Trans-media Campaign for a small beauty brand (Consonant)

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Milica Kovacevic FCD603 Section 01

FREE YOUR SKIN Free it from: quick fixes. False promises. Failed expectations. From regimens that feel too regimented. From perfect people with perfect, stress-free faces. Your skin deserves honesty. And honestly, skin care is free to be so much more. It’s body and mind. It’s moisturizer and meditation. It’s as much serum as it is sex. Food. Sleep. Work. Everything is connected to your skin. Now’s the time to change when, where and how skin is cared for. Time to pair real products with real life. Time to free your skin care...from skin care as you know it.



ABOUT THE CLIENT Consonant Skin+Care is Canada’s fastest-growing and most award-winning line of natural and organic skin care (Consonant, n.d.). The brand’s mission is to produce innovative products that deliver immediate results and contribute to your overall well-being (Consonant, n.d.). The company is based from Toronto and was founded in 2009 by Bill Baker (Consonant, n.d.). Baker founded the company as a way to take natural skin care out of the health food store and bring it into the mainstream. Consonant skincare products are 100-per-cent natural, which makes them healthy (Consonant, n.d.). However, the reason why the company has achieved the success it has today is due to the clinical potency of its formulations, which although based in natural ingredients, are dermatologically efficient and powerful. Consonant approaches skincare from a wholistic perspective. From food, to your sleeping routine, down to your hobbies and even sex; for Consonant skin is the reflection of all your daily choices . Apart from selling their product through their well-established eCommerce platform, Consonant has 3 physical retail locations in Toronto which all serve as skincare and bodycare service providers, equipped with cutting edge skin laser technologies, while also retailing the Consonant products. In addition to this, the company’s products just started being carried at retailers like, and Holt Renfrew.



Consonant’s primary target market is across the Millennial generational cohort. This bracket includes those between the ages of 24 - 35. Women are the primary consumers of skincare and Consonant mainly targets them, however, across the brand’s website it is evident that men are also included as a secondary segment. Additionally, diversity is imperative to Consonant which is evident on both its website and social media pages, where the brand features models and influencers from a range of different backgrounds, ethnicities as well as ages. Although Consonant is growing and expanding its customer base, their access to the Gen Z, Gen X and Baby Boomer generational cohorts is still limited. One of the goals for the “My Mom’s Genes” Mother’s Day campaign will be to build brand awareness within those three generational cohorts. However, the primary objective is to increase skincare sales by 30% in store 50% online, by penetrating the Gen Z, Gen X and Baby Boomer target segements. Additionally, the last objective of this campaign is to increase sales and appointment bookings at the physical retail locations. The propsed time frame for this campaign will be 4 weeks prior to Mother’s Day 2022. The campaign will roll out on April 8 and will culminate in the winner’s announcement on Friday, May 6, the day before Mother’s Day weekend (May 8, 2022).




Currently, majority of Consonant’s target market segment falls into the Millennial generation cohort. The age range for this generation is 24-40 years old, and majority of Consonant’s market falls withing the 24-35 age range. Millennials are an economic force to be reconned with in Toronto, as it is said that an average Millennial household took home approximately $90,000 in 2020 (Newhomes, 2019). That being said, New Home Buyers Research, mentions that although Millennials are financially powerful, Gen Z is the generational group growing the fastest in Ontario (Newhomes, 2019 ). From 2016 to 2018, Gen Z population in Toronto, (those between 6 and 23 years of age) has grown by more than 150,000 per year (Newhomes, 2019), thus it would be prudent for Consonant to attract this market and solidify a target segment within it. In terms of Gen X and Baby Boomers, these are two generational cohorts with a lot of potential appeal for CONSONANT. While Baby Boomers hold the most wealth in Canada and Toronto, Gen X is leading in consumer spending. Both generational cohorts are aging (important for target for skincare brands) and have high spending power compared to the younger generations. They have achieved their career peaks, own property and are financially stable (Heisz et Richards, 2019).


