May 2020 Mile High Natural Awakenings

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Can Strengthen Your CONSCIOUS IMMUNE EATING SYSTEM Save the Planet?


During Trying Times

May 2020 | Denver Edition |

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Denver Mile High Edition

Health, Hope & Happiness

Natural Awakenings is a family of more than 70 healthy living magazines celebrating 26 years of providing the communities we serve with the tools and resources we all need to lead healthier lives on a healthy planet.



The Healing Power of Movement



Autoimmune Breakthroughs Offer New Hope


on Conscious Eating to Save the Planet



During Trying Times






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Beautiful Floral Designing The Kitchen As Sacred Space

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A Clear Path to Healthy Vision


Boosting Collagen for Better Health


Facts and Tips for Dog and Cat Owners

DEPARTMENTS 6 health briefs 7 global briefs 8 eco tip 9 fit body 10 healing ways 15 wise words

16 plant-based medicine 19 inspiration 20 calendar 20 classifieds 22 resource guide May 2020



Escaping the Fearful Monkey Mind


MILE HIGH EDITION PUBLISHERS Doug Zerbarini Terry Chriswell EDITORS Terry Chriswell Doug Zerbarini DESIGN & Courtney Ayers PRODUCTION Stephen Gray-Blancett

happiness corner


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woke up with a start the other day feeling anxious - thinking of all the things I have to get done; wondering how I’m going to get through another day; and how am I going to manage an unpredictable future? I had gone from sleep to a monkey mind out of control in an instant. Monkey mind is just like it sounds - a wild, erratic monkey of thoughts flinging crap in reaction to what it sees outside itself. It can be hard to remember that I am not my thoughts, rather I have thoughts, and I can choose better ones. Instead of trying to soothe, ignore or otherwise deny the monkey mind, think of it in two ways: What can I learn (or unlearn) from it?

The monkey mind has a lot to teach us, if we can courageously look at our thoughts like a movie – we don’t have to be afraid of what the mind is trying to tell us. When I woke up the other day, I went through the monkey’s story: what do I have to get done? How will I get through the day? How will I manage the future? Answering these questions made me feel better. I realized that much of it had to do with control in an uncontrollable situation, and some of it had to do with breaking the cycle of doing as a means of defining who I am as a person. I can’t control any of this except my reaction, so it’s better to surrender, and that’s a process I can do by being very present – even taking it minute by minute depending on how often that monkey rears its ugly little head. And, isn’t everyone learning how to redefine themselves right now? More important than doing is the opportunity to cultivate how to be more positive, loving, hopeful, compassionate, and peaceful. Those enhanced qualities are states we can create that help us today and in the future. How can I reconnect to my heart’s wisdom?

When we are focused on what’s happening in the mind, we’ve disconnected from intuition, heart, and wisdom. Take as many pauses as necessary throughout the day for deep, long, slow breaths – this tells your body it’s safe. Focusing on the breath and body sensations will anchor you in the moment. From this magical place, you can ask your heart, “What should I accomplish today?” “How can I be of service?” “What do I need to heal within myself?” “Who can I forgive today?” “What change would I like to see in the world?” “What part of my plan needs changing?” “Who can I become?” and “What is possible?” From a place of heart connection, all things are possible and there will always be a solution to fear, anxiety and uncertainty. Over time, the monkey mind learns to take a back seat, while we learn the heart is steady, fearless and unlimited.

Natural Awakenings is printed on recycled newsprint with soy-based ink.


Denver Mile High Edition

Health, Hope & Happiness

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To the healthcare professionals who are risking their lives during this epidemic, thank you for fighting COVID-19 on the front lines.

health briefs

To our loyal advertisers who keep Natural Awakenings free for you Please consider their products, services and classes! Boulder Psychic Institute

Fewer than seven hours of sleep for a child is not only linked to anxiety, depression, impulsiveness and cognitive difficulties, but also impacts a child’s brain structure, suggests new research from the UK’s Warwick University published in Molecular Psychiatry. Researchers used data that included MRI scans of more than 11,000 children ages 9 to 11 from 21 centers in the U.S. Parents also provided information about their child’s sleep duration and mental health conditions, and children performed a battery of cognitive tests. Researchers found that compared to children that slept between the recommended nine and 11 hours, those receiving less than seven hours had 53 percent more behavioral problems and scored 7.8 percent lower on cognitive tests. In children that slept less, volumes were smaller in five brain regions. Children that slept longer showed less depression and higher cognitive scores, and felt safer and more secure in their homes and neighborhoods.

Ljupco Smokovski/

Tuck Kids In Early to Reduce Depression and Cognitive Issues

Chi Wellness Clear Sky Medical Hinsdale Automotive Holistic Life Dentistry Journeys for Conscious Living Journey Within Nature’s Rite NeuroEnergetic Release Positive Assist Renee Ellis, MA LPC RMT School of Inner Health Soul Star Reiki Strategies for Healing Vibrance Dentistry WolfHeals Shamanic Services 6

Denver Mile High Edition

Rapid weather swings as a result of climate change raise the risk of flu virus infections and epidemics, reports a study from Florida State University and international researchers. Tracing weather patterns and infection rates during a 20-year period in the U.S., China, Italy and France, scientists found that extreme fluctuations in weather during the autumn months of 2017 essentially kick-started that winter’s severe flu epidemic, implying, “The lapsed human immune system in winter caused by rapidly changing weather makes a person more susceptible to flu virus,” says lead author Zhaohua Wu, a professor of meteorology. The study warned that as weather variability increases, Europe could see a 50 percent increase in deaths tied to flu by the end of the century, but added that factoring in weather variability could help public health planning.

Health, Hope & Happiness


Watch Out: Rapid Weather Changes Boost Flu Risk

For Heaven’s Sake

Diana Taliun/

global briefs

Jolly Good

King of Bhutan Requests Selfless Gift

The King of Bhutan, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, turned 40 years old on February 21. Rather than ask for gifts, he asked his people to either plant a tree, adopt a stray animal or clean up their neighborhood in his honor. The Himalayan nation is consistently ranked one of the most eco-friendly countries in the world. In May 2016, Wangchuck and his wife celebrated the birth of their firstborn son by asking each of the nation’s households to plant a sapling, resulting in more than 108,000 trees planted.

Wild Things


Maria Sbytova/

Wildness a Big Factor in Urban Parks

A new study led by the University of Washington (UW) has found that not all forms of nature are created equal when considering benefits to people’s well-being. Experiencing wildness is particularly important for physical and mental health, according to the study published in the journal Frontiers in Sustainable Cities. This is the first study to show that wildness in urban areas is profoundly important for human well-being. “The wilder areas in an urban park seem to be affording more benefits to people, and their most meaningful interactions depended on those relatively wild features,” says lead author Elizabeth Lev, a graduate student in the UW School of Environmental and Forest Sciences. Senior author Peter Kahn, a UW professor of environmental and forest sciences and psychology, says, “Everywhere, development is chipping away at wild areas. Humanity has caused so much destruction and there’s no stopping it—unless we stop. We’re trying to show that if you’re going to develop an area, you at least need to understand the human costs.” The researchers hope studies like this can be used as part of the decision-making process for development proposals in parks and urban natural areas. They compiled their analysis methods into a handbook that can be used in other cities around the world.

