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40 American Veterans return to Normandy...
The Best Defense Foundation is offering 40 veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces of World War II a unique experience by allowing them to return to Normandy, to the very sites of their battle...
As part of this exceptional event, the Best Defense Foundation and its sponsors will charter a direct flight from the USA to Deauville in Normandy.
From June 1st to 8th, 2023, the accompanied Veterans will follow a program of public and private welcome, commemorations, visits and events to the height of their commitment to the battles of summer 1944.
Des côtes de Normandie aux sables volcaniques noirs d’Iwo Jima...
La Best Defense Foundation veille à ce que tout vétéran de la Seconde Guerre mondiale qui souhaite tourner la page ou obtenir la reconnaissance qu’il mérite tant, ait la possibilité de retourner sur son champ de bataille.
Lors de ces réunions uniques sur les champs de bataille, nos vétérans ont reçu de nombreuses récompenses, comme la Légion d’honneur française, et ont été honorés lors de dizaines d’événements, défilés et commémorations.
From the shores of Normandy to the black volcanic sands of Iwo Jima…
The Best Defense Foundation ensures that any WWII veteran who wants a measure of closure or the recognition he so richly deserves has an opportunity to return to his battlefield.
At these unique battleground reunions our veterans have received numerous awards, such as the French Legion of Honor, and have been honored at dozens of events and parades.