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Solo/Small Practice Division Update
Solo/Small Practice Division Update
By Alexandra Baron
Fall Mixer
On October 7th, after over one year and half since the Solo/ Small Practice Division (“SSPD”) had an in-person event, the SSPD jointly hosted a fall mixer with the business law section outdoors at Drake’s The Barn, located in West Sacramento. Attendees were treated to a scenic sunset, new connections and one free beer. If you did not attend the fall mixer this year, you certainly missed out!
While the mixer was hosted by the SSPD and the business law section, all SCBA members were welcomed and encouraged to attend. In fact, all SCBA members are welcome to attend all SSPD events, which generally have widespread applicability across practice areas.
The SSPD looks forward to hosting future mixers as a great way of expanding its members’ networking and socializing opportunities.
Advancing Your Law Practice with the Solo/Small Practice Division
On September 9th, our respected board member, Tyler Q. Dahl, Principal Attorney at the Law Offices of Tyler Q. Dahl, one of less than 100 attorneys in the United States designated as a Certified Tax Coach, presented on “21st Century Law Firms: Utilizing Technology and Ethical Implications.” Technology is rapidly advancing how law firms are managed and how business as usual is run. Tyler provided key insights on technology and software to increase efficiency and maximize revenue in law firms. He further provided key insights regarding the ethical implications of the use of case management software citing to ethical opinions. This presentation was well attended and thoroughly enjoyed.
Alexandra A. Baron, Board Member of the SSPD, practices family law in the Sacramento region. She may be contacted at alexandra@ baronfamilylaw.com.
Let’s Collaborate!
The SSPD is committed to providing members with the most relevant educational and networking opportunities possible. To that end, please feel free to contact SSPD board members to discuss possible topics and/or networking opportunities.
In the meantime, please check the SCBA calendar for upcoming SSPD events!