June 2023 - Chairman’s Corner
Friends – Recall that in May 2022, the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints raised some questions about Father Vincent’s life and sacrifice. These questions put our Cause on “hold” and Archbishop Broglio has been working to establish a new Historical Commission to assemble the necessary information to resolve their concerns. Great news - our new commission has been formed and they are pushing forward:
Gregory Tomlin, Colonel, USA
Michael Carter, Ph.D. Associate Professor of History, University of Dayton
Josh Mercer, Co-founder and political director of Catholic Vote.org
I know that you were all praying that Archbishop Broglio would be guided to establish the best team and in my humble opinion, our prayers have been answered - this team is strong and motivated. I am confident that we are on the correct path. Please keep them in your daily prayers.

God bless, Steve Stanley
Hail and Farewell
Farewell: For several years now, Monsignor Jeffrey Laible has shepherded our efforts as Archbishop Broglio’s representative on our Guild Board of Directors. His keen insights and understanding of the working of our Archdiocese has been critical to our decision processes and we thank him for all that he has done. His next assignment will be as the Catholic Priest for Maxwell Air Force Base. We wish him Fair Winds and Following Seas.
Hail: We welcome Monsignor Anthony Frontiero who is coming in from Pastor of St. Matthew Parish in Windham, NH. You can read his biography here msgr-frontiero-bio.pdf (milarch.org) but it is obvious that Archbishop Broglio has found another “good one.”

Christendom College Chapel Dedication
On 15 April, the new Chapel at Christendom was dedicated by Bishop Burbidge. It is an amazing chapel – beautiful and filled with strong Catholic art – but what is most amazing and unexpected is the full-sized stained-glass window dedicated to our Servant of God, Father Vincent. I am sure you recognize many of the window’s attributes from the Vietnam photos on our website, but the artists did a beautiful job telling his story with stained glass – it is inspirational and reflects the growing community of supporters for our Cause. I love the fact that many of these young Catholic students will attend Mass with Father looking over them.

Capodanno Catholic Club in Quantico - Established
One of our young audience initiatives is bearing fruit - 2ndLT Xavier Evans has been working with the Marine Corps base Priest, Father Kasule to establish a group to help integrate Basic School students into the Catholic Chapel community and provide opportunities for mentoring. Recently, the Club hosted Mr. Norman Fulkerson, the author of the biography on Colonel John Ripley, An American Knight, which depicts Ripley’s faith filled heroism. As 2ndLT Evans departs Quantico for the fleet, 2ndLT Barrett Moore has stepped up to lead the effort. We look forward to helping.
Knights of Columbus link to Father Vincent On Memorial Day, the Knights offered a link that highlights Father Vincent and “other Chaplains on the Wall”. Here it is: Vincent Capodanno - Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (vvmf.org)
Supporter Stories:
Here is a Podcast interview from the Archdiocese for the Military Services. Taylor Henry is interviewing Joseph Frank Simpson who served with Father in Vietnam. It is inspirational. Stream Joseph Frank Simpson On Father Capodanno by Catholic Military Life | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
I have a very serious cancer (stage 4) and have been praying to Father Vincent daily. I have asked my friends to do the same. My tumor has been shrinking. I believe the Lieutenant is covering “my six.” I am a Wounded Combat Marine who served in Vietnam (late ‘67 thru most of ‘68). This is not my imagination, I was a seminarian prior to enlisting and lost my faith because of the experiences during the war. I have it back but not nearly as strong as it once was. I truly believe that this priest who died with my brothers is helping me.
My niece received word that there was a kidney available for her. It was rather sudden and miraculous, given the fact that she had only a 6% chance of a match. Following the operation, her new kidney functioned right away. The next goal is for the immune suppression to work. I have been commending her to the intercession of Father Capodanno.
Father Vincent’s Last Sibling Passes
Gloria Ann Holman, loving mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother passed away on May 7 at the age of 101. She was Father’s youngest sister and always a strong supporter of his Cause. We will miss her and her insights about “Vinny.”
Father Vincent Gifts
A core mission of the Capodanno Guild is to bring the story of Father Capodanno’s life to others. We have received many stories from supporters recounting their prayers and devotion to Father Vincent, and their faith in the intercession of Father in their lives. Your donations empower us to spread his story and are critical to the Cause:
We continue to offer a 9x12 lithograph of Father Capodanno's portrait as a free gift for a minimum donation of $40 each.
Called and Chosen, the award winning DVD about Father Vincent is available as a free gift for a minimum donation of $20 each. To make your donations, please go to www.capodannoguild.org and as you make your donation, please indicate your preference for the free gift and the quantity you would like.
So how else can you help now? – Simple ways
1. Pray that our reenergized Cause will move forward quickly.
2. Forward or share this newsletter with your family and friends. It’s easy – Thank You.
3. Pray for Father Capodanno’s intercession. This is how miracles start.
4. “Like” and “follow” the Capodanno Guild on Facebook and Instagram.
5. Tell your pastor about the Cause and ask to host a group presentation at your church, women’s group, KofC Council, veteran’s group, etc. We are happy to support – just connect us.
6. Make a tax-deductible donation. We promise that we will protect your investment and spend it wisely. With your donation, don’t forget to let us know what free gift and how many you would like.
***For assistance with any of these, please go to our website https://www.capodannoguild.org/ or email Mary Preece at mpreece@milarch.org
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