GEN Z DEMOGRAPHICS With Gen Z having the highest demographic growth in Ontario, it is important for Consonant to reach that consumer. Gen Z represents more than 20% of Canada’s population and based on the 2016 Toronto Census Data, those between the age of 18 and 24 represent 9.3% of Toronto’s population (252 855 people) (Government of Canada, 2019). Research from 2019 by American Express, says that 65% of Canadian Gen Z prefers to shop in-store, which supports Consonant’s goal of increasing brick-andmortar traffic and sales (Richard, 2019). The same research showed that more than half of Canadian Gen Z is motivated to purchase products by having the option to sample them prior to committing to a purchase, which is information that “My Mom’s Genes” campaign will leverage (Richard, 2019). While 62% of Gen-Z research their beauty products online, 90% say they prefer to buy their cosmetics in-store (In-Cosmetics, 2020). Although Gen Z is quite independent and financially savvy, many receive extensive financial support from their Gen X and Baby Boomer parents, which gives them additional economic power. This generation is digitally connected through Instagram and TikTok social media platforms. In addition, Gen Z is not only turning away from unsustainable products and companies but is willing to pay more for organic and ethically made products (Furbee, 2021). Surveys of Gen Z has shown that 73% are willing to pay more for sustainability, majority of which would pay upto a 10% premium (Furbee, 2021). Forbes mentions that with more liberal views on race, sexuality and self-expression, Gen Z men and teens are more accustomed to using skincare, which will also be an important segment this campaign will aim to activate (In-Cosmetics, 2020).



SOCIAL NETWORKERS According to Environics Analytics PRIZM5 Consumer Insights, Social Networkers are the youngest independent consumers in Canada (18-23). They are highly educated or still in the process of pursuing their college/ university degrees, they are from diverse backgrounds and live in city cores, with 66% being unattached and single (Environics Analytics, 2020). While in their early twenties, they earn an average of $55,523, are starting or have just started their careers in entry level jobs and usually rent (Environics Analytics, 2020). They are passionate about experiences and love going out with friends to bars and clubs, theatres and art galleries. They treat exercise as a religion, work out at a fitness club and are conscious about their appearance (Environics Analytics, 2020). This ties into their on-the-go lifestyle and obsession with staying connected through social media and mobile (Environics Analytics, 2020).


GEN X DEMOGRAPHICS Gen X, those between the ages of 37-52, constitute 22.4% of Toronto’s population based on the 2016 Census, represent an important local consumer segment (Government of Canada, 2019). What is important here is to stipulate that out of those 612 544 people, 319 111 are women, which, going by Gen X psychographics, are significantly more likely to be interested in skincare than men of the same generational cohort (Government of Canada, 2019). In this case Gen X women would constitute 11.7% of Toronto’s population, which is a substantial market segment (Government of Canada, 2019). Gen Xers are extremely aware of sustainability issues, such as green energy and climate change (Lister, 2020). Wordstream, Online Advertising Analytics company, notes that one of the keys to marketing to Gen X is offering coupons, as this generation has grown up through a flux of financial ups and downs, which “My Mom’s Genes” will utilize in its campaign (Lister, 2020). According to the same study, Gen X has an extreme affinity for organic and ethically manufactured products, which is exactly the niche that Consonant occupies (Lister, 2020). Although, like most other generations, Gen X does their shopping research online, majority likes to make final purchases in-store (Bambora, 2020), a statistic that Consonant will utilize to drive traffic to its physical locations, especially within the Gen X segment.


GEN X PSYCHOGRAPHIC PROFILES YOUNG DIGERATTI According to the Environics Analytics PRIZM5 Consumer Insights, Young Digerati age range spans from 35-54 years old. They are tech-savvy and live in posh areas bordering urban cores. Their median household income is $128,178 and they are highly educated. (Environics Analytics, 2020). They appreciate condo and apartment living, taking care of their bodies through fitness and spend on clothing and cosmetics and support small businesses (Environics Analytics, 2020). Many Young Digeratis have started families while living in an urban or urban adjacent environment (Environics Analytics, 2020).

MOVERS & SHAKERS Another Canadian consumer segment based on the PRIZM 5 classification, are the Movers and Shakers (Environics Analytics, 2020). These consumers fall into the age category between 45 and 64 years of age, thus about 40% of this segment belongs to the Gen X cohort. The Movers and Shakers belong to the business class with a household income of $129,774 and are highly educated (Environics Analytics, 2020). They have children that are between 10-25 years old (Environics Analytics, 2020). They live in suburban areas, however, they are used to spending their time in downtown urban cores where they work in the financial, business and tech sectors (Environics Analytics, 2020). They are fitness and status conscious and balance alcohol intake and with healthy foods and organic produce (Environics Analytics, 2020). They are highly digitally active (Environics Analytics, 2020).



