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Solo/Small Practice Division Update
Alexandra Baron, Board Member of the SSPD, practices family law in the Sacramento region. She may be contacted at alexandra@baronfamilylaw.com.
By Alexandra Baron
Upcoming Mixer!
On August 19th, the Solo/ Small Practice Division (“SSPD”) is jointly hosting its fall mixer with the Business Law Section. We look forward to seeing everyone again in person after a long year of being virtual. The SSPD’s mixers are a great way to network and socialize with other local attorneys. Many SSPD members have reaped the benefits of referrals from other SSPD members, after meeting through SSPD events.
Advancing Your Law Practice with the Solo/Small Practice Division
On March 3rd, Kenneth E. Bacon, senior counsel at Mastagni Holstedt and a certified specialist in legal malpractice law, presented on “Ethically Handling Advance Deposits and Credit Card Payments.” With the recent revisions to California’s Rules of Professional Conduct, this was an extremely informative and practical presentation helping to ensure members remain in compliance with the guidelines.
On April 7th, Karen Goodman of Goodman Law Corporation, presented on “Transitioning Your Solo Practice in a Virtual World – How to Adjust to the Changing Legal Profession.” Goodman, also a certified specialist in legal malpractice law, highlighted the importance and ethical obligations of planning for emergencies, the adjustments to the legal profession post-pandemic and the realities and opportunities regarding succession planning. Goodman gave attendees critical and practical information which is often overlooked by attorneys.
Michael Chastaine of Chastaine Law Office has given SSPD members several very helpful presentations on “Increasing Profitability,” focusing specifically on small law offices. Later in the year, the SSPD board’s very own Tyler Dahl of Law Offices of Tyler Q. Dahl will discuss the “Top 5 Technology and Ethics Issues” for small law firms.
If you are not a member of the SSPD and would like to be, simply let SCBA know you would like to be included. There is no additional fee for membership in our section.
Let’s Collaborate!
The SSPD is committed to providing its members with the most relevant educational and networking opportunities possible. To that end, please feel free to contact SSPD board members to discuss possible topics and/or networking opportunities.
In the meantime, please check the SCBA calendar for upcoming SSPD events!