ecently, a Coordinator of Religious Education proposed surveying military Catholic faith communities regarding Vacation Bible School. The following questions were proposed: Will the Chapel hold VBS this coming June, July, or August? What is the name of the VBS curriculum? Are Chapels allowed to trade/share the VBS curriculum? The responses revealed a dynamic and diverse picture. Ten out of 27 respondents shared that VBS is scheduled for June, nine will be held in August, and four in July. One installation already had canceled VBS and three are discerning dates in collaboration with the Protestant faith community. Based on the feedback received, Growing with the Saints, Totus Tuus, and Monumental 2022 stood out as the prevalent Catholic titles for VBS. Zoomerang 2022, Rocky Railway, Group 2021 Treasured, Hey Day –Growing in Friendship with Jesus, and Wilderness Escape 2020 were noted as popular Protestant/ecumenical titles. While some installations facilitate a Catholic VBS, a majority collaborate to host an ecumenical experience. A couple of installations plan to partner with a nearby installation or with a local parish. Sharing or trading VBS programs was not identified as a welcome practice due to copyright laws, purchasing materials with allocated funds, and required shipping costs. Some installations were willing to share extra books and T-shirts, and one Chapel was willing to trade the VBS program. Thanks to benefactors of the Archdiocese, each installation religious education program has a free account on the AMS Family Witness to Christ platform powered by Those accounts provide all Catholic faith communities with access to a five-day complimentary VBS resource called The Incredible Savior. This