October 2019 Mile High Natural Awakenings

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Holistic Dentistry A Fresh Look

at Oral Health

Rethinking Our Stuff Moving Toward a Circular Economy

The Importance

Doing Nothing of

October 2019 | Denver Edition | MileHighNaturalAwakenings.com

More Than Just A Mouth Wash

Good health begins in the mouth. Bleeding Gums? Painful Teeth? Sore Throat? When your mouth needs help, get Oral & Dental Therapy. With prolonged swishing, it penetrates oral biofilms to kill difficult bacteria. Stop gingivitis, bad breath, and sore throat caused by strep.


SIBO? Leaky Gut? IBS?

To begin a healthy transformation, you must first fix the gut. You eat well, but can you absorb the nutrition? Probiotics are only a part of the solution to a damaged or imbalanced gut.

With the Digestive Rehabilitation Kit: • Kill bad bacteria and fungus • Re-seed with beneficial bacteria • Restore a healthy intestinal lining


Order online at MyNaturesRite.com or call 800-991-7088.

Natural Awakenings is a family of more than 70 healthy living magazines celebrating 25 years of providing the communities we serve with the tools and resources we all need to lead healthier lives on a healthy planet.



Best Friends Waiting for Homes

16 MOUTH MATTERS A Holistic Approach to Oral Health




Moving Toward a Circular Economy

20 JENNY ODELL ON the Importance of Doing Nothing



Global Movement on Fast Track


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Chiropractic Care Yields Unexpected Results


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DEPARTMENTS 5 news briefs 6 health briefs 9 global briefs 10 book review 11 eco tip 12 your awakening 13 happiness

corner 14 natural pet

Web Alert

24 19 green living 20 wise words 22 plant-based

medicine 24 healing ways 26 calendar 29 classifieds 30 resource guide More great articles at the NEW

MileHighNaturalAwakenings.com October 2019




MILE HIGH EDITION PUBLISHERS Doug Zerbarini Terry Chriswell EDITORS Terry Chriswell Doug Zerbarini DESIGN & Courtney Ayers PRODUCTION Stephen Gray-Blancett

letter from publishers

SALES/DISTRIBUTION 303-770-1981 Doug@MileHighNaturalAwakenings.com

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hile reading this October issue, you’ll notice that most of the magazine has a holistic focus. Holism is the interconnection of all parts as a whole; recognizing that each part also affects the whole. The feature Mouth Matters on page 16 discusses the rise of Biological Dentistry, which connects oral health to an individual’s overall wellness, and often works in concert with other physicians and specialists. Nearly every business advertising in Natural Awakenings takes a holistic approach. Other holistic articles discuss hot springs (p 6); doing nothing (p 20); and chiropractic (p 24). Slow food (p 22) and flossing (p 11) deal with holism on a personal and planetary scale. Did you know dental floss and its packaging are horrible for the environment? There are great alternatives mentioned in the eco tip already on their way for us to try! Thank God for entrepreneurs willing to think outside the box and help solve the biggest issues facing mankind. In the Circular Economy (p 19), one such entrepreneur transformed food waste into fertilizer pellets! Even “Paws to Consider” (p 14) is holistic in terms of all living things. Imagine a world where every healthy animal found a home? If you can adopt an animal companion from a wonderful rescues and shelters, the rewards will be all the sweeter. Fostering’s rewards are wonderful, too. We’re taking the positive vibes online in a big way with our revamped website and Community Content Engine! You’ll find local businesses dedicated to your Health, Hope & Happiness with holistic resources, products, and services right in the Directory section – review and share your favorites! You’ll also find the online version of our popular print calendar in a mobile-optimized platform – create your own account and add events like garage sales! The whole point is to help our Holistic community connect online and on-the-go as well as in-print.

Natural Awakenings Magazine is ranked 5th Nationally in CISION’S® 2016 Top 10 Health & Fitness Magazines

Natural Awakenings is printed on recycled newsprint with soy-based ink.


Denver Mile High Edition

Health, Hope & Happiness

To YOUR Health and Happiness,

news briefs

Healing Support


ealing Imprints’ Jill Celeste, MS RN, supports your healing process with custom flower essence therapy, flower essence consultations and a line of signature flower essence blends from her location at 4155 E Jewell Ave., Suite 1102 in Denver. She is dedicated to educating others in the vital role of subtle energy in holistic health and healing. “In 2002, we began our work with adults and children and in 2006, at our clients’ requests, we began working with animals also. We have online clients all over the United States and offer an exclusive line of products and services based on the bioenergetic principles of healing,” says Jill. A Registered Nurse, Jill has over 35 years of experience in a wide variety of health care fields and has spent the last 20 years studying the role of the body, mind, soul connection in healing and the bioenergetics of health. “My clients have mentioned while working with us: a renewed peace of mind; balanced energy; insight into unresolved problems; improvement in digestion; decrease in tension and tension headaches; and new understanding of health and healing." Contact Owner Jill Celeste MS RN at 303-696-1736, Info@HealingImprints.com or HealingImprints.com See ad page 8.

Free Talk: The Future of HealthCare is Self-Care


oin LifeSpark Cancer Resources on Friday, October 4, Noon - 1:30 p.m. at the Wellshire Event Center, 3333 S Colorado Blvd., in Denver for a free talk by Dr Sharon Montes. Dr Montes, an international educator and advocate for integrative medicine, will speak about self-care and the role of wellness therapies in cancer care. According to organizers, “Touching Tomorrow is an inspiring luncheon event that connects you with our community, let’s you in on the newest developments with LifeSpark, and raises funds for our work.” LifeSpark Cancer Resources is a non-profit organization that provides Reiki and Healing Touch treatments free-of-charge to cancer patients and their caregivers throughout Colorado. LifeSpark therapies are complementary to traditional medical care and help patients maximize their recovery. Nearly 80 percent of those receiving sessions report feeling significantly better and 95 percent say the sessions were valuable. Over 100 volunteers deliver thousands of sessions to individuals with cancer and their caregivers every year. LifeSparkNow.org

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With the cool weather returning to the mountains, it will soon be time to trade short sleeve shirts for wool pullovers and beanie hats. Before you make the mental transition from the dog days of summer to the doldrums of winter, treat your mind, muscles, and senses to the healing mineral-rich waters of one of Colorado’s hot springs. The cooling air of Fall accentuates the hot water creating an inviting and healing environment. Depending on your location, soakers can be treated to quiet, crowdless opportunities to connect with Mother Nature. Maybe we can build up resistance to the upcoming stress of the Holiday season? Hot, geothermal water increases serenity, helps reduce stress, relaxes tense muscles and seems to wash away aches and soreness. Minerals such as sodium, magnesium, and sulfate increase circulation and overall oxygen flow in muscles and skin. The ultimate relaxation and rejuvenation can be found when soakers immerse in a harmonious balance of majestic mountain peaks, cool autumnal air, and healing geothermal waters. Jesse Hensle is with The Hot Springs Resort and Spa in Pagosa Springs. For more information about the geothermal soaking pools available visit pagosahotsprings.com See ad p2.


Denver Mile High Edition

Health, Hope & Happiness

A study of 10,386 people in Hong Kong and the United States compared mental well-being among moderate drinkers and nondrinkers, with multipleyear, follow-up periods. Men and women that were lifetime abstainers had the highest levels of mental well-being, surpassed only by women that had quit drinking.


Cool Mornings, Warm Afternoon, Hot Springs

Boot the Bottle for Mental Well-Being

Avoid Pesticides to Lower Kids’ Risk of Depression Another reason to consider organics: A study of 529 teens and preteens linked high exposure to pesticides to a higher risk of depression. University of California San Diego School of Medicine researchers studied children between 11 and 17 years old in the Ecuadorian Andes, the third-largest exporter of roses. The flowers are routinely sprayed with organophosphate insecticides known to affect the human cholinergic system, a key component in the function of the brain and nervous system. Drawing blood samples, the researchers found that teens that had lower levels of acetylcholinesterase enzyme activity resulting from pesticide toxicity showed more symptoms of depression, especially in girls and those younger than 14. The findings back up anecdotal reports from Andeans of a rise in teen depression and suicide.

New Design Illustrations/Shutterstock.com

health briefs

Balanced Energy Flows: a Subtle Key to Wellness


ur Universe is filled with such powerful unlimited sources of energy that we can’t even use them in our physical body unless they go through a process to reduce their vibrational frequency. Universal energies flow in through our soul and are programmed into the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual energies needed to power our life. We do receive direct physical energies from the Universe. We breathe in this energy as oxygen, drink it as water and absorb it stored in the food we eat. If we have all these multiple sources of physical energy, why do many of us feel sick, tired, or drained before we even start the day? The answer is energy imbalances − too much or too little flow of energy to the cells, tissues and organs that maintain our physical body in a state of wellness. Subtle disruptions in energy flows can occur years before we experience outright physical symptoms. Subtle energy medicine and vibrational medicine develop new ways to balance those energy flows. Traditional medical research is still working to uncover scientific proof that subtle energy channels exist in the human body. In a study published in the Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena (Vol 196, Oct 2014 pp80-84), a CT scan mapped the difference between acupuncture points and non-acupuncture points. A good beginning, but a long way to go. There are many very effective energy-based treatments that do not have scientific proof yet since we lack the instrumentation to measure them. Remember, bacteria and viruses existed long before we had a microscope to see them. Contact Jill Celeste, MS RN Bio-Energetic Consultant, of Healing Imprints at 303-696-1736 or Info@HealingImprints.com See ad page 8.

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October 2019


health briefs

DCIS − Is It Really Breast Cancer? by Tanya Harter Pierce

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Denver Mile High Edition

Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS) is a common breast cancer diagnosis. In fact, it is so common that it accounts for 20-25% of all breast cancer diagnoses in the United States. But is it really cancer? DCIS is a diagnosis that is given when abnormal or atypical cells are detected in one or more of the milk ducts of a woman’s breast. The “In Situ” part means the abnormal cells are “in place” and have not spread outside the ducts into the surrounding breast tissue. However, beyond that, there appear to be two conflicting definitions as to what DCIS really is. Many doctors and medical sites describe it as an “early form of breast cancer” while other doctors and resources refer to it as a “pre-cancerous” state that might turn into cancer at some point. Yet, countless women who receive this diagnosis are told they have breast cancer and many are scared into extreme treatment procedures that include mastectomy, radiation, and/ or hormone-blocking therapy - all of which can cause significant negative side effects. The late Dr. John R. Lee, world-renowned women’s hormones expert and author of What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer, wrote that DCIS is a condition involving abnormal cells that may turn into cancer, but have not yet done so. He went on to explain that DCIS is essentially a benign condition where only a small fraction of cases will go on to become malignant cancer. Dr. Marleen Meyers, oncologist and director of the Perlmutter Cancer Center Survivorship Program at NYU Langone Health is quoted as saying, “I make sure to tell patients that, even though DCIS has the word ‘carcinoma’ in it, it’s not actually cancer.” Well-known OB/GYN, Dr. Christiane Northrup, says, “… DCIS is NOT cancer, though many doctors consider it to be Stage 0 cancer. And, depending upon what advice a woman is then given, she may be advised to get treatment, which she rarely needs. This is a shame because 99.9 percent of the time DCIS is something a woman will die with but not die from!” How likely is it that DCIS will turn into cancer? It seems this is difficult to assess with various sources suggesting widely varying guesses. But the real issue is the starting definition and whether DCIS, when first diagnosed, is cancer or not. The concern here is that great fear goes along with this very common “cancer” diagnosis and risky treatment procedures are often recommended. Being as informed as possible may reduce the fear and allow a woman to feel she has time to look into the issues for herself and possibly get a second or even third medical opinion.