Financial Fix

Great Britain Coal Use Falls With Carbon Tax

A tax on carbon dioxide emissions in Great Britain has led to the proportion of electricity generated from coal falling from 40 percent to 3 percent over six years, according to research led by University College London (UCL) and the University of Cambridge. In a report entitled The Value of International Electricity Trading, researchers showed the British Carbon Price Support tax caused electricity generated from coal to fall from 13.1 terawatt hours (TWh) in 2013 to 0.97 TWh in September 2019, and that coal was replaced by other less emission-heavy forms of generation such as gas. The decline in coal generation accelerated substantially after the tax was increased in 2015. The tax is one part of the Total Carbon Price, which also includes the price of EU Emissions Trading System permits. Project leader Dr. Giorgio Castagneto Gissey, of the Bartlett Institute for Sustainable Resources, says, “Should EU countries also adopt a high carbon tax, we would likely see huge carbon emission reductions throughout the continent as we’ve seen in Great Britain over the last few years.”

Passing Gas

Seaweed Lowers Cows’ Methane Emissions

If Australia can grow enough of the puffy, pink Asparagopsis taxiformis seaweed for every cow in Australia, the country could cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 10 percent. That’s the conclusion the University of the Sunshine Coast (Australia) seaweed research group leader Associate Professor Nick Paul. The cows burp out methane, but, “When added to cow feed at less than two percent of the dry matter, this particular seaweed completely knocks out methane production. It contains chemicals that reduce the microbes in the cows’ stomachs that cause them to burp when they eat grass,” he says. Cows are known to eat seaweed. “This seaweed has caused a lot of global interest, and people around the world are working to make sure the cows are healthy, the beef and the milk are good quality,” Paul notes. “But the one missing step, the big thing that is going to make sure this works at a global scale, is to make sure we can produce the seaweed sustainably.” May 2020


eco tip

Essential Oils for Challenging Times In these coronavirus days, an essential oil mixture with legendary origins in the Bubonic Plague offers soothing scents for the homebound and might add some viral protection. The mixture of five oils: eucalyptus, clove, cinnamon, lemon and rosemary, is known as Thieves. As the story goes, in the 1500s, as the Black Death decimated Europe, when four unemployed spice merchants that turned to robbing the bodies and homes of the dead were captured and threatened with being burned alive, they confessed to the judge their secret to avoiding infection—the spice blend that they rubbed on their hands, ears, feet and temples. They were all hanged, but their formula survives as Thieves, and is today one of the most popular essential oil blends in the market, sold under that name and also as Five Guards, Health Shield and Fighting Five. Although shown to sharply reduce three kinds of airborne bacteria in 10 minutes, its antiviral properties have not been extensively studied. Its components, however, have proven antimicrobial, antiseptic and antiviral properties: n Eucalyptus, long used for respiratory infections, has been proven effective against a number of viruses, particularly the swine flu and herpes type 1 viruses. n Clove has exhibited strong antiviral activity against such viruses as the adenovirus type 3 respiratory virus, poliovirus and coxsackievirus.

n Cinnamon leaf shows antiviral activity and can prevent pneumonia due to influenza. n Lemon oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties, and is often used in cleaning products. n Rosemary eases stress and has antiviral, antimicrobial and antidepressant qualities. Thieves can be purchased in natural health stores or online. For a homemade blend, Jennifer Lane, an aromatherapist, registered nurse and founder of LovingEssential, recommends combining these essential oils:

4 35 drops lemon 4 20 drops cinnamon leaf 4 15 drops clove bud 4 15 drops eucalyptus 4 10 drops rosemary Adding five drops of the blend, along with water in a diffuser, can waft the scent throughout a room and diminish airborne odors and germs. For respiratory support, put a few drops into a cup of steaming, but not boiling, water, drape a towel around the cup and face, and breathe in the fumes. Add it to a carrier oil like jojoba oil or coconut oil at a 1:30 ratio (such as one-half ounce Thieves to 15 ounces jojoba) and rub it on pulse points in the wrist and neck. But do not ingest the blend. If a child under 10 is in the house, don’t diffuse it or use it topically on them, because rosemary and eucalyptus can be unsafe for a child, advises Christina Anthis, author of The Beginner’s Guide to Essential Oils: Everything You Need to Know to Get Started.

Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them. ~William Arthur Ward


Denver Mile High Edition

Health, Hope & Happiness


Virus Fighters

fit body

DANCING TO YOUR OWN DRUMMER The Healing Power of Movement

Luis Molinero /


by Marlaina Donato

ovement comes in many colors, from modern dance to country line dancing, and there’s something for everyone, including those that claim to have two left feet. Dancing is healthy for the heart and improves cognitive function by forging new neural pathways in the brain. It builds stronger bones, helps balance and improves flexibility and endurance. Putting on dancing shoes also has a positive effect on depressive disorders, flooding the brain with endorphins that uplift mood and jumpstart motivation. Dance has found its way into the clinical setting as a psychotherapeutic tool for healing trauma, eating disorders and addictions. Dancing, in essence, is for everyone. “Dance is a human right, a feature of almost every culture in the world, and our natural inclination to dance is one of the things that makes us human,” says David Leventhal, program director of Dance for PD, a nonprofit Parkinson’s Disease program of the Mark Morris Dance Group, in Brooklyn. Valerie Durham, a modern dancer in Baltimore specializing in the Isadora Duncan technique, concurs, “Birds don’t consider if they have talent for singing, they just sing. They sing because they have a voice. Similarly, dance is a right offered to anyone with a body.”

A Deterrent for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s Disease and Cancer Going dancing on a Friday night also proves to nourish the brain. A 2017 study published in Frontiers of Aging Neuroscience shows evidence that dance increases white matter that diminishes with cognitive decline. An older study sponsored by

the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and published in the New England Journal of Medicine spotlights data gathered during a 21-year period and reveals that regular social dancing can reduce the risk for dementia in seniors by 76 percent. “A number of peer-reviewed research studies point to dance’s ability to improve motor skills and function of people living with Parkinson’s disease—balance, gait and tremor. Dance is expressive, giving people a creative voice when it feels that their capacity for physical, vocal and facial expression is being taken away,” says Leventhal. Durham, who worked with patients at the University of Florida Shands Hospital Arts in Medicine Program in the 1990s, witnessed memorable responses from cancer patients. “We danced with patients who were attached to IVs and those even in the ICU, some who were partially or even completely paralyzed, people who maybe could dance only with their eyes. And yet they danced,” marvels Durham. “Getting the lymphatic system, endorphins and breath flowing all elevate the body out of pain mode.”

Dancing from the Soul All forms of dancing have the capa-

bility to free the spirit and heal deep emotional wounds buried in the memory-holding fascia of the body’s soft tissues. Ecstatic dance, which has roots in ancient spiritual practices, is an unstructured option that dilutes limiting, self-conscious habits. These days, ecstatic dance gatherings have been organized in cities around the world. “There’s a vast movement in the dance world that has nothing to do with performance, but rather, is done for the joy of inhabiting a body in motion. Ecstatic dance is a free-form conscious dance and is a vibrant global community for people who love music and movement,” says Donna Carroll, founder of Ecstatic Dance International, in San Francisco. “When we can be courageous enough to turn away from our cultural norms that say you need ‘talent’ to dance, we get a chance to experience music through our bodies, and it can be quite pleasurable and lifeaffirming. Ecstatic dance is one of the most effective methods to return to what matters, to our bodies, to our ‘home’, and is accessible for people of all abilities.” In her artistic sphere of performance art, Durham has seen her students blossom from the inside-out. “They are able to connect with the deep wisdom in their bodies, thereby releasing old energetic wounds. Depression and anxiety are relieved during dance because you are so consciously consumed with the present moment of the steps and the music. Dancers will find that they feel more joyful and at peace at the end of a dance session.” For Leventhal, moving the body is a blessing for all: “Dance should be accessible and enjoyable to everyone, regardless of physical or cognitive challenges.” Marlaina Donato is an author, composer and painter. Connect at May 2020


healing ways



by Renee Ellis

omen face a unique paradox in the world today. On the one hand, we have more opportunities than ever before. We have an extraordinarily wide variety of options which can be both exciting and empowering. On the other hand, this power to choose can also be terrifying. With so many different paths available in a quickly changing world, many women are left feeling overwhelmed. Strengthening internal alignment is key to unlocking clarity and direction. When you know who you are and what you stand for, facing the challenges of life becomes easier. A strong sense of self is often created and developed—not just inherently given. Strengthening our internal alignments takes intention. Here are five steps to develop greater internal alignment.

may sound simple, but you cannot fix a problem you don’t acknowledge. Recognize your struggle, accept it for what it is, and commit to moving forward.


