2015 National Training Seminar Program - Military Child Education Coalition

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Welcome to the Military Child Education Coalition速 th National Training Seminar


Military and Veteran Kids:

Their Story, Our Mission July 30-31, 2015 Marriott Wardman Park Hotel Washington, DC

#MCECNTS2015 SchoolQuest

Agenda at a Glance

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Friday, July 31, 2015

3:00-8:00 pm

7:00-7:30 am

Registration Open Convention Registration Desk

Thursday, July 30, 2015 7:00-7:50 am

Breakfast Bistro Sponsored by: Salon 1

7:20-7:50 am

First-Timers Class Maryland A

8:00-9:00 am

Opening General Session: General and Mrs. Martin E. Dempsey Salon 2

Distinguished Lectures

9:15-10:15 am

9:15-11:30 am

Special Workshop: Balancing Risk, Resilience and Response Virginia A/B

Breakfast Bistro Sponsored by: Salon 1

7:30-8:15 am MCEC Town Hall Meeting Lieutenant General David D. Halverson Lieutenant General Samuel D. Cox Vice Admiral Dixon R. Smith The Honorable Danny G.I. Pummill Salon 2 8:15-9:30 am Annual Business Meeting LTG (Ret.) Pete Taylor Partnership of Excellence Awards General Session The Honorable Ashton B. Carter Salon 2 9:45-10:45 Distinguished Lectures

Distinguished Lectures

11:00-11:45 am

Master Class: Academics and Innovation Salon 2

1 1:45 am - 12:30 pm

Master Class: Character Development Salon 2

1 1:45 am - 12:50 pm

Collaborative Training Sessions and Brown Bag Lunch Wilson Foyer Mezzanine Level

12:30-1:45 pm

Expo/Grab & Go Lunch Salon 1

1:00-2:00 pm

Special Topic: School Leaders Panel Thomas M. Brady Frank Till, Jr., PhD Mark Terry Salon 2

2:15-3:30 pm

Closing General Session: Admiral Harry B. Harris, Jr. Salon 2

10:30-11:30 am

2:00-2:45 pm View by Three: Emphasizing the Importance of STEM General Daniel B. Allyn Vice Admiral Sandra Stosz Fred W. Freking, PhD Salon 2 3:00-4:00 pm

Special Topic: Cyberbullying Curt Schilling Trisha Prabhu Kenneth A. Linzer, JD Salon 2

4:20-5:30 pm

Master Class: Systems of Support Salon 2

The Military Child Education Coalition is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The Military Child Education Coalition maintains responsibility for this program and its content. *See eligible APA sessions. Continuing Education Units (CEUs) cost is $25.00

Have you or someone you know been affected by cyberbullying?

We want your questions for our panel of experts who are taking a stance against cyberbullies! Post your questions on Facebook or Twitter with the hashtag #StopCyberbulliesMCEC There is also a box at the NTS registration table where you can add your questions!

If you would like to apply for Continuing Legal Education (CLE) in your state/jurisdiction, please pick up a Uniform Certificate of Attendance at Registration.

Share your thoughts! #MCECNTS2015

Schedule subject to change.

Table of Contents Thursday, July 30......................2-7 MCEC Expo.................................... 6 Friday, July 31............................8-12 Sponsors..................................14-15 Overarching Objectives.............17 Graduate Credit...........................17

General Sessions, Master Classes, Expo, and Special Topic Sessions

MCEC Store..................................18 MCEC Board of Directors, National Advisory Committee, Science Advisory Board........... 20 2015 Slate of Candidates...........21 Exhibitors................................22-23 National Training Seminar Social Media Tutorial.................25

Balcony A & B Collaborative Sessions

About the 2015 Content Strands: Character Development. These sessions address engaging youth within their communities, schools, organizations, peer groups, and families in manners productive of character virtues, development, and education. Presentations highlight examples of building young people’s character strengths and leadership skills and recognizing their unique contributions to society. Systems of Support. Extended family separations and repeated transitions have strained our military families. Maintaining academic requirements while coping with these stressors presents challenges. Sessions will focus on programs,

partnerships and best practices that provide measurable results in helping military parents and their children thrive. Academics and Innovations. Sessions focus on examples that foster innovation in educational practices, including social/ emotional learning, grit, and character education. Topics include: school transitions; children who learn differently; college and career readiness; nutrition; school options, education policy and implications for the military and veteranconnected student; language and literacy development; lessons-learned from local military-school partnerships, and more.

The MCEC reserves the right to use photographs or digital recordings, taken in trainings, sessions, or events of seminar attendees, for the purposes the MCEC deems necessary such as instruction, advertising, and promoting the MCEC and its programs/initiatives. Attendees who do not wish to comply with this policy must notify the registration desk in writing at the time of registration. “Military Child Education Coalition®,” “MCEC®” and associated trademarks and design elements are owned by the Military Child Education Coalition. © 2015 Military Child Education Coalition. All Rights Reserved.

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Thursday, July 30, 2015 7:00-7:50 am Breakfast Bistro Room: Salon 1 Sponsored by:

7:20-7:50 am Room: Maryland A

First-Timers Class Is this your first time joining us at the MCEC National Training Seminar? Bring your breakfast along and join this session to learn about MCEC programs and initiatives and most importantly learn how you can get the most out of your 2015 NTS experience.

8:00-9:00 am Room: Salon 2


Opening General Session General and Mrs. Martin E. Dempsey 18th Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Sponsored by:

“We talk about investing in people, it’s investing in those that wear the uniform, their families, ~General Martin E. Dempsey (and) their children…” General Dempsey, the 18th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is the highest ranking military officer in the U.S. Armed Forces. In this capacity he serves as the principal military advisor to the President, Secretary of Defense, and the National Security Council. A 1974 graduate of the United States Military Academy, General Dempsey is married to his high school sweetheart, Deanie, and each of their three children has served in the United States Army. More than forty years of military assignments have taken the Dempsey Family across the globe during both peace and war, giving them a deep understanding of the need for today’s military to maintain a strong foundation of faith and trust with military families. You won’t want to miss this lively session as military kids are interviewing the Dempsey’s and asking the questions!

