Litany of the Sacred Heart

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Sa c r e d He a r t

o f J e s u s

Lor d,havemer cy Lor d,havemer cy . Chr i st ,havemer cy Chr i st ,havemer cy. Lor d,havemer cy Lor d,havemer cy . Chr i st ,hearus. Chr i st ,hearus. Chr i st ,gr aci ousl yhearus. Chr i st ,gr aci ousl yhearus. GodourFat heri nheaven, havemer cyonus. * Godt heSon,Redeemeroft hewor l d, Godt heHol ySpi r i t , Hol yTr i ni t y,oneGod, Hear tofJesus,Sonoft heet er nalFat her , Hear tofJesus,f or medbyt heHol ySpi r i ti n t hewomboft heVi r gi nMot her , Hear tofJesus,onewi t ht heet er nal Wor d, Hear tofJesus,i n ni t ei nmaj est y, Hear tofJesus,hol yt empl eofGod, Hear tofJesus,t aber nacl eoft heMostHi gh, Hear tofJesus,houseofGodandgat eofheaven, Hear tofJesus,a amewi t hl ovef orus, Hear tofJesus,sour ceofj ust i ceandl ove, Hear tofJesus,f ul lofgoodnessandl ove, Hear tofJesus,wel l spr i ngofal lvi r t ue, Hear tofJesus,wor t hyofal lpr ai se, Hear tofJesus,ki ngandcent erofal lhear t s, Hear tofJesus,t r easur ehouseofwi sdom andknowl edge,

Hear tofJesus,i nwhom t her edwel l st he f ul l nessofGod, Hear tofJesus,i nwhom t heFat heri sWel lpl eased, Hear tofJesus,f r om whosef ul l nesswe haveal lr ecei ved, Hear tofJesus,desi r eoft heet er nalhi l l s, Hear tofJesus,pat i entandf ul lofmer cy, Hear tofJesus,gener oust oal lwhot ur nt oyou, Hear tofJesus,f ount ai nofl i f eandhol i ness, Hear tofJesus,at onementf oroursi ns, Hear tofJesus,over whel medwi t hi nsul t s, Hear tofJesus,br okenf oroursi ns, Hear tofJesus,obedi entevent odeat h, Hear tofJesus,pi er cedbyal ance, Hear tofJesus,sour ceofal lconsol at i on, Hear tofJesus,ourl i f eandr esur r ect i on, Hear tofJesus,ourpeaceandr econci l i at i on, Hear tofJesus,vi ct i m ofoursi ns, Hear tofJesus,sal vat i onofal lwhot r usti nyou, Hear tofJesus,hopeofal lwhodi ei nyou, Hear tofJesus,del i ghtofal lt hesai nt s, LambofGod,yout akeawayt he si nsoft hewor l d,spar eus,O Lor d. LambofGod,yout akeaway t hesi nsoft hewor l d,gr aci ousl yhearus,O Lor d. LambofGod,yout akeaway t hesi nsoft hewor l d,havemer cyonus. Jesus,gent l eandhumbl eofhear t , t ouc hourhear t sandmaket hem l i keyourown. *Havemer cyonusi sr epeat edaf t ereac h i nvocat i on.

Letuspr ay .Al mi ght yandet er nalGod,l ookupont heHear tofyourdear l ybel ovedSonandupont he pr ai seandsat i sf act i onHeof f er syoui nt henameofsi nner sandf ort hosewhoseekyourmer cy;be appeased,andgr antuspar doni nt henameoft hesameJesusChr i st ,yourSon,whol i vesandr ei gns wi t hyouf or everandever .Amen.


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