Practice self-compassion. Women are notoriously critical of ourselves—often using unkind words to describe the way we look, think, and feel.


Recognize you are struggling with uncertainty. The first step toward developing your internal alignment is recognizing that you are struggling. It

However, strong internal alignment cannot exist alongside such harshness. Begin to practice self-kindness. Find compassion for the person in the mirror. Acknowledge that you have always been doing your best.


Discover what matters most. This means connecting with our passions, purposes and our truth. Our culture may have certain expectations that pressure us to conform, but to have secure internal alignment, you must understand who you are, what you believe in, and what you are working toward.


Redefine self-identity. As women, many of us struggle to exist in our own stories. Perhaps we are largely seen as someone’s wife, mother, daughter, coworker, caretaker, or friend. To achieve greater internal alignment, contemplate a picture of who you are outside of the roles you occupy and how others see you.


Utilize outside support. Remember, many women are on the same path to achieve greater internal alignment. Utilize outside support by sharing insights and new truths with those who can appreciate and encourage your journey. Contact Renee Ellis, MA LPC RMT of Live Your Knowing Counseling at 720-984-9575 or See ad page 22.


Denver Mile High Edition

Health, Hope & Happiness

healing ways



by Connie Larkin

rystals & gems are a part of the earth itself. One third of the composition of the planet is made of quartz which is itself composed of silica and water  and these are also major components of our physical bodies. Their energy fields match our human energy and electrical frequencies. Crystal healing works with Universal Life Energy and the healing properties of stones and crystals. Crystals accelerate the healing process and balance the energies within the body. There are several different ways you can use crystals during a Reiki healing treatment. They may be held by the client, placed on different areas of the body or may even be placed under the massage table, around the treatment room to help facilitate healing during the session. Many people become ill because their chakras are out of alignment or because there are blockages, which restrict the free flow of the body’s energy. By combining the color and properties of the different crystals, the energy channels are opened so that the energy may flow freely again, allowing for balance and the potential for healing in the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical bodies. The purpose of a laying on of stones is to release etheric, emotional, mental or spiritual blocks. The healer’s role is to be comforting, supportive and non-judgmental, giving the client safety to release these emotions and talk. This is part of the healing process. All crystals vibrate at different frequencies offering different healing properties, and they come from different locations which is also factored into frequency. They can assist with sleeping problems, relief from aches and pains to stress, lack of focus and the feeling of not being grounded. A crystal Reiki session is designed to dissolve stress and release tension in the body, allowing you to deeply relax and let go. A typical response after treatment is “I feel lighter”; many express a renewed vitality, focus and energy. Contact Connie Larkin at 303-223-6336 or Connie@SoulStarInc. com. Sign up for an online class at See ad page 19.

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Healing the Immune System Autoimmune Breakthroughs Offer New Hope by April Thompson


ome 23 million Americans suffer from one or more autoimmune diseases—a category comprised of more than 80 conditions, including fibromyalgia, Hashimoto’s disease, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis and Type 1 diabetes. These pernicious disorders are notoriously difficult to diagnose, even harder to treat and can be debilitating, diminishing the quality of life for sufferers. Another commonality is the increased prevalence of autoimmune disease in women versus men; in the case of lupus, for example, a nine-fold difference. Some early indicators are that this may be related to a “gene dosage effect”, as men with XXY chromosomes have the same risk of developing lupus as other women, and women with XXX chromosomes (known in medical parlance as “superwomen”) have an even higher risk of autoimmune disease, according to Judith James, 12

Denver Mile High Edition

chair of the Arthritis & Clinical Immunology Program at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, in Oklahoma City. Yet there is hope on the horizon, as scientific discoveries unlock important insights about the manifestation and progression of autoimmune diseases leading to new treatments and prevention tips. Evidence is also mounting around the role of diet and lifestyle in autoimmune conditions, giving patients new avenues for taking charge of their health instead of simply waiting for a cure. Autoimmune diseases are chronic and can affect almost any part of the body, including the heart, brain, muscles, skin, eyes, joints, lungs, kidneys, glands, digestive tract and blood vessels. Each disease carries its own set of symptoms, but inflammation is nearly always present, and are all connected by how the immune system attacks “Those shared the body’s healthy tissues.

Health, Hope & Happiness


characteristics hold the potential for shared treatments, and ultimately potentially common cures,” says Jane Buckner, president of the Benaroya Research Institute (BRI), at Virginia Mason, in Seattle, which works to advance the prediction, prevention, reversal and cure of immune system diseases. “I’m excited about our progress toward prevention. We are working to understand those tipping points in transitioning into disease that help us understand who is at highest risk, and helps give very directed therapies,” says James.


By her early 20s, Mickey Trescott, of Willamette Valley, Oregon, was bedridden and had lost her job to autoimmune disease. At one point, doctors thought it was multiple sclerosis (MS); she was dizzy,


numb, falling over and slurring her speech. Eventually, she was diagnosed with both Hashimoto’s and celiac diseases, affecting the thyroid and small intestine, respectively. Trescott, a nutritionist, chef and author of The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook, had been vegan for 10 years, but had a feeling that her body needed something different. She found an early version of what would become known as the autoimmune protocol (AIP), and in following its guidelines, began to find relief. Trescott connected with other women and started a private Facebook group to share information on what was improving their condition from which the AIP community sprung. AIP, an elimination diet that seeks to reset the immune system by cutting out inflammationcausing foods and treating leaky gut, has much in common with the paleo diet and promotes vitamin- and nutrient-rich foods. However, every individual comes out of the AIP process with a customized diet. For Trescott, “Gluten is a forever-no, and I am also allergic to dairy and sensitive to a lot of nightshade vegetables, like tomatoes and peppers.” It took three years to recover most of her functioning, and although she had been a personal chef, it was still challenging to determine a new approach to eating that didn’t include the grains and legumes that had been staples of her diet. Trescott is still on medications, including the same thyroid support she’s relied on from the start. “There is a misconception that the AIP is an alternative to conventional medicine. We really pride ourselves on using all the tools in our toolbox, including surgery, medication and lifestyle changes,” she says. Anecdotal successes like Trescott’s have led researchers to pursue funding to test the AIP’s efficacy. In a pilot study of 18 individuals with an average sick time of 19 years that didn’t respond to traditional

medication, 73 percent were in clinical remission at the end of the trial, having followed the AIP. “It was a small sample size, but the results are promising,” says Trescott.


