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All calendar events must be placed online at MileHighNaturalAwakenings. com/calendar. Ask about “Featuring” your event online. Email us at Publish@MileHighNaturalAwakenings.com for more information.
LearntoHealwithAngels;5Wks – Thursdays 6:30-8:30pm via Zoom. Meet your Guardian/ Healing Angels. Guided meditations help you heal, release grief, guilt, addictions and habits to create the life you desire. Early/$235, Regular/$250 Journey Within; 777 S Wadsworth Blvd Bldg 2 #108, Lakewood. 720-413-7303 or AnitaDestino.com
One Heart Song Global Peace Meditation
– 7:30pm. The One Heart Song Global Peace Meditation is a monthly meditation event held on/near the new moon each month in conjunction with the One Heart Song Global Prayer Network. The meditation/peace program starts promptly at 7:30 and runs for one hour. One Heart Song groups around the Earth to create peace, share love and raise consciousness and frequencies for all and the Earth herself. 303-731-6695. JourneysForConsciousLiving.com.
Sacred Drumming Circle – 7-9pm. Share the intentions and sacred vibrations of the Drum Circle with the intention of welcoming the Fall. Use your drums, rattles, flutes or other instruments for an evening of Shamanic Sound and Vibrational Expansion. Fill yourself with appreciation, celebration, and release using Sound, Breath, Mindfulness and Meditation in the Energy of the Circle. 303-731-6695 or JourneysForConsciousLiving.com. (Watch emails and website for updates on location if gatherings are possible)
ongoing events
Free Healing Therapy for Individuals with
Cancer – Reiki and Healing Touch support healing on all levels. Remote sessions available. Sign up for free sessions at one of our partner locations, or in-home for those too sick to travel, at LifesparkNow.org
Energy Healings;Aura Clearing and Chakra
Balancing – 6-7pm. A healing is an energy clearing, release negative energy blocking growth and create the life you desire. Online Event via Zoom, $10 per healing. Free for first time visitors. Journey Within 777 S Wadsworth Blvd Bldg 2 #108, Lakewood. Anita Destino 720-413-7303, journeywithin@hotmail.com
Qigong Movement Saturdays via Zoom
– 1-2:30pm. *Check website for exact dates* Meditative “Stillness within Movement” in this fun group experience increases flexibility, strength, endurance, mental calm and relaxation while optimizing health of the body, mind and spirit. Suitable for folks with physical considerations as well as agile athletes. $20 drop-in or $90/6 classes. Contact Debra Lin Allen 720.427.0406, DebraLin. ChiWellness@gmail.com, at least 24 hours prior to receive Zoom link and to pay fee. Chi Wellness, The Center of Qigong, 4155 East Jewell Avenue, Suite 105, Denver. ChiWellness.net
My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive. ~Maya Angelou