9:15-10:15 am Distinguished Lecture Sessions *Media and Character Development Working Together: The Role of Media in Promoting Social and Emotional Learning

Character Development

Carol Greenwald, Senior Executive Producer, Children’s Programs, WGBH, 4-time Emmy Award winner Richard M. Lerner, PhD, Bergstrom Chair in Applied Developmental Science; Director, Institute for Applied Research in Youth Development Gentry Menzel, Senior Digital Producer, WGBH Paula Rauch, MD, Director, Marjorie E. Korff Parenting at a Challenging Time (PACT) Program at Massachusetts General; Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the Harvard Medical School Hospital; Advisory Board Member, ARTHUR Family Health, Public Broadcasting Service MCEC Science Advisory Board Member



Room: Delaware A Technology and media can be powerful tools in helping support children’s development and social and emotional learning. Learn why parents and educators rely on the characters and story lines in the award-winning PBS children’s series ARTHUR to help support children as they encounter challenges. Hear from a leader in supporting the emotional health of children and family resiliency from Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, a team of experts in children’s media from WGBH, Boston, MA, and researchers in positive youth development from Tufts University, Medford, MA, as they introduce a new research program that uses interactive media and cross-grade buddy pairs to help promote collaborative decision-making and pro-social behaviors such as empathy and honesty.

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No Literacy without Language! Get Talking with Evidence from Research, Practice, and Technology

*Military and Veteran Kids: Supporting Their Many Transitions

C. Patrick Proctor, PhD, Associate Professor of Education, Boston College, MA

Gregory Leskin, PhD, Director, NCTSN Military and Veteran Families; Barbara Thompson, Director, Office of Family Readiness Policy, Office of the Secretary of Defense

Academics and Innovation Room: Delaware B

This session will share three domains of research in the field of language and literacy. While sketching his own research background, Dr. Proctor will describe studies conducted with bilingual and monolingual children that have established the crucial link between language and reading outcomes. Additionally, school-based work with teachers will be addressed, which explores practical classroom applications designed to foster teachers’ inquiry into practice to promote the language-literacy connection for students with varied learning backgrounds. And finally, research in technologyrich environments explores the link between motivation, literacy development, and assessment.

10:15-10:30 am Morning Break Refreshments Room: State Lobby

Systems of Support

Room: Maryland A An important aspect of military life is coping with multiple transitions. Military families and children learn that relocation and separation are routine parts of military culture. When a service member leaves or retires from the military, the military family faces another type of transition to civilian life. This session will explore the impact of military life, including these transitions, on families and children. DoD, VA, and community resources which support the well-being and psychological health of military and veteran families and children will be shared along with recently developed online resources and promising practices that support military families.

MCEC recognizes John Forkenbrock,

Executive Director, National Association of Federally Impacted Schools, for his 27 years of dedicated service.

Thanks for your dedication to education, John!

9:15-11:30 am *Special Workshop: Balancing Risk, Resilience and Response Room: Virginia A/B Stephen J. Cozza, MD, COL (Ret), U.S. Army, Associate Director, Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Lieutenant Colonel Jeffrey Bergmann, PhD, U.S. Army, MCEC Science Advisory Board Lieutenant Colonel Eric M. Flake, MD, FAAP, U.S. Air Force, Assistant Professor, Uniformed Services University, Chief of Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics, Madigan Army Medical Center Colonel Rebecca I. Porter, PhD, U.S. Army, ABPP, Director, Di Lorenzo TRICARE Health Clinic, Pentagon Paula K. Rauch, MD, Director, Family Program, Red Sox Foundation /Massachusetts General Hospital, Home Base Program, Marjorie E. Korff (PACT) Parenting At a Challenging Time Program, Massachusetts General Hospital Michelle D. Sherman, PhD, University of Minnesota St. Paul, MN

Join this very special 2-hour workshop as members of the MCEC Science Advisory Board share insights and integrated approaches for children. Topics addressed will include supporting health concerns and addressing developmental considerations while addressing children who are at risk; transition issues including VA initiatives and challenges; prevention and medical care including a discussion on how risk, stress, and trauma impact the health of a child and special considerations for children with special challenges; engaging with the mental health care system and treatment options; policy applications; and supporting resilience in the face of risk. You won’t want to miss this practical session which will also feature small group discussions giving you the opportunity to “Ask the Expert” and dive much deeper in your conversations with the professionals.

MCEC Science Advisory Board Member

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* Eligible for APA clock hours



10:30-11:30 am Distinguished Lectures

*The Enduring Importance of Character and its Support

Character Development

Maurice J. Elias, PhD, Professor of Psychology and Director, Rutgers Social-Emotional Learning Lab, Co-Director, Academy for Social-Emotional Learning in Schools (SELinSchools.org), Rutgers University Room: Delaware A Character resides within the individual but requires the proper nurturance to reach its potential. Further, recent research has revealed two distinct but connected elements of character: moral character and performance character. This presentation will highlight the intertwined way in which these elements can and must be developed by schools and other coordinated supports in children’s lives. Schools must prepare all children for the tests of life, and not a life of tests, and building their socialemotional competencies and character are an essential element in that preparation. A particular focus will be on the consequences of disruption in children’s nurturance, including the impact of parents’ military deployment, and the corresponding increase needed in other supports, especially those from schools. Ways that educators at all levels can be strengthened in their ability to provide that support will be discussed.

*Supporting Students Exposed to Stress and Trauma through Schools

Systems of Support

Lisa H. Jaycox, PhD, Senior Behavioral Scientist, RAND Corporation Room: Maryland A Student’s exposure to stress and trauma can impair their social and emotional functioning, but often goes undetected. This presentation will describe a body or work addressing stress and trauma among students by screening for trauma and related symptoms, and then delivering a school-based early intervention program. Three programs will be described, as well as the evidence that supports them. We will discuss the unique stresses faced by children in military families and recent adaptations of this type of school program for students in military families that are as yet untested. The presentation will include time for discussion of the relevance of these types of programs in schools serving large populations of military students as well as in DoDEA schools.

*After Deployment Adaptive Parenting Tools (ADAPT)

Systems of Support

Abigail Gewirtz, PhD, LP, Professor, Dept. of Family Social Science & Institute of Child Development, University of Minnesota Room: Maryland B How can parents be their children’s best teachers? The ADAPT (After Deployment, Adaptive Parenting Tools) program is an evidence-based program aimed at strengthening parenting and children’s resilience in families affected by deployment. ADAPT is delivered in a variety of different formats (group, online, telehealth). This session provides an overview of the ADAPT program, including key skills taught, program delivery, and data showing the program’s effectiveness in strengthening parenting and children’s adjustment, and parents’ wellbeing.

Back to School: Effectively Advocating for How to Know Your Child is on the Path to Success

Academics and Innovation

Michael Gilligan, Vice President, Strategic Initiatives, Achieve, Inc. David Park, Senior Vice President, Communications & Marketing, Collaboration for Student Success Room: Delaware B Military families deserve, as do the educators who serve them, accurate information on how their kids are doing so they can help them succeed academically. For students, that could mean progressing to the next grade level, graduating ready for military service, heading to college confident that they are ready, or preparing to land a job with advancement potential. Achieve, the nation’s premier advocate for college and career readiness for all students, has researched how states are doing in informing educators and families of their kids progress, voter and parent attitude toward testing, and what it will take to both better inform and provide peace of mind to families and educators on what kids need to know and be able to succeed with their next step. Michael Gilligan from Achieve will present this research and David Park from Learning Heroes will highlight a new public service partnership designed to reach more than 1.5 million parents this year with information and resources about higher standards, assessments, and score reports.