Like many physicians, Terry Wahls focused on treating her patients with drugs or surgical procedures—until the Iowa City doctor was diagnosed with MS in 2000. Within three years, despite conventional medical treatments, her back and stomach muscles had weakened to the point where she needed a tilt-recline wheelchair, and by the summer of 2007, she could no longer sit up. Though Wahls had been a vegetarian on a low-fat diet for 20 years, she went back to eating meat and gave up all dairy, wheat and grains, but still wasn’t improving. Delving back into the science of her condition, Wahls realized that mitochondrial support was key, and the speed of her decline slowed while taking a cocktail of vitamins to support its functioning. It wasn’t until she took a comprehensive approach to optimize everything she could take in through her food rather than relying on supplements that she saw radical results: Her brain fog, fatigue and pain went away and she biked around the block for the first time in six years. “Taking in nutrients in the form of food rather than supplements, you get related compounds and thousands of others in biologically anticipated ratios,” explains Wahls. “I still do take some supplements, but the magic is the food.” Those key ingredients, says Wahls, include magnesium, zinc, selenium, sulfur, amino acids, cholesterol, omega-6 and omega-3s, fats, carnitine and creatine. Her rule of thumb for daily intake is three cups of leafy green vegetables; three cups of sulfuric vegetables like cabbage, mushrooms

True Autoimmune conditions are incredibly rare, as the body does not attack itself although it can appear to do so. The real underpinnings of these chronic diseases are explained in “Medical Medium” by Anthony Williams. In his books, (available free in libraries or as downloads on his website, where you will also find a free download called Virus Protection) he fully explains the solutions to modern chronic diseases so that the reader can understand why some mainstream ideas work and others don’t. YOU have power and choice over the state of your health.

Remote Medical Qigong for Stronger Immune system Remote Medical Qigong therapy is a subtle but powerful energetic healing modality rooted in ancient and timeless Taoist wisdom. Distance does not diminish the effect of the meridian physiology and the way that your Qigong practitioner works with it. It’s become more important than ever to focus on self-care to eliminate excessive inflammation and stress while fortifying our natural immunity.

Contact Debra 720-427-0406 and See also, See ad page 10. and onions; and three cups of deeply pigmented vegetables, plus sources of protein for meat eaters and vegetarians. While her work was initially not accepted, today she has funding from the National MS Society and her research has been published in numerous peer-reviewed journals. “Basic science is now showing that the microbiome has a huge impact on the immune system activity and the brain; the food we eat can turn gene expression on and off,” says Wahls, who hasn’t taken any drugs for her autoimmune condition since 2008. Buckner cautions against patients trying to manage disease with lifestyle changes alone, without giving available allopathic treatments a fair try. “People do better if they are treated early and aggressively. They are reliant on fewer medications down the road and don’t have permanent May 2020


damage if they seek treatment early.” However, even researchers focused on pharmaceutical approaches acknowledge the importance of diet and lifestyle. Meggan Mackay, professor of Molecular Medicine at the Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research, at Northwell Health, in Manhasset, New York, believes this can play a critical role in disease management. She cites numerous studies showing exercise as a stress-buster positively influencing disease outcomes, as well as a more specific study looking at the benefits of adding fish oil and vitamin D to the diets of lupus patients. “The rise in obesity, which is linked to increased inflammation in the U.S., may be one of reasons we are seeing more autoimmune disease than ever,” says Mackay. At-risk individuals should be aware of factors under their control, adds James. “If someone is worried about autoimmune disease running in their family, monitoring and maintaining adequate vitamin D levels and avoiding smoking and other high-risk behaviors can help improve their chances.” Even sleep patterns can play a role in disease manifestation, says the researcher. In one study, individuals at high risk for autoimmune disease that slept less than seven hours per day were more likely to develop an autoimmune condition, according to James.


There are some clear links between autoimmune diseases, such as the genetic pre-

disposition that runs in families. “Someone with rheumatoid arthritis may have a sister with celiac disease, for example, and one individual may suffer from multiple autoimmune conditions. We can learn from these common genetic links,” says Buckner. These common links can serve as important clues. For example, Buckner says they are able to demonstrate changes in T cells in diabetes and MS that are the same, which might lead to common treatments for the two conditions. While the process from basic scientific discovery to development of effective treatment can be slow, there are some concrete breakthroughs autoimmune researchers are excited about, having demonstrated ability to both prevent and delay disease. Citing a recent clinical trial published in the New England Journal of Medicine, “They have demonstrated in kids at high risk for devel-

oping Type 1 diabetes the ability to delay onset for at least two years. It’s an incredibly exciting finding,” says Buckner. Mackay is hopeful about advances in basic science addressing specific immune system abnormalities linked to inflammatory problems. “Lupus is very challenging to diagnose and treat because it can affect every system in the body,” says Mackay, whose research team has focused on lupus for decades. “The only forms of treatment have been very immune-suppressive medications that shut down the immune response. None of these medications are specific, so in shutting down the immune response to treat lupus, they in turn interfere with the body’s ability to fight off infection and cancer.” Researchers are now honing in on single cells from biopsies that indicate which proteins are abnormal, thereby helping develop more selective therapies, she says. Seeing progress in the lab is one thing; seeing it in the waiting room is another, and that’s where autoimmune scientists and clinicians are really beginning to note a difference. “I’ve seen patients for 25 years, and when we started, we had very few options in my clinic, which was full of wheelchairs,” says Buckner. “In the last 20 years, we have seen an explosion in research and available treatments. I don’t have wheelchairs in my office anymore.” Connect with Washington, D.C. freelance writer April Thompson at


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Denver Mile High Edition

Health, Hope & Happiness

wise words

Author Jonathan Safran Foer

on Conscious Eating to Save the Planet


by Julie Peterson

onathan Safran Foer, the prize-winning author of bestselling novels that include Everything is Illuminated and Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, turned to nonfiction in his 2009 book, Eating Animals, about the morality of food choices in a factoryfarm age. His most recent book, We Are the Weather: Saving the Planet Begins at Breakfast, argues that only collective action will save our home and way of life, and it starts with what is on our plate. He points out that there’s often a painful disconnect between the way we think of ourselves and the actions that we take that inadvertently and negatively affect the planet, and that science can help us make more informed choices.

How did you make the connection between diet and climate change?

For anybody who has even the tiniest amount of curiosity about human interaction with the climate, it’s something you can’t possibly avoid learning about. The science is readily available now, and it’s extremely comprehensive. It’s important to continuously come back to that scientific consensus to make clear that this is nobody’s theory or perspective. Ninety-seven percent of climate scientists agree.

Did anything in researching climate science surprise you?

There’s a lot that startled me. A lot that scared me. I was surprised by how wrong we have been and how wrong we often are about what matters… putting the emphasis in the wrong places or not knowing where to put it at all. There are four activities that matter more than all others in terms of an individual’s relationship with the environment: having fewer children, eating less meat or animal products,

Why is it such a struggle for people to follow through on climate change goals?

I think that if we approach change as if it isn’t difficult, then we diminish our chances of being able to sustain change. A lot of the things we need to give up are fun. It’s a shame we can’t solve climate change by not eating broccoli; we would have done it already. Climate change requires a different sort of moral imagination because, realistically, you and I aren’t going to die because of it. Human nature makes it more difficult to have an energetic response for something less immediate.

What call to action would you like to convey?

We have a feeling of helplessness, a feeling that there’s nothing we can do, but there is a lot that we can do and must do. The easiest and most powerful way to begin is with what we eat. That doesn’t mean you become vegan tomorrow, but tomorrow is a wonderful time to start eating fewer animal products. It’s a journey, not an event. flying less and driving less. As somebody who has spent a lot of time recycling and not using plastic straws, I was surprised to learn that those activities are very low impact compared to the four I mentioned. I was surprised by how broad that misunderstanding is. Think about our response to coronavirus compared to our response to climate change. The way governments are acting together to do what needs to be done for a virus makes it all the more puzzling how ineffectual the response to climate change is.

