natural pet online
CANNABIS AND CANINES How Cannabidiol Benefits Dogs All calendar events must be placed online at MileHighNaturalAwakenings. com/calendar. Ask about “Featuring” your event online. Email us at for more information. categories/natural-pet
One Heart Song Global Peace Meditation – 7-9pm. Monthly meditation event held on/near the new moon each month in conjunction with the One Heart Song Global Prayer Network. The meditation/peace program starts promptly at 7:30 and runs for one hour. One Heart Song groups around the Earth to create peace, share love and raise consciousness and frequencies for all and the Earth herself. Journeys For Conscious Living, 303-731-6695.
Medical Qigong Practitioner 4-Year Training– 6pm. Professional certification training in Medical Qigong Therapy, Chi Nutrition and Qigong Instruction offers a most fulfilling career experience in facilitating the healing and life enrichment of people & animals, utilizing powerful chi transmission and keenly developed intuitive coaching abilities! Chi Wellness 4155 East Jewell Ave, Denver. 720-427-0406. DebraLin.
OCT 13 & 14
Begin Your Qigong Lifestyle 9 Wks via Zoom–68pm. Build a heart-centered, intentional practice of proper qigong self-care, inner alchemy and chi nutrition. Eliminate stress’s harmful impact on health, reverse aging and thrive in vibrant health and joy in daily living! Primarily for self-care, also a prereq for Professional Medical Qigong Practitioner or Qigong Instructor training. $495. Chi Wellness, 4155 East Jewell Ave, Denver. 720-427-0406.
Online 7-Hour Intro to Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy – 12-2p and 3-4:30 each day via Zoom. Discover the living world inside the body through the elegance and effectiveness of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy. The course introduces the philosophy and skills of this modality. $125 Call 303-999-9963 or www.
Thank you to our loyal advertisers who keep Natural Awakenings free for you Please consider their products, services and classes! Nature’s Rite Journey Within Chi Wellness Journeys for Conscious Living Hinsdale Automotive NeuroEnergetic Release Pearl Coaching Renee Ellis, MA LPC RMT Vibrance Dentistry 20
Denver Mile High Edition | Calendars
Touching Tomorrow LifeSpark Cancer Resources ONLINE Fundraiser–Noon. Inspiring speakers, stories of hope and healing, and an opportunity to support LifeSpark, a non-profit organization that provides Reiki and Healing Touch treatments free-of-charge to cancer patients from Longmont to Colorado Springs. Learn more at or
OCT 17 SUN Fall Drumming Circle–7-9pm.(Online, or if possible, on location) Join the community for sharing the intentions and the sacred vibrations of the Drum Circle. Use your drums, rattles, flutes, even spoons and sticks, and other instruments for an evening of Shamanic Sound and Vibrational Expansion. Fill yourself with appreciation, celebration, and release using Sound, Breath, Mindfulness and Meditation in the Energy of the Circle. Hang out online after for networking and snacking. Journeys For Conscious Living, 303731-6695. (Watch emails and website for updates on location if gatherings are possible)
Health, Hope & Happiness
OCT 20, 21, 23 & 24 Online Dynamics of Coherence (Nervous System Dynamics) –9:30a-5:30p daily via Zoom. A course for trauma professionals and bodyworkers who seek to increase their felt sense of the Autonomic Nervous System & its capacity to support the body’s resilience. $550 Call 303999-9963 or