Currently Baby Boomers are between 57-75 years old. In Toronto this generational cohort represents 16.5% of the population (451,127 people) (Government of Canada, 2019). Similarly to GenX, Baby Boomer women use skincare, as well as naturally made products at a significantly higher rate than their male counterparts. Women represent just over a half of this generational cohort (240,932 people) and a total of 8.8% of Toronto’s population (Government of Canada, 2019). Baby Boomers have amassed considerably more wealth than both GenX and Millennials and they like to spend it on experiences and products, however, they look for value and are smart spenders (Lister, 2020). Baby Boomers are becoming increasingly more technologically savvy and are embracing ecommerce and digital platforms. Ecommerce provides this group with the convenience of getting their daily chores done, while being able to spend their leisure time in a relaxing way (Lister, 2020). Baby Boomers care deeply about their children and their opinions, even more than those of their parents (Fingerman et al., 2012). They are avid users of Facebook (Lister, 2020). According to WordStream, Baby Boomers have the highest value as consumers today and are willing to splurge on items that are not on their ‘grocery list’ (Lister, 2020). More than 60% of Baby Boomers says they buy natural and organic beauty and personal care (Zion, 2020).


BABY BOOMERS PSYCHOGRAPHIC PROFILES MOVERS & SHAKERS The other 60% of Movers and Shakers belongs to the Baby Boomer generational cohort, encapsulating those Movers and Shakers between the 57 and 64 years old (Environics Analytics, 2020).

SAVVY SENIORS With an average household income of $115,726, according to the PRIZM 5 classification, the highly educated, Savvy Seniors, live in Canadian cities and enjoy urban dwelling (Environics Analytics, 2020). They own easyto-maintain singles, rows, apartments and condos. (Environics Analytics, 2020). Upwards of 40% of Savvy Seniors are older than 65, and if they aren’t empty nesting, their children in their twenties or late teens are living with them (Environics Analytics, 2020). They have the time and money to travel and take care of their health through fitness. Savvy Seniors love supporting local businesses and they believe in community involvement (Environics Analytics, 2020). They are socially aware and engage in political campaigns, social justice and support a wide range of charities (Environics Analytics, 2020). In their free time they visit cultural institutions such as museums, galleries, theatres and opera houses (Environics Analytics, 2020).



CONTEST To enter the competition you and your mom (or grandmother, aunt, mother figure) must make a video on your platform of choice talking about what you love about your skin/ your mom’s skin, and what is one skincare hack they learned from eachother

Announce contest and contest details on website, Instagram, Facebok and TikTok

Recruit a diverse set of influencers (that CONSONANT has worked with before) across all three platforms. They will start positing their videos and get the ball rolling

For it to go viral participants need to nominate 3 friends for the challenge

Contest Details: For Mother’s Day win a $1000 SPA package for you and your mom at CONSONANT SKINCARE spa on Queen St W



SkinKin YOGA

SAMPLES and goodie bags for participants of both events

Posters posted on steet car shelter stops


#skinkinyogaconsonant #skinkincookoutconsonant

Best participant dishes from SkinKin Cookout will be featured on the Consonant Website Blog and social media

Consonant Posters with “My Mom’s Genes” Imagery (Mothers and Mother Figures with daughters/ sons and quotes) with QR code leading to website

Brochures will be given out at the physical retail and spa locations, containing the event breakdown and QR code leading to website

Campaign posters posted through Queen, Dundas and Osgoode subway stations and the path


D I G I TA L EVENT Contest Details:

SkinKin COOKOUT The first 30 participants to enter the contest on Day 2 are invited to the CONSONANT cooking class event “SkinKin Cookout: Feed Your Skin”

COUPONS Cards will contain scratch-off discount codes, from 10%30% off online purchase, as well as QR code leading to website



SkinKin Yoga will have a ‘Consonant Instgram wall’ for participants to take pictures in front of and post on social