Julie Peterson writes about health and the environment. Connect at

If people can’t do everything that needs to be done, what small steps can they take that will have a collective impact? We all need to question what our own limits are, what we can do and then do that with rigor. We don’t need to stop flying, we just need to do it a lot less. I wouldn’t encourage anyone to suddenly become vegan. I think a better idea is to eat as few animal products as possible, and if that amount is zero, great. If it’s once a week or once a day, then that’s a hell of a lot better than doing nothing. Rather than measuring the distance from some ethical perfection, we want to measure the distance from doing nothing at all.

May 2020


plant-based medicine Be a part of the Plant-Based Medicine section with sponsorships, ads and listings. Due date May 5 for June issue. Check the calendar for Plant Medicine classes and workshops.

MEDICAL-GRADE MMJ DEVICE grade device. He uses materials like milled aluminum coated with PTFE-free ceramic; medical-grade polycarbonate; and strategically-placed silicone.



or adults who find hope and healing from Medical Marijuana, there is a plethora of choices on how to ingest it. For those that smoke flower, many gravitate toward bongs - devices that filter and cool the smoke through water to reduce coughing and inhalation of particulates. You have a lot of choices in materials and manufacturers of bongs. Borosilicate glass seems to be the gold standard over silicone and plastic for tight seal, good filtration, and fun designs. But these bongs - while beautiful - are delicate, expensive, and difficult to clean. Tokeware inventor Lonny Johnson has created an alternative design and materials that may be what you are looking for – an unbreakable, smooth-hitting medical 16

Denver Mile High Edition

The Tokeware Perfect Puffer arrives double-boxed and well-protected. The embossed carry case beautifully presents the Perfect Puffer and its accessories in their respective foam cutouts. As it was pulled from its case, one reviewer remarked, “Wow, this is really solid.” It certainly looks unique, more like a boot. It was a little smaller than expected, but fit nice in the hand. The fit and finish was top-notch. The instruction sheet and was impressive in its clarity and thoroughness. The instructions were full of clear language and full-color pictures that show how to take the Perfect Puffer apart, clean and put it together again. Links to the website and videos were helpful but not necessary. While new and different, it was surprisingly simple.


catcher first, then through a stainless steel tube into the main water chamber and up to your lips. The carb brings fresh air into the other tube when you release it, clearing the water chamber. You can also put ice in the water chamber which really stayed cool due to the aluminum base and stainless tubing.


It took much longer for the water to become dirty due to the ash being filtered first. After a few weeks, and some intermittent emptying of the ash catcher, it was time to clean our Perfect Puffer. Uniquely, the Perfect Puffer simply pulls apart via internal magnets to expose the ash catcher. One simply drops it into the included container, cover with the included isopropyl alcohol, and soaked/ shaken until for clean. Clean the glass bowl the same way and also wipe out the internal chamber. This reviewer liked that even the clear poly water chamber comes apart so it can be wiped out easily.


It seems like a great deal at $149 and there are sometimes sales and discounts. The price was comparable to entry level borosilicate glass, but with a piece that should last pretty much forever. It is very stable on its heavy flat base and even sits confidently on a couch or bed without spilling. The smoke was cool and cleaner than other devices. We found ourselves reaching for the Perfect Puffer more often than any other device. And we liked that it functions and looks like a serious medical device, not a Cheech & Chong prop. Learn more at or contact Lonnie Johnson at Article by independent reviewer..

Upon first use, the carb hole is located right where your thumb naturally sits (if you’re right-handed) and allows the consumer to meter their dose by filling and clearing the main chamber. It hits smoothly and feels like a much bigger bong. There was no ashiness, just clean-tasting smoke. The smoke travels through an internal ash-

Health, Hope & Happiness



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Take Quercetin to Reduce Blood Pressure Supplementation with quercetin, a plant pigment found in capers, cilantro, fennel, onions, red leaf lettuce, watercress, elderberries, asparagus, kale, cocoa, apples and chia seeds, can significantly reduce both diastolic and systolic blood pressure, lowering each by about three milliliters/Hg, reports a new review of research published in the Oxford Academic Journal, of 17 clinical studies that tested 896 participants. Quercetin also improved HDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels when consumed for eight weeks or more.


Charging Ahead

New Batteries From Fruit Waste Carbon aerogels that exhibit high specific surface areas, high proportions of mesopores and significant levels of nitrogen doping have been developed for the first time using waste from durian fruit and jackfruit scraps using a chemical-free, green synthesis procedure. According to the Journal of Energy Storage, the electrodes also displayed long-term cycling stability and rapid charge–discharge processes. Both electrodes are attractive candidates for the next generation, high-performance, yet low-cost supercapacitors for energy storage devices derived from biowastes.

May 2020



Coming Next Month

Inspired Lifestyle Travel

A plant-based diet low in such sulfur amino acid foods as meat, dairy, nuts and soy may be key to lowering the risk of heart disease, concludes a study from the Penn State University College of Medicine. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins; a subcategory called sulfur amino acids plays integral roles in metabolism. Researchers correlated diets and blood biomarkers of more than 11,000 participants from a national study and found people that ate foods containing fewer sulfur amino acids tended to have a decreased risk for cardiometabolic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. They also found that the average American consumes almost two-and-a-half times more sulfur amino acids than the estimated average requirement. “People who eat lots of plant-based products like fruits and vegetables will consume lower amounts of sulfur amino acids,” says lead author Zhen Dong, a doctor of public health.

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Plus: Brain Health

Eat Less Sulfur Amino Acids to Reduce Heart Disease Risk

To advertise or participate in our next issue, call



Denver Mile High Edition

Health, Hope & Happiness

Confirming this, a Northwestern Medicine and Cornell University study in JAMA Internal Medicine found that every two servings of red meat, processed meat or poultry per week increased cardiovascular disease risk by 3 to 7 percent. For every two servings of red meat or processed meat per week, the risk of death from any cause was increased by 3 percent. The findings, based on an analysis of six studies involving 29,682 people, contradict a controversial study published last year that recommended people not reduce the amount of red meat and processed meat they eat. “Everyone interpreted that it was okay to eat red meat, but I don’t think that is what the science supports,” says senior study author Norrina Allen, a professor of preventive medicine at Northwestern.




FINDING CALM During Trying Times


by Laurie Nadel

rom the moment we wake up and log on to our day, we are flooded with news about people whose days started off much the same, with an expectation of going from point A to point B, to lunch, to point C and then back home. But something happened. A tornado touched down in the neighborhood. Or a train derailed in a cousin’s hometown. Or, like now, an invisible killer stalks the globe, threatening to take our life or the life of someone we know. Within seconds, we are flooded with horror and helplessness. Unable to stop the cascade of acute stress hormones, our bodies shift into fight-or-flight mode or leave us frozen like deer in the headlights. Whether we see what is happening online, on screen or in real time, we feel unsafe in our own skin. Although disturbing images can be swiped away, when something bad happens to us, we don’t know what to do. We can’t change the channel. Even during these tough times, we can find opportunities to develop new strengths and grow individually and together. To start with, we need emotional first aid to help us find calm quickly. We can do this by locating the tension points in our body and asking them what color would help them feel calm. Then we can inhale that color, letting it find its way within to soothe our cells, and exhale our stress by breathing out a different color.