Tanya Harter Pierce, M.A. MFT, is the author of Outsmart Your Cancer: Alternative Non-Toxic Treatments That Work. OutsmartYourCancer.com

Health, Hope & Happiness

global briefs

Panther Power

Texas Pumas Counter Inbreeding

The endangered Florida panther has been saved from extinction thanks to the introduction of female Texan pumas, reports a 10year study conducted by the University of Florida and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. The pumas, which like the panthers, are a sub-species of cougar, were brought to Florida in 1995 to counter the effects of habitat loss and health issues caused by panther inbreeding, including heart defects, infertility and other genetic problems. The panther population has since rebounded from a low of 20 to 30 cats to between 120 and 230.

Other-Worldly Rock

Extraterrestrial Matter Found on Earth The Makhonjwa Mountains of South Africa harbor some of the planet’s oldest rocks, including meteorites that have been striking the Earth for eons. According to the peer-reviewed journal Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, researchers using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy have discovered a 3.3 billion-year-old layer of rock that contains two types of insoluble organic matter, both of which suggest extraterrestrial origins, making it the oldest extraterrestrial organic matter ever identified. Many scientists think the basic molecules of life may have originated in outer space. mlorenz/Shutterstock.com

Fertile Fish

Unexpected Aquatic Rebound

Melted Memorial Friederike K/Shutterstock.com

Vanished Ice Immortalized

Icelanders unveiled a plaque in an official ceremony on August 18 in memory of Okjokull Glacier, or Ok Glacier, the first of its kind officially lost to climate change. The glacier lost its glacier status in 2014 after melting down to only 0.386 square miles, or 6.6 percent of its original 5.8 square miles, and was reclassified as dead ice. The plaque is inscribed with A Letter to the Future, which includes the words, “This monument is to acknowledge that we know what is happening and what needs to be done. Only you know if we did it.” A 2018 documentary, Not Ok, details the glacier’s death and highlights the dire effects of climate change.

Humanitarian Plea

Environmental Destruction Tapped as War Crime

Twenty-four scientists from around the world published a letter entitled, “Stop Military Conflicts From Trashing Environment,” in the journal Nature, urging the United Nations International Law Commission to create protections for the environment in armed conflicts. It reads, “We call on governments to incorporate explicit safeguards for biodiversity, and to use the commission’s recommendations to finally deliver a Fifth Geneva Convention to uphold environmental protection during such confrontations.” The four existing Geneva Conventions and their three additional protocols are globally recognized treaties that establish standards under international humanitarian law for the treatment of wounded military personnel, shipwrecked sailors, prisoners of war and civilians during armed conflicts. Violating the treaties amounts to a war crime. RTimages/Shutterstock.com

Overfished and struggling widow rockfish are returning to the Pacific coast. Legal protections since 2001 had made it illegal to take the fish commercially, and fisheries managers implemented “catch share” regulations as the fishing fleet dwindled from 400 to 50 trawlers. But the fish have made a faster comeback than expected. National Marine Fisheries Service biologist Jason Cope notes that scientists were surprised by how quickly some rockfish species can reproduce. “We thought it might take a century or so for them to rebuild themselves; it’s now taking maybe a decade.”

October 2019


global briefs

book review

Toxic Site Now Welcomes Walkers

A wood-treating process for telephone poles that caused soil and groundwater contamination prompted the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to designate 47 acres in Bellingham, Washington, as a Superfund site in 1997. The cleanup, including removal of 28,000 tons of contaminated soil to a repository, reestablishment of a natural stream and restoring wetlands, is now complete, with walking and bicycling paths, newly planted native trees and wetland shrubs, and returning birdlife. The Oeser Company, which cooperated with the cleanup, has operated at the site since 1943 and continues to do so.

Tiny Scrubbers

Nanoparticles Purify Water Askwsar Hilonga, Ph.D., a chemical engineer and public health scientist in Tanzania, grew up dealing with waterborne diseases such as cholera that made him ill. According to the World Health Organization, he has used his scientific expertise and local knowledge to develop a purification system based on nanomaterials. While the filter is still under study, stations have been set up throughout Tanzania, mostly managed by women, to help those that otherwise would not have safe drinking water.

Thriving as an Empath:

365 Days of Self-Care for Sensitive People Book Review by Bruce Lipton, Phd


n Thriving as an Empath, psychiatrist and empath Judith Orloff, MD, has created 365 days of informative insights that offer empaths and all sensitive people self-knowledge, self-assurance, and the resilience needed to live in health and harmony. Empathy is a blessing, yet unfortunately it can also feel like a curse. Compassionate empaths may experience exhaustion, anxiety, and depression if they don’t learn practical self-care to center and protect themselves. Dr. Orloff’s book will help you stop absorbing other people’s stress and stay in your own power. It will inspire you to remove negative beliefs about yourself, while providing a path for empaths to take back control of their lives. The daily readings encourage sensitive people to pause for a few sacred moments every day to discover their true purpose, learn to connect more deeply with themselves and the creative force, while taking responsibility for their own self-care. This book is a daily companion to nurture your inherent sensitivity. Read it every day. It is a valuable resource that should be kept nearby and referred to again and again. Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., Cell biologist and author of the bestselling The Biology of Belief, Spontaneous Evolution (with Steve Bhaerman) and The Honeymoon Effect. See ad page 6.


Denver Mile High Edition

Health, Hope & Happiness

Gopal Seshadrinatha/Shutterstock.com

Superfund Success Story

eco tip


Gopal Seshadrinatha/Shutterstock.com

Syda Productions/Shutterstock.com

A Healthy Choice for Teeth and the Planet Dental floss, that little everyday staple in our medicine cabinets, has been taking on a bad name environmentally. The smooth, slippery flosses that are the top choice among both dentists and consumers are made with a Teflon-like product containing toxic PFAs and PFCs. The wax coatings and flavors of ordinary nylon flosses are typically made with petroleum products that may be endocrine disrupters. The floss, plastic spools and flip-top containers can’t be recycled easily because of their size, and floss filament easily tangles up recycling machinery. In landfills, their toxins leak into the soil; in waterways, floss can entangle and even kill sea creatures. And washing and reusing floss isn’t a good option because it runs the risk of introducing bacteria into new areas of the mouth, warns the American Dental Association. However, a handful of new eco-options in flosses have emerged, primarily with silk and bamboo, which are biodegradable and free of chemicals. Blogger Beth Terry at MyPlasticFreeLife.com rates Dental Lace, a floss made of 100 percent silk coated with candelilla wax from Mexican trees, as her favorite product. It’s packaged without a plastic coil in a refillable glass container, making it a 99 percent zero-waste product. In addition, the company, based in Cape Elizabeth, Maine, offers a vegan bamboo version. Bamboo flosses in eco-friendly containers are also made by Los Angeles-based Terra & Co. (with activated charcoal, coconut oil, peppermint oil and no synthetic fragrances, sweeteners or artificial colorings, in a cardboard box); and Altoona, Florida-based Lucky Teeth (activated charcoal, candelilla plant wax, organic peppermint oil and tea tree oil, in a glass jar). Two other easy-to-find flosses, by Eco-Dent and Tom’s of Maine, are made of nylon, but are covered in natural vegan waxes rather than beeswax or petroleum-based waxes. They come in compostable cardboard boxes but include plastic spools. Advice columnist Umbra of Grist.org recommends switching to an oral irrigator or water flosser that plugs into the wall or runs on a battery—sometimes rechargeable—because it effectively removes plaque, is reusable, produces no trash, lasts for years and uses relatively little water and electricity.

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your awakening Tell us your story: what experience have you had that changed your perception or consciousness forever? Email us at Publish@MileHighNaturalAwakenings.com by October 5 for the November issue.

My Awakening Changed my Career and Life


was in the Operating Room surrounded by pumps, monitors, oxygenators, nurses, and Doctor Arron. The Melphalan was leaking from the isolated limb. It was radioactively tagged so that it could be detected by the intricate software and sophisticated electronics attached to the detector suspended over the patient's heart. These were my electronics and software. “Arron, it’s leaking.” Though I dreaded it, I had to say those words. I was monitoring the system and if the leak persisted for another minute, the patient would die. Melphalan, a deadly poison, was in the patient’s leg to kill the tumor. If it left the leg, it would kill the patient. The nurse switched off the Bonnie Raitt CD and Arron ran to the big, red roll-away tool cabinet. He retrieved a large lag-bolt, a hammer and a wrench. I gently shook my head from side-toside in disbelief as he pounded the


Denver Mile High Edition

lag-bolt into the hip and gave it a few turns with the wrench. Then he secured another tourniquet around that bolt and tightened it down. We all waited and watched the screen as the detected Melphalan slowly, steadily returned to a safe level. The leak was controlled, the music was restarted and the operation was completed. The patient lived through the surgical procedure, but the cancer survived too. Won the battle, lost the war. On the way home I contemplated what I had witnessed and been a part of. An extraordinary symphony of knowledge, skill and technology supporting a heinously primitive event called cutting-edge medicine. And, in the end, it didn’t work. This was the first event of several that changed the course of my career designing advanced micro-processor-based medical machines. I eventually gathered

Health, Hope & Happiness

all of my parts, software, books and equipment and loading them into the back of my truck, I drove it all to the dump. Engineers are trained to solve problems. If the current solution leads to the death or detriment of the patient, the problem is redefined and other possible solutions are reviewed starting with the simplest. My wife had shown me that our children’s ear infections are best handled with tea-tree oil and glycerin − NOT antibiotics. I successfully experimented with silver iontophoresis to abort herpes lesions. This was re-defining the problem and applying simpler, age-old solutions to achieve successful outcomes. I was heading in the correct direction − re-discovering old knowledge and re-applying it with modern insight. I set a new life course to study herbology, electromedicine, virology and bacteriology. After many years in the laboratory, many trials in the clinic and field, numerous patents submitted and many products later… here I am − Awakened to the application of natural medicine for the treatment of common health problems. Though the world is not ready for most of what I have found, I look forward to the rapidly approaching day that it is. Steven Frank is a Master Herbologist with Natures Rite Herbal Remedies. MyNaturesRite.com See ad page 2.

