December 2021 - Chairman’s Corner Members – We just lit the rose candle of Advent, so our Christmas celebration is right around the corner. It has certainly been a challenging year, one with many difficulties but also, many blessings. A blessing that particularly stands out is our new Postulator in Rome. Recall that our last newsletter discussed that the vacant position had been filled by Dr. Nicola Gori and you may have noticed my excitement because he seemed a perfect fit – one that would pursue our Cause aggressively and prayerfully. Dr. Gori has certainly been busy these last few months and instead of trying to relay what he is doing, we are going to do something different in this newsletter, we are including his personal letter - a letter he wrote to the Archdiocese and through them, to you, our Guild members. It is not perfect English (nor is mine), but it is from his heart and reflects the status of our Cause. As you read it, I hope you feel the same enthusiasm and excitement that I feel – we are moving again! I pray that the celebration of the birth of our Savior fills you and your loved ones with the peace of the Christmas Season. God bless, Steve Stanley Dr. Nicola Gori Letter: There is not only one way to reach holiness, there are many, and Father Vincent Robert Capodanno chose one of the most difficult: the offering of his life for the benefit of his brothers. It was his extreme sacrifice to go to the suffering of two wounded brothers in need of urgent care and help. He did not hesitate for a moment to defy enemy fire on that September 4, 1967. His charity made him overcome the fear of death, because his hope in God was stronger. He did not fear those who have the power to kill the body, but cannot kill the soul. He knew that that enemy fire could eliminate him from this world, but not erase his charity. For this reason, he is remembered with
admiration because his gesture is not merely heroic but is the fruit of a journey to follow Christ that he had begun many years earlier. In fact, his missionary zeal, his enthusiasm for proclaiming the Gospel, for transmitting to his brothers and sisters the richness of his friendship with Christ, led him to follow new paths. Docile to the action of the Spirit, he moved to the East to find his field of action. First in the education of young people, then, in a new adventure, in the service of his brothers engaged on the battlefields. The choice to become a chaplain in the Navy, with the intention of serving among the Marines deployed in Vietnam, was not an impulsive act, but a decision matured in the light of faith. His intention to put himself at the service of those who risked their lives on the front lines was sustained by prayer and a spiritual life that was not mediocre. The missionary vocation became in him a true and proper donation for others that made him an authentic imitator of Christ. This is the reputation for holiness which the Servant of God enjoys among the faithful. And it is this reputation for holiness that has sustained the opening of his Cause for beatification and canonization. A few months ago, I was appointed Postulator of this Cause, so that I could represen the Actor who promotes it, the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA, at the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. There has been some news in the last period regarding the state of the Cause: the first concerns the procedure for the recognition of his offering of his life, and the second concerns the investigation of an alleged miracle. On May 12, the congress of theological experts will examine the Positio - that is, the document containing the synthesis of the entire diocesan inquiry - and judge whether truly his donation can be considered as an offering of life, whose contents and modalities were defined Like us on Facebook - Follow us on Instagram! - Father Vincent Capodanno Guild (@fathercapodannoguild)
and delimited in the pontifical document Maiorem hac dilectionem, approved and promulgated by Pope Francis on July 11, 2017. As for the diocesan inquiry into the alleged miracle that occurred in the Diocese of Palm Beach, currently, it has been submitted to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, which is verifying its juridical validity. After this step, a Positio on the alleged miracle will have to be prepared and once it is ready, the date of the medical consultation will be decided. The experts will have to verify if the healing can be declared not explainable by science. If this step is positive, the presumed miracle will be examined by the theological experts who will have to make sure that the Servant of God was actually invoked to obtain the grace. If this step is also positive, the Cause will be discussed by the congress of Cardinals and Bishops, who will decide whether to bring the alleged miracle to the Pope's signature so that it may be officially recognized. There is still some time to go, but we trust that the process can continue without obstacles. It remains for us to continue to pray and to entrust ourselves to the intercession of the Servant of God, so that the Church may recognize his holiness. I extend an invitation to everyone to support the Cause with your collaboration and participation, thanking Archbishop Timothy Broglio and the leaders of the Father Capodanno Guild for the trust shown to me. Nicola Gori What does Dr. Gori’s letter mean for us? Having the meeting with the Theological Experts scheduled for May 12th is significant. They will review the Positio and if their review is positive, the next step would be a review by the Holy Father. If he agrees, we expect the title of “Venerable” Servant of God to be bestowed on Father Vincent. The completion of this step allows review of potential miracles by the Congregation in Rome. While potential miracles are being reviewed, we will have work to do here. As required, Archbishop Broglio will designate a “final resting place” for Father Vincent’s remains and when it is ready, his body will be exhumed and reinterred at the designated location. Recall that
this is why we have been working to conduct an architectural review and establish estimated costs for various final resting place options. We are under contract for this review and just met with the team – once again, I am excited - they brought several ideas to the table that we had not considered and are off and running. I feel strongly that this team will propose good options for the hard-earned monies you donate so generously. As these options come together, we will keep you informed; but know that we will need your help – both your prayers and donations – so that the final resting place will be worthy of our Grunt Padre - a place for prayerful consideration of the many blessings that God has bestowed on our nation and families. A new report from Vietnam, 1967: While Father Vincent was in Vietnam in 1967, he came to our Marine Corps combat base to hold Mass. I was recovering from malaria and was on light duty, so I was kept out of the field for operations until fully recovered. I was a Navy corpsman and was assigned to the Battalion Aid Station at An Hoa. We did not have a Catholic priest and Father Capodanno was coming to various bases holding mass. When he arrived, Father Capodanno walked over to the field ambulance where several of us were standing and asked if we were going to attend Mass. We told him that none of us were Catholic and he said, that's okay as anyone can attend mass and receive a blessing vice communion. He explained what we had to do and after the Catholics had received communion, we walked forward and got a blessing from Father Capodanno. He lost his life a few weeks later while helping a Navy corpsmen. Last thoughts: I know that we all receive way too many requests for donations late in the year, but we offer one more. Please consider making a donation for our Cause and remember to let us know if you would like a Called and Chosen DVD or a 9x12 lithograph of Father Capodanno and the quantity you request. To make your donation go to: Like us on Facebook - Follow us on Instagram! - Father Vincent Capodanno Guild (@fathercapodannoguild)