We can repeat this technique as long and as often as needed. Teachers at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, in Parkland, Florida, report that this really works for kids, too. To heal means to make whole. It doesn’t mean to make something go away. Hardship is part of life’s journey. Even this global pandemic can serve as our spiritual wake-up call to learn how different spiritual traditions heal from life-shattering events. Five gifts offer us the keys to wholeness:


Gemstones w Feng Shui Aromatherapy w Readings Crystals & Crystal Healing Reiki w Books w Gifts Incense w Candles Jewelry w Essential Oils Home Décor w Tarot/Decks

n Humility helps us accept what we cannot change. n Patience takes the edge off when the hurt lasts longer than we want. n Empathy keeps us connected for the long haul. n Forgiveness means forgiving ourselves, our leaders and God. n Growth lets us look back with thanks for what we learned when the journey of life was anything but comfortable and easy. Let’s journey together. Laurie Nadel, a Manhattan psychotherapist, is the author of The Five Gifts: Discovering Hope, Healing and Strength When Disaster Strikes.

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calendar of events




All calendar events must be placed online at by the 5th of the month prior to publication in order to be placed in print. Printed events are $10; add $10 for highlight; add $10 for expanded to 70 words. Classifieds are $25/50 words; Save the Date (70 words + graphic + title in special highlight box) are $75. Ask about “Featuring” your event online. Email us at

Looking for a way to bring in extra money but don’t want to get “another job”? Need something flexible to fit it into your life? What if you could transform your health and your wealth in the next 90 days by partnering with us? What if you could work a handful of hours each week and bring in a nice side income? We are looking for people who want the above and want to make a difference in the world while having FUN! WHAT IF YOU COULD? Please call for more info @ 303.903.8248



Meditation/Stillness 3 Month Program–7-8am thru June 30. It takes 90 days to create a habit; we meet every day for 3 months; meditation at home Sat & Sun. Self-care, self-reflection, and journaling what we are grateful for and what we want to co-create. $99/month. Soul Star Holistic Healing Arts, 899 N Logan Street, #310, Denver. 303-223-6336. RSVP

MAY 1 FRI LifeSpark Provider Training in Colorado Springs– thru 5/3. 18-hour Provider Seminar will prepare you as a LifeSpark Reiki or Healing Touch volunteer. See prereqs online. $249 (fully refundable after 24 LifeSpark sessions). Financial aid for those with financial hardship. 303-425-5670 or LifeSparkCancer/LifeSpark-Provider-Seminar FREE Aura and Chakra Healings–1st, 3rd, & 5th Fridays over the phone from 6–7pm. Receive a 10-minute cleanse and release negative thoughts, emotions, pain, and fear. Get replenished with positive energy and feel great! Register online

MAY 2 SAT Home & Business Healings–1st, 3rd, & 5th Saturdays from 7–8:30pm. Got ghosts? Sleepless nights? Consistent household or business conflict? These are great in times of transition! Offered over the phone. $60. Schedule online

MAY 4 MON Psychic Readings–Mondays over the phone from 5–6:30pm MT. Performed by our undergraduate students. Get a holistic view of yourself, and enjoy a set format where you’ll learn about your soul essence, past lives, and the layers of your aura. Schedule online. $10.

MAY 5 TUES Chakras and Auras Teleclass via Zoom, 5 Wks–6:30-8:30pm Tuesdays. Learn about your Chakras and how they coincide with our Aura; clean and align your Chakras; easy technique to set energetic boundaries. Early/$235 Reg/$250 Journey Within, 777 S Wadsworth Blvd Bldg 2 #108, Lakewood. Anita Destino, 720-413-7303, or

MAY 7 THURS Learn to Heal with Angels, Tele-Class via Zoom, 5 Wks–6:30-8:30pm Thursdays. Meet your Guardian/Healing Angels. Guided meditations help you heal, release grief, guilt, addictions and habits to create the life you desire. Early Bird $235, Regular $250 Journey Within; 777 S Wadsworth Blvd Bldg 2 #108, Lakewood. Anita Destino 720-413-7303, or


Denver Mile High Edition

Psychic Fair Weekend @ For Heaven’s Sake Metaphysical Bookstore– thru 5/10. Psychic Readings @ $1.50 per minute/30 minute minimum. Double Reward Points on purchases. 4900 W 46th Ave, Denver and 1923 N Wadsworth, Lakewood.


Pet Readings–2nd & 4th Saturdays over the phone from 11am–12:30pm. Improve your relationship with your companion animal. Clarify relational dynamics and negotiate issues. All species welcome. Schedule online. $30.


Psychic Readings–Mondays over the phone from 5–6:30pm. Performed by our undergraduate students. Get a holistic view of yourself, and enjoy a set format where you’ll learn about your soul essence, past lives, and the layers of your aura. Schedule online. $10.

MAY 12 TUES The Women’s Way to Health, Wealth, and Happiness Online Meetup–5:30-7pm. Zoom Live Stream free presentation on Conscious Business/Conscious Lifestyle presented by Conscious Business Experts Tryna Cooper and Kathy Mason. Contact Tryna at 303-550-4223 or Kathy at 720-938-2536. RSVP for live stream information.


Phone Trance Medium Healings–2nd & 4th Saturdays from 5–7pm. Receive a channeled healing from our postgraduate students. Come with any healing intention and get rid of pain, mental blocks, emotional turmoil, and spiritual imbalances. $15. Schedule online (4 Days Online) The Dynamics of Coherence: Amplifying Resilience in the Autonomic Nervous System (for Trauma Professionals)–5/13, 14, 16 & 17. A course for trauma professionals and Somatic Experiencing Practitioners who seek to increase their perception of & capacity with the Autonomic Nervous System and its ability to support the body’s resilience. $400. Call 303-999-9963 or Register at

MAY 15 FRI FREE Aura and Chakra Healings–1st, 3rd, & 5th Fridays over the phone from 6–7pm. Receive a 10-minute cleanse and release negative thoughts, emotions, pain, and fear. Get replenished with positive energy and feel great! Register online Sacred Drumming Circle, Sound Celebration & Meditation–7-9pm. MAY BE ONLINE. Share intentions and the sacred vibrations of the Drum Circle. Fill yourself with appreciation, celebration, and release using Sound, Breath, Mindfulness and Meditation. Bring a snack to share and instruments. $10 Journeys for Conscious Living, 7401 W 59th, Arvada. 303-731-6695.

Health, Hope & Happiness

Mile High Natural Awakenings is for SALE! This is a meaningful home-based business opportunity that provides extensive training and ongoing support. No previous publishing experience is required; you must love having conversations with people. Make your own schedule, use your creativity and inspire others to learn about health, hope and happiness. Learn more today by calling Doug and Terry at 303-770-1981 or email

MAY 16 SAT Home & Business Healings–1st, 3rd, & 5th Saturdays from 7–8:30pm. Got ghosts? Sleepless nights? Consistent household or business conflict? These are great in times of transition! Offered over the phone. $60. Schedule online

MAY 18 MON Psychic Readings–Mondays over the phone from 5–6:30pm MT. Performed by our undergraduate students. Get a holistic view of yourself, and enjoy a set format where you’ll learn about your soul essence, past lives, and the layers of your aura. Schedule online. $10.

MAY 21 THURS The Mindful Athlete–6:30-8pm thru 6/11. 4-workshop series discussion and practice through Qigong Movement the skills of Mindfulness + Superpowers, Concentration + Inner Insight, Right Effort and Trust + Expansion. RSVP by 5/14 or 720-4270406. $25/workshop or $79/all. Chi Wellness, The Center of Qigong, 4155 East Jewell Ave, Denver. 720-427-0406.

MAY 22 FRI One Heart Song Global Peace Meditation–7-9pm. MAY BE ONLINE. Join with millions of other One Heart Song groups around the Earth to create peace, share love and raise consciousness and frequencies for all and the Earth herself. Bring your drums prayers, or your own contribution. Journeys for Conscious Living, 7401 W 59th, Arvada. 303-7316695. Qigong Movement Friday on Zoom–6-7:30pm. Reinvigorate your innate healing abilities with Qigong! Meditative “Stillness within Movement” in this fun group experience increases flexibility, strength, endurance, mental focus and calm. Suitable for all physical levels. $20 drop-in or $90/6 classes. Debra Lin Allen 720-427-0406 or Chi Wellness, The Center of Qigong, 4155 E Jewell Ave, #105, Denver. 720-427-0406.

