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Notícia Milénio Stadium
Nas últimas semanas, houve vários relatos de que a Clínica de Saúde Mental do Toronto Western Hospital estaria a fechar os serviços para a comunidade portuguesa. O Toronto Star numa edição da semana passada teve como manchete “Clínica Portuguesa de Saúde Mental de longa data está prestes a encerrar, levantando alarmes para o futuro dos serviços numa língua específica, em Toronto”.
Desde que Marit Stiles publicou uma carta alertando a comunidade sobre essa possibilidade, o Milénio Stadium consultou o ministro Michael Tibollo e outros sobre as consequências do encerramento dos serviços de saúde mental durante um período de pandemia. A 30 de março de 2021, o Milénio recebeu garantias de que os serviços continuariam e que apenas seriam necessários alguns pequenos ajustes na sua prestação.
A correspondência da UHN e do ministro Tibollo, que apresentamos em anexo, confirma a continuação dos serviços.
O Milénio Stadium continuará a acompanhar este assunto e comunicará à comunidade portuguesa todos os desenvolvimentos.
Manuel DaCosta/MS “Dear Minister Tibollo, Please find a copy of a letter sent to a referring family physician to our mental health program. Sadly, whenever a valued colleague moves along, especially those with unique linguist and cultural skills we take some time to readjust our programs. Fortunately, there are a number of other Portuguese speaking clinicians at the clinic as well as translation services which will be increasingly made available. Should you have any other questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at your convenience.
Sincerely Kevin Smith”
“Dear Dr.xxxxxx Please be assured that the clinic is “not folding”! We are continuing to be open for business with mental health clinicians and psychotherapists who speak Portuguese continuing to be available at TWH. Thank you for taking the time to reach out and clarify the confusion. We know how valuable the service is. We are also sending a letter out to all of the SCOPE and referring doctors to ensure clarity and I have attached it to this email. Best regards, Susan Susan Abbey, MD, FRCPC Psychiatrist-in-Chief, Centre for Mental Health, University Health Network Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto
ln the past weeks there have been a number of reports that the Mental Health Clinic at Toronto Western Hospital would be closing to the Portuguese Community. The Toronto Star in an edition last week had a headline “Long standing Portuguese Mental Health Clinic is set to close, raising alarms for the future of language specific services in Toronto”.
Since Marit Stiles published a letter alerting the community to this possibility, Milenio Stadium consulted Minister Michael Tibollo and others about the consequences of removing mental health services during a time of the pandemic. On March 30, 2021, Milenio received assurances that the services would continue and that some minor adjustments in the delivery of services were required.
Correspondence from UHN and Minister Tibollo confirm the continuance of services.
Milenium Stadium will continue to follow this issue and advise the Portuguese community accordingly.
Manuel DaCosta/MS “Earlier last year, I was proud to launch the Roadmap to Wellness: A Plan to Build Ontario’s Mental Health and Addictions System - our government’s plan to build a modern, connected and integrated mental health and addictions system,” said Michael Tibollo, Associate Minister of Mental Health and Addictions. “To enable Roadmap to Wellness, our government is investing $3.8 billion over 1O years to create new services and expand programs. Through our Roadmap to Wellness, we are committed to providing culturally safe and age-appropriate mental health and addictions supports to all Ontarians, no matter where they live in the province of Ontario. To be clear, public hospitals are independent corporations that are governed by their boards of directors and are responsible for their day-to-day operations. I want to thank University Health Network for their commitment to keeping the Portuguese community informed on this matter, and for continuing to provide access to culturally safe mental health care for the local community”. Associate Minister of Mental Health and Addictions, Michael Tibollo
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Créditos: DR
Faça o seu donativo através do
Ms. Denise Medeiros
Easter is a time for reflection where the resurrection of Jesus Christ heralds new beginnings of time for self-assessment and rejuvenation.
We live in a world where looking after each other is more important than ever. Ms. Denise Medeiros is someone who’s life has been made difficult by disease and she needs her neighbours to help. She needs love not pity. MS is crippling her body preventing access to the most basic functions in life. You and I can facilitate by contributing to a GoFundMe campaign currently underway to rebuild parts of her home and make her life bearable. Let’s make it the gift of Easter. She recently wrote a letter about how life is for her which possibly speaks about many others who are suffering.
“Today it’s hit me hard. Unable to walk, to stand, taking a shower oh boy, tripping here and there, major struggle to climb my stairs, couldn’t get into bed. By the time I was settled in I was a wreck. Cried and cried and cried some more. Hate this life, hate me and most of all hate you MS. You have taken my life away. No longer independent. Can’t do anything on my own anymore. A burden to all cuz I can sense the frustration and anger. I don’t want to be here anymore. Good night.”
Let’s help Denise ease her pain. Go to GoFundMe/Denise Medeiros and contribute what you can.
Sra. Denise Medeiros
A Páscoa é um momento de reflexão onde a ressurreição de Jesus Cristo anuncia um novo início de tempo para autoavaliação e rejuvenescimento.
Vivemos num mundo onde cuidar uns dos outros é mais importante do que nunca. Dona Denise Medeiros é uma pessoa que tem a sua vida dificultada pela doença e que precisa da ajuda dos vizinhos. Ela precisa de amor, não de pena. MS está aleijando seu corpo, impedindo o acesso às funções mais básicas da vida. Todos podem contribuir para uma campanha GoFundMe em andamento para reconstruir partes da sua casa e tornar a sua vida suportável. Vamos fazer disso o presente da Páscoa. Recentemente, ela escreveu uma carta sobre como é a vida para ela, que possivelmente fala sobre muitos outros que estão sofrendo.
“Hoje me atingiu com força. Incapaz de andar, de ficar em pé, de tomar banho, ah, de tropeçar aqui e ali, grande dificuldade para subir as escadas, não consegui ir para a cama. Quando me acomodei, estava um caco. Chorei e chorei e chorei mais um pouco. Odeio essa vida, me odeio e acima de tudo odeio-te MS. Tiraste-me a vida. Não sou mais independente. Não posso mais fazer nada por conta própria. Um fardo para todos porque eu posso sentir a frustração e a raiva. Não quero mais ficar aqui. Boa noite.”
Vamos ajudar Denise a aliviar a sua dor. Vá a GoFundMe/Denise Medeiros e contribua com o que puder.
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Feliz Páscoa