Distribute free sample kits of best-selling skincare routine products

3-5 days before Mother’s Day, Consonant reps will be handing out in-house custom designed Mother’s Day Cards and product samples along Queen St. and Dundas square


hashtag your post with: #mymomsgeneschallenge #skinkin #nextof(s)kin

The first 30 participants to enter the contest on Day 1 are invited to the CONSONANT yoga event “SkinKin Yoga: Bond, Bend and Stretch”



SkinKin Yoga and SkinKin Cookout will be live streamed on social and recorded and posted on the website

Will be selecting 3 monther (grandmother, aunt, mother figure) and daughter/ son duos as winners; One from each social media channel: Instagram, Facebook and TikTok

SkinKin MASTERCLASS Mini SkinKin Skin + Care Masterclass at the end of the panel

Main event within segment

Digital event will be announced on the website + social

SkinKin Talks and Masterclass will be live streamed on social and recorded and posted on the website

In the lead-up to the final “winners announcement”, CONSONANT will host a digital pannel on evolution of beauty standards called “SkinKin Talks: In My Mom’s Genes”

Questions sourced from audience through live-stream

COUPONS Invite 2 influencers/their moms, 1 beauty guru, a psychologist, and a dermatologist (different perspectives)

Those whose questions are selected get 20% OFF coupons or a free product

Related to main event Related across different segments

Ongoing, from the start until the winners announcement

Happens one time

Ongoing, past the winners announcement


NARRATIVE WHAT + HOW What is ‘My Mom’s Genes’? ‘My Mom’s Genes’ is a 4-week multi-platform advertising campaign for CONSONANT Skin+Care that will roll out in the 4 weeks preceding Mother’s Day 2022 (Sunday, May 8). The campaign contest will be announced on Saturday, April 9th and the winners will be announced on Friday, May 7th. This campaign celebrates the relationships all of us have with our mothers, aunts, grandmothers and other mother figures in our lives. It positions Consonant as a cross-generational brand focused on growing with the consumer throughout their life. From late-teens to late seventies, the high-potency, naturally derived compounds are formulated to support the skin at any stage in life. This campaign will reiterate the Consonant values supporting healthy lifestyles through movement and nutrition towards better skin, while fostering mother-daughter/son bonding and will work to create a conscious dialogue on the generational evolution of beauty and skin standards. The campaign consists of a multi-platform social media contest with three lucrative prize winners, and will engage contest participants in live and digital events aimed at loving and caring for your skin at any age.


NARRATIVE WHAT + HOW How does it work? The contest will be announced on the website ( and on social media channels: Instagram, Facebook and TikTok. Each of the social media platforms will have one set of winners and participants are encouraged to enter the contest on all three platforms. To enter the contest the participants will be challenged to create a video of themselves and their mothers/ aunts/grandmothers or mother figures in which they speak about what they love about each other’s skin and what is a skincare hack they learned from one a another. For their post to count as an entry, they will have to hashtag it with contest hashtags and will also have to nominate 3 other people for the challenge. To induce strong engagement with the contest in the initial stage, Consonant will host a “SkinKin YOGA: Bond, Bend and Stretch” event for the first 30 participants and their mothers that enter the contest on Day 1. There will also be a prize for the first 30 participants and their mothers on Day 2; Consonant will host the “SkinKin COOKOUT: Feed Your Skin” cooking class. These events will take place in week 2 of the contest (April 16 – April 22). Both of these events will be live-streamed across multiple platforms and will have unique features and prizes, as well as an ‘Instagramable wall’ where participants can take pictures and stories for social media. The livestream recording will be posted on the website, and the winning duo of the SkinKin COOKOUT will have their dish and story featured on the Consonant website blog. In week 3 (April 23 -April 29), Consonant will host a live streamed digital panel called “SkinKin TALKS: In My Mom’s Genes” to discuss the cross-generational evolution of beauty standards with a diverse set of panelists including a number of influencers and their mothers/mother figures, as well as industry insiders. This


