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Specialised Transport
MiLife-Victoria has continued to provide transport services to approximately 30 clients throughout the year, enabling them to travel to and from MiLife-Victoria sites with the support of bus drivers.
Transport has been provided to clients since MiLife-Victoria began 30 years ago, and continues to be a vital offering that is popular with clients and families. It is a point of difference for MiLife-Victoria as many other providers within the disability space no longer provide transport due to the cost for maintenance and upkeep of vehicles, as well as the costly accreditation process.
The AYLO app has improved the organisation’s ability to track the exact kilometres travelled and enables drivers to track which clients are on the bus run. The system helps the finance team to work out client transport charges and assists with other administrative tasks. Unfortunately, the AYLO app will no longer be supported from December 2022 and as such different systems are being considered as a replacement.
MiLife-Victoria provides transport to clients from Pakenham to Aspendale and as far south as Rosebud, with six bus drivers responsible for the runs and ensuring the safety of their passengers.
From July 2021 to June 2022 the buses travelled a total of 160,435 kilometres.
From July to September 2021 buses were unable to operate due to the lockdown and social distancing rules. During this time, staff transported clients into the Langwarrin Hub in their own personal vehicles.
Buses are also used during the day to transport clients from the site to community activities such as bowling, basketball and other outings. Previously the older vehicles that are owned by MiLife-Victoria were used for program activities, however, staff and clients are now able to use the new leased vehicles which are much more comfortable.
There have been many times when staff members have stepped in to the bus driver role when drivers have been sick or on leave. This is a huge help and the support of these staff members is appreciated and certainly does not go unnoticed.