happiness corner

A Hodgepodge of Happiness By Terry Chriswell


’ve had several “a-ha” moments recently, and while none of them seem to want to expand into a full article, these tidbits might be helpful to you and your happiness as you go about your day:

Experiment with living consciously

Two sides to every coin

Who doesn’t love money? You know what I don’t love about money? Paying bills. There’s also a bit of fear about all the paperwork and payments demanded by our friends at the IRS. My heart expands with appreciation when money comes in, but contracts with fear when it goes out. Since we can’t separate the two sides of the coin, how do we make it work? Receiving and spending go hand in hand. By contracting in fear when I’m paying these bills, I’m giving a message to the flow of Universal energy – I don’t like this money thing. I may only mean one side of the coin, but that affects the other side too, and the Universe responds with, “Let me just give you this little bit so you don’t have to send so much out.” To enjoy a full life, we must embrace the entire coin. If you want the love and companionship of a dog, you’ll spend money, clean up poop, walk her in the rain, and

Take time to refresh and renew by being still and focusing on your breath, letting every thought come in and slide out of your consciousness, without judgement. Listen to nature sounds, being present and mindful. In silence, ask yourself the questions you need answered, and listen to what comes up. Find the places where your heart flows: for example, I read a book for relaxation; I write a speech for Toastmasters for excitement and higher vibration; I practice a heart meditation for connection and peace. What ways can you connect?

possibly throw away your favorite shoes. If you want financial abundance, you have to be willing to clean up poop too – it just looks like paperwork from the IRS. If I allow, accept and surrender to that other side of the coin by saying, “I love and appreciate money and all that comes with it,” I give Universe Juice the chance to hear a clear message and say, “YES! Here’s some more!”

Get back in touch with your Inner Self

If you’re feeling creatively blocked, overwhelmed, or just out of sorts, it may be time to reconnect with your Higher Self. What makes us whole, healthy, happy and healed is a balance of taking pleasure in the physical world, and connecting to our Divinity.

For a period of time, I thought I wasn’t doing enough to accomplish my dreams, or being the kind of person I admired. Was I sticking to my goals? Was I kind and compassionate to the best of my ability? I had lost touch with how I was spending my days. I chose to consciously notice everything I was doing, and being, over 10 days, as the actor and observer. When I tallied the score at the end of each day, I found that I don’t give myself enough credit  and I bet you don’t either. I may give in to Facebook a couple times a day, but damn! I work hard, and I am easily a kind and compassionate person when it’s called for. I found that I am doing my best, and I felt so good about that! Try the experiment of living more consciously if you are questioning yourself – or even others. You might find that your initial perception was way off base.


Coming Next Month

Natural Sleep Solutions plus: Optimal Thyroid Function

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No-Kill Initiative

~Emily Bach

Paws to Consider Best Friends Waiting for Homes


by Julie Peterson

ade Breunig, of Buckeye, Arizona, had lost his marriage, his job and his house. To combat depression, he went to the local animal shelter to adopt the first cat that “talked” to him. As if on cue, a 2-year-old black cat yowled persistently. During the adoption, Breunig learned that “Bubba” had been scheduled to be euthanized. He was saving a life. Fourteen years later, Bubba died, and Breunig knew he would miss the mischievous, playful companion that loved car rides more than most dogs. Crying, but surrounded by his second wife and kids, he realized, “I didn’t save Bubba’s life. He saved mine.”

Anyone looking to lower blood pressure, ease anxiety or secure companionship can find it all at their local shelter, where homeless dogs and cats are eager to oblige. Emily Bach, public relations and event coordinator at Bishop Animal Shelter, in Bradenton, Florida, has many inspiring stories about adopted shelter animals. “They are often the most devoted pets because they know they’ve been rescued,” she says.

Devoted and Practical

The benefits of the human/animal bond are manifold, supported by an army of studies that speak to pets’ ability to reduce stress, improve mood and even reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Research into animal-assisted therapy compiled by the University of California, Los Angeles, details the positive mental, emotional and physical effects of this natural modality. 14

Denver Mile High Edition

Meet Your Match Best Friends Animal Society has a quiz called Paws Like Me (BestFriends.PawsLikeMe.com) to match people with adoptable animals. Shelter workers can also help families select appropriate pets.

Health, Hope & Happiness

Shelters share success stories of animals that get a “forever home”. Unfortunately, hundreds of thousands don’t and are euthanized. Best Friends Animal Society, in Kanab, Utah, is working to change this. By partnering with animal welfare organizations and shelters, Best Friends has a goal to “Save Them All” through an initiative to make all of the nation’s shelters “nokill” by 2025—which means 90 percent of shelter animals might be saved. Euthanasia will be reserved for failed rehabilitation or when an animal has no chance of recovery from an illness or injury. In 1984, when Best Friends was founded, about 17 million animals died in U.S. shelters annually. As of August 2019, that number is down to 733,000, a nationwide save rate of 76.6 percent. Historically, no detailed data was kept on shelters. “For decades, we have worked in the dark to end shelter killing because we lacked accurate information about the problem we were trying to solve,” says Julie Castle, CEO of Best Friends. The organization recently launched the community lifesaving dashboard (BestFriends.org/2025-goal), a database that anyone can access to help save shelter pets. “With a better understanding of where the trouble spots are and the profile of animals being killed in a community, we can better deploy our collective resources for the greatest lifesaving impact.” Part of the success of the no-kill movement involves increased awareness that kindness toward all species is important. Bach points out that shelter animals are also the lower-cost option for people that want pets; most are vaccinated and neutered before they are adopted out and are often already trained.

David Porras/Shutterstock.com

They are often the most devoted pets because they know they’ve been rescued.


The outdated myth that shelter pets are incorrigible, unlovable animals with behavioral issues no longer holds. Family circumstances—a change of job or residence, death, divorce or illness—can land a confused and well-loved dog or cat in a shelter. Others become accidental strays or are unceremoniously dumped by uncaring owners. Bishop, a no-kill shelter, places about 100 pets every month, showcasing them on social media, news outlets and at outreach events.

natural pet

Getting Ready to Adopt

Before jumping in to help save them all by adopting, potential pet parents should research breeds, crunch numbers and think ahead. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) suggests considering several issues:

a good match for every home. Personality is key.

Safety: Pet-proofing a home includes

Money: Pets require training, food,

removing potential dangers and preventing accidental escape through windows, doors or fences. Not everyone can adopt, but anyone can help. Shelters accept donations and most have a wish list of items. Volunteers are a core need at shelters, and it’s work that can quench the thirst for spending time with animals without adopting any of them.

Breeds: Not all dogs and cats will be

Julie Peterson writes from rural Wisconsin. Contact her at JuliePeterson2222@gmail.com.

Lifestyle: Dogs live 10 to 15 years, cats up to 20. Pets should fit the family now and in the future. toys, equipment, medical exams and treatment.


Pets Promote Health

Christin Lola/Shutterstock.com

any studies document the positive influence of pets on our well-being.


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Single people that live with a dog have a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease. (Tinyurl.com/DogsAndCardiovascular). Part of the reason for this is likely because dog owners tend to get more physical activity than those without dogs, which makes dog owners generally more fit (Tinyurl.com/NIH-PetsAndHealth). The demands of life can take a toll on the body. Contact with animals is linked to lower heart rate, blood pressure, cholesterol, anxiety and fear levels, and increased feelings of calmness. Lower levels of stress hormones, such as cortisol, have been shown to help regulate inflammation, which helps the immune system fight off everything from colds to diseases (Tinyurl.com/AnimalVisitationProgram and Tinyurl.com/StressAndInflammation).

Social Bonding

In children with autism spectrum disorder, animals help them learn to connect better to others. One study using guinea pigs found that these kids talked and laughed more with peers. There are now therapy

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programs using dogs, horses and chickens (Tinyurl.com/AnimalsAndAutism).

Mood Boost

Animals elicit smiles, which makes them great for deterring depression (Tinyurl. com/PetTherapyAndDepression).

Cancer Help

From lessening loneliness to lifting emotional well-being, children and adults undergoing cancer treatment seem to benefit from time with dogs (Tinyurl.com/CaninesAndChildhoodCancer and Tinyurl.com/AnimalsAssistChemo).

Pain Killer

Animals can soothe away some chronic pain and enable people to reduce use of pain medication (Tinyurl.com/Animals AndPainRelief).

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We look at the underlying causes for gum disease and cavities: Is it your diet, or hormonal changes or acid reflux?

Mouth Matters A Holistic Approach to Oral Health T

by Ronica O’Hara

he mouth is the doorway to the body,” so the saying goes, and today we know just how true that is. Years ago, the biannual trip to the dentist was typically a simple “drill-andfill” operation, with other health concerns not given a second glance. Now, emerging research shows that when we neglect basic oral care—even that annoying task of nightly or post-meal flossing—we endanger our heart, lungs, kidneys and even our brains by allowing the buildup of pernicious bacteria in our gums. In April, University of Louisville School of Dentistry researchers reported that the bacteria P. gingivalis, which flourishes in gum disease, was found in brain samples of deceased Alzheimer’s patients—and that inflammation, swelling and bleeding in gums can transport the bacteria from the mouth into the bloodstream simply through chewing or teeth-brushing. The study also linked the bacteria to rheumatoid arthritis and aspiration pneumonia.


Denver Mile High Edition

Advanced gum disease also increases the risk of cancer by 24 percent, especially lung and colorectal cancers; quadruples the rate of kidney disease; and increases the risk of strokes, coronary artery disease, diabetes and pre-term births, other studies show. These findings have sobering implications for the nearly half of the American adults over age 30 and 70 percent of adults 65 and older with gum disease. “Science has proven that a healthy mouth is a healthy body,” says San Francisco holistic dentist Nammy Patel, author of Age With Style: Your Guide to a Youthful Smile & Healthy Living.

