1 minute read

The earth is quaking

than diplomacy, or finding legal loopholes to get around the veto at the Security Council. These recourses, as we all know, take a lot more time than the people of western Syria have. The people are suffering as I write this, and when you read this, little or maybe nothing will have changed. The Islamic group that controls the region is also reportedly refusing help from areas that are government-controlled, so for now, it will be just the one border-crossing to supply millions of people in dire need of help. Knowing all of this, some will still be sticking to their guns, and there’s definitely no

One would figure that now that all the world is a stage, where it’s difficult to hide any major international move, that in times such as these the egomaniacs putting on the displays of power at the world’s expense, would at the very least allow for the ease of human suffering even if only to avoid embarrassment in the eyes of the world. But no! We’ve come to a point where it doesn’t matter anymore. We’re just numbers now, more than ever. Hollywood makes movies based on videogames, and world powers are following suit. News outlets are rolling out the numbers on a daily basis, which is what we’ve all become accustomed to and expect. Imagine if Toronto had been the epicenter of what happened in Turkey and Syria a week ago. Imagine the GTA’s population scrambling to find their loved ones among the debris. Imagine screaming for help and getting no response. Imagine it getting cold and you have no roof over your head and no idea when, or if, the situation was going to change. This isn’t a videogame, it’s yet another wakeup call warning us that we are getting in deep over our heads. The more we sit, the more we look away, the closer to home these issues will come. It’s already happening.

Raul Freitas/MS

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