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CNRMA celebrates 130th
from Flagship 04.06.2023
ByMC3JordanGrimes Commander Navy Region Mid-Atlantic NORFOLK Va Commander Navy RegionMid-Atlantic(CNRMA)heldacelebration in honor of the 130th Chief Petty OfficerbirthdayMarch31.
The celebration included a ceremony which highlighted the history of the rank ofChiefPettyOfficer,aswellasexperiences fromChiefspastandpresentandthereading oftheChiefPettyOfficerCreed
Chief Religious Program Specialist Samantha Greenley, the master of ceremonies for the celebration, said in her speech how Chiefs play an important role within theNavycommunity “Chiefsarerecognizedforexemplarytechnical expertise within their rating, superior administrative skills and strong leadership ability,” said Greenley “Most importantly, Chiefs bridge the gap between officers and enlisted personnel, acting as supervisors as wellasadvocatesfortheirSailors.”
After a brief telling of the history of the
Chief Petty Officer Creed, Greenley turned thestandovertoCNRMACommandMaster Chief Asa Worcester for the reading of the Creed which discussed the challenges Chiefsfacewhentheypromote
“Your entire way of life is changed, recited Worcester “More will be expected of you; more will be demanded of you. Not because you are an E-7, but because you are now a Chief Petty Officer. You have not merelybeenpromotedapaygrade,youhave joined an exclusive fellowship and, as in all fellowships you have a special responsibility to your comrades even as they have a special responsibility to you. This is why we in the United States Navy may maintain with pride our feelings of accomplishment once we have attained the position of Chief PettyOfficer.”
The ceremony was concluded with a cake cutting presented by Worcester, the mostseniorChiefPettyOfficerpresent,and Chief Master-at-Arms Emmanuel Ubiera, the most junior service area we could not do that with our staffofroughly68people Volunteerstouch nearly every aspect of our operation, and theyarevaluedbeyondwords.”
The foodbank obtains the food items to stock their shelves through a variety of sources “Donationsfromfooddrives,foodmanufacturers like Perdue Farms and Smithfield Foods Feeding America, the USDA and grocerystorechains, saidBrandt “Wealso purchase about $5 million worth of food every year with the financial contributions wereceive.Manyofthosepurchasescenter onfreshfruitsandvegetables.”
White spoke about the importance of servicemembers volunteering within the community “I think volunteering in the community,” said White “As a servicemember is vital in continuingtobuildtherelationshipbetween the military and our community Additionally,Ithinkitjustshowsthemweareregular peopletoo.”
You can help the Foodbank by donating your time as a volunteer, collecting food, or by making a financial contribution by visitingtheirwebsite foodbankonline.org
130th ChiefPettyOfficerBirthday.The rankofChiefPettyOfficerwas establishedApril 1,1893 andwas expanded to include SeniorChiefand MasterChiefin 1958 (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMC3 JORDANGRIMES)
Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group Completes COMPTUEX
The Sailors,ships,squadrons and staffs ofthe Gerald R.Ford CarrierStrike Group (GRFCSG) successfullycompleted composite training unit exercise (COMPTUEX),April 2,2023 PageA6
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Honoring one of their own - Medal of Honor recipient RMC Reeves is remembered - NCTAMS LANT names headquarters the Reeves Communication Center
Naval Computer and Telecommunications
Area Master Station - Atlantic
Naval Computer and Telecommunications
Area Master Station Atlantic (NCTAMS LANT) held a dedication ceremony to formally name its newly constructed building on board Naval Station Norfolk, which is headquarters for the Navy’s largest computer and telecommunications commands Thebuildingisnamedinhonor of Chief Radioman Thomas J. Reeves, a World War II Medal of Honor recipient and the only Radioman in Naval history to receivetheMedalofHonor
NCTAMS LANT had the distinct honor tohaveCommandMasterChiefJayWalker, Fleet Cyber Command / U.S. 10th Fleet / U.S. Navy Space, as the guest speaker “The ReevesCommunicationCenterservesasthe Fleet’slargestandmostcomplexcommunicationsnervecenter Thisfacilityiscriticalto maintainourasymmetricadvantagesacross everybattlefieldandeverydomain,”Walker said. “Ensuring our warfighters around the globehavetherightinformationattheright time allows our commanders to make the mostinformeddecisions Iamhumbledand honoredtobepartofthisdaytodedicatethis facility, which rightfully bears the name of a Medal of Honor recipient, Radioman, an enlistedSailor,andaChiefImightadd all inonewarfighter.”
Thomas J. Reeves enlisted in the Naval ReserveduringWorldWarIandservedasan Electrician,risingtotherankofChiefElectrician before being honorably discharged inJuly1919 Duringthatperiodheservedon boardUSSAmerica(CV-66)andUSSSanta Ana(ID-2869).Afterabriefseparationfrom the service, Reeves reenlisted in April 1920 again as a Chief Electrician. A year later Reeves’ratechangedtoRadioman
Chief Reeves was serving on board USS California (BB-44) when the Japanese attackedPearlHarboronDecember7,1941. AfterthefirstJapanesetorpedoesstruckthe California, he helped others to safety until he was forced to abandon the main radio room due to flooding, making him the last man out of Radio The California’s mechanized ammunition hoists were taken out of commission during the torpedo strikes ChiefReevesrealizedthedesperateneedfor ammunitionand,underhisowninitiativein aburningpassageway heassembledateam of able-bodied men and led a hand-supply ammunition chain to supply the anti-aircraft guns Chief Reeves led the team until he was overcome by smoke and fire, where he eventually was overcome by smoke and fire,whichresultedinhisdeath For his distinguished conduct, Chief Reeves was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor by the President Franklin D. Roosevelt. He also was awarded, posthumously,thePurpleHeartMedalandwas entitled to the American Defense Service Medal,theAsiatic-PacificCampaignMedal
“As the Navy’s largest communication command, it was imperative that we honor a communicator who displayed our warfighting spirit. Chief Reeves’ service, heroic actions,and sacrifice serves as inspiration for present andfuturecommunicators, saidCommand Master Chief Brandon Faulkner, NCTAMS LANT “Every day when the crew walks through these doors and past the memorial display,theyarenotonlyremindedofChief Reeves’ legacy and selfless attributes, but also of their commitment to the Fleet and ourNavy.”
“Honoring Chief Reeves and the bravery hedisplayedduringoneofdarkestperiodsin this nation’s history given NCTAMS LANT mission,ismostappropriate,”saidCapt Bob Carmickle, commanding officer, NCTAMS LANT “The Sailors and civilians headquartered at this command alongside our worldwide detachments stand a 24/7/365 watch to keep telecommunication systems operating securely, efficiently and effectively TheprideandcourageinwhichChief Reeves served in the Navy is how we strive toperformeverysingleday.”
The Reeves Communication Center provides dramatically enhanced warfare capacity and capabilities for the Fleet and our joint warfighting efforts NCTAMS LANT’s mission is to operate and defend responsive, resilient, and secure computer andtelecommunicationssystems providing informationsuperiorityforglobalmaritime andjointforces.
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Editorial Staff
Manager | Ski Miller ski.miller@virginiamedia.com
U.S. Army Gen. Christopher Cavoli, Supreme Allied Commander Europe and commander, U.S. European Command visitedtheNimitz-classaircraftcarrierUSS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77) at sea, March 24 2023. He was joined by Commander Allied Joint Force Command Naples, U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa Adm. Stuart Munsch andCommander,NavalStrikingandSupport Forces NATO, U.S. Sixth Fleet Vice Adm. Thomas Ishee aboard the carrier to meet withCarrierStrikeGroup(CSG)10,George H.W. Bush CSG leaders and Sailors to highlight the strike group’s employment in the U.S.SixthFleetareaofresponsibility.
“EmbarkingaboardoneofAmerica’smost powerful warships on the open seas is awe inspiring, saidCavoli.“Thisdeploymentof the USS George H.W. Bush Carrier Strike Group illustrates the persistent presence that the U.S. Navy brings as part of America’s contributions to the collective defense of Europe. Seeing the carrier strike group on the horizon, our potential adversaries take note and our Allies and partners take comfort. The George H.W. Bush Carrier Strike Group arrived to the European theater in August 2022. Since that time the ships and aircraftacrosstheteamworkedextensively to build upon relationships with NATO partners and allies in orderto increase Alliancecapability,reassurepartners,anddeter aggressionfrommalignactors
InadditiontoexamplessuchastheStrike Group’s leadership and participation in NATOvigilanceactivityNeptuneStrike22.2 and Neptune Strike 23.1 the team played a key role in a variety of major events in the U.S.SixthFleetareaofoperationswithpartnersandalliesincluding:
- Dual and tri-carrier operations five times in theater with ESPS Juan Carlos I, ITS Cavour, and the French Carrier Strike GroupwithFSCharlesdeGaulle;
-exerciseJuniperOak,thelargestU.S.-Israelimilitaryexerciseinhistoryinsupportof U.S. Central Command and U.S. Fifth Fleet whileassignedtoU.S.SixthFleet;
- Algerian engagements including a port visit, passing exercise, and Explosive OrdnanceDisposalteamengagement;
Caio Duilio, HRV Dubrovnik ALS Butrinti and ALS Lissus, ITS Carabiniere ITS VirginioFasan,andTCGGungorDurmas; two iterations of the Spanish Tactical Leadership Program (TLP) for Carrier Air Wing(CVW)7personnel;
George H.W. Bush
- more than 22 key leader engagements, five major receptions and protocol events in Crete, Croatia, Italy, France, and Greece which included more than 1,500 visitors to theaircraftcarrieralone;
-andmultiplepressconferencesinNATO portvisitstoreassurehostnationaudiences and reinforce existing relationships for future maritime operations and internationalstability.
“We’ve had the opportunity to train and operate extensively with our NATO partners and allies, and to support the development of relationships with partner nations such as Tunisia and Algeria in the region,” said Rear Adm. Dennis Velez commander CSG-10, George H.W. Bush CSG “The relationshipswe’vebuiltuponandthewarfighting capabilities we’ve expanded during our deployment demonstrated the capabilities andreachoftheNATOAlliance,andserved todeterouradversarieswhilereassuringour friendsandallies.”
CSG-10, George H.W. Bush CSG, is on a scheduled deployment in the U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa area of operations employedbyU.S.SixthFleettodefendU.S. alliedandpartnerinterests.
Additionally,thevisitorstouredtheship’s hangarbaytoobservethemaintenanceand teamwork required to maintain ready and capable aircraft in support of the strike group’smission,observedshipmaneuvering fromthenavigationbridgeandflightoperationsfromtheflightdeck.
George H.W. Bush is the flagship of CSG-10, George H.W. Bush CSG George H.W. Bush CSG is comprised of George H.W. Bush, CVW-7 Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 26 the Information Warfare Commander and the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Leyte Gulf (CG 55).
TheshipsofDESRON-26withinCSG-10 are the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyersUSSNitze(DDG94),USSFarragut(DDG99),USSTruxtun(DDG103),and USSDelbertD.Black(DDG119)
The squadrons of CVW-7 embarked aboard George H.W. Bush are the “Jolly Rogers” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 103,the“PukinDogs”ofVFA-143,the“Bluetails” of Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron (VAW) 121, the “Nightdippers” of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 5,the“Sidewinders”ofVFA-86,the“Nighthawks” of VFA-136, the “Patriots” of Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 140, and the “Grandmasters” of Helicopter Maritime StrikeSquadron(HSM)46
For over 80 years, U.S. Naval Forces Europe-U.S Naval Forces Africa has forged strategic relationships with allies and partners, leveraging a foundation of shared valuestopreservesecurityandstability
Portsmouth NavalShipyard’sInside Machine Shop hosts mechanic-levelleadership training
ByMatthewMaher Portsmouth NavalShipyard
Portsmouth NavalShipyard’s(PNS)
Inside Machine Shop recently hosted a groupofNAVSEA 04Xleadership facilitators and trainers from Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, NorfolkNaval Shipyard,and Pearl Harbor NavalShipyard.The group of machinistsunderwent leadership training focused on the corporation’smostvaluable asset,people
This trainingconcentratesonwhat great leadershiplookslikeateverylevel.NAVSEA 04X1 Carrier Program Manager Reggie Thompson is the PEOPLE Pillar lead for NavalSustainmentSystem-Shipyardsand had alarge part in ensuring that leadership trainingwas implementedatthe mechanic level. “It’ssoimportant to hear what our mechanicshavetosay aboutleadership,” saidThompson. “The moraleofthe workforceisdirectlyconnectedtotheir output.
Our goalistomakesureeveryone feels like they can go to their peers andsupervisors withissuesthey encounter and feelheard. Thiscouldbetoclarify something in their work package,ortoresolvepersonality conflictsamongteam members. Openand honest communication is thefoundation of anyqualityrelationship,andthatiswhatwe arepromotingwiththistraining.”
Theprogramtookplaceintwosegments, the firstinaclassroom setting,and the secondonthe production floor. The classroom portion focusedondiscussing what a great leaderlooks likewitha cross section of mechanics, somewithdecades of experience,and others who arestill in the apprentice program. Inside Machine Shop Operations Manager Justin Orrhas been working at PNSsince he graduated high school atage 17,and has seen the shipyard evolveoverthepast18years.Hisexperience coming up throughthe ranks asaninside machinistgives him aunique perspective as aleader because he’sbeen in the shoes of an apprentice,mechanic, work leader, supervisor,and invarious shop leadership roles.“Thistraininghasallowedourteamto meet in asetting free from distractions.It’s agreatopportunityforthenewerandmore experienced employees to build relationships.Seniormanagersattendeachsession, presentingtheopportunityforthemtomeet their workforce face-to-face and engage with eachother on apersonallevel. Wecan listentoanyemployeeconcernsandanswer anyquestionstheymayhave.”
The consensus amongthe groupwaseffectiveleaders arethose who practice empathy,arehumble,andlooktoutilizeeach mechanic’sstrengthswhilealsorecognizing whereanindividual needs to improvetheir skills.“Thereweresomegreat discussions about howattitudes and behaviors impact teammates and the performance of our team everyday,” saidInside MachineShop SuperintendentAaronEconomou.“Iheard incrediblestoriesaboutwhenwereportfor duty with apositiveattitudeready to work as ateam, allgoals canbeaccomplished by relentlesslysticking to thebasics.”Leaders whoengagewiththeircrewstobeanalytical thinkers and takethe approachof-‘Thisis whatI needtoget done, whatdoyou think isthebestway?’vice‘Godothis,’showtheir subordinatesthattheiropinionsmatter.“We want the workforcetoknowthat managementvalues and supports them,”saidOrr “They arethe mostimportant pieceofthe puzzle.Ifourpeoplearesuccessful,thenthe shipyardissuccessful.
Portsmouth NavalShipyard is America’s leaderinattacksubmarinemaintenance,and modernization.The on-timecompletion of submarinemaintenanceavailabilitiesiscriticaltomaintainingwarfighterreadiness.As afieldactivity of NAVSEA,PNS is committed to maximizing fleet readiness by safely deliveringfirst-timequality,ontime,andon budget.