Body, Mind, Teeth

It’s part of the reason for the fresh interest in holistic dentistry, sometimes called biologic dentistry. “We look at the entire body, not just the mouth,” says Bernice Teplitsky, DDS, of Wrigleyville Dental, in Chicago, and president of the Holistic Dental Association (HDA), based in Coral Gables, Florida. Holistic dentists abstain from toxic

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materials, remove amalgam fillings, may be wary of root canals and focus on minimally invasive procedures—some of which may be high-tech and cutting-edge, such as lasers to clean teeth and gums, ozone therapy to slow the growth of infections and air abrasion to “sandblast” away small areas of tooth decay. Holistic dentists work closely with a wide range of other complementary practitioners. “We look at the underlying causes for gum disease and cavities: Is it your diet, or hormonal changes or acid reflux?” Patel explains. That may mean prescribing a head massage, acupuncture session, meditation lessons or dietary counseling. They may run blood tests for biocompatibility of materials and incorporate approaches from Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, herbology, homeopathy, iridology, craniosacral therapy and energy medicine. They will look for signs of sleep apnea and often treat it. However, with the added tests and consultations, they tend to be more expensive, with many procedures not covered by dental insurance. Their numbers are small: Only 391 of 199,000 American dentists belong to the HDA, or about one in 500. Yet the natural health movement that drives holistic dentistry is having an effect on the profession at large. Many dentists nationwide, pressured by patients and aided by new technology, are abandoning toxic and invasive options for less harmful methods. Controversial mercury amalgam fillings are being edged out by less toxic options like resin composites that match teeth color; the amount of mercury sold in the U.S. for dental amalgams fell by half between 2001 and 2013. Conventional dental X-rays, which in a Yale study published in the American Cancer Association journal Cancer were linked to non-cancerous brain tumors, are yielding to computerized digital X-rays with a fifth of the radiation: As many as two out of


~Nammy Patel

three dentists have switched over. And aided by computer imaging software and 3-D printers, dentists are fabricating new crowns, implants, bridges and dentures right in the office, instead of using what Austin, Texas, dentist David Frank calls “intrusive analog [gooey impressions] that left patients feeling claustrophobic, highly anxious and consistently worried about gagging.”

Dialogue With Dentists

When visiting a dentist, whether holistic or not, it’s wise to be prepared with a natural health mindset. Some questions to ask are:

What are you filling the cavity with? Just say no to amalgam, a mixture of heavy metals, of which about half is elemental mercury that slowly releases toxic vapors. Plus, “Heavy metals can leak into the enamel tubes of the teeth causing the teeth to appear gray or dark blue and making them brittle over time,” warns Los Angeles cosmetic dentist Rhonda Kalasho. Instead, ask for relatively nontoxic options such as porcelain or composite resins, which can be made of materials such as silica, ceramic, plastics and zirconium oxide. Some composite resins contain the endocrine disrupters Bis-GMA or BPA; for extra protection, ask for one that doesn’t, or ask the dentist to use a rubber dam to prevent swallowing it.

Should I have my amalgam fillings removed? Holistic dentists like

Patel give a strong yes. “The problem arises

with mercury when you chew or brush your teeth. The abrasion creates heat and causes the mercury to off-gas. Those vapors get swallowed and go into your body, where they’re stored—and that creates significant health hazards—because we’re talking about a known poison,” she says. Other dentists disagree about removal, citing its risks: Holistic pioneer Dr. Andrew Weil, for example, writes that removing amalgam fillings is often unnecessary, costly and stressful, and recommends exchanging them for composite resin only when they break down.

Do I really need antibiotics? Or-

egon State University researchers found in a study this year of 90,000 patients that the antibiotics often prescribed by dentists as prevention against infection are unnecessary 81 percent of the time, and contribute to antibiotic resistance. Typically, patients didn’t have the precise cardiac conditions that warranted the extra caution.

Is a root canal the best option?

Some holistic dentists counsel against root canals, citing the risk of long-term health problems caused by lingering bacteria, and

Local Holistic Dentistry


n traditional dentistry, products often contain harmful chemicals such as BPA, fluoride and even the harmful heavy metal mercury. Holistic dentistry reduces harmful exposures, while utilizing minimally-invasive, gentle, complementary approaches wherever possible. Initial patient discussion centers on medical history, concerns and goals prior to tailoring a dental treatment plan to address your needs, including: Ozone is a charged-oxygen therapy that greatly reduces bad bacteria in the mouth in a non-harmful way and can be used in place of fluoride - a known poison - to eliminate disease-causing bacteria that leads to cavities and gum disease.

Laser gum treatments stimulate healing and are not painful. We work to save natural tooth structure wherever possible. Even energy lines can be affected by certain treatments so we plan accordingly. We work in tandem with other integrative doctors, chiropractors, naturopaths, or acupuncturists to guide each patient to optimal health. This is important, for instance, because sensitivities and genetic mutations like MTHFR can play a role with some treatment modalities. Our goal is to help patients get healthy and stay healthy − mouth, body and spirit! Contact Dr. Jamie Greear-Schmidt at Holistic Life Dentistry at 720-923-5880. See ad page 18.


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Back to the Basics

Considering the stakes, preventive care is all-important and there are many natural options to guarantee robust oral health. At the natural health store or drugstore, consider the following options:

Toothbrush: Electric toothbrushes reduced plaque 21 percent more and gingivitis 11 percent more after three months compared to manual toothbrushes, reported a review of 56 studies involving 5,068 participants. Those that rotate rather than brush back-and-forth clean slightly better. Toothpaste: Study the labels and be

a plus: baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), green tea, Eucalyptol, menthol, tea tree oil and vitamin D.

Flossing: Some smooth, slippery flosses

are coated with toxic, Teflon-like perfluorinated polymers linked to kidney and testicular cancer, ulcerative colitis and hormonal disruptions. A recent study found higher levels in women using those flosses. Instead, use the old-fashioned nylon kind or try out new flosses made of biodegradable silk or bamboo or those infused with antimicrobial tea tree oil. Or, consider a water flosser, which Canadian researchers found were 29 percent more effective at plaque removal than string floss.

Mouthwash: Mouthwashes containing alcohol significantly raise the risk of throat cancer, Australian researchers found. Instead, opt for super-healthy green tea as a mouthwash, as well as a drink. Studies show that it protects teeth from erosion and promotes

wary of the following ingredients: fluoride, sodium lauryl sulfate, triclosan and sodium hydroxide. These ingredients are

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healthy gums. Another simple option is warm salt water, using one cup of water and one-half teaspoon of salt. A 2017 study by the Cochrane medical study organization found it is virtually as effective as the prescription antiseptic mouthwash chlorhexidine in reducing dental plaque and microbes.

Pulling: An ancient Ayurvedic remedy, this involves swishing a spoonful of organic coconut oil around the mouth and through the teeth for 10 to 20 minutes. The oil’s lauric acid, a natural antibacterial, has been found in studies to reduce plaque formation and fungal infections, as well as the strains of bacteria linked to bad breath and irritated gums. Taking care of our teeth and gums is simply worth the daily time and trouble to facilitate long-term health. “Your oral care should be taken just as seriously as watching your diet,” advises Kalasho. Ronica A. O’Hara is a Denver-based natural health writer. Connect at OHaraRonica@gmail.com.

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advocate the use of herbs, laser therapy or extractions instead. “If root canals were done 20 to 30 years ago, it is definitely a problem, because there were not enough technological advances to clean out all the bacteria which could cause chronic health complications,” says Patel. “Nowadays, depending on the tooth root, canals can be 99.9 percent cleaned by lasers.”


green living

RETHINKING OUR STUFF Moving Toward a Circular Economy


by Yvette Hammett

hen Yale researcher Reid Lifset began working on waste issues on a life cycle basis—from “cradle to grave”—it was mostly the world’s geeks and nerds that paid attention, he says. “Today, it’s called the ‘circular economy’ and it’s sexy. It wasn’t sexy back then.” While many still have never even heard the term, the “circular economy” is all about rethinking the way we make stuff—designing products that can be reused and powering it all with renewable energy. It’s an alternative to the “make-use-and-dispose” mentality of the traditional linear economy. “You are the circular economy when you buy pre-owned, second-hand objects, or rent or share the use of objects, or have broken objects repaired instead of buying new ones,” says Walter Stahel, author of The Circular Economy: A User’s Guide and a member of the European Union’s Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform. In other words, everyone that buys sustainable goods or services, takes public transport or gets a lawnmower fixed instead of buying a new one is a participant.

There’s a global movement afoot to expand the circular economy in an effort to significantly cut the waste stream, reduce our carbon footprint and conserve resources. It began with the three R’s—reduce, recycle and reuse, says Lifset, a Research Scholar at the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies who edits the Journal of Industrial Ecology, which focuses on the environmental consequences of production and consumption. The emphasis has always been on recycling, but as that becomes more difficult due to saturation levels, the emphasis is shifting to the more comprehensive goals of a circular economy—or should be, says Stahel, an engineering professor at the University of Surrey. Tinia Pina, a program leader at NY Cares, joined the movement after observing the poor food choices her Harlem, New York, students were making and the amount of waste attached to them. She founded Re-Nuble, a small manufacturing operation in New York City, to transform food waste into fertilizer pellets that can

be used in hydroponic farming. “There is a strong need to try to reduce the volume of waste,” Pina says. “There is also a strong need to produce sustainable—and, ideally, chemical-free—food and make it affordable for all.” She hopes to eventually replicate her process for creating fertilizer in other large cities across the country. Leasing is another classic example of how the circular economy might work, Lifset says. “If the entity that made [a product] ends up with it when it becomes waste, that company will handle it differently.” The company can instead design a product so that it remains in the economy instead of becoming part of the waste stream, he notes. The Ellen MacArthur Foundation was established in the UK in 2010 to accelerate the transition to a circular economy. It offers numerous case studies, including a San Francisco effort called Cradle to Cradle Carpets for City Buildings. Last year, the city passed legislation requiring all departments to use carpeting containing no antimicrobials, fluorinated compounds or flame retardants. Both the carpet fibers and backing materials “must contain minimum amounts of recycled materials and ultimately be recyclable at end-of-use.” Most important: It must be Cradle to Cradle Certified Silver or better. The certification is a globally recognized standard for safer, more sustainable products made for the circular economy. Meantime, the European Union has embraced the circular economy as a boon to job creation and a way to significantly address climate change. By shifting to a circular economy, the European growth rate can be increased by an additional 0.6 percent a year and carbon dioxide emissions reduced by 48 percent by 2030, according to a 2017 report by McKinsey & Company. Just how much of the world’s industries must participate to meet these goals is yet to be determined. “That,” Stahel says, “is the billion-dollar question.” Yvette C. Hammett is an environmental writer based in Valrico, Florida. She can be contacted at YvetteHammett28@hotmail.com. October 2019