NARRATIVE WHAT + HOW How does it work? CONT’D digital event will be announced on the website and social media channels. Some of the questions for the panelists will be crowdsourced from the live stream audience. To promote participation and attendance, those whose questions are selected will receive 20% promo code for their next Consonant purchase on the brand’s website. The digital event will conclude with a Mini SkinKin Masterclass, where the in-house Consonant cosmetologist will demonstrate the use and potency of key Consonant skin care products that works across all age groups. In the last week of the contest (April 30 – May 6), Consonant representatives will be handing out in-house custom designed Mother’s Day Cards along Queen Street and Dundas Square, targetting Gen Zers. Cards will have scratch-off promo codes (10%-30% off purchase) inside to surprise your mom/mother figure with, as they give them the card. The reps will also hand out product samples consisting of the Consonant Tranformation Trio skincare routine which will be distributed in little customized makeup bags, with the campaign colour palette and name, Consonant logo and QR code leading the customer to the website where they can find out more about the campaign, the brand and the products. Campaign and contest details will also be denoted on flyers that will be distributed through all 3 physical store locations, as well as with every online purchase. Campaign posters will be posted in key public transport areas, and will contain the QR code leading customers to the website and the campaign. The winners will be announced on May 6, 2022. This will allow the winners to choose to spend their Consonant Spa package prize with their mother/mother figures on the actual Mother’s Day, or any other day after that.


DRILLABILITY GEN Z SOCIAL NETWORKERS Social Networkers, rely heavily on social media and entertainment. This group will get the ball rolling and will be key in engaging GEN X and Baby Boomers into the campaign, as well as their friends within the same/similar age cohort, through tagging them in their video submission. Their love of Instagram and TikTok challenges and pursuit of ‘virality’ will get them engaged into the campaign narrative. Winning free invites for exclusive events such as SkinKin YOGA and the SkinKin COOKOUT, equipped with ‘instagramable’ features and free products will sound appealing for a generation that is passionate about experiences, healthy living and status displays amongst their friends. This desire for ‘exclusivity’ and ‘social capital’ will lead them to taking pictures/videos of the event and posting them on social media, some of which will get reposted by Consonant. In addition, the winners of the Cookout event, will be featured on the Consonant website blog, tying into the Gen Z desire to appear as ‘influencers’. Those who do not win this round will be re-engaged through SkinKin TALKS, a digital panel of Gen Z influencers, their mothers and industry experts, where they can submit questions and win free products, as well as coupons, which research says appeals to Zoomers and will encourage product trial and new purchases. Lastly, Consonant will activate those Zoomers that haven’t yet experienced the product, by meeting them in high-traffic downtown areas and offering them samples in the last stage of the campaign. Consonant will also make the last-minute hassle of buying Mother’s Day cards easy-breezy, by distributing custom designed cards to Gen-Zers including a discount code inside for their mothers/mother figures to redeem.


DRILLABILITY GEN X URBAN DIGRATTI + MOVERS & SHAKERS The Gen X Urban Digeratti and Movers & Shakers will also be drawn into the campaign through social media, or posters in downtown area public transport hubs. The 37–45-year-old segment might see the campaign on a poster downtown, scan the QR code and find out how to enter the contest on the website. They also may consider entering the contest with their mothers, aunts or mother figures on Instagram or Facebook. The 45–54-year-old segment might be asked by their Zoomer child, nephew or niece to partake in the contest. Knowing that both of these Gen X segments love sustainable products, they will natrually be interested in the brand. As an aging population of women, the prize of highly effective cold laser treatments at the Consonant spa will be very enticing. Additionally, both Urban Digeratti and Movers & Shakers are motivated by health and wellness, thus the SkinKin YOGA and COOKOUT events will get their initial buy-in. In the next stage, the SkinKin MASTERCLASS demonstration, will attract both of these target segments to participate in SkinKin TALKS as they will be able to get moreinformation on the product formulation and be educated about its use. The promise of coupons and free products will attract this segment to participate in both live and digital events, and will induce new sales and product trial. These events will provide Gen X an opportunity to bond with their family member, while connecting with the wider Consonant community and meeting likeminded women. Lastly, these women will be receiving the complementary Mother’s Day cards and skincare samples from their Zoomer child/nephew/niece and will additionally discover a discount coupon for their next online purchase in the card which will induce purchases.


