September 2023 - Chairman’s Corner
Friends – To resolve the questions raised by the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints about Father Vincent’s life and sacrifice, Archbishop Broglio established a new Historical Commission. This three-member team has been hard at work but one of the members has had to bow out – Josh Mercer, Co-founder and political director of Catholic just had too much going on but the great news is that Archbishop Broglio has found another strong member: Dr. Owen Phelan of Mount St. Mary’s University. He is a perfect addition to our team because of his immersion in church history and theology.

I know that you are all praying that this effort will move forward quickly and resolve any lingering concerns about our Servant of God – I am confident that it will. Why am I confident? Because things are falling into place and picking up speed – God’s hand in my humble opinion. That said, keep the prayers coming.
God bless, Steve Stanley
Formosa (now Taiwan) – Missionary Assignment
Recall that Father was initially assigned for six years as a missionary in Formosa. Recently a young man of Taiwanese heritage raised his concerns about the political situation between China and Taiwan. Because Taiwan has no native saints, he was attempting to develop devotion to Father Vincent for intercession. Using his own money, this man has established a website and traveled to Taiwan. During his visit he was able to interview two men who knew and worked with Father Vincent. As you can well imagine these interviews will be very important because they add testimony about his early priesthood. It is all falling together. To thank this man, please add Taiwan to your Father Vincent intercession list.
Quick News:
A Servant of God Father Vincent Capodanno “Tiny Saint” has been released. They are available for $6 at

Mr. Ken Korkow operates a ministry that produces The Greatest Warrior: New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs This book is a compilation of scripture and the accounts of heroic service people. It serves to assist with PTSD through faith. Ken has decided to incorporate Father Vincent in the next edition of his book.

One of our new honorary board members visited his son at Camp Pendleton (for the baptism of a new grandchild). An admin chore took them to 5th Marines headquarters and the San Mateo Chapel where they found a newly dedicated plaque to Father Vincent.

St. Bede Catholic Church in Williamsburg, VA is planning to install a mosaic that will include Father Vincent.
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the word about Father Vincent
Dover Air Force Base in Delaware recently honored Father Vincent by dedicating a plaque on their Medal of Honor wall. The amazing part of this dedication was an innocent question – as you know the remains of our fallen warriors normally come home via Dover – we asked if Father’s remains followed this path, but the answer was not forthcoming – records were archived. Then, an old handwritten log was found that recorded Father’s remains being loaded into a hearse for transport to Staten Island. Here is a link: 'Grunt Padre' - hero priest Father Vincent Capodanno - added to Medal of Honor hallway at Air Mobility Command Museum in Dover - Photo gallery - The Dialog
One of our Historical Commission members, Dr. Michael Carter, was interviewed by Sacred Heart Radio. He does a great job and covers the Commission and our Cause. His segment starts at about 7 minutes and 30 seconds. Here is the link: Show Notes for Friday, 08/25/23 – Sacred Heart Radio – Cincinnati, Ohio
Ken Fields, a machine gunner who served with Father in Vietnam, gave a presentation to a Veterans of Foreign Wars Assembly in Missouri. It is powerfully done and a true testimony of tremendous respect from a non-Catholic. Here is the link: (20+) Facebook Live | Facebook
Steve Stanley was interviewed by Radio Maria. It is a wide-ranging conversation. Here is a link: A Light in the World with Christine Rossi –September 6, 2023 – Special Vice Admiral P Stephen Stanley, U.S. Navy (Retired) – Radio Maria USA
Christendom College invited Steve Stanley to present to a men’s group on campus. Turns out the new Capodanno stained glass window in the chapel was raising questions from students about who Father Vincent was. We were able to help them understand.
The Marine Officers Basic School at Quantico Capodanno Catholic Club (CCC) is thriving! Six to twelve lieutenants are in regular attendance at Monday rosary/bible study meetings. They have been working through a video bible study on the Blessed Virgin in Scripture, which is streamed from the FORMED website.
Christmas Gift Special Offerings
At this time of year, we start to think about our Christmas lists. The Guild offers two special opportunities for your gift giving:
Father Capodanno (9x12) portrait lithograph will be available for a minimum donation of $40, but if you would like two (2) lithographs, the second will be only $30 for a minimum donation of $70. And for a donation of $100, three (3) prints will be available for you. The lithographs are professionally printed, and a beautiful representation of Father Capodanno for you and your gift recipients to enjoy.
Called and Chosen, the award winning DVD about Father Capodanno, is available for a minimum donation of $20 each. To spread the story of Father Capodanno's life further, we offer five (5) DVDs for a minimum donation of $80. To make your donations, please go to and specify your requests for the 9x12 lithograph, or DVD, and please indicate the quantity you would like to receive.
So how else can you help? – Simple ways
1. Pray that our reenergized Cause will move forward quickly.
2. Forward or share this newsletter with your family and friends. It’s easy – Thank You.
3. Pray for Father Capodanno’s intercession. This is how miracles start.
4. “Like” and “follow” the Capodanno Guild on Facebook and Instagram.
5. Tell your pastor about the Cause and ask to host a group presentation at your church, women’s group, Knights of Columbus Council, veteran’s group, etc. We are happy to support – just connect us.
6. Make a tax-deductible donation.
***For assistance with any of these, please go to our website or email Mary Preece at Like