Jenny Odell on the Importance of Doing Nothing by Julie Peterson


enny Odell, a piness, and to make visual artist and those connections, we writer based in must put our attention Oakland, California, to doing nothing. is known for her creative use of secondWhat is the hand imagery from “attention Google Maps, Youeconomy” and Tube, Craigslist and other online sources. why do you Her work has been believe it’s exhibited locally and important to internationally, and was featured in Time resist it? LightBox, WIRED, The attention economy The Economist and includes anything deThe Atlantic. signed to capture and Odell, who has direct human attenbeen teaching internet Both social media and tion. The entire history art and digital design the cult of productivity of advertising has been at Stanford University about exploiting attenare seductive, and since 2013, says she is tion. But the attention compelled by the ways when we’re caught economy takes on in which attention (or up in them, we don’t new dimensions with lack thereof) leads to something like social question them. consequential shifts in media, whose notificaperception. Her new tions, pop-ups and design are aimed at book, How to Do Nothing: Resisting the keeping someone on a platform…[conAttention Economy, proposes that we use tributing] to a general feeling that one our attention to rebel against the seducneeds to be always on… participating… tive pull of 24/7 availability and manipuavailable. lation by algorithms. Someone who participates deeply She tells us that redirecting our attenin the attention economy is liable to tion toward nature allows us to gradube kept in a loop of anxiety, fear and ally remake our lives and forego the shallow reaction. Ironically, this feeling mentality that tells us that we must have drives them back toward the attention a constant return on investment. True economy, creating an unhealthy spiral of productivity, in the end, may very well attention that could be more meaningbe connected to our role in the environfully directed elsewhere. ment and our understanding of hap20

Denver Mile High Edition

Health, Hope & Happiness

What inspired you to rethink conventional wisdom about productivity, progress and the mentality that we must have a constant return on our investment—including how we spend our time and where we direct our attention? Right after the election, in late 2016, a warehouse fire in Oakland claimed the lives of many artists. I became aware of how difficult it was becoming to step away and process anything, not to mention mourn. I found that it was only by stepping away that I was able to ask questions about what it was I really wanted and how I could act meaningfully. Both social media and the cult of productivity are seductive, and when we’re caught up in them, we don’t question them. Understanding anything requires perspective and standing outside of it; productivity is no different. Temporarily ascending to a broader, removed view, you might find that you’re struggling in all the wrong ways, or in the wrong direction.

How is “doing nothing” different from meditation?

It certainly shares some of the same goals. But whereas certain forms of meditation emphasize physical stillness, “doing nothing” for me includes things like wandering and observing.

What is the relationship between our well-being and being unproductive for a part of each day? When we’re caught up in the idea of productivity, we’re often not thinking about our own well-being. And yet, the “unproductive” part of one’s day is likely the one in which you remember to take care of yourself or even listen to the needs of your mind and body at all.

photo by Ryan Meyer

wise words

How do we go about challenging the forces that are disconnecting us from nature and each other?

I think the first step is simply a movement of attention. Addictive as social media may be, it is not difficult for me to move my attention from that to what is happening in physical space. Sometimes this leads to meeting other people; I’ve had great conversations with strangers when we were both peering up at the same tree, looking at the same bird.

What do you hope people will take away from the message of your book?

I hope it creates a space in which someone might begin to look at the ways they currently direct their attention and how they might want to change that. I also hope it helps people find each other. Rediscovering one’s bioregion or local history is a great way to meet others who might not exist within your social media bubble. Julie Peterson writes from rural Wisconsin. Reach her at JuliePeterson2222@gmail.com.

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The Wisdom of Waiting


ncreasing our productivity by sitting and waiting is an unfamiliar practice in our culture. We’ve been taught that progress requires movement, or even pushing, forward. We rarely realize that, much more often than not, we can allow for movement around us to support our progress while we are still. The I Ching reminds us that correct timing in our actions and behaviors is the key to ease in life and prosperity. Hexagram 39 (Water Above Mountain) entitled “Obstruction” teaches us about the wisdom of waiting. Pause to consider: • There is a better way to reach the outcome you are aiming toward. • Your inner wisdom or even Life itself is protecting you from a likely risk of harm. • You are ahead in the overall timing of details and other factors involved need to catch up to you. • There are other preparations to complete to assure your success. • There are aspects of your daily life or health that need to be strengthened or attended to first so that you can sustain your progress. Aligning daily life to flow in accord with the rhythms of all of Nature and Life is a subtle and necessary component of energy healing, particularly in the practice of Qigong. Contact Debra Lin Allen of Chi Wellness, The Center of Qigong, at 720-427-0406, DebraLin.ChiWellness@gmail.com See ad page 12.


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Slow Food Takes Root Global Movement on Fast Track by April Thompson


he global Slow Food movement is fast gaining momentum, uniting more than 100,000 people in 150 countries with a shared passion for delicious food and a moral conviction about the people and places that sustain it. It satisfies foodies’ hunger for a deeper appreciation and understanding of their meals’ origins, from farm to fork. “The key principles of Slow Food are good, clean and fair,” says Laura Luciano, a board member for Slow Food USA and Slow Food Governor for New York State. “It’s the opposite of fast food, where you are in and out with no idea where your food comes from or the stories behind it.” Fair, says Luciano, means fair to farmers, and paying a fair wage to workers picking and growing food. “Fair also incorporates principles of equity, inclusion and justice. Good means good for the climate, the Earth and us as individuals. Clean means not using GMOs and pesticides in the food,” she explains. Slow Food has its roots in Italy, where food and wine journalist Carlo Petrini took up the cause in 1986 to halt the homogenous fast food chains encroaching on the country’s rich, diverse food culture. Slow Food USA has taken off since its founding in 2000 with 150 chapters boasting 6,000 members nationwide. Many convene annually at Slow Food Nations, a food festival for all in Denver, to swap stories, share strategies, celebrate victories 22

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and of course, break bread together. The backbone of the movement is its local chapters. “Food has a regional identity, connected to history, culture and family,” says Luciano, whose blog Out East Foodie shares the stories of her Long Island edibles.

For Bob Quinn, an organic wheat farmer in Big Sandy, Montana, and the founder of the heirloom grain company Kamut International, the Slow Food movement has been a kind of welcome homecoming and acknowledgment of his company’s efforts to protect workers and nourish consumers. “To me, Slow Food is a return to the roots of agriculture and the soul of organic, because it focuses on the food—the end purpose of agriculture—rather than profits

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and yields that are the focus of the industrial food system,” says Quinn, author of Grain by Grain: A Quest to Revive Ancient Wheat, Rural Jobs, and Healthy Food. “Slow food offers an appreciation for farmers’ efforts to improve the soil and the nutrition, flavor and aroma of the foods we grow.” The Slow Food movement also connects producers like Quinn with chefs like Steven Satterfield, author of Root to Leaf: A Southern Chef Cooks Through the Seasons and board vice president of Slow Food’s Atlanta chapter. “As a chef, Slow Food to me means honoring your ingredients and going out of your way to get the freshest, most sustainable, seasonal ingredients,” says Satterfield, who came to Slow Food early in his career as a young line cook interested in the provenance of food and protecting its cultural heritage. At Miller Union, Satterfield’s awardwinning Atlanta restaurant, all dishes are made from scratch, mainly from farms in the region, to support seasonal eating and local growing. Satterfield’s dishes also feature traditional Southern varieties from Slow Food’s Ark of Taste, a catalog of more than 200 culturally significant foods in danger of extinction. One Miller Union favorite is a hummus made from sea island red pea and benne seeds, an ancient variety of sesame originally brought by slaves from Africa to the South Carolina coast and cultivated in hidden gardens as a staple food. Beyond engaging diners, chefs and producers, Slow Food also campaigns for big-picture policy changes, like farm-to-school programs to introduce fresh produce and get kids excited about healthy eating, says Luciano. “Eating is a political act. The choices we make speak volumes about what we stand for,” says Luciano. “We talk about joy and justice. There is the joy in food and the justice and stories behind it. Slow Food tries to marry both of those worlds.” Connect with Washington, D.C. freelance writer April Thompson at AprilWrites.com.


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Savory Slow Food Recipes

photo by John Kernick

Mustard-Roasted Cauliflower Cauliflower and mustard are both members of the genus Brassica, so it’s not surprising that the seed of the mustard plant is compatible with its bigheaded cousin. Try it for yourself in this incredibly simple vegetable roast, which makes a terrific side dish with fish or fowl and is also hard to stop eating straight out of the pan. If you come across the orange, green or purple cauliflower varieties, mix them together for a stunning presentation. Yields: 4 to 6 servings 2 Tbsp whole-grain mustard 1 small garlic clove, minced

Try Fennel Oil to Fight Vaginal Yeast Up to 75 percent of women deal at some point with the itchiness, discharge and sexual discomfort and pain of vaginal yeast infections caused by Candida species, the most prevalent being Candida albicans. Egyptian laboratory researchers tested fennel oil and eight other plantbased essential oils on 19 Candida albicans strains that were resistant to the antifungal medication fluconazole. They found that the fennel oil had significant antifungal properties against the strains, outperforming chamomile, jojoba, nigella, fenugreek, cod liver, peppermint, clove and ginger oils. When combined with fluconazole, fennel was effective on seven strains, theoretically lowering the need for higher doses of the medication.

Fight MRSA With Herbal Extracts In a Brazilian study published in the

1 tsp kosher salt

Journal of Herbal Medicine, extracts

½ tsp freshly ground black pepper

of rosemary leaves and pome-

2 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil

granate peels, along with a South

1 medium head cauliflower, washed and trimmed into bite-size florets

African herb known as misty plume bush, significantly reduced the ability of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bacteria to grow

Heat the oven to 400° F. In a large mixing bowl, stir together the mustard, garlic, salt and pepper.

and spread in the laboratory, a finding that may help develop new strategies against the superbug.

Whisk in the olive oil. Toss the cauliflower in the mustard mixture to coat. Spread in a baking dish in a single layer and roast until it’s just tender and lightly browned on the edges, 20 to 25 minutes. Excerpted from the book Root to Leaf: A Southern Chef Cooks Through the Seasons, by Steven Satterfield.