* Eligible for APA clock hours



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11:45 am - 12:30 pm Room: Salon 2

Sponsored by:

*Master Class: Character Development

Richard Lerner, PhD

Bergstrom Chair, Applied Developmental Science; Director, Institute for Applied Research in Youth Development, Tufts University

Byron R. Johnson, PhD

Director, Institute for Studies of Religion; Distinguished Professor of the Social Sciences, Baylor University

Thomas R. Harrington

Western Region Director, Boy Scouts of America

The Character Development strand addresses intentional approaches that engage youth within their communities, schools, organizations, peer groups, and families in a manner that is productive. One stellar example that highlights the building of young people’s character strengths and leadership skills while recognizing their unique contributions to American freedom, democracy, and civil society is the Boy Scouts of America. Join this researchinformed session to learn what the scouting experience can teach us about the development of character and what implications it holds for military and veteran-connected youth.

Want to continue the discussion? Join Lieutenant General Brilakis for an informal Fireside Chat from 12:30-1:00 pm in Maryland A

Share your thoughts! Post feedback, thoughts, and photos on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook, and they will be shared on a live feed in the auditorium. Instructions for NTS Social Media Posts: • Use the @MilitaryChild handle for posts on any social media platform to ensure post is reflected on live feed; • Include hashtags (#) relevant to the event so common themes can be captured across various social media platforms: > Official NTS Hashtags: #MCECNTS2015 #TheirStoryOurMission

Lieutenant General Mark A. Brilakis

Deputy Commandant for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Commanding General, Marine Corps Recruiting Command

Moderator: The Honorable Chet Edwards MCEC Board Member

MCEC 2015 Commemorative Photos Back by popular demand – Serco is sponsoring individual and small group photos for MCEC attendees! Stop by the Serco photo booth located in Salon 1 at the Expo on Thursday from 12:30-5:30pm. Have your photo taken, wait a few minutes, and pick up your instant memory of MCEC 2015! Brought to you by Serco – a proud partner of MCEC since 2007. Photography services: www.chuckfazio.com www.serco-na.com

MCEC Science Advisory Board Member

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12:30-1:45 pm

MCEC is proud to showcase past winners of the

Room: Salon 1

MCEC Expo Session with Grab & Go Lunch

DoDEA K-12 Partnership Grants

Join us for lunch while strolling along the aisles of the 2015 Expo. Featuring many great exhibitors, the EXPO will offer a place to share new and exciting ideas while providing participants the chance to discuss innovations with industry representatives, observe demonstrations, and experience quality hands-on learning. A series of mini-presentations designed to enhance professional development, the 2015 EXPO attendees will gain information they can apply to advance learning opportunities for military-connected children. Join us for this exciting learning experience!

Get your 2015 Expo Passport Card!

Please visit the Expo and these very special poster session tables located in Salon 1. Learn more about these outstanding programs that demonstrate quality education, seamless transitions, and deployment support for military students.

1. Visit at least 15 exhibitor booths. 2. Receive a stamp on your card. 3. Drop your card at the MCEC registration booth to be entered in the Grand Prize Drawing for

an iPad Mini, sponsored by Tutor.com!

Drawing held Friday, July 31st and winners announced at the 11:00 am Master Class session. Must be present to win.

2:00-2:45 pm

Sponsored by:

Room: Salon 2

Views by Three: Emphasizing the Importance of STEM

Moderator: Colonel (Ret) David Lapan, USMC Senior Director, National Capital Region, Military Child Education Coalition

General Daniel B. Allyn Vice Chief of Staff, US Army

Vice Admiral Sandra Stosz

Fred W. Freking, PhD

Deputy Commandant for Mission Associate Professor of Clinical Education Support, US Coast Guard University of California, Los Angeles

MCEC and Mattel have partnered with 4th and 5th graders to encourage an interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) using the Hot Wheels Speedometry Curriculum. Join this lively session to hear what both the kids AND the senior military and corporate leaders have learned and how you can utilize this tool at both home and in the classroom to support learning! Find out more at www.hotwheels.com/en-us/Speedometry.html



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3:00-4:00 pm

Sponsored by:

Room: Salon 2

Special Topic: Cyberbullying - Impact and Response Fueled by today’s social media platforms, cyberbullying is widespread and damaging on many levels, affecting children of all ages. The perception of anonymity often fuels hurtful commentary seemingly without consequence. MCEC is proud to welcome three individuals who will share their stories about taking a stand against cyberbullying and making change happen TODAY!

Kenneth A. Linzer, JD Partner, Hobart Linzer LLP

Moderator: Joseph P. Williams Editor, U.S. News & World Report

4:00-4:20 pm

Trisha Prabhu Founder, ReThink

Curt Schilling

Former Red Sox Pitcher

Have you or someone you know been

affected by cyberbullying?

We want your questions for our panel of experts who are taking a stance against cyberbullies! Post your questions on Facebook or Twitter with the hashtag #StopCyberbulliesMCEC We will also have a box at the NTS registration table where you can add your questions!

Afternoon Break Refreshments Room: Salon 1

4:20-5:30 pm

Sponsored by:

Room: Salon 2

*Master Class: Systems of Support MCEC is pleased to welcome our special guest, Air Force Lieutenant General Joseph L. Lengyel, Vice Chief of the National Guard Bureau, who joins us to share his personal and professional perspectives on how military leaders, educators, and parents can best support military-connected children as they strive to succeed in school and their careers.

Lieutenant General Joseph L. Lengyel

Vice Chief, National Guard Bureau

Join Dr. Ginsburg in this discussion focusing on two of parenting’s fundamental questions: How do I love my child unconditionally while holding them to high expectations and how do I protect them while letting them benefit from life lessons? Based on his work and informed with input from adolescents, the discussion will focus on strategies and Dr. Ginsburg will lead a panel of kids who will share their perspective about striking a parenting balance in our families.

MCEC Science Advisory Board Member

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Ken Ginsburg, MD

Department of Pediatrics at The Children’s Hospital, Philadelphia, PA

* Eligible for APA clock hours



7:00-7:30 am

Friday, July 31, 2015

Breakfast Bistro

Sponsored by:

Room: Salon 1

7:30-8:15 am Room: Salon 2

Town Hall with Military Family Program Senior Leaders

Lieutenant General Samuel D. Cox

Lieutenant General David D. Halverson

Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Commander, Installation Management Command, US Army Personnel and Services, US Air Force

Vice Admiral Dixon R. Smith Commander, Navy Installation Command, US Navy

You won’t want to miss this session featuring senior leadership from the Army, Navy, Air Force, and VA who will be fielding YOUR questions in this audience-driven and informed discussion about issues affecting military and veteran-connected students.

