3 minute read
Crevices & Pancakes
The road to hell has gone through Turkey and Syria. The cataclysmic earthquake that rampaged through the regions of southern Turkey and northwestern Syria has surpassed 33,000 with more than 30,000 in Turkey alone. Hope for those still trapped under the pancaked rubble is fading by the hour, compounding the suffering.
disasters are a result of climate change but overlooking the fact that politics often are part of the equation as protective measures are overlooked by those who should be enforcing planning and building codes. Yes, fissures opened and buckled the earth where this disaster occurred but the crevices to hell could have been reduced had corrupted politicians and building officials ensured proper construction measures. As received worldwide attention and help, we have failed the people of Northwest Syria. These people feel that they have been abandoned and international help has not arrived. Why? Are they not human beings like Turkish people? Geopolitical conflicts and the civil war in Syria have derailed humanitarian efforts, but there must be a way that differences can be put aside to save lives.
Turkey’s Justice Ministry said it opened an “earthquake crimes investigation office” to probe possible negligence that left buildings vulnerable to collapse during the quakes. Since 1983 when democracy was established in Turkey there was a build- ing boom. Construction standards were overlooked by corrupt officials as is often the case when fascist to democratic transitions occur. The president of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan came into power in 2014. Since the beginning of his mandate, he has done nothing to curb the corruption and has slowly transitioned the country into a semi-fascist state. 6,000 buildings have collapsed in an area known for faulty tectonic plates and the president never ordered an investigation into the construction of the suspected buildings. There is blood on the hands of Erdogan and his government and attempts at silencing the media will not reduce the opinions of the world about his double-standard of government.
The UN secretary general Antonio Guterres is fond of using grim proclamations such as “nuclear annihilation” and “climate hell”. Perhaps he should focus on “exploitation of the common people” and make an example of Turkey. Organizations such as the UN and NATO have lost the ability to protect people and are focusing on processes. The tolerance of political corruption and shoddy construction will place many areas of the world to be swallowed by the next crater. This disaster is about much more than an earthquake. It’s about men’s lack of humanity to men and political conveniences. Turkey should serve as an example that governments do not exist to protect. They are very much like the collapsed building with concrete like sand and without reinforcing steel. They are selfish shells surviving in an environment where they matter. It’s all a show of smiles and handshakes with moralities of donkeys.
Don’t just persecute the builders of the structures. Oppress and jail all those who have accepted the responsibility to protect us against occurrences such as Turkey. No, the road to hell is not paved with good intentions.
Manuel DaCosta/MS
Manuel DaCosta
Vince Nigro
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