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USS Boxer hosts U.S. Army War College International Fellows




USS Boxer (LHD 4)

USSBoxer(LHD4)hostedseniormilitary leaders from 38 countries during the U.S. Army War College International Fellows visittoSanDiego

The visit provided the International Fellows an intimate look into amphibious operations and how U.S. Navy and U.S. MarineCorpsintegrationisvitaltoeffective crisis response support, regional maritime securityanddeterrence

Before commencing a shipboard familiarization tour, the International Fellows were greeted by Rear Adm. James Kirk, commander,ExpeditionaryStrikeGroup3.

“As a graduate of the U.S. Army War College, it was an absolute privilege to welcome the International Fellows aboard USS Boxer,” said Rear Adm. James Kirk, commander, Expeditionary Strike Group 3, who briefed the International Fellows on amphibious operations. “The opportunity todiscussstrategicleadershipandhighlight our expeditionary mission is invaluable. Exposing our international partners to the Fleetdirectlystrengthensinteroperability.

The International Fellows walked the flight deck and learned about the ship’s aircraft capabilities, including the ability to embark and support all Marine aviation assets including the MV-22 Osprey and the F-35B LightningII, the short take-offverticallandingmodelofthejointstrikefighter.

Thedistinguishedvisitorsalsotouredthe Combat Information Center and medical facilities,wheretheylearnedabouttheplatform’sabilitytoserveasacasualtyreceiving and treatment ship, supporting humanitarianassistancemissionsormasscasualties

Throughout the visit, the International Fellowswereabletointeractwiththeship’s crew and learn firsthand about the U.S. Navy’sgreatestasset—itsSailors

“Each of us has a different experience in the military through our various branches, jobs and the countries we serve,” said Lt Cmdr Eugenia Rhone Boxer’s administrative officer and one of the tour guides “Whilemanyaspectsofourservicediffer,it wasinspiring to hearhowmuchwe have in commonwithourinternationalpartners.”

OneInternationalFellowsharedthattheir visitwasaneyeopeninglearningexperience

“It reinforces my view on the U.S. naval force,” said the International Fellow. “It’s truethatIwasimpressedbytheequipment, thetechnology,thelevelofprofessionalism, andthecommitmentofthepersonnel.”

The U.S. Army War College offers an International Fellows Program where each year approximately 80 senior military officers from around the world are extended an invitation from the Chief of Staff of the

UnitedStatesArmytoattendtheU.S.Army War College The Academic year is full of studying, research and fellowship as these officersareinstructedinareasrangingfrom military concepts and doctrine to national andtheaterlevelstrategies.

BoxerisaWasp-classamphibiousassault shipcommissionedFebruary11,1995andis thesixthshiptobearthename Boxer’screw is made up of approximately 1,200 officers and enlisted personnel and can accommodateupto1,800Marines

FormoreinformationorimageryforUSS Boxervisit:https://www.dvidshub.net/unit/ USSB-LHD4

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