The Honorable Danny G.I. Pummill

SES, Principal Deputy Under Secretary for Benefits, Veterans Benefits Administration (MCEC National Advisor)

Moderator: Brigadier General (Ret) Robert “Bob” Gaylord Independent Leadership and Communication Consultant, MCEC Board Member

8:15-9:30 am Room: Salon 2

2nd General Session

Sponsored by:

The Honorable Ashton B. Carter Secretary of Defense

The Honorable Ashton B. Carter is the 25th Secretary of Defense. A graduate of Yale University and a Rhodes Scholar, Secretary Carter has spent more than three decades working in direct and indirect service of eleven secretaries of defense. Whether in government, academia or the private sector he has maintained a deep dedication to the men and women of the Department of Defense. For his government service, Secretary Carter has been awarded the Department of Defense Distinguished Service Medal, DoD’s highest, on five separate occasions. MCEC is honored for Secretary Carter to join the 2015 NTS and weigh in on the issues affecting military children and their families.

“ Behind those who make up the greatest fighting force the world has ever known are families, many including children who serve the nation around the world just as their parents do.”


Annual Business Meeting & Partnership of Excellence Awards The LTG (Ret) H.G. “Pete” Taylor Partnership of Excellence Award recognizes successful partnerships and projects benefitting military children. The award may represent a single project in which a military installation and one or more school districts participated, or it may be a summation of the entire program between a military installation and the school districts serving an installation.

~Secretary Ash Carter


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9:30-9:45 am Morning Break Refreshments Room: State Lobby Sponsored by:

The University of Texas System

Nine Universities, Six Health Institutions, Unlimited Possibilities.

9:45-10:45 am Distinguished Lecture Sessions *Character Development and Engaged Citizenship among Children and Adolescents

Character Development

Laura Wray-Lake, PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of Rochester Room: Delaware A Drawing on current theory and research on positive youth development, this session will present new findings from the Roots of Engaged Citizenship Project (www.civicroots.org) that illustrates pathways to character development and engaged citizenship across childhood and adolescence. Schools, families, and extracurricular contexts play an important role in supporting character strengths such as leadership, teamwork, perseverance, future-mindedness, and responsibility. Through modeling, civic discussions, and supportive relationships, adults across settings can enhance the character development of youth. Moreover, character strengths are a stepping stone in the development of active engaged citizens, enhancing their likelihood of volunteering, informally helping others, and being informed about current events. This session will connect the latest findings to real-world strategies for educators and practitioners who serve youth and families. Attendees will learn actionable steps that build on existing strengths of military families and that enhance the character development of all children and adolescents. Audience participation is encouraged.

Join the Conversation!

Our Interactive Community Homeroom.MilitaryChild.org

• Interactive online engagement and collaboration community creating solutions to issues for military-connected children

Teach For America Military Veteran Initiative: Enlisting, Training & Deploying Veteran Leaders in the battle for Education Equality

Academics and Innovation

Eryn Mounticure, Director, Veterans Initiative, Teach For America Room: Delaware B This session will be an informational lecture presentation on the impact of military veterans and spouses in lowincome school across the country. It will address what is known today as the “Opportunity Gap” and will exemplify the skills veterans and spouses, bring to the table to ensure that all children in this country receive an excellent education despite their zip code. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and engage in conversation around the opportunity gap. Participants will also engage in discussion around how military children may be affected by the opportunity gap.

Middle School Matters! How all Teachers Can Promote Greater Engagement and Content Learning

Academics and Innovation

David Barrett, PhD, Assistant Director of the Middle School Matters Institute (an initiative of the George W. Bush Institute) Veronica Miller, Support Coach, Middle School Matters Institute (an initiative of the George W. Bush Institute) Room: Virginia A/B The middle grade years present change and challenges for all students, but military-connected children often have additional challenges that require teachers to engage students during instruction and foster “active learning” to ensure they leave middle school with the necessary skills to succeed in high school and become college and career ready. The George W. Bush Institute, in partnership with The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk at The University of Texas, implements the Middle School Matters Institute (MSMI). The initiative make instructional resources and support available to middle grade school and teachers at no cost. In this session, presenters will describe and demonstrate research-based practices that ALL teachers can integrate into their instruction to support complex text reading and deepen content learning. Specifically, we will focus on practices that support students’ vocabulary, reading comprehension and writing. Participants will examine video clips of instruction and receive materials needed to implement these strategies.

• Mobilizes active participants and empowers our supporters with a voice while expanding outreach to new communities * Eligible for APA clock hours

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9:45-10:45 am Distinguished Lecture Sessions (continued) Supportive Partnerships for Military Families of Children with Disabilities

Systems of Support

Vicki Farnsworth, Assistant Director of The Branch, Military Parent Technical Assistance Center Carmen Sanchez, Education Program Specialist, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, US. Department of Education Jeremy Hilton, Military Family Advocate Room: Maryland A/B Military families of children with special needs are an under-served population with a need for information and resources tailored to their children’s needs and the particularities of being military families. The Branch (MPTAC) has been established to build the capacity of a network of federally funded Parent Centers to provide effective services to military parents of children and youth with disabilities in military families, services that improve the educational outcomes of children and youth with disabilities and empowers families and youth. The session will help you learn about the parent centers, the Branch, and how you can build relationships with the centers to better support military families of children with disabilities.

About the MCEC Student 2 Student (S2S) Program The MCEC Student 2 Student® (S2STM) program is a popular initiative of the Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) in which students guide newcomers through their unfamiliar surroundings, offering information, assistance, and friendship from a peer perspective. Visit Booth 4 in the Lobby at the Expo where S2S teams discuss and demonstrate innovative ways to guide new students in three areas that matter most to teens: Academics, Relationships, and Finding the Way. Six schools have been selected to represent more than 300 S2S programs throughout the world: Fort Campbell High School, KY Ellison High School, TX Rutherford High School, FL Stacey Jr./Sr. High School, TX Steilacoom High School, WA Falcon High School, CO

11:00-11:45 am

Sponsored by:

Room: Salon 2

Master Class: Academics and Innovation How do we as educators, parents, and community leaders inspire all kids to achieve and persist throughout the course of their academic careers? Join this session for strategies we can all use to best support military-connected students as they strive to find success while working toward college and career readiness.