DRILLABILITY BABY BOOMERS MOVERS & SHAKERS + SAVVY SENIORS The Baby Boomer segments, Movers & Shakers and Savvy Seniors, might see the campaign on Facebook but will mainly be drawn into it through their Gen Z or Millennial child/grandchild/nephew/niece or potentially a Gen X relative. Knowing that both of these Baby Boomer segments care deeply about the opinions of their children, will help bring them on board. Similar to Gen X, this aging cohort will be motivated to participate by the lucrative prize of cold laser anti-aging treatments at the Consonant Spa, as well as spending quality time with their loved one. Bringing this cohort of women to the exclusive Consonant live events will play into their eagerness for experiences as well as affinity for health and wellness, which will allow them to bond with their family member, but also meet other likeminded women. This will position Consonant as a brand with community values, as well as a brand with wholistic approach to skin care, rather than a superficial one. Due to their heightened social awareness and engagement in social issues, both the Movers and Shakers and Savvy Seniors will be motivated to participate in the digital panel that discusses the psychology and politics of beauty standards. As savvy consumers these ladies will be attracted by the opportunity to win discount coupons and free products offered during both the live digital events, which will induce product trial and new purchases. Additionally, custom-made Mother’s Day cards with scratch-off discounts and samples will give them ‘more bang for their buck’; demonstrating a better value proposition than the competitors and prompt them to visit the website and redeem their discounts.



Spreadability is embedded in the narrative for Consonant’s “My Mom’s Genes” campaign. The campaign was created to mobilize diverse women and men of different age groups in a conversation about skin, wholistic skincare and beauty standards. The campaign is meant to show the strength of inter-generational relationships young people have with their mothers, aunts, mother figures and to highlight relatable experiences rather than those that separate them based on age or familial relationships. This narrative will be embodied in the CREATE, SHARE, CONNECT guiding principles for this campaign’s spreadability and will ultimately motivate participants to take part in the contest and win lucrative prizes. ‘CREATE’ is reflected in the participants pairing up with their mothers and mother figures and creating their own viral videos. Participants will also be ‘creating’ content and images from the live events and spreading this content across social media and the web. ‘Create’ also relates to creating a diverse Consonant community bonded by skincare. ‘SHARE’ is embodied in the participants sharing their videos and nominating others to participate in the challenge. The ‘share’ principle will also be reflected in participants ‘sharing’ self-generated photo and video content from the live events, as well as ‘sharing’ their opinions and questions during the digital event. Lastly, ‘share’ will be all about sharing bonding experiences with their loved ones. ‘CONNECT’ is meant to speak to Consonant’s cross-generational community of women and young men that this campaign is meant to bring together by bonding over skincare and healthy lifestyles. By ‘connecting’ across social media and web, Consonant’s community will continue to grow, strenghtening brand awareness and ultimately increasing sales.


SPREADABILITY CREATE, SHARE, CONNECT Example of an ‘Instagramable Wall’ at the SkinKin live events, which will facilitate the spreadability of the campaign through ‘CREATE, SHARE, CONNECT’.



There are two important hashtags and taglines related to the campaign: “My Mom’s Genes” and “SkinKin”.

#mymomsgenes #skinkin

“My Mom’s Genes” is a play on words relating to a denim style very popular with Gen Z and Millennial aesthetic called ‘mom jeans’. This play on words is supposed draw-in and relate to the younger generations that will be responsible for the roll out of the initial stage of the campaign and contest. It also refers to genetics and the way in which we are all made from those who came before us, no matter how different from them we think we are. It is about relating to the women in our families and circles that came before us and helped us become who we are today.

“SkinKin” essentially speaks to family and kinship, that doesn’t always have to be through a ‘blood relation’. For those without biological mothers, mother figures were there to support them through their lives and skin care journeys and Consonant wants to celebrate those stories. On a wider scale, SkinKin is about creating a Consonant community of natural skincare lovers, that are family through their passion for wholistic skincare and lifestyles.

SkinKin YOGA: Bond, Bend + Stretch



Another extractable segment of the campaign will be the Mother’s Day Cards that Consonant reps will be giving away to Zoomers in high traffic areas that are busy with young people in the springtime – Dundas Square and Queen Street West. These cards will be custom designed for Consonant and will contain scratch-off discount codes inside for your mom’s or mother figure’s next Consonant purchase. Not only will this card warm mom’s heart and take away the pressure of having to find the perfect card right before Mother’s Day, but it will also have a fun ‘lottery winning’ aspect that Gen X and Baby Boomer generations will be attracted to.


