March 2023 - Chairman’s Corner
Friends – Recall that our next step is for Archbishop Broglio to form a new Historical Commission that will assemble additional information about Father Vincent’s lifelong development of virtue and spirituality that led to the free gift of his life on the battlefield. We’re not there yet but the effort continues - Archbishop Broglio has assembled two members of a three person team and is pursuing the third person – please pray for him.
To document Father’s growth in sanctity, especially in the period before Vietnam, we asked you to send in anecdotes and you complied – we received many. Because of limited space, I will highlight only two but know that each shows our Padre’s love for his flock and many highlight favors granted through prayer for his intercession. They are inspirational – please keep them coming.
Lastly, as we are in the midst of Lent, I ponder the love that led our Lord to accept crucifixion, I see a similar love in Father Vincent – a love of souls that led him on to a battlefield without any thought of self-preservation. He was there to provide for those souls as only he could.
Happy Easter, Steve Stanley
Previously Unknown
A supporter sent in this beautiful picture of a stained-glass window from St. Catherine of Siena Parish Center in Franklin Square, NY.

Presentation in Quantico
Recently, Mary Preece and I were able to give a presentation at Quantico to the Catholic Women of the Chapel. It was a large group that included many young mothers and children. What an honor to be able to share Father’s story with these young people. After the presentation we visited The Basic School Chapel to see Father’s original Medal of Honor. Here is a photo:

Speaking of Quantico
One of the Naval Academy Midshipmen that we contacted last year has graduated and is a student at The Basic School. He is 2ndLT Xavier Evans. He is working with Father Kasule at Quantico to establish a young officers' network for mentoring and spiritual growth. The example of Father Vincent will be the foundation for this group. Please keep them in your prayers.
If you are in the Somers Point, NJ area, St. Joseph’s Church is hosting a Day of Remembrance and Prayer with a Mass for Father Vincent on Wednesday, 29 March 2023 at 1100.
Our annual Memorial Mass for Father Vincent is Tuesday, 5 September at 1830 in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Crypt Church. Archbishop Broglio will be the principal celebrant and is always inspirational. Please join us.
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His First Missionary Assignment
Recall that Father’s first priestly assignment was to the island of Formosa (now Taiwan) as a Maryknoll Missionary in 1958. As you might expect, his first challenge was to learn the local language, Hakka. Recently, a group of people in Taiwan have established a website to encourage prayer and devotion to Father Vincent. One of the men who is part of this effort is Father Vincent’s Hakka language instructor, Mr. Lai, and he has provided us this photo:

New Anecdotes
I am a retired Marine. My wife got ill in April 2022 and went into a coma. I was told she probably would not survive and that if she did she would have severe disabilities. I began praying to Father Capodanno to intercede for the healing of my wife. In September, after stays in the hospital and rehab facilities she returned home to me. I believe this miracle was due in part to the holiness and blessing of the Grunt Padre.
When our son was less than 2 months old, he had open heart surgery. As a teenager, he told his cardiologist that he wanted to join the military. Although skeptical, the doctor recommended that he give it a try. The recruiters were doubtful but sent him for his medical physical. This resulted in a request for a waiver. I began a Novena to Father Capodanno that day, and anxiously waited to hear back. The day after I finished the Novena, he received notice that a waiver was granted. He joined right out of high school. He is presently serving in Japan on the USS Blue Ridge (LCC-19), the 7th Fleet flagship. There is no doubt in our minds that he is in the Navy due to the intercession of Father Capodanno!
Give Father Vincent Gifts for Easter
In The Grunt Padre, Father Daniel Mode talks about Father’s Vietnam arrival during Holy Week 1966. Father Vincent spent that Easter Sunday meeting with troops returning from operations, an experience that would define his mission to bring hope to the men when they needed it most.
At Easter, our Guild is blessed to bring the story of Father's life and his love for others wherever we can reach. Your donations will help spread his story and support our Cause. We continue to offer a 9x12 lithograph of Father Capodanno's portrait for a minimum donation of $40. For Easter, we are offering two lithographs for a minimum donation of $70, or three lithographs for a minimum donation of $100.
Our award-winning DVD, Called and Chosen, is available for a minimum donation of $20 each or five (5) DVDs for a minimum donation of $80.
To make your donations, please go to Don’t forget to specify your desired gift and quantity.
So how else can you help now? – Simple ways
1. Pray that our reenergized Cause will move forward quickly.
2. Forward or share this newsletter with your family and friends. It’s easy – Thank You.
3. Pray for Father Capodanno’s intercession. This is how miracles start.
4. “Like” and “follow” the Capodanno Guild on Facebook and Instagram.
5. Tell your pastor about the Cause and ask to host a group presentation at your church, women’s group, KofC Council, veteran’s group, etc. We are happy to support – just connect us.
6. Make a tax-deductible donation. We promise that we will protect your investment and spend it wisely. With your donation, don’t forget to let us know what free gift and how many you would like. ***For assistance with any of these, please go to our website or email Mary Preece at