Moderator: Colonel Susan F. Bryant, PhD General Larry O. Spencer

Vice Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force

Jack Buckley, PhD

Senior Vice President, Research, College Board

Strategist, Chief of Staff, CSA-Strategic Studies Group

Want to continue the discussion? Join General Spencer for an informal Fireside Chat from 12:00-12:30 pm, in Wilson A

10 www.MilitaryChild.org

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11:45 am - 12:50 pm Collaborative Sessions & Brown Bag Lunch Session Rooms: Located in Wilson Foyer on the Mezzanine Level Join these special sessions to share all you have learned from the 2015 NTS! In our collaborative sessions, participants will be involved in table-top conversations which allow individuals to not only learn from subject matter experts at the NTS, but also from each other while building a supportive network of colleagues with a like mission. As attendees add their voices and diverse expertise to the table-top conversations, they will acquire practical skills that can be implemented both professionally and personally. Grab your lunch and join a session! Academics and Innovations Collaborative.......... Balcony B Character Development Collaborative................. Hoover *Systems of Support Collaborative....................... Wilson B

Federal Collaborations with Stakeholders in Military Child Education Kathleen Facon, Chief, Educational Partnerships and Non DoD Schools Program, DoDEA Brian Thompson, U.S. Department of Education, Military Affairs Team Lead Room: Coolidge On June 25, 2008, the Deputy Secretaries of Defense and Education signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to create a formal partnership between their two departments to support the education of military students. Specifically, the MOU provides a comprehensive and cohesive structure for collaboration between the two federal agencies as well as with state, local and other relevant entities. Session will include a panel discussion between members of the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) and U. S. Department of Education (ED) MOU Working Group. Specifically the discussion will (1) highlight how the DoD and ED coordinate efforts to expand educational opportunities, (2) examine how districts can obtain additional resources to meet the educational and transition needs of military children, and (3) explore current initiatives that promote continuity in education and student achievement.

Partnership Award Winner “Speed Dating” Room: Balcony A Goodness happens at the local level! Have you ever wanted to learn more about the Pete Taylor Partnership of Excellence Award winning programs? Join this Collaborative Session which will highlight the 2015 winning programs in interactive table top presentations.

*NCTSN Professionals Collaborative Gregory Leskin, PhD, Director, NCTSN Military and Veteran Families Room: Wilson C MCEC is proud to have partnered with The National Child Traumatic Stress Network, sponsor of the Systems of Support focus area, for the 2015 NTS. If you are joining us as a NCTSN researcher, practitioner, or policy-maker, this Collaborative Session is for you!

MCEC is proud to partner with The National Child Traumatic Stress Network in support of military kids. * Eligible for APA clock hours

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1:00-2:00 pm Room: Salon 2

Sponsored by:

Special Topic: School Leaders Panel Across our nation, many changes are now underway in schools and these changes will affect the opportunities for military-connected children. The MCEC is proud to feature our School Leaders’ Panel Discussion, bringing together influential education leaders who will address the issues, policies, challenges, and successes of schools who are serving our military students.

Thomas M. Brady

Director, Department of Defense Education Activity

Frank Till Jr., PhD

Superintendent, Cumberland County Schools

Mark Terry

Deputy Executive Director, Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association

Moderator: Robert Muller, PhD

2:00-2:15 pm

Clinical Associate Professor, Educational Administration & Human Resource Development, Texas A&M University

Afternoon Break Refreshments Room: Salon 1

2:15-3:30 pm Room: Salon 2


General Session Admiral Harry B. Harris, Jr.

Commander, U.S. Pacific Command, U.S. Navy

For those who serve military and veteran children, character development, academic opportunities and support systems are important components for building a strong foundation to prepare today’s youth for a 21st century workplace. Join Admiral Harry B. Harris, Jr. as he shares why as educators, parents, leaders and community members we must remember that it’s Their Story, Our Mission.

Check out our Military Kids Art Show Located in the Registration Lobby

12 www.MilitaryChild.org

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At BAE Systems, our commitment goes beyond equipping our armed forces with advanced technologies and solutions for a rapidly changing world. We also encourage employee-driven volunteer efforts that benefit service members and their families. And we are proud to be there to support organizations like the Military Child Education Coalition – working to ensure quality educational opportunities for all military children – that have a positive, lasting impact on the communities where we live and work.




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Thank you…

To Our Generous 2015 National Training Seminar Sponsors!

The University of Texas System

Nine Universities, Six Health Institutions, Unlimited Possibilities.

14 www.MilitaryChild.org

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Generous contributions from the following individuals and organizations led to the success of our event. Air Force Association


Association of the United States Army

McLane Advanced Technologies

Joan Barrett

John and Gale Moore

Kevin & Carla Bergner


BKCW Insurance

National Association of Federally Impacted Schools

Boy Scouts of America

Old Dominion University

Brockway, Gersbach, Franklin, & Neimeier


Central Texas College The Honorable Chet Edwards FedBid First National Bank Texas Juan Garcia Barbara Gentry Judy Glennon B. Griffin Company, LLC Health Net David Henry, JD Interlam Mary M. Keller, EdD

Reasoning Mind, Inc. Red Cross Ali Saadat Small World Labs Lieutenant General (Ret) H.G. “Pete” Taylor Texas A&M University – Central Texas Texas A&M University – College Station TradeMark Media Union State Bank Joyce Ward

Heartfelt Thanks

to Military Child Education Coalition Initiative Sponsors:

Utley Education Foundation

Thanks for the support from our higher education partners: The American University of Rome Arkansas State University – College of Nursing & Health Professionals Auburn University College of Education Baker University – Graduate School of Education Baylor University School of Education Central Texas College Columbus State University Duke University Medical Center Fayetteville State University George Mason University Kansas State University – College of Education Liberty University – School of Education Oklahoma State University – School of Teaching & Curriculum Leadership Old Dominion University – College of Education Pacific Lutheran University School of Education & Movement Studies Park University – School for Education Penn State Princeton University - Center for Research on Child Well-Being Purdue University - Center for Families and Military Family Research Institute Saint Martin’s University Southern Methodist University Syracuse University Tufts University Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences United States Air Force Academy United States Military Academy – West Point University of Alabama – School of Social Work University of Colorado at Colorado Springs College of Education University of Dubuque University of Maine – College of Education & Human Development University of Northern Iowa – College of Education University of San Diego University of Southern California – The Rossier School Texas A&M University - Central Texas Texas A&M - College Station – College of Education Texas A&M University - San Antonio UCLA/Duke University – National Child Traumatic Network Wheelock College University of Texas System University of Texas – Arlington University of Texas – Austin – Charles A. Dana Center University of Texas – San Antonio University of Virginia Curry – School of Education

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Family Counseling and Support Military Benefit Services Career Transition Assistance Wounded Warrior Advocacy Military Personnel Services Support

the Service Delivery Company www.serco-na.com 16 www.MilitaryChild.org

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The National Training Seminar Overarching Objectives Participants will: • Identify resources and initiatives that support military-connected children and youth. • Develop connections with colleagues and experts relevant to their areas of interests in and service to militaryconnected children and their parents. • Describe public policy perspectives about the changes in the Force and the implication for programs and services for military-connected children and youth. • Analyze professional and personal practices through learning and insights obtained from speaker and presenter presentations.