Psychic Fair Weekend @ For Heaven’s Sake Metaphysical Bookstore– thru 5/24. Psychic Readings @ $1.50 per minute/30 minute minimum. Double Reward Points on purchases. 4900 W 46th Ave, Denver and 1923 N Wadsworth, Lakewood.


Pet Readings–2nd & 4th Saturdays over the phone from 11am–12:30pm. Improve your relationship with your companion animal. Clarify relational dynamics and negotiate issues. All species welcome. Schedule online. $30.

MAY 25 MON We Are Change Open Mic Night–6-10pm. MAY BE ON HIATUS – CHECK ONLINE. Share the power of uniting our local grassroots activist community for an evening of food, music, interviews, headliners, poetry and dancing. Perform your songs and poems! Details Facebook event page We Are Change Colorado or


Phone Trance Medium Healings–2nd & 4th Saturdays from 5–7pm. Receive a channeled healing from our postgraduate students. Come with any healing intention and get rid of pain, mental blocks, emotional turmoil, and spiritual imbalances. $15. Schedule online

MAY 29 FRI FREE Aura and Chakra Healings–1st, 3rd, & 5th Fridays over the phone from 6–7pm. Receive a 10-minute cleanse and release negative thoughts, emotions, pain, and fear. Get replenished with positive energy and feel great! Register online

MAY 30 SAT World Tai Chi & Qigong Day Celebration– 9:30am-Noon. Join us in this 22nd annual global celebration of Chi Cultivation for Health and Prosperity! Invite your family and friends to Chi Wellness where we’ll be building our powerful Chi Wave with Qigong Movement! Dress casually and comfortably. Free. 720-427-0406, DebraLin. 4155 E Jewell Ave, #105 Denver. Home & Business Healings–1st, 3rd, & 5th Saturdays from 7–8:30pm. Got ghosts? Sleepless nights? Consistent household or business conflict? These are great in times of transition! Offered over the phone. $60. Schedule online

on going events



Free Healing Therapy for Individuals with Cancer–Reiki and Healing Touch support healing on all levels. Sign up for free sessions at one of our partner locations, or in-home for those too sick to travel, at

Listening to your Intuition - Psychometry–6-8pm. We will share messages from others’ energy objects after meditation. Great way to meet others and more importantly validate your intuition. $25. Soul Star Holistic Healing Arts, 899 N Logan Street, #310, Denver. 303-223-6336 RSVP



Longmont Spiritual Transformation with Transmission Meditation–7pm. Join us for a group meditation that is a stimulus to our individual development and also a potent form of world service. Free. Connie 303-834-0526 Wheatridge Spiritual Transformation with Transmission Meditation–7pm. Join us for a group meditation that is a stimulus to our individual development and also a potent form of world service. Free. Tim 303-239-8101

wednesdays Energy Healings; Aura Clearing and Chakra Balancing–6-7pm. A healing is an energy clearing, release negative energy blocking growth and create the life you desire. $10. Free for first time visitors. Journey Within @ Irongate Executive Plaza 777 S Wadsworth Blvd Bldg 2 #108, Lakewood. Anita Destino 720-413-7303,

Qigong Movement Live Online–1-2:30pm . Meditative “Stillness within Movement” in this fun group experience increases flexibility, strength, endurance, mental focus and calm. Suitable for all levels of physical fitness. $20 drop-in or $90/6 classes. Chi Wellness, The Center of Qigong, Denver. Debra Lin Allen 720-427-0406, Psychic Readings–Saturdays over the phone from 11am–12:30pm MT. Performed by our graduate students. Enjoy an advanced skill set and ask questions about relationships, career, health, and more! Schedule online. $30.

sundays North Boulder Spiritual Transformation with Transmission Meditation–7pm. Join us for a group meditation that is a stimulus to our individual development and also a potent form of world service. Free. Lon 303-746-7118

looking ahead JUNE 1 Self Healing 101–5–6:30pm thru 6/22 Mondays over the phone. Learn how to meditate and heal yourself with easy-to-use visualization techniques. Check out the first class of the 4 week course for FREE on June 1st.

JUNE 6 Group Psychic Readings with Randy Birke–69pm. Limited to 20 participants. Tix $40pp. 1923 N. Wadsworth Blvd, Lakewood. Order tix online: or call 303-953-8760

JUNE 14 Beads of Intention Mala Making Workshop with Peacock Arts–5:30-8:30pm. Tix $67pp (upcharge for premium stones) For Heaven›s Sake, 4900 W. 49th Ave, Denver. Order tix online: http://

JUNE 24, 26 & 27 (3 Days Online) Introduction to Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST)–Discover the living world inside the body. Students learn history & lineage of BCST and its foundational paradigm; explore & begin to perceive subtle underlying forces in their own body; and learn how to create the conditions to perceive these same rhythms in clients. This course teaches essential effective skills applicable to any healing arts modality. $350. Call 303-999-9963 or Register at

JULY 11 Day of Healing–11am-3pm. Celebration-picnic and healings! Celebrate you; celebrate Journey Within being in Lakewood for 11 years with private healings and food. Many different ways to give to yourself: Private Energy Healings, Angel Card readings and more. Healings and Readings by appt. Journey Within; 777 S Wadsworth Blvd. Bldg 2 #108, Lakewood. Anita Destino, 720-4137303 or

JULY 19 The Secrets of Heaven with Sarina Baptista– 5-7pm. Tix $25pp 4900 W. 46th Ave., Denver, 80212. Order tix online: or call 303-964-9339

JULY 15-19 5-Day Introduction to Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy–9:30a-6p Wed-Fri/9-5 Sat/9-3 Sun. Discover the living world inside the body. Students will explore and begin to perceive subtle underlying forces in the human body and how to support their healing capacity. This course teaches essential effective skills applicable to any healing arts modality. Course can be taken alone or as the first 5 days of the 50-day Certification Training. $700 Call 303-999-9963 or Register at


1-Day Introduction to Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy–9:30a-6pm. Discover the living world inside the body through the elegance and effectiveness of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy. The course introduces the philosophy and skills of this modality. $250 Call 303-999-9963 or Register at

May 2020


community resource guide


Connecting you to resources for health, hope and happiness in our community. Special packages available for print and online. Email for more information. AUTOMOTIVE CARE


Two Locations!


HINSDALE AUTOMOTIVE 15455 E Hinsdale Dr., Centennial 303-617-0152 /

DC AUTO IN MORRISON 303-801-1959 / Professional Mechanics, Not Professional Prices! Owner Darrell Weddell’s motto is to take care of your problem, educate you to make an informed decision, and to advise on future repairs and maintenance. Whether it’s major or minor issues, your electrical system, or a combination of mechanical problems, Darrell’s team has the experience and know-how to diagnose and accurately repair your vehicle.

DENTISTS 8204 S. Kipling Pkwy Suite 160, Littleton 720-923-5880

CHI WELLNESS, THE CENTER OF QIGONG Debra Lin Allen, Founder/Director 720-427-0406 Thrive in balance and flexibility in body and life, physical vigor and health, spontaneity and inner peace through chi cultivation, care and practice with Debra Lin Allen. Medical Qigong and Qigong Lifestyle Coaching by appointment. Group qigong self-care classes throughout the week. Professional certification programs to teach qigong and do medical qigong therapy also available. The best of health and prosperity await you, call today! See ad page 10.

