1 minute read


By Bryan Hawkins

Bryan Hawkins,President, Sacramento County Bar Association


It’s hard to believe that we are mere weeks away from Sacramento County Bar Association’s first in-person event in more than two years! While the Bench Bar Reception has always been a time to celebrate the amazing judges we have in our County, it is also a time to reflect on the fact that even the smallest things – like being able to sit in a room together – can never be taken for granted.

With that said, we are all very eagerly preparing for and looking forward to this year’s Bench Bar Reception and celebrating Judge Lawrence Brown. I want to thank the Association’s Board of Directors, the entirety of its Executive Committee, the Bench Bar planning committee, and the Association’s amazing staff – Milenko Vlaisavjevic, Barbara Souza, and Larry Doyle – for all the energy and hard work it has taken (and will continue to take) to put on this tremendous event.

In addition to the Bench Bar Reception, I would also like to take a moment to promote the great work being done by all our Sections and Divisions. Whether it be slowly bringing people back together for in-person events or continuing to put on valuable and informative CLE events, our Sections and Divisions have done an excellent job of representing the Association and serving our members.

One last plug – please stay tuned for more information regarding not only this year’s Annual Meeting but also the return of the Evening with the Mayors event. This event has been twice delayed due to the effects of COVID-19, but we are looking forward to hosting it this year on October 27, 2022 with the attendance of Mayors Steinberg (Sacramento), Guerrero (West Sacramento), Singh-Allen (Elk Grove), and Bernasconi (Roseville).

Finally, I also want to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank Shanae Buffington and Trevor Carson, who shepherded the Association as our Presidents in 2020 and 2021 respectively. It is due in large part to your leadership and dedication that the Association can host this year’s event and celebrate Judge Brown. We all stand on the shoulders of those who came before us, and I am grateful to stand on yours.

Thank you again and I hope to see you all at the Bench Bar Reception.

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