Graduate Credit for the 2015 MCEC National Training Seminar The Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) has established a working relationship with the University of San Diego (USD) that allows conference participants to register for one unit of graduate extension credit. USD is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Credits may be transferred to a degree program, but participants should first consult with the degree granting organization for this permission. Credits are generally used for personal growth, certification, and/or salary enhancement purposes.

Course Requirements: • Full participation in all training sessions and activities is required. • Interested participants must register for credit with USD within 10 days of the beginning of the National Training Seminar (no later than August 8, 2015). • Within 30 days following the training seminar, write a 3 to 5 page reflection paper addressing the following questions: 1. What ideas did you find most appealing at the training seminar? 2. How can you use what you learned in your everyday job and/or personal experiences? 3. What ideas, if any, did you hear about at the training seminar that you would challenge? Why? 4. Approximately how many hours were you involved at the workshop and writing this paper? Forward the completed reflection paper to Dr. Georgene Dwyer at dwyerg@gmx.net. You will receive feedback once your reflection paper is reviewed and graded. The University of San Diego will forward a transcript to you within five working days following review of all submissions. The first transcript is complimentary; additional transcripts may be ordered online for a minimum fee.

Grading: USD will award a letter grade based on Training Seminar participation and completion of a quality writing component.

Fees: USD charges $75. This is a one credit hour course.

If you would like to apply for Continuing Legal Education (CLE) in your state/ jurisdiction, please pick up a Uniform Certificate of Attendance at Registration. Military Child Education Coalition is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The Military Child Education Coalition maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

Full NTS attendance is required for graduate credit. A R M Y • M A R I N E S • N AV Y • A I R F O R C E • C O A S T G U A R D



Room: Salon 1 Hours: Thursday, 7:00 am - 6:00 pm Friday, 7:00 am - 3:30 pm



Summer Blowout! All GLU Kits reduced in price!

Summer-sized book sale, while supplies last! A few you’ll find:

Rooster’s Off to See the World....................... $1.00 Travels with Toot and Puddle..........................$6.99 Miracle Man...................................................... $5.00

Meet these Authors! Book Signing in the MCEC Store Thursday from 5:30-6:00 pm

Raising Kids to Thrive.........$16.95 by Ken Ginsburg

Letting Go with Love and Confidence............. $9.00 Hope Weavers.................................................. $3.00

Stories Around the Table............$14.95

Spend $50.00 and get a

Many more items at blowout prices! Only while supplies last

18 www.MilitaryChild.org

Chance to Win

a Two-night weekend stay with breakfast for two! Marriot Wardman $565 value

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Ingenuity Always Advances. SAIC recognizes that today’s youth are our future leaders. We proudly support the Military Child Education Coalition’s mission to help military students transition smoothly into schools.

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We Are Redefining Ingenuity.

saic.com © SAIC. All rights reserved.

National Advisory Committee Mrs. Charlene Austin The Honorable Valerie Baldwin Mrs. Patricia “Tosh” Barron The Honorable Carolyn H. Becraft Mr. Douglas Belair General (Ret) and Mrs. B.B. Bell (Katie) Ms. Dona Bushong The Honorable and Mrs. John Carter (Erika) Mr. Ed Casey General (Ret) and Mrs. George Casey (Shelia) General (Ret) and Mrs. Peter Chiarelli (Beth) Lieutenant General (Ret) and Mrs. Kurt Cichowski (Laura) Mr. Mike Cohen Dr. Dan Domenech Admiral (Ret) and Mrs. Walter Doran (Ginny) Mrs. Lea Ann Edwards General (Ret) and Mrs. Larry R. Ellis (Jean) Ms. Lucy Fitch Lieutenant General (Ret) and Mrs. Phil Ford (Kris) General (Ret) Tommy R. Franks Vice Admiral (Ret.) William “Bill” French (Monika) Command Sergeant Major (Ret) and Mrs. William J. Gainey (Cindy) The Honorable Pete Geren Mr. Roy Gibson The Honorable Robert L. Gordon III Major General (Ret) and Mrs. Mark R. Hamilton (Patty) Lieutenant General (Ret) Charles R. Heflebower RADM (Ret) and Mrs. Leenert Hering (Sharon) General (Ret) James T. Hill and Dr. Toni Hill Lieutenant General (Ret) and Mrs. William Ingram (Lil) Major General (Ret) and Mrs. Robert Ivany (Marianne) Lt Gen (Ret) and Mrs. Darrell Jones (Holly) Mr. Gary Knell Mr. Luke Knittig General (Ret) and Mrs. Leon J. LaPorte (Judy) General (Ret) and Mrs. David McKiernan (Carmen) General (Ret) and Mrs. Craig McKinley (Cheryl) Mr. Drayton McLane, Jr. General (Ret) and Mrs. Duncan McNabb (Linda) Lieutenant General (Ret) and Mrs. Thomas Metz (Pam) Major General (Ret) and Mrs. Paul Mock (Karen) General (Ret) and Mrs. Richard Myers (Mary Jo) The Honorable Danny Pummill, MNSS, MMAS General (Ret) Dennis J. Reimer Mr. Matthew “Matt” Rogers General (Ret) and Mrs. Norton Schwartz (Suzie) General (Ret) and Mrs. Henry H. Shelton (Carolyn) Lieutenant General (Ret) Stephen M. Speakes Lieutenant General (Ret) George J. Trautman III Dr. Philip “Uri” Treisman Ms. Kirsten White

20 www.MilitaryChild.org

Board of Directors Officers: General (Ret) Benjamin Griffin, Chairman Brigadier General (Ret) Robert “Bob” Gaylord, Vice Chairman/Treasurer Brigadier General (Ret) Earl Simms, Vice Chairman/Secretary Bruni Bradley, Vice Chairman Barbara Day, Vice Chairman Dawn Goldfein, Vice Chairman David G. Henry, Vice Chairman Rich Lerner, PhD, Vice Chairman Cathe Robling, Vice Chairman Robert “Bob” Utley, Vice Chairman


Members Emeriti:

Renee Bostick Ann Campbell The Honorable Chet Edwards Barbara Gentry Denise Jelinski-Hall Robert Muller, PhD Command Sergeant Major (Ret) Mark S. Ripka Ali Saadat Ed Van Buren Joyce Ward Mary M. Keller, EdD, President/ CEO, ex officio