CONSCIOUS EVENTS AND SPEAKERS JOURNEYS FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING 7401 West 59th Ave., Arvada 303-731-6695 / Discover a life of passion, purpose and contribution. Journeys for Conscious Living is an organization leading the world in conscious living, hosting world class events, speakers and event center (space rental) to empower people to create thoughtful changes in living their lives every day, thus creating the space and energy to stay centered and expand the community. See ad page 8.

Denver Mile High Edition

Experience the benefits of traditional counseling while openly acknowledging the role of intuition and the soul's journey in achieving wellbeing. Move through grief, relationship challenges and life transitions. Discover your path, reveal clarity and experience sensitivity as strength. Get started today with a complimentary consultation and bring wisdom to life.




Counseling for Women, Grief Counseling, Spiritual Counseling Internal Family Systems (IFS), Past Life Therapy, Energy Healing 1211 S Parker Road, Suite 103, Denver 720-984-9575 /

Dr. Jamie Greear-Schmidt, DMD, practices safe mercury amalgam removal, ozone therapy, holistic oral surgery, minimally invasive dentistry and understands the strong connection between health and the oral cavity. She is a member of The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, and International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine, and is known for her warm chairside manner, gentle touch, and calming nature. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her family and soaking up all the beautiful nature that Colorado has to offer. See ad page 5.


Dr. Cate Vieregger 7400 E Crestline Circle, Ste 230, Greenwood Village 303-770-1116 / Whether your goal is to encourage a healthy attitude towards oral health in your children or ease your own anxiety about dental procedures, our friendly staff and relaxing atmosphere will change the way you approach dental care. Our state-ofthe-art equipment and spa-like amenities allow us to offer services that transcend traditional dentistry and promote whole-body wellness. See ad page 14.

Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose. ~Lyndon B. Johnson

Health, Hope & Happiness


Anita Destino 777 S Wadsworth Blvd. Bldg 2-108, Lakewood 720-413-7303 / A safe place for people interested in creating change in their lives, Journey Within helps you focus on spiritual growth, developing your intuition and personal development. Give to yourself with Energy Healings, Angel Healings, Guided Meditations, Meditation Classes, Workshops and Intuitive Readings/Healings. Join us for Aura Clearing and Chakra Balancing every Wednesday from 6-7 pm, open to everyone. $10 per person. Free to first time visitors. See ad page 11.


7401 West 59th Ave., Arvada 303-731-6695 / Discover a life of passion, purpose and contribution. Journeys for Conscious Living is an organization leading the world in conscious living, hosting world class events, speakers, and gatherings, and offering an event center (space rental) to empower people to create and express thoughtful changes in living their lives every day, thus creating the space and energy to stay centered and expand community. See ad page 8.


Katia Meier, MD 9085 E Mineral Circle, #260, Centennial 303-790-7860 / Feel and look your best at any age with Katia Meier, MD, Board Certified in Anti-Aging Medicine, Specialty trained in Bio-identical Hormone Therapy, Holistic and Naturopathic medicine in Europe and certified in laser and injectable aesthetic dermatology. Specializing in whole body health with customized approaches. All ages; most insurance welcome. Set up your appointment today. See ad page 2.


Gary & Sharon Worrell Addressing Stress Energetically 303-564-2723 / The Life Vessel™ is a chamber that utilizes frequencies of light, sound, vibration and Infrared to balance and reduce stress in the body, allowing it to perform its innate, natural ability to heal itself. Research shows that time spent in the Life Vessel balances the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) and helps with stress reduction, detoxification, and pain management. When the ANS is in balance, other systems in the body are affected in a positive way.

INTEGRATIVE CARE CLEAR SKY MEDICAL with Dr. Katia Meier. Board Certified in Anti-Aging Medicine and specialty trained in Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy and Functional Medicine. See full listing under PHYSICAN or see ad page 2.

NO-PAIN OPTIMAL ALIGNMENT NEUROENERGETIC RELEASE™ (NER) Donald W. Kipp, Founder 303-697-4923 NER helps people be Healthier, Decrease Pain, and Increase Peak-Performance...In Seconds! Control systems, not force are used to painlessly and quickly realign and rebalance the entire body. This releases whole-being patterns causing seemingly unrelated symptoms (such as back pain, headaches, indigestion, brain-fog and asthma). NER predicts and prevents injuries, degenerative changes, and dis-ease. Call now for optimal health and performance.

NUTRITIONAL COUNSELING CLEAR SKY MEDICAL with Dr. Katia Meier and staff offer Certified Nutrition therapists, specializing in the food-brain connection, nutrition for cancer prevention, autoimmune diseases, food sensitivities/allergies, elimination diets and medically supervised weight loss.. See full listing under PHYSICAN or see ad page 2.

PHYSICIAN: BOARD CERTIFIED HOLISTIC CLEAR SKY MEDICAL Dr. Katia Meier 9085 E Mineral Circle, #260, Centennial 303-790-7860 / Feel and look your best with Dr Katia Meier, Board Certified Holistic MD specializing in whole body health for children and adults. Customized approaches to Healthy Aging, Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy, Nutritional Analysis and therapy, medical aesthetics and nonsurgical rejuvenation treatments, Homeopathy, Herbology, Naturopathic Medicine, Personalized Detoxification Program, Medical Weight Loss for men and women. Make your appointment today. See ad page 2.

SHAMANIC SERVICES WOLFHEALS SHAMANIC SERVICES BJ Brown, MSW, CIBP Shamanic Practitioner & Teacher Boulder 303-808-4006 Shamanism is known to benefit disease on any level while deepening a sense of wholeness. This ancient spirituality and methodology, found in all cultures, works directly with the compassionate Spirit realms and Earth wisdom. BJ offers Body-Centered Psychotherapy, classes, house clearing, ceremonies, and various shamanic methods (Soul and Power Animal Retrievals, Extraction, etc). Remote shamanic healing is free. See website for events and offerings. This sacred work can restore connection with self, soul and enhance spiritual autonomy.


Choose your thoughts. Choose your emotions. Choose your life. 1332 Pearl Street (2nd Floor), Boulder 303-530-0920 /

Being psychic makes life easy! Our first class of the Self Healing 101 course is free—you can take it over the phone or in person. Develop your intuitive and healing abilities in our vibrant and fun community. Check out our free events: • Free Aura & Chakra Healings: Thursdays from 6–7pm • Free Healing & Meditative Services: Fridays from 6–7pm. We also offer affordable readings and healings—you will gain clarity and get your life going in the right direction!

THERAPY POSITIVE ASSIST Crystal Deichert, LPC In Aurora and Westminster 720-767-1994 / Crystal is a Licensed Professional Counselor with a Master's degree in Marriage and Family therapy. She is trained in Synergetic Play Therapy for Children, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, the Mind-Body Connection, Dolphin Energy Healings, and mental causes for physical illnesses. She works with all diagnoses. “I focus on getting unstuck rather than analyzing the problems.”

Fears are nothing more than a state of mind. ~Napoleon Hill


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Exclusive Online Content in May TUESDAY MAY 12 The Women’s Way to Health, Wealth, and Happiness Online Meetup

Our Community Partners offer classes, products & services for your health, hope & happiness.

Check the calendar for this and more great events.

CORONAVIRUS PET SAFETY Check the Natural Pet section for this and other great pet articles!

THE KITCHEN AS SACRED SPACE with Recipes: Moroccan-Spiced Red Lentil Soul, Spring Fever Salad with Flowers & Fruit, Whole-Grain Dark Chocolate Banana Muffins

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