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Consider Motherwort to Reduce Postpartum Bleeding A meta-review of 37 studies that included 7,887 mothers giving birth found that an injection of oriental motherwort (Leonurus japonicus), a Traditional Chinese Medicine herb used for thousands of years, decreased blood loss and other adverse events during birth at a minimal cost with few side effects. October 2019



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Spinal Solutions Chiropractic Care Yields Unexpected Results


by Marlaina Donato

hiropractors are often perceived as back pain specialists, but optimal chiropractic care treats the whole person from the inside-out, starting with the nervous system. This means practitioners can address many conditions that transcend typical expectations. The human spinal column sports 31 pairs of nerves, some corresponding directly to digestive, reproductive and respiratory organs, which might explain why regular spinal adjustments and other chiropractic techniques can be helpful for seemingly unrelated conditions like asthma, chronic headaches, hormonal imbalances and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. A scientific review of 179 published papers focusing on various non-musculoskeletal conditions shows benefits of full-body chiropractic treatment for asthma, infantile colic and cervical vertigo. Results are also promising for middle ear infections in children and pneumonia in seniors. Clinical evidence suggests the nervous system is a cohesive factor in achieving overall wellness. “In chiropractic and holistic philosophy, the body is considered a self-healing organism,” explains chiropractic physician and applied kinesiologist Marc Terebelo, of the Chiropractic Wellness Center, in Southfield, Michigan. “The nervous system controls the body, so issues in the toes or fingers may be caused by spinal issues in the neck and low back. Likewise, bladder and menstrual cycle problems can be caused by injury to the low back or pelvic regions.” William J. Lauretti, a New York Chiropractic College professor in Seneca Falls, concurs with the benefits of holistic treatment. “Chiropractors view the body as an integrated unit, and problems in one area might affect a seemingly unrelated area,” he says. “Most chiropractors have a wide variety of treatment approaches to offer, including advice on nutrition, lifestyle, stress management and exercise.”

Chiropractic and Digestion

It’s worth noting that the nerves that innervate important digestive anatomy—from the salivary glands to the stomach down through the intestinal tract—branch off the spinal cord at various levels of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine. “This means that chiropractic adjustments given to [the] neck, mid-back, lower back and sacrum are important to optimal digestive function,” says chiropractor Sean Cailteux, of Exodus Health, in Shawnee, Kansas. In his practice, Lauretti has observed better digestion as a positive side effect to regular adjustments. “I’ve had a few patients over the years who reported improvement in digestive problems after chiropractic treatment of the mid- and low back. In some of those cases, the improvement was serendipitous, because the patient didn’t discuss their digestive symptoms initially, only after they noticed the improvement.”

Hope for Headaches and TMJ Dysfunction

Chronic tension headaches and migraines can become the norm for too many individuals, but chiropractic care—including spinal adjustments, nutrition advice and addressing emotional causes such as stress and anxiety—can be key in reducing pain and getting to the root of the problem. “Technically, only headaches with a list of very particular characteristics can be properly diagnosed as migraines,” Lauretti explains. “The cause of many cases of chronic, long-term headaches is often from poor function of the muscles and joints in the neck.” These types of headaches often respond well to treatment focused on restoring normal function to the neck, he says.

Chiropractors view the body as an integrated unit, and problems in one area might affect a seemingly unrelated area. ~William Lauretti TMJ disorders can cause painful and sometimes debilitating symptoms, including facial and tooth pain and locking of the jaw. Chiropractic treatments often provide reliable relief. “The TMJ is a very important joint in the body, with thousands of neuroreceptors. TMJ involvements can cause headaches, particularly around the ear or side of the head, vertigo, tinnitus and other hearing issues,” says Terebelo. Cailteux notes that aside from experiencing jaw pain and headaches, someone suffering from TMJ disorder may have difficulty chewing, and may experience an audible clicking of the jaw with movement. “Chiropractic adjustments can be particularly helpful, especially when delivered to the TM joint and the neck. Gentle, soft-tissue manipulation of the muscles and tendons of the jaw, specifically the masseter, temporalis and pterygoid muscles, is also a highly effective treatment.” For a true holistic approach and lasting success, Lauretti offers this advice: “Look for a doctor who is willing to work as part of your healthcare team and who’s willing to refer you for specialty care when appropriate.”

Marlaina Donato is the author of several books, including Multidimensional Aromatherapy. She is also a composer. Connect at AutumnEmbersMusic.com.

October 2019


calendar of events


Please submit all calendar events, special offers and classifieds to Publish@MileHighNaturalAwakenings.com. Due date: the 5th of the month before publication date (ie Oct 5 for Nov issue, etc). All entries will be edited.

octoberspecialoffers You must mention Natural Awakenings to receive these freebies and discounts. COLON HYDROTHERAPY

for $65/45 minutes with Sharon Roulhac of Cosmopolitan Colonics, 420 S Chambers Rd, Ste 118, Aurora. 720-451-3953

COUNSELING: Complimentary Consultation

OCT 1 TUES Self-Healing 101–thru 10/22 Tuesdays from 7:30–9pm in Boulder. Learn how to meditate and heal yourself with easy-to-use visualization techniques. Check out the first class for FREE on October 1st. Offered in person & over the phone! BoulderPsychicInstitute.org

OCT 3 THURS Aromatherapy–6-9pm. Learn the basics of aromatherapy, safety and precautions and blending techniques using a variety of essential oils. Herbalist Blake Burger discusses the ancient practice of smoke remedies, covering plants and herbs such as frankincense and myrrh, palo santo, copal and sage. $52. 720-865-3500. Botanicgardens.org

OCT 4 FRI Jams and Jellies–6-9pm. Make fruit preserves that can be used on toast, ice cream, mixed in yogurt, and flavor cocktails. Take home 1 jar of each fruit preserve made. Ideal for students who have experience canning using a boiling water bath canner. $56, $51/member. 720-865-3500 botanicgardens.org Corn Maze–10am-8pm weekly thru Oct 27 F riday, Saturday, Sunday. Wind your way through a sevenacre corn maze. Mini-maze, barrel train ride, jumping pillow, hayride around the farm and food vendors. Tickets $14, 8500 W Deer Creek Canyon Rd., Littleton. 720-865-3500 Botanicgardens.org

OCT 5 SAT Group Psychic Readings with Transformational Psychic Medium Randy Birke–6-9pm, $40 pp; limited to 20 people. 1923 N. Wadsworth Blvd., Lakewood. Visit website or call store for tix: Forheavensake.com 303-953-8760

Denver Mile High Edition

for first-timers every Wednesday 6-7 pm, open to everyone. Repeats $10/pp. Journey Within, 777 S Wadsworth Blvd., Bldg 2-108, Lakewood. Anita Destino, 720-413-7303

ENERGY HEALING: $30 Off Initial Healing

with Live Your Knowing Counseling, Creekside at Highline Office Park, 1211 S Parker Rd, Denver. Renee Ellis, MA RMT, 720-984-9575


ENERGY HEALING: Free Aura Clearing and Chakra Balancing

(Reiki/vibrational/intuitive reading) for first-time clients. In person or phone. 2055 S Oneida St, #330, Denver. JoAnne Palladino, Reiki Master-Teacher, Channel, & Intuitive. 303-263-0679

1-day Introduction to Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy–9:30am-6pm. Discover the living world inside the body through the elegance and effectiveness of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy. The course introduces the philosophy and skills of this modality. $250 Call 303-999-9963 or register SchoolofInnerHealth.org Sedona Method Releasing–10:30am-Noon. Simple, powerful technique uncovers your natural ability to let go of unwanted feelings. Clear limiting beliefs; warm, supportive environment. $25/advance; $35/ door. Smithson Clinic, 275 Garrison St, Lakewood. Melanie Smithson, MA, LPC, BC-DMT, CHt, 303762-8994, melanie@smithsonclinic.com. Untethering Your Soul 6 Wks–9-10:15am 6 Saturdays. Through releasing and experiential activities, disperse with the old and welcome new, easier ways of moving through life, based on the teachings of Michael Singer. Topics include: The Voice Inside Your Head, Transcending the Tendency to Close, Freeing Yourself, Going Beyond Your Comfort Zone, and Living in Non Resistance. Smithson Clinic, 275 Garrison St, Lakewood. $227 by 9/14, $267 after (2 payments available). 303-762-8994 or email melanie@smithsonclinic.com Richard Rudis Gong Bath–7-8:30pm. Dynamic meditative sound vibrational experience guides into physical well-being, emotional balance, cellular healing and spiritual awareness. Bring pillow, mat, and blanket. Sacredsoundgongbath.com or wholelifemodalities@gmail. com or 720-371-9137. Journeys For Conscious Living, 7401 West 59th, Arvada. 303-731-6695. J4CL.com. Qigong Movement–1-2:30. Meditative “Stillness within Movement” in this fun group experience increases flexibility, strength, endurance, mental focus and calm. Suitable for all levels of physical fitness. $20 drop-in or $90/6 classes. Chi Wellness, Denver. Debra Lin Allen 720-427-0406, DebraLin.ChiWellness@gmail.com

Health, Hope & Happiness

Sustainable Greenhouse Design–9:30am2:30pm. Comprehensive look at how passive solar greenhouses work; how to orient the building, basic principles of passive solar design including the use of stored water as thermal mass, simple math formulas to help guide your design, a materials list and drawings and calculations for a 13 x 15 greenhouse. $160, $150/members. Botanicgardens.org

OCT 8 TUES Shmaya Gathering w/JoAnne Palladino– 7-8:30pm. Experience Shmaya, an illumined, channeled presence that attunes you to the love and light within. $20. First Spiritual Science Church of Denver, 3375 S. Dahlia. RSVP 303-263-0679 or joanne@joannepalladino.com The Women’s Way to Health, Wealth, and Happiness Online Meetup–5:30-7pm. Zoom Live Stream free presentation on Conscious Business and Marketing with Kathy Mason, Mason Works Marketing and Tryna Cooper, Journeys for Conscious Living. RSVP req’d for live stream information. Tryna 303550-4223 or Kathy 720-938-2536.

OCT 9 WED $60 Home & Business Healings–2nd and 4th Thursdays from 7–8:30pm. Got ghosts? Sleepless nights? Consistent household or business conflict? These are great in times of transition! Offered in Boulder or over the phone. Schedule online. BoulderPsychicInstitute.org

OCT 11 FRI $15 Trance Medium Healings – Drop-in 2nd & 4th Fridays from 7:30–9pm. Receive a channeled healing from our postgraduate students. Come with a healing intention and get rid of pain, mental blocks, emotional turmoil, and spiritual imbalances. BoulderPsychicInstitute.org Psychic Fair Weekend @ For Heaven’s Sake Metaphysical Bookstore– thru Sunday. Psychic Readings @ $1.50 per minute/30 minute minimum. 4900 W 46th Ave, Denver and 1923 N Wadsworth, Lakewood. ForHeavenSake.com

OCT 12 SAT $25 Pet Readings–2nd Saturdays from 11am– 12:30pm. Improve your relationship with your companion animal. Clarify relational dynamics and negotiate issues. All species welcome. Offered over the phone. Schedule online. BoulderPsychicInstitute.org

OCT 13 SUN Lotion Making and Spirit Herbal Remedies–9am4pm. Make your own hydrating herb-infused lotion; infused herbal oils add skin replenishing boost. Then, work with flower essences and herbs for the dream-space. Explore the ways plants have been traditionally used to connect us to spiritual guidance through dreams. $94. 720-865-3500 Botanicgardens.org Full Moon Mala Making Workshop–5:30-8:30pm, $67 pp; For Heaven’s Sake, 4900 W. 46th Ave, Denver. Visit Peacock Arts for tix: peacockartsjewelry.com

Cacao Ceremony with Tibetan Singing Bowls– 5-8pm. Historical texts contain an enormous list of medical uses for cacao among them are increased libido, fertility and abetted longevity, as well as improved energy, reduced fever and asthma, heartopening, and having an overall calming effect. $54, $50/member. 720-865-3500 Botanicgardens.org

save the date DÍA DE LOS MUERTOS SATURDAY, NOV 2 Denver Botanic Gardens’ observance of Día de los Muertos will be celebrated this year with indoor screenings of Disney’s Pixar film “Coco.” Seating is limited, so arrive early to shop the mercado and to get your face painted before the film. While you’re there, enjoy the display of ofrendas created by members of the Denver community and a special holiday exhibition in the Bonsai Pavilion. Included with admission, botanicgardens.org. 1007 York Street, Denver.