Cathy Franks Dr. William “Bill” Harrison Lieutenant General (Ret) Don Jones Dr. James Mitchell Kathleen O’Beirne Robert “Bob” Ray Mary Jo Reimer Sandy Schwartz Patricia “Patty” Shinseki General (Ret) Thomas A. “Tom” Schwartz Lieutenant General (Ret) H.G. “Pete” Taylor Zoe Trautman

Science Advisory Board Richard M. Lerner, PhD* – Co-Chair Colonel (Ret) Stephen J. Cozza, MD, U.S. Army – Co-Chair Ron Avi Astor, PhD Lieutenant Colonel Jeffrey S. Bergmann, PhD, U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Eric M. Flake, MD, FAAP, U.S. Air Force Sarah L. Friedman, PhD Kenneth Ginsburg, MD, MS ED Leanne Knobloch, PhD Janice Laurence, PhD Lieutenant Colonel Keith M. Lemmon, MD, FAAP, U.S. Army Jacqueline V. Lerner, PhD Ann Masten, PhD Michael Matthews, PhD Captain Joseph G. McQuade, MD, U.S. Navy Ronald S. Palomares, PhD Colonel Rebecca I. Porter, PhD, ABPP, U.S. Army Paula K. Rauch, MD Colonel (Ret) Sook Chun Ryo, MD, U.S. Army Michelle D. Sherman, PhD *MCEC Board Member

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2015 Slate of Candidates The 2015-2016 Nominating Committee is pleased to present the following candidates for election to the MCEC Board of Directors. Directors are elected to three-year terms. We bring forward this slate of candidates and express our appreciation to those dedicated MCEC Board Members who have consented to continue their service. BOARD CANDIDATES


Anne Haston

Earl Simms, BG, USA (Ret), Vice Chairman/Secretary

Anne Haston was born in McMinnville, Tennessee, where her father still raises cattle on the family farm. The first in her family to attend college, she graduated with a major in economics from The University of Tennessee Knoxville in 1980. As a child and youth education advocate since 1997, and first lady of the Tennessee National Guard since January 2010, Mrs. Haston focuses most of her volunteer time on the “force behind the force” - the military child and family. In May 2013, she and Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett, military child of NGAUS President, MG Gus Hargett, co-chaired a Military Child Public Engagement, facilitated by the non-profit Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC), to raise awareness of the 40,000 military children living in Tennessee.

Brigadier General (Ret) Earl Simms is the Vice President of Corporate Relations for the Armed Forces Services Corporation. His military career spanned over 32 years in the U.S. Army holding positions such as Adjutant General of the Army and the Commanding General of the U.S. Army Soldier Support Institute. Earl was Co-Founder & Board Member of The Tim Maude Fund and Chairman of the National Board of The ROCKS.

Kathy Killea Kathy Killea grew up in Queens, New York. She attended St. John’s University where she met her Marine husband, Kevin. After graduating from college with a degree in Education, Kathy has worked in a classroom setting with almost every age group imaginable-from young children as a preschool teacher to adults as an ESL Instructor. Kathy is the proud mother of three adult children. She has enjoyed raising them as a military family and exploring the country with each new move. Throughout the years and her family’s many moves, Kathy has volunteered as a Sunday school teacher, Girl Scout leader, classroom assistant, team mom to innumerable sport teams, Key Volunteer, and Family Readiness Advisor.

Mary Claire Murphy Mary Claire Murphy is the Executive Director of Government Affairs in the Textron Washington, D.C. office. Mary Claire also oversees corporate communications & external affairs within the Washington office, and is a member of the Textron Corporate Communications Council, the Textron PAC Board of Directors, and the Textron Global Leadership Team. Prior to joining Textron in January 2008, Mary Claire served as the Special Assistant & Director of Protocol to the United States Secretaries of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld and Robert M. Gates. Mary Claire was also Vice President at the United States Telecom Association and Vice President for Association Programs at the Cellular Telecom Industry Association. Mary Claire is a native of Thomasville, Georgia and attended The University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee.

David Henry, J.D., Vice Chairman David G. Henry, Sr. is a registered patent attorney, intellectual property litigator, and IP Section Chair. David has taught patent and trademark courses as a professor at Baylor Law School since 1994 and also teaches in the Entrepreneurship Program at Baylor’s Hankamer School of Business. As a self-described “poster child” for ADHD and a former high school dropout, David mentors young people, particularly those facing challenges and setbacks. David is a Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Air Force Auxiliary and serves as his unit’s Public Affairs Officer.

The Honorable Chet Edwards Chet Edwards represented Central Texas in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1991-2010. He earned the reputation as a national champion for America’s troops, veterans, and their families and represented Ft. Hood Texas through three combat deployments. He served as Co-Chairman of the House Army Caucus and Chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction and Veterans Affairs. Edwards wrote the Fry Scholarship law, which provides a full GI college scholarship for every child who has lost a parent in military service since September 11, 2001 and played a key role in creating the public-private military housing program that is now used for over 90% of all new military family housing.

Mark Ripka, CSM, USA (Ret) Command Sergeant Major (Ret) Mark S. Ripka served over 36 years in the United States Army. His final 11 years of military service were spent as a senior advisor at the strategic level where he was influential in the development of enlisted joint professional military education. Mark and his wife, Deb, have three children who have attended multiple DoDDS and public schools throughout the U.S..

MCEC Business Meeting Friday, July 31, 8:15 am, during the General Session

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Room: Salon 1 and Lobby

American Military University Craig Gilman (703) 334-3957 cgilman@apus.edu

Armed Services YMCA Bill French (703) 455-2181 wfrench@asymca.org

Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation Liz Zirkle (904) 853-6981 liz@fallenpariots.org

The College Board Karen Lanning (202) 741-4648 Klanning@collegeboard.org Thursday only

Elva Resa Publishing Karen Pavlicin-Fragnito (651) 357-8770 orders@elvaresa.com Army OneSource Joan Resau (703) 216-6685 jresau@afsc.com

The Barry Robinson Center Chuck Brooks (757) 618-3920 cbrooks@barryrobinson.org

Future of Children Johnathon Wallace (609) 258-0340 jdw5@princeton.edu

Guard Your Health Jenna Lenskold (703) 621-4887 jenna.lenskold@dutyfirst.com Thursday only Chameleon Kids Janine Boldrin (919) 260-1725 janine@thechameleonkids.com Thursday only

22 www.MilitaryChild.org

Maryland Disability Law Center Robert Berlow (443) 692-2512 bobb@mdlclaw.org

MCEC’s Professional Development Judy Glennon (254) 953-1923 ext. 1142 judy.glennon@militarychild.org