EXTRACTABILITY SKINCARE SAMPLES Arguably one of the most important extractable elements from this campaign will be the skincare samples themselves. As a skincare company, Consonant needs to attract customers that are potentially loyal to other brands and thus providing them with complementary product samples will be the key to inducing trial and purchase. Based on research, Gen Z is significantly more inclined to purchase products once they’ve sampled them. The samples will be 10ml providing for 2 weeks of use, compared to most samples being 3ml-5ml for less than 5 days of use. Gen X and Baby Boomers will likely be attracted to the value proposition of getting a generous sample supply and being able to see the results for themselves over two weeks of use, prior to committing to a purchase. They samples will be distributed in a branded skincare pouch, that will include a QR code leading the user to the website.


IMMERSION LIVE EVENTS SkinKin YOGA: Bond, Bend + Stretch SkinKin Yoga is an exclusive event that Consonant will host for the first 30 contest entrants on DAY 1 and their mothers or mother figures. The yoga flow that will be taught in the class will be beginner level, so that those without experience can enjoy it, while the instructor may offer some tips to those who don’t feel challenged enough. The SkinKin yoga flow will be customized to increase blood circulation through the body which will increase collagen production and skin elasticity. It will also include poses that the participants will have to do in pairs fostering trust and relationship building. The event space will contain an ‘Instagram Wall’ where participants can snap selfies and post tem on social. Some of the posts will be reposted on Consonant’s accounts. Product samples and goodie bags will be provided as well. The event will be live streamed across social, so that those who didn’t win an invite can still participate from home. The livestream will be recorded and availble on the website for those who were unable to watch it live.

SkinKin COOKOUT: Feed Your Skin SkinKin Cookout is another exclusive event that Consonant will host for the first 30 contest entrants on DAY 2 and their mothers or mother figures. The cooking class will be beginner level, so that those without much cooking experience feel comfortable. The recipes will be vegetarian and/or vegan and will focus on the power of a plant-based diet for healthy and glowing skin. There will also be an ‘Instagram Wall’ for participants to take pictures in front of and share their experience from the class. Some of the posts will be reposted on Consonant’s accounts. There will be a winning pair selected at the end whose dish and story will be featured on the Consonant blog and shared on social. The event will be live streamed and viewers will be encouraged to follow along. The livestream will be recorded and availble on the website for those who were unable to watch it live.


WORLD BUILDING DIGITAL EVENT SkinKin TALKS: In My Mom’s Genes SkinKin Talks is a digital live-streamed panel discussion hosted by Consonant. The event will be announced on the website and social media channels. The discussion will address the topic of evolution of skin and beauty standards and the panelists will examine the various generation-specific and cross-generational issues related to beauty and skin standards. The panel will bring together diverse pairs of Gen Z influencers and their mothers/mother figures, as well as beauty industry insiders, a dermatologist and a psychologist. The purpose of this panel will be to break down age and gender stereotypes when it comes to beauty and skin standards. It will promote a greater cross-generational understanding of what women and men deal with when it comes to societal beauty pressures and will provide tools and tips for self-care as well as ways to recognize and overcome toxic attitudes towards skin and beauty at various stages in life. To promote participation, some of the questions for the panel and panelists will be sourced from the audience. Those whose questions are selected will receive a discount code for their next online purchase or a complimentary product. At the end of the panel, there will be a Mini SkinKin MASTERCLASS, where an in-house cosmetologist will demonstrate the efficacy of different Consonant skincare products and routines for various age groups.




The campaign tone for “My Mom’s Genes” will be casual and inclusive. The campaign will use every-day language with hashtags, taglines and event names using smart play on words mimicking the way in which Consonant names its products and communicates with its customers on their website and digital platforms. The campaign language won’t be overly colloquial as to not alienate GEN X and Baby Boomers who may not be familiar with some of the more ‘slang terminology’. The important factor will be to use inclusive language as the purpose is to connect a diverse crowd of both young women and men, as well as middle aged and older women. The campaign will need to be engaging and fun for the younger participants, while focused on credibility and expertise for the older participants.



