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Fleet Readiness Center Southeast conducts change of command and retirement ceremony
from Flagship 04.27.2023
Fleet Readiness Center Southeast
JACKSONVILLE Fla. U.S. Navy Captain William A. Palmer relieved U.S. Navy Captain Grady G. Duffey, Jr as the 45th commanding officer of Fleet Readiness Center Southeast (FRCSE) during a Change of Command and retirement ceremonyinFRCSE’srecentlyrenovatedHangar 101 onboard Naval Air Station Jacksonville onApril21.
Captain Duffey formerly served as the organization’sproductionofficer,executive officerandfleeteduptocommandingofficer, relievingCol.FredrickSchenkinApril2021. Each commanding officer serves two years andcustomarilyservesastheexecutiveofficerbeforeassumingcommand
The ceremony, with its 400 guests, was steepedin time-honoredtraditions thatare indicative of a Navy Change of Command and retirement reading of orders reportingcommand,flagdetail,awards,customary readingsandmore A smooth transfer of authority passed the torch from Captain Duffey to Captain Palmerasbothfamilieslookedon.
Commander, Fleet Readiness Centers (COMFRC) Rear Adm. Joseph B. Hornbucklewastheguestspeakerandpresiding officer for the ceremony and expressed his gratitudeforthejobdonebyDuffey
“Captain Duffey’s superior performance during his tenure as FRCSE’s CommandingOfficerisaculminationofhis34yearsof honorable and dedicated military service,” Hornbuckle said. “I am confident that his nextendeavorwillbeequallyimpactfuland rewarding.”
Known throughout the command as a personable caring leader Captain Duffey led a successful career and command tour atFRCSE Despitenavigatingachallenging newworldpost-pandemic,theorganization continuedtomeetandexceedfleetrequirementsunderhisleadership
During the 2021 fiscal year, FRCSE returned 106 aircraft to the fleet, a historic firstforthecommand,butthat’sfarfromall
Additionally in FY21, FRCSE hired another round of apprentices; completed thefirstH-60inareducedturnaroundtime of 135 days; Trainers Production Line won the NAVAIR Commander’s Award for Best PerformingProductionLine;renovationsof hangar 101 commenced; and the command wontheFloridaGovernor’sSterlingManufacturing Business Excellence Gold Award tonameafew.
“My time here at FRC Southeast saw historical milestones, significant awards, incredible innovation, a first-of-a-kind responsetoworkingduringapandemic,and somuchmore,”Duffeysaid “ToFRCSoutheast’s top-notch workforce, I am humbled to have led you, privileged to work alongsideyouandextremelyproudofallyouhave accomplished.”
By 2022, FRCSE was fast and furious
Work commenced at Cecil Commerce Center in support of the P-8A Poseidon modification program, and the F-5 production line celebrated a significant improvementinthroughputthankstonewairframe shoring, created by the command, which enabled large areas of structural work to be completedconcurrently
With Duffey at the helm, successes within the trades apprentice program also abounded,includingthefirstapprenticeship graduation in more than 20 years. Former students are now fully employed journey-levelartisansworkingatFRCSE
The command was also activated as a Department of Defense Second Depot
Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 5 returns from deployment
NORFOLK The “Nightdippers” of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 5 returned to its home base at Naval Station Norfolk, April 23, 2023, following an eightmonth deployment with Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 10 George H.W. Bush CSG, to theU.S.SixthFleetareaofoperations
Following completion of a four week composite training unit exercise, HSC-5 deployed Aug. 10, 2022, with Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 7, embarked aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77), with additional logisticspersonnelembarkedaboardtheSupplyclassfastcombatsupportshipUSNSArctic (T-AOE8)
HSC-5 completed inland training exercises in Bize, Albania, including mountain flying, a challenging and dangerous propositionforhelicoptersduetothethinairand high engine power requirements, low-level tacticalflying,off-airportlanding,andmultiunit coordinated exercises featuring an explosiveordnancedisposalunitandfixedwingsquadrons Jan.15-17.
HSC-5 completed combined training with Explosive Ordnance Disposal Mobile Unit 12 and Spanish allies from the Spanish Navy carrier ESPS Juan Carlos I (LHD-61) in Albania, during the NATO-led vigilance activityNeptuneStrike23.1
SourceofRepair(DSOR)fortheF135engine thepropulsionsystemthatpowerstheF-35
Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter, emphasizing FRCSE’s ability to support fifth and futuregenerationaircraft
Various efficiencies adopted during Duffey’stourhelpedtheorganizationthrive inFY22,earningvariousprominentawards and accolades such as the Chief of Naval OperationsAviationSafetyAward,NAVAIR Commander’s Award for Best Performing Production Line (Vertical Lift) and the P-8 FST Supply Team being selected for the 2022 Department of the Navy Acquisition ExcellenceAward.
Also, during his tenure, the organization contracted, executed and completed numerous vital construction and MILCON projects, with several expected to come to fruition under Captain Palmer’s watch or well into the future many of which are geared toward modernization, innovation andfifthgenerationaircraft.
Projects range from a new Joint Strike Fighter Targeting and Surveillance facility, the first major MILCON in 25 years, to thesecondofatwo-phaserenovationofthe command’s main administrative building encompassing the quarterdeck, executive suite departmental offices cafeteria and more.
“Ifeelblessedandhumbledthatwewere successfulinrollingoutmanyinitiativesthat will pave the way for future generations at FRCSE,” Duffey said. “A skilled, diligent workforceandnewstate-of-the-artfacilities ensurethiscommandisreadyandprepared forwhatIbelievewillbeabrightfuture.”
Ashetransitionsintoretirement Captain Duffey does so with the respect of FRCSE’s workforce, departing with a legacy of charismaandcommitmentthatwillendure “Ididn’tjointhisorganizationtobecome rich.Ihave,however,foundmyselfwealthy inpatriotism,camaraderieandexperience,”
Duffeysaid.“Intakingsomeoneelse’splace on this watch I have given my best based on my ability grown beyond my expectations and served my country with pride. I am certain that Captain Palmer will lead FRCSE’s next watch with vigor, integrity anddistinction.”
CaptainPalmer,theformerexecutiveofficeratthecommand,assumedhisnewroleas commandingofficerduringtheceremony.
“To the men and women of Fleet Readiness Center Southeast, I am honored today to stand before you as your commanding officer,”saidPalmer,“Muchhasbeenwritten andsaidaboutleadership Mycommitment to you is simple, I will give you everything that I have In return I will only ask for one thing,andthat’syourpersonalbest.”
Captain Michael Windom former commanding officer of Fleet Readiness Center Northwest arrived in March and assumed duties as executive officer during theceremony AboutFleetReadinessCenterSoutheast Fleet Readiness Center Southeast (FRCSE) is Northeast Florida and Southeast Georgia’s largest maintenance, repair, overhaul and technical services provider, employing approximately 5,000 civilian, militaryandcontractworkers.Withannual revenue exceeding $1 billion, the organization serves as an integral part of the greater USNavy,NavalAirSystemsCommand,and Commander, Fleet Readiness Centers by maintainingthecombatairpowerforAmerica’smilitaryforces
ADRIATIC SEA(March 26 2023) MH-60S Nighthawkhelicopters attached to helicopterSea Combat Squadron (HSC) 5,flyoverthe island of Capri,Italy March 26 2023.CarrierAirWing (CVW) 7 is the offensive airand strike component ofCarrierStrike Group (CSG) 10 and the George H.W.Bush CSG.The squadrons ofCVW-7 are Strike FighterSquadron (VFA) 143,VFA-103,VFA-86,VFA-136,CarrierAirborne EarlyWarning Squadron (VAW) 121,ElectronicAttackSquadron (VAQ) 140,HSC-5,and HelicopterMaritime Strike Squadron (HSM) 46 The George H.W.Bush CSG is on a scheduled deployment in the U.S.Naval Forces Europe area ofoperations,employed byU.S.Sixth Fleet to defend U.S.,allied and partnerinterests (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSNOVALEEMANZELLA)
Throughoutdeployment,HSC-5executed 856sortiestotaling2,660flighthours Additionally, HSC-5 executed eight time-critical medical evacuations providing Sailors throughout CSG-10 with high-level medical care, and supported 158 vertical replenishment flights, delivering over 4.7 million poundsofcargotosupportsustainedcarrier operations “The courage and tenacity embodied by every‘Nightdipper throughoutthesemany months reflects the fighting spirit of the Helicopter Sea Combat community,” said Cmdr. Erik “Gus” Gustafson, commanding officerofHSC-5.“Wetakeimmensepridein ourflexibility solvingoperationalproblems for the strike group, and delivering combat powertothefleet.Icouldnotbemoreproud toservealongsidesuchaninspiringteamof greatAmericanswhopersonifyourethosto ‘Rescue!Protect!Deliver!’”
George H.W. Bush is the flagship of CSG-10, George H.W. Bush CSG CSG-10 is comprised of George H.W. Bush CVW-7 Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 26 the Information Warfare Commander and the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USSLeyteGulf(CG55)
The ships of DESRON-26 completing deployment with CSG-10 are the Arleigh
Burke-class guided-missile destroyers USS Nitze (DDG 94), USS Truxtun (DDG 103), andUSSDelbertD.Black(DDG119).
The squadrons of CVW-7 embarked aboardtheGeorgeH.W.Busharethe“Sidewinders” of VFA-86, the “Jolly Rogers” of VFA-103,the“Knighthawks”ofVFA-136,the “Pukin Dogs” of VFA-143, the “Bluetails” of Airborne Command and Control Squadron (VAW) 121, the “Patriots” of Electronic AttackSquadron(VAQ)140,the“Nightdippers” of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 5, and the “Grandmasters” of HelicopterMaritimeStrikeSquadron(HSM)46