Military Impacted Schools Association (MISA) Kyle Fairbairn (402) 305-6468 kykef@hotmail.com

Military Kids Connect Carolyn Rasmussen 253-209-3459 carolyn.p.rasmussen2.ctr@mail.mil

The Motherless Village of Hope Jessica Sykes (678) 681-4490 info@themotherlessvillageofhope.org Thursday only

Pearson Michelle Knoben (952) 681-3029 michelle.knoben@pearson.com

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COURSES Available for TEA credit! Phoenix House Mid-Atlantic Nancy Evanko 571-395-0462 nevanko@phoenichouse.org

QBS Companies Anne Gately 508-630-6370 agately@qbscompanies.com

Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors Ashlynne Haycock 202-255-3434 ashlynne.haycock@taps.org

Concise and practical training

Tutor.com for U.S. Military Families Pam Brehm (202) 285-0496 pamela.brehm@tutor.com

Reasoning Mind Suzette Hackett (925) 819-1939 shackett@reasoningmind.org

Scholastic Art & Writing Awards Alana Benoit 212-343-6415 abenoit@scholastic.com

Serco Photo Booth Get your 2015 NTS memento here! Thursday only

Student 2 Student Debra Longley (254) 953-1923 debra.longley@militarychild.org

United Through Reading Kristin Driscoll 703-273-8240 kristindriscoll@utr.org

The USAA Educational Foundation Steve Finley 210-370-2213 steven.finley@usaa.com Thursday only

designed for educators and professionals working with military-connected children, these online courses are adaptable and portable to fit individual situations.

Limited spots currently available to educators at no cost! Available Online Now: The Journey from “Welcome Home” to Now: Reunion, Reconnecting, RoutineTM Features dynamic instructors who identify potential reintegration stressors, suggest supportive activities and strategies, and emphasize the importance of service and “giving back” as a valuable trait to ensure opportunities to thrive.

Helping Military Children Discover Their S.P.A.R.C. (Strength, Potential, Aspirations, Resourcefulness, Confidence)TM

S.P.A.R.C. takes a look at what motivates students to bring their very best efforts to all their education endeavors and develops guidelines to ensure that happens.

Courses offer Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and can be taken as schedules permit.

Check out www.MilitaryChild.org/ online-training for more information. A R M Y • M A R I N E S • N AV Y • A I R F O R C E • C O A S T G U A R D



Military Child Education Coalition® th National Training Seminar



JUNE 28-29, 2016 Washington, DC Marriott Wardman Park Hotel

CFC #10261 24 www.MilitaryChild.org

Stars by Hannah | Grade 8 | Landstown Middle School Virginia Beach, VA | US Navy

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MCEC NTS Social Media Tutorial During this year’s event, NTS participants will have the opportunity to communicate with key internal and external stakeholders through dynamic social media platforms. The following steps provide guidance on creating a Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook accounts.

Create a Twitter Account

M C E C O F F I C E STA F F (254) 953-1923 • (254) 953-1925 (fax) 909 Mountain Lion Circle Harker Heights, Texas 76548 info@MilitaryChild.org

1. Go to www.twitter.com on your mobile device or the nearest computer. 2. Enter full name and e-mail address as prompted and create a password. 3. Follow MCEC on Twitter at @MilitaryChild.

Create an Instagram Account 1. Go to www.instagram.com on your mobile device or the nearest computer. 2. Select “Register with E-mail” to sign up with your e-mail address or “Register with Facebook” to sign up with your Facebook account. 3. If you registered with e-mail, create a username and password. 4. If you registered with Facebook, you’ll be prompted to sign into your Facebook account. 5. Identify fellow NTS participants on Instagram via the “Explore” tab and request to follow as desired. 6. Follow MCEC by searching for MilitaryChild_MCEC

Create a Facebook Account 1. Go to www.facebook.com on your mobile device or the nearest computer. 2. Enter your name, e-mail, and password on the homepage. 3. Like MCEC by searching for Military Child Education Coalition in the search bar. Please consult our onsite social media teams if you run into any technical difficulties.

Share your thoughts!

Post feedback, thoughts, and photos on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook, and they will be shared on a live feed in the Auditorium.

Instructions for NTS Social Media Posts • Use the @MilitaryChild handle for posts on any social media platform to ensure post is reflected on live feed. • Include hashtags (#) relevant to the event so common themes can be captured across various social media platforms: > Official National Training Seminar Hashtags: #MCECNTS2015 #TheirStoryOurMission • Make sure your posts are public, so they can be shared on the live feed.

Mary M. Keller, EdD President and Chief Executive Officer John L. Ballantyne Senior Vice President/Chief Operating Officer Todd A. Buchs Vice President of Programs & Business Development Cindy Simerly Vice President of Fund Development & Marketing David Lapan Senior Director, National Capital Region Laura Cayton Executive Assistant and Speaker’s Bureau Lisa Thomas, PhD Coordinator Curriculum Development & Professional Standards Daryl McLauchlin Chief Technology Officer Stacey Smith, PhD Director of Grants Management & Program Evaluation Shellie Campos, PHR Director, Human Resources Michael Gravens Director, Business Development Denise Montana Chief of Logistics & Retail Juan Garcia, CPA Comptroller Annette Farmer, JD Staff Counsel and Director of Contracting

STAY IN TOUCH! www.MilitaryChild.org






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www.MilitaryChild.org 2525

4 million reasons to join -

serving the children of those who serve us all. Membership in Military Child Education Coalition® (MCEC®) demonstrates your support of military and veteran-connected children! All members receive the MCEC monthly eNewsletters, semi-annual On the Move® digital magazines and new or special topic publications electronically. All dues-paying members are entitled to the member rate for National Training Seminar (NTS) registration.


In addition:

Individual: • Members do not have to be military-connected — anyone can join!

To learn more:

• Community members receive all information digitally at no cost. • Sustaining members receive mailed annual MCEC calendar, electronic letter for CDA certification and digital publications for one year/three years. • Champion (lifetime) members receive mailed new member packet, On the Move® magazines, annual MCEC calendars and special topic publications.

Business & Organization: • Receive all the benefits of Champion members, plus member recognition in eNewsletter and use of the MCEC logo for one year/three years/lifetime.

Individual Schools!

To learn more:

Corporate: • Receive all the benefits of Business & Organization members, plus complimentary NTS registration(s) with NTS donation.

To learn more:

College & University/School District/Military Installation: • Associate members receive all the benefits of Business & Organization members, plus are voting members. • Patron members receive all the benefits of Associate members, plus are eligible for one NTS registration scholarship.

To learn more:


Military Child Education Coalition 909 Mountain Lion Circle | Harker Heights, Texas 76548 | P (254) 953-1923 | F (254) 953-1925

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