Campaign branding will be done in accordance with the Consonant logo and typeface, which is ‘Raleway’ in a few different postures and densities. Copy on all assets will be in white (alba), with the exception of the Consonant logo which will be represented in black (ater) and the campaign name which will be in the orange-yellow tone (luteum). The campaign colours below have been sourced from the Consonant website visual assets, and will be used to create a vibrant colour palette for all the marketing collateral. C: 27 M: 0 Y: 3 K: 23 cyano Typeface:

Raleway Medium Raleway Medium Italic Raleway Bold

C: 22 M: 7 Y: 0 K: 27 argentum

C: 0 M: 37 Y: 48 K: 19

C: 0 M: 17 Y: 80 K: 11



C: 100 M: 100 Y: 100 K: 100 ater

C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 0 alba


VISUAL ASSETS CAMPAIGN POSTERS For the campaign imagery that will be used for print posters and promotion on digital and social platforms, CONSONANT will, employ a diverse set of influencers and their mothers or mother figures. The imagery will include natural portrait photography of the pairs and will include a compelling detail about their relationship or a quote. Colours will reflect the campaign colour palette.





This Mother’s Day, CONSONANT Skin + Care is inviting you and your mom or mother figure to take part in My Mom’s Genes, our epic Mother’s Day contest with some AH-MAZING prizes. This 4-week contest, will include exclusive invites to both live and digital CONSONANT events, product gift bags and many more big surprises.

08- 06







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This brochure will be given out at the CONSONANT physical retail locations with purchases and will be put into eCommerce order packages to promote the campaign. These assets may also be adapted for use on social media channels, as well as on the website.


REFERENCES Bambora. (2020, June 15). Generation shopping behavior. Retrieved March 18, 2021, from,-Generation%20X%20are&text=Gen%20X%20rewards%20brands%20 that,obvious%20call%2Dto%2Daction.&text=Gen%20X%20is%2C%20 compared%20to,the%20actual%20shopping%20in%20stores Consonant Skincare. (n.d.). Our Manifesto. Consonant Skin+Care. Environics Analytics. (2020). PRIZM postal code LOOKUP Demo: Environics Analytics, Movers & Shakers. Retrieved March 18, 2021, from Environics Analytics. (2020). PRIZM postal code LOOKUP Demo: Environics Analytics, Urban Digeratti. Retrieved March 18, 2021, from Environics Analytics. (2020). PRIZM postal code LOOKUP Demo: Environics Analytics, Savvy Seniors. Retrieved March 18, 2021, from Environics Analytics. (2020). PRIZM postal code LOOKUP Demo: Environics Analytics, Social Networkers. Retrieved March 18, 2021, from Fingerman, K., Pillemer, K., Silverstein, M., & Suitor, J. (2012, April). The baby boomers’ intergenerational relationships. Retrieved March 26, 2021, from Furbee, C. (2021, February 08). Gen z makes sustainability important for all businesses. Retrieved March 18, 2021, from gen-z-makes-sustainability-important-for-all-businesses/#:~:text=Gen%20Z%20is%20not%20only,up%20to%20a%2010%25%20premium


REFERENCES Government of Canada, S. (2019, August 09). Census profile, 2016 census Toronto, City [Census subdivision], Ontario and CANADA [COUNTRY]. Retrieved March 18, 2021, from Heisz, A., & Richards, E. (2019, April 18). This article in the economic Insights series examines economic well-being of millennials by comparing their household balance sheets to those of previous generations of YOUNG CANADIANS. Retrieved March 18, 2021, from https:// In-Cosmetics. (2020, September 01). Gen z: What do they look for in personal care: In-cosmetics connect. Retrieved March 18, 2021, from https:// found%20that%20Gen,them%20even%20more%20purchasing%20power Lister, M. (2020, February 26). Generational marketing: How to Target MILLENNIALS, Gen X, & Boomers. Retrieved March 18, 2021, from https://www. Newhomes. (2019, June 24). Generation z will soon have the most purchasing power. Retrieved March 18, 2021, from https://www.newinhomes. com/blog/generation-z-will-soon-have-the-most-purchasing-power Richard, J. (2019, June 09). Move over millennials - gen z has arrived. Retrieved March 18, 2021, from Zion, S. (2020, May 20). Wonder. Retrieved March 26, 2021, from https:// report,69%25%20of%20baby%20boomers.%22


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