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A matter of family
The Covid-19 pandemic was a severe disruptor of the family unit. The lack of connectivity of family and friends created voids and/or angst because of lack of communication or the negative consequences of closures inside our homes where our annoyances with each other were further exposed.
Many consider the pandemic to be over and that it is no longer about the disease but about fear. People are attempting to reconnect but the damage is done and we may never be able to find a cure for the madness currently afflicting the world and by extension, family structures.
The concept of family can be defined as a basic social unit consisting of parents and their children as a group, whether they live together or not. We all come from somewhere and were born in a home. That home often defines who we are and where our heart is.
Home is not a house but it’s where the consciousness of your being is stored. A broken home is not a destroyed structure but a family’s foundation being overturned and all promises of tranquility and love being dissipated. The squandering of a home and all the consciousness within it cannot be recovered and put together, creating hollowness and loss in all participants that contributed to the extinction.
Today’s family units are being challenged more than ever, economically and by world consequences. The silence of many about the problems within homes speaks volumes about the pressures of keeping families together, particularly with the challenges being thrust upon baby boomers by the younger generations. The fuss over Prince Harry’s memoir is absurd, given that the familial war being observed has always existed within family units, particularly those with money. True that bringing the salacious details of family challenges is not considered to be ideal but how else do you create discussion about the reality of what millions of families are fighting about each day? Cultural identities are imploding because cross-pollination while those who place themselves atop the cultural ladder and secretly think they belong to a superior race gnaw their teeth in observing the world changing in front of their eyes. The British monarchy is an example of wealth and privilege who do not identify with common citizens but are supported by millions of ignorant minions who cannot see through the fog of their own failures of social inequality.
We cannot be subordinates to classes of privileged billionaires with very little conscience and who have taken a middle class to the poorhouse. Family wars will accel- erate as financial pressures persist. Millennials find Gen X’s disgusting and Boomers find Millennials absurd while Boomers find Millennials opportunistic who are only interested in finding their freedom on earth while waiting for their parents to die.
Young people have always confused their elders and today’s youngsters are no different. They have thin wallets and expensive tastes. They want to be authentic without contributing in any meaningful way to the progression of society, but they will define the next era of consumerism while baby boomers keep supporting them and the economy. Gen Z and Millennials are about a third of the population and the amount of spending in 2021 was $ 2.7 trillion or around 30% of total spending. Where is this money coming from and why are they always suggesting they have no money? A report by McKinsey published in 2022 found that a quarter of Gen Z’s doubted they would be able to afford to retire and less than half believe they will ever own a home. So, where will they live? Perhaps with their parents forcing them to postpone their plans for retirement and enjoyment of the fruits of their labour. In France, protests about pension reforms continue because the government wants to increase the age from 62 to 64. Two years more! Could it be that no planning was done and people only depend on the government for income? No wonder countries’ pension plans will go bankrupt in the next few years as aging populations can’t be supported by the laziness of younger generations.
The fishbowls that families are today could be made bearable if respect and humbleness was inserted in the home. Children are what their parents show them. The world can only be better with good parenting who understand society and contribute to it in meaningful ways. Let us stop parental wussiness and lead from a position of strength.
Manuel DaCosta/MS
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