OCT 17 THURS 5-Week Class on Chakras and Auras–6:308:30pm. Learn about your Chakras and how they coincide with our Aura; clean and align your Chakras; easy technique to set energetic boundaries. Early/$235 Reg/$250 Journey Within, 777 S Wadsworth Blvd Bldg 2 #108, Lakewood. Anita Destino, 720-413-7303, journeywithin@hotmail.com or AnitaDestino.com. Qigong Movement–6-7:30. Meditative “Stillness within Movement” in this fun group experience increases flexibility, strength, endurance, mental focus and calm. Suitable for all levels of physical fitness. $20 drop-in or $90/6 classes. Chi Wellness, The Center of Qigong, Denver. Debra Lin Allen 720-427-0406, DebraLin.ChiWellness@gmail.com

OCT 18 FRI Community Drumming Circle, Sound Celebration & Meditation–7-9pm. Bring a snack and your instruments for an evening of vibrational expansion. Suggested $10. Journeys for Conscious Living, 7401 W 59th, Arvada. 303-731-6695 or J4CL.com 3-day Biodynamic Principles–9:30am-6pm daily. Discover how to create the conditions that support healing and presence in yourself and others. Understanding and relying on the principles of biodynamics can change relational, parental and professional dynamics. $390 SchoolofInnerHealth.org

OCT 19 SAT Cosmic Cats FREE Author Event with Barb Horn– For Heaven’s Sake, 4900 W. 46th Ave, Denver 80222. Visit website for more info Forheavensake.com Shamanic Journey & Drum Circle– 6-8:30pm $45 pp. For Heaven’s Sake, 1923 N. Wadsworth Blvd, Lakewood. Visit website or call store for tix Forheavensake.com 303-953-8760 Letting Go into A Course in Miracles–10:30amNoon. Explore A Course in Miracles (removing blocks to awareness of love’s presence) and Sedona Method, a powerful technique for letting go. No exp req’d. Love offering. Smithson Clinic, 275 Garrison St, Lakewood. Melanie Smithson, MA, LPC, BC-DMT, CHt, 303762-8994, melanie@smithsonclinic.com. Intense 2-Day to Learn to Heal with Angels–Sat & Sun 12-6pm. Meet your Guardian/ Healing Angels. Guided meditations help you heal, release grief, guilt, addictions and habits to create the life you desire. Early Bird $235, Regular $250 Journey Within; 777 S Wadsworth Blvd Bldg 2 #108, Lakewood. Anita Destino 720-413-7303, journeywithin@hotmail.com or AnitaDestino.com



5-day Neurodynamics Course–9:30am-6pm daily. This is a unique course! Learn about fluids and nerves and the therapeutic potential in their interactions. Learn about the autonomic nervous system and how to track autonomic nervous system states. $700 SchoolofInnerHealth.org

One Heart Song Global Meditation for Peace–7-9pm. Bring your drums, prayers or other contributions. Connect with the global One Heart Song groups to create peace, share love and raise consciousness and frequencies. Journeys for Conscious Living, 7401 W 59th, Arvada. 303-731-6695. J4CL.com


We Are Change Open Mic Night–6-10pm. Share the power uniting local grassroots activist community for an evening of food, music, interviews, headliners, poetry and dancing. Perform your songs and poems! Event page on Facebook and Wearechangecolorado.com

$60 Home & Business Healings–2nd and 4th Thursdays from 7–8:30pm. Got ghosts? Sleepless nights? Consistent household or business conflict? These are great in times of transition! Offered in Boulder or over the phone. Schedule online. BoulderPsychicInstitute.org

OCT 25 FRI Psychic Fair Weekend @ For Heaven’s Sake Metaphysical Bookstore– Psychic Readings @ $1.50 per minute/30 minute minimum. 4900 W 46 th Ave, Denver and 1923 N Wadsworth, Lakewood. ForHeavenSake.com $15 Trance Medium Healings–Drop-in 2nd & 4th Fridays from 7:30–9pm. Receive a channeled healing from our postgraduate students. Come with a healing intention and get rid of pain, mental blocks, emotional turmoil, and spiritual imbalances. BoulderPsychicInstitute.org


OCT 30 WED HGB Fiber Arts Show & Sale–Daily 10-6pm thru Sunday 10-3pm. Handweavers Guild of Boulder Colorado Premier Fiber Event 100+ local artists. Weaving, knitting, crochet, beading, quilting, spinning, felting, basketry, and more. Free. Boulder County Fairgrounds, 9595 Nelson Road Longmont. HandWeaversOfBoulder.org


Happy Halloween! Halloween Light Circle with Psychic Medium Deanna Gloyd–7-9pm. $40pp, limited to 25 participants. For Heaven’s Sake, 4900 W 46th Ave, Denver. Forheavensake.com or 303-964-9339

looking ahead NOV 16 Create Your Own Custom Flower Essence Blend Denver Workshop–1-3pm. Only 10 seats available!! For details, price and registration go to HealingImprints.com

DEC 11-15 5-day Intro to Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy–9:30am-6pm. Discover Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and the living world inside the body. Students will explore and begin to perceive subtle underlying forces in the human body and how to support their healing capacity. This course teaches essential effective skills applicable to any healing arts modality. Course can be taken alone or as the first five days of the 50-day Certification Training. $700 Call 303-999-9963 or Register at Schoolofinnerhealth.org



MileHighNaturalAwakenings.com October 2019


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Copper in new device stops cold and flu


on going events


Free Healing Therapy for Individuals with Cancer– Reiki and Healing Touch support healing on all levels. Sign up for free sessions at one of our partner locations, or in-home for those too sick to travel, at LifesparkNow.org

Qigong Movement–6-7:30pm. Meditative “Stillness within Movement” in this fun group experience increases flexibility, strength, endurance, mental focus and calm. Suitable for all levels of physical fitness. $20 drop-in or $90/6 classes. Chi Wellness, The Center of Qigong, Denver. Debra Lin Allen 720-427-0406, DebraLin.ChiWellness@gmail.com



Longmont Spiritual Transformation with Transmission Meditation–7pm. Join us for a group meditation that is a stimulus to our individual development and also a potent form of world service. Free. Connie 303-834-0526

FREE Healing & Meditative Services–6–7pm. Enjoy weekly themes such as Chakra Balancing Singing Bowls; Channeled Angel Healings; Songs, Stories, & Chants; Meditative Journeys; and Live Music Meditations. BoulderPsychicInstitute.org


Wheatridge Spiritual Transformation with Transmission Meditation–7pm. Join us for a group meditation that is a stimulus to our individual development and also a potent form of world service. Free. Tim 303-239-8101 $30 Psychic Readings–7–8:30pm. Performed by our graduate students. Enjoy an advanced skill set and ask questions about relationships, career, health, and more! Schedule online. BoulderPsychicInstitute.org


saturdays Qigong Movement–1-2:30pm. Meditative “Stillness within Movement” in this fun group experience increases flexibility, strength, endurance, mental focus and calm. Suitable for all levels of physical fitness. $20 drop-in or $90/6 classes. Chi Wellness, The Center of Qigong, Denver. Debra Lin Allen 720-427-0406, DebraLin.ChiWellness@gmail.com

Energy Healings; Aura Clearing and Chakra Balancing–6-7pm. A healing is an energy clearing, release negative energy blocking growth and create the life you desire. $10 per healing. Free for first time visitors. Journey Within @ Irongate Executive Plaza 777 S Wadsworth Blvd Bldg 2 #108, Lakewood. Anita Destino 720-413-7303, journeywithin@hotmail.com

Kundalini Yoga Classes–9:30-11am with Sandra Saiontz.YogasYoga, 1425 Brentwood St., #18, Lakewood. Call to reserve your space 720-262-6316


ment and also a potent form of world service. Free. Lon 303-746-7118

$10 Psychic Readings–7–8:30pm. Performed by our undergraduate students. Get a holistic view of yourself, and enjoy a set format where you’ll learn about your soul essence, past lives, and the layers of your aura. Schedule online BoulderPsychicInstitute.org FREE Aura and Chakra Healings–Drop-in from 6–7pm. Receive a 10-minute cleanse and release negative thoughts, emotions, pain, and fear. Get replenished with positive energy and feel great! BoulderPsychicInstitute.org

Do you have what it takes to be a Natural Awakenings publisher?

Dosundays you have what it takes beTransformation a Natural North Boulder to Spiritual with Transmission Meditation–7pm. Join us for a group Awakenings meditation that is a stimulus topublisher? our individual developLearn About Daoism Sunday Sermon–8:30am. Daoism is a pathway to learning joy. The Dao or The Way, is a systematic approach to get in touch with your spirit. Join us every Sunday at the Dao House, 6120 CO-7, Estes Park, or online at DaoUSA.org for an inspiring talk. Return to Simplicity, Live Your True Nature. Community Tai Chi/Qigong–9am. Enjoy the relaxing and energizing effects of community meditative movements. Breath deep, increase strength and flexibility at the Dao House, 6120 CO-7, Estes Park. DaoUSA.org

The San Diego edition of Natural Awakenings is for sale.This is a The San Diego edition of business Natural meaningful home-based Awakenings for sale.This is a opportunity. Noisprevious publishing meaningful home-based business experience is required. Extensive opportunity. No previous publishing training & ongoing supportExtensive is provided. experience is required.

training & ongoing support is provided.

Learn more today! Learn 760.436.2343 more today! 760.436.2343 publisher@na-sd.com

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Looking for a way to bring in extra money but don’t want to get “another job”? Need something flexible to fit it into your life? What if you could transform your health and your wealth in the next 90 days by partnering with us? What if you could work a handful of hours each week and bring in a nice side income? We are looking for people who want the above and want to make a difference in the world while having FUN! WHAT IF YOU COULD? Please call for more info @ 303.903.8248 Mile High Natural Awakenings is for SALE! This is a meaningful home-based business opportunity that provides extensive training and ongoing support. No previous publishing experience is required; you must love having conversations with people. Make your own schedule, use your creativity and inspire others to learn about health, hope and happiness. Learn more today by calling Doug and Terry at 303-770-1981 or email Publish@MileHighNaturalAwakenings.com

HEALTHY PRODUCTS/SERVICES Saturday November 16th 1pm - 3pm: Create Your Own Custom Flower Essence Blend Healing Imprints presents a one of a kind workshop. Learn about the subtle but powerful influences Flower Essences can have in your life. Create your own Custom Flower Essence Blend to take home. Only 10 seats available. For details, price and registration go to HealingImprints.com $30 Off Initial Healing Session: Reiki, vibrational healing & intuitive reading. In person or phone. 2055 S Oneida St, Ste 330, Denver. JoAnne Palladino, Reiki Master-Teacher, Channel & Intuitive. 303-263-0679 or joanne@joannepalladino.com

JOBS AVAILABLE Earn Extra Spending $$ as a Distribution Driver for METRO DENVER & GOLDEN/ARVADA Areas: Natural Awakenings is looking for a reliable, conscientious, honest delivery driver with a good driving record and car, who lives in the area. Must have own insurance; basic ability to work with Excel/email; be available for a day or three between the 25th-1st; ability to take on side jobs for extra $$ on same route. No phone calls please. Email Doug@MileHighNaturalAwakenings.com with your qualifications.

Sadly, it’s much easier to create a desert than a forest. ~James Lovelock


The San Diego edition of Natural Awakenings is for sale.This is a

October 2019


community resource guide


Connecting you to resources for health, hope and happiness in our community. Special packages available for print and online. Email Publish@MileHighNaturalAwakenings.com for more information. AUTOMOTIVE CARE


Two Locations!


Counseling for Women, IFS Therapy, Past Life Therapy, Energy Healing, Classes 1211 S Parker Road, Suite 103, Denver 720-984-9575 / Liveyourknowing.com


15455 E Hinsdale Dr., Centennial 303-617-0152 / HinsdaleAuto.com

DC AUTO IN MORRISON 303-801-1959 / DCAutoshop.com Professional Mechanics, Not Professional Prices! Owner Darrell Weddell’s motto is to take care of your problem, educate you to make an informed decision, and to advise on future repairs and maintenance. Whether it’s major or minor issues, your electrical system, or a combination of mechanical problems, Darrell’s team has the experience and know-how to diagnose and accurately repair your vehicle.


Are you struggling with grief, relationship challenges, depression, anxiety or self-doubt? Are you feeling stuck in old patterns or confused on your path? Discover clarity and purpose, reveal your unique wisdom, gain confidence and experience sensitivity as strength. Live Your Knowing Counseling helps you gracefully bring wisdom to life through a unique blend of counseling and healing approaches including Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy, Past Life Therapy, Reiki, Metamorphosis and Bach Flower Essences. Experience the benefits of traditional counseling while openly and actively acknowledging the role of intuition and the soul’s journey in achieving wellbeing. Get started today with a phone or in-person complimentary consultation.



Debra Lin Allen, Founder/Director 720-427-0406 DebraLin.ChiWellness@gmail.com ChiWellness.net


8204 S. Kipling Pkwy Suite 160, Littleton 720-923-5880

Thrive in balance and flexibility in body and life, physical vigor and health, spontaneity and inner peace through chi cultivation, care and practice with Debra Lin Allen. Medical Qigong and Qigong Lifestyle Coaching by appointment. Group qigong self-care classes throughout the week. Professional certification programs to teach qigong and do medical qigong therapy also available. The best of health and prosperity await you, call today! See ad page 12.


Dr. Jamie Greear-Schmidt, DMD, practices safe mercury amalgam removal, ozone therapy, holistic oral surgery, minimally invasive dentistry and understands the strong connection between health and the oral cavity. She is a member of The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, and International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine, and is known for her warm chairside manner, gentle touch, and calming nature. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her family and soaking up all the beautiful nature that Colorado has to offer. See ad page 18.


JOURNEYS FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING 7401 West 59th Ave., Arvada 303-731-6695 / J4CL.com

Discover a life of passion, purpose and contribution. Journeys for Conscious Living is an organization leading the world in conscious living, hosting world class events, speakers and event center (space rental) to empower people to create thoughtful changes in living their lives every day, thus creating the space and energy to stay centered and expand the community. See ad page 24.

Dr. Cate Vieregger 7400 E Crestline Circle, Ste 230, Greenwood Village 303-770-1116 / VibranceDentistry.com Whether your goal is to encourage a healthy attitude towards oral health in your children or ease your own anxiety about dental procedures, our friendly staff and relaxing atmosphere will change the way you approach dental care. Our state-of-the-art equipment and spa-like amenities allow us to offer services that transcend traditional dentistry and promote whole-body wellness. See ad page 17.

In a gentle way, you can shake the world. ~Mahatma Gandhi 30

Denver Mile High Edition

Health, Hope & Happiness


Anita Destino 777 S Wadsworth Blvd. Bldg 2-108, Lakewood 720-413-7303 / AnitaDestino.com A safe place for people interested in creating change in their lives, Journey Within helps you focus on spiritual growth, developing your intuition and personal development. Give to yourself with Energy Healings, Angel Healings, Guided Meditations, Meditation Classes, Workshops and Intuitive Readings/Healings. Join us for Aura Clearing and Chakra Balancing every Wednesday from 6-7 pm, open to everyone. $5 per person. Free to first time visitors. See ad page 5.


7401 West 59th Ave., Arvada 303-731-6695 / J4CL.com Discover a life of passion, purpose and contribution. Journeys for Conscious Living is an organization leading the world in conscious living, hosting world class events, speakers, and gatherings, and offering an event center (space rental) to empower people to create and express thoughtful changes in living their lives every day, thus creating the space and energy to stay centered and expand community. See ad page 24.


Katia Meier, MD 9085 E Mineral Circle, #260, Centennial 303-790-7860 / ClearSkyMedical.com Feel and look your best at any age with Katia Meier, MD, Board Certified in Anti-Aging Medicine, Specialty trained in Bio-identical Hormone Therapy, Holistic and Naturopathic medicine in Europe and certified in laser and injectable aesthetic dermatology. Specializing in whole body health with customized approaches. All ages; most insurance welcome. Set up your appointment today. See ad page 21.


Intuitive – Channel – Reiki Master-Teacher 2055 S. Oneida St., Suite 330, Denver JoAnne@JoAnnePalladino.com 303-263-0679 / JoAnnePalladino.com NEW CLIENT Specials; FREE Activations to Awaken.Your session will touch all aspects of your being. 1. A meaningful intuitive reading helps expand perspectives; 2. Shmaya, a channeled vibrational light language, attunes you to a love frequency; 3. Reiki healing to dissolve energetic blockages; 4. Life changing guidance that will shift ‘old patterns’ that no longer serve you. In-person or by phone.


Gary & Sharon Worrell Addressing Stress Energetically 303-564-2723 / StrategiesforHealing.com The Life Vessel™ is a chamber that utilizes frequencies of light, sound, vibration and Infrared to balance and reduce stress in the body, allowing it to perform its innate, natural ability to heal itself. Research shows that time spent in the Life Vessel balances the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) and helps with stress reduction, detoxification, and pain management. When the ANS is in balance, other systems in the body are affected in a positive way.

INTEGRATIVE CARE CLEAR SKY MEDICAL with Dr. Katia Meier. Board Certified in Anti-Aging Medicine and specialty trained in BioIdentical Hormone Therapy and Functional Medicine. See full listing under PHYSICAN or see ad page 21.

NO-PAIN OPTIMAL ALIGNMENT NEUROENERGETIC RELEASE™ (NER) Donald W. Kipp, Founder 303-697-4923 Body-awareness.com NER helps people be Healthier, Decrease Pain, and Increase PeakPerformance...In Seconds! Control systems, not force are used to painlessly and quickly realign and rebalance the entire body. This releases whole-being patterns causing seemingly unrelated symptoms (such as back pain, headaches, indigestion, brain-fog and asthma). NER predicts and prevents injuries, degenerative changes, and dis-ease. Call now for optimal health and performance.

NUTRITIONAL COUNSELING CLEAR SKY MEDICAL with Dr. Katia Meier and staff offer Certified Nutrition therapists, specializing in the foodbrain connection, nutrition for cancer prevention, autoimmune diseases, food sensitivities/allergies, elimination diets and medically supervised weight loss.. See full listing under PHYSICAN or see ad page 21.


Breann Colpitts, Ed.S, NCSP 4900 W. 29th Ave. Ste. 4, Denver 303-809-2909 / Successfullysocialco.com Quirky kids, adolescents, and young adults learn skills to navigate our fastpaced social world. Successfully Social’s programs of social coaching, intentional parent community, and holistic gut brain axis support helps clients become better version of themselves. You can expect to increase friendship-making skills; better understand social nuances; succeed socially; have positive interactions with others, and more.


Natural Sleep Solutions

plus: Optimal Thyroid Function BETTER SLEEP ISSUE


Dr. Katia Meier 9085 E Mineral Circle, #260, Centennial 303-790-7860 / ClearSkyMedical.com Feel and look your best with Dr Katia Meier, Board Certified Holistic MD specializing in whole body health for children and adults. Customized approaches to Healthy Aging, Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy, Nutritional Analysis and therapy, medical aesthetics and non-surgical rejuvenation treatments, Homeopathy, Herbology, Naturopathic Medicine, Personalized Detoxification Program, Medical Weight Loss for men and women. Make your appointment today. See ad page 21.


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Aromatherapy • Meditation Eco-Friendly Bedding & Accessories Energy Healing • Skin Care and Spas ... and this is just a partial list!


Uplifting Humanity plus: Earth-Friendly Holidays

Conscious Relationship/Tantra Coach 1025 Rosewood Ave, Ste 106, Boulder 303-630-9479 / JudithAnneCondon.com I am dedicated to Conscious Relationship & Tantra. Tantra. It’s a path of meditation…what sets it apart from other ‘paths’ is that it looks to the wisdom of the body & the senses as a means to becoming more present & alive in every aspect of our lives. Our bodies have a deep wisdom that modern life often ignores. Sessions include bioenergetics, breathe practices, meditation & more. There is no nudity or sexual contact. Individuals & couples may explore issues such as Tantric Lovemaking & Spirituality; Tools for Initiating & Deepening Intimacy; Support in the Awakening Process; Men, Women’s & Teens Empowerment.


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Age-Defying Lifestyles plus: Immune Support


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303-770-1981 October 2019


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