 218 Metaforms Sacred Geometry 302 Dr. Tom Garlock 303 Juice Plus & Tower Garden 305 Mason Works 306 Mountain Sage Wellness, Inc 306 E3 Live - Cochise One Paw 307 Ken Ludwig - Master of Ceromonies 308 Taspen Organics & Holistic Wellness Center 309 Denver Maum Meditation Center 310 Culture Magazine 311 Quality Air 313 Kid’s Corner 315 BellaSpark Magazine 317 Quantum Resonance 401 Jody Madson Very Fine Art 401 Outside Dog Artwears 402 Full Moon Books & Event Center 404 Kid’s Corner 405 doTerra Essential Oils 407 Gary Fishman - Gems & Crystals 407 Isis Jewelry 407 Lea Raney 408 Soulshine Family Wellness Center 412 Advanced Laser Technologies 414 Co-operate Colorado 501 LKS Originals 502 Organo Gold Coffee 503 Energetic Pathways 504 Napoleon Hill Foundation 506 Zen Organics 507 New Country Creations 508 Professional Carpet Systems 510 Avatar 511 Kid’s Corner
512 Whole Being Wellness Center 513 Nuwati Herbals 514 Zaaz - Whole Body Vibration 601 Organo Gold Coffee 602 In Light Wellness Systems 603 Live-in-Truth Coaching 604 Yuthhok Tibetan Treasure 605 Green Organics International 606 Alternative Health Group 607 Dan Liss 607 Monti Kelly 608 Dale Ponds 609 High Performance Waters 610 H2 Hypod 612 N.E.S.T. 611 Pulsed Harmonix 613 Pulsed Harmonix 806 Right to Know Colorado 808 Natural Awakenings 809 Solar City 810 Cannabis Patient Network Institute 812 Cannabis Patient Network Institute 811 Karen Storsteen, MA, MF, Intuitive Psychotherapist 813 Serenity Music 813 Elegant Accessories 814 Dahn Yoga & Tai Chi 815 Phebe Delaney 815 Christine Nieto 816 Access Consciousness 817 Center For Chiropractic Healing 818 Simple Serendipity 820 AuraPhotography.com 819 Barry Helm 822 Colorado Health and Wellness Center 824 Biomat Store
* Some companies will not be at the expo for the entire show. If there is no day noted, the company is there Fri-Sun. Denver, Colorado
February 21-23, 2014
Thank You To Our Sponsors: