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US 2nd Fleet awards Sailor for heroism:
from Flagship 07.06.2023
NORFOLK, Va A Sailor assigned to
U.S. 2nd Fleet was awarded the Navy and MarineCorpsAchievementMedal,June27 2023,forhisactionsrenderinglife-savingaid whileonlibertylastmonth.
Senior Chief Culinary Specialist Gary Askins was first to respond to a man choking on food by administering the Heimlich maneuver Askinswasdiningwithhispeers when he was approached by a patron, who noticed him in uniform and asked for assistance with a man who couldn’t breathe Recognizing the urgency of the situation, Askinsassessedtheseverityofthesituation, andactedwithouthesitation,usinghistraininginCPRandanti-chokingtechniques
“He was just sitting on the floor, and he gavemethesignalthathewaschoking,”said Askins. “I used my training to dislodge the food.ThenIjustmadesurehewasokayuntil themedicalpersonnelarrived.”
Oncethepatron’sbreathingwasrestored, Askins returned to his meal while medical personnelcontinuedtheircare.
“Ireceivedafewpatsonthebackandeven received a command coin from one of our senior leaders I didn’t really think much of it,”saidAskins Askins’ actions and humble approach to saving a life serves as a testament to the importance of comprehensive training for Sailors The incident highlights the critical role played by the U.S. Navy in equipping its personnel with life-saving skills, such as CPR and anti-choking techniques By instillingtheseskillsandfosteringaculture of readiness, the Navy continues to uphold its commitment to the safety and well-beingofitsSailorsandthebroadercommunity theyserve
“The Navy has medical [jobs], but when any Sailor sees someone in need they’re ready to assist,” said Senior Chief InformationSystemsTechnicianShantaMcPherson, 2ndFleet’sCPRprogramcoordinator “Firefighting is the first thing most people think of when it comes to our training, but medical response is crucial in protecting those aroundus.”
Recognizing that emergencies can occur at any time and in any place, the Navy ensuresthatitspersonnelreceivethorough instructioninlife-savingtechniques.These training programs include CPR, the Heimlich maneuver and other essential skills ensuring that Sailors are well-prepared to respond swiftly and effectively during criticalsituations
“I am proud of our Sailors at sea and ashore,” said Vice Adm. Daniel Dwyer, Commander, U.S 2nd Fleet “Senior Askins is a great example of a shore-based Sailor whokepthisskillssharp,andmadeadifference saving a life When the moment arose, he acted without hesitation. His actions represent the values we hold true here at 2nd Fleet, as our Sailors demonstrate their commitment to duty and excellence every day.”
The Navy prioritizes the safety and well-being of its personnel, as well as civilianswhomayrequireassistanceinemergencies Regulartrainingsessionsandrefresher coursesareconductedtoreinforcetheskills and knowledge of Sailors By maintaining a high standard of training, the Navy ensures thatitspersonnelarepreparedtotakeimmediate action, potentially saving lives in both militaryandciviliancontexts
U.S. 2nd Fleet, reestablished in 2018 in response to the changing global security environment, develops and employs maritime forces ready to fight across multiple domainsintheAtlanticandArcticinorderto ensure access, deter aggression and defend